#bellamy x octavia


death era.

pairings.bellamy blake x fem!oc

part two of n/a.

about.bellamy always gets what he wants.

part one,part two

warnings. swearing, violence

ricky rocks. hey friends, i decided to update:D

athena had dreamt of death many times. even in the youngest of her years she wondered what it felt like, what would be the cause, and whether it’d be untimely. she thought about it so much, it didn’t even scare her.

but once the apocalypse had hit and people started dropping left from right, athena’s deathly dreams had increased as well as worries and concerns of death being untimely and true, until it just… stopped. she got used to it; the feeling of being terrorized.

now, the boy before her smiled making her feel terrorized. a horrible feeling swelling to the core of her chest, warm but aching as she gripped her gun tighter in hopes he’d just go away, he’d leave her alone.

but he didn’t move and it was silent until he speaks words she knows are bullshit;

“i don’t intend on hurting you, athena,” his rough voice blended well with the cracking of the fire, the soft light climbing up the front of his face, illuminating his tan and freckles and every scar that complimented his face more than it should have.

“then leave.”

he smiled, dimples piercing the corner of his cheeks while he tilted his head to the side, “now why would i do that?”

“because i’m not scared to fucking shoot you.”

“you wouldn’t want to do that,” his smiled increased in taunt, feeling he now had the upper hand even if she had the gun. “especially when i have something you want.”

athena’s eyebrows narrowed as she stared at him more closely now. what could she possibly want from him?

“i’ll make a deal with you.”

“a deal?” she raised her brow, a feeling of deep amusement entering her stomach as she slightly tilted her head to the side, watching him even more carefully now.

“yes, a deal,” he cut her off before she make a smart remark or shoot him down. “i promise, it’s worth your while.”


"because i promise you, i know what you want and i can get it to you,” his eyebrows slightly raising and his tone slowing. there was something about it that made her want to fall into that, trust that, but that’s what seemed so untrusting about it—all too well rehearsed. “trust me.”

silence, until she inhales and narrows her brows, “how do you know what i want?”

“because you want what everyone else does in this world.”

“and what’s that?” she motioned for him to continue.

“safety, shelter, food, water,” he motioned, “reassurance that you’ll wake up in the morning.”

“and you have all that?” she quirked a brow finding that hard to believe.

“no, not yet.”

“but you’re saying you can give that all to me?”

he nodded his head.

she gave in, “what do you want?”


she frowned harder at the name, knowing very well what he was talking about, “what do i have to offer you?”

“the way. for the past week you have been making it impossible for me to find it,” a sound of fake grief comes over his voice and look of strategy comes into clarity, “you’re the one who’s been tearing the maps down, right?”

athena felt her stomach sink deeper at his question. just the thought that he had been watching her long enough to know that and she didn’t spot him once—terrified her. she kept her mouth shut, once again unsure about his motive and unsure of his nature. even if he wanted her, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t hurt her.

“right,” he nodded to himself, “i know you know the way. you must with the amount of maps and pieces of paper you pull off and burn. just, why?”

she hated that question, she didn’t even know how to answer that in the first place.

“you must have a good reason, athena.”

she clenched her jaw. she felt her head would explode if he stayed any longer, “you follow the train tracks.”


“you follow the tracks and you get where you need to be,” she mumbled, “there, i gave you what you wanted, now go.”

“i’m afraid that’s not the deal,” he tsked, tipping his head a bit, “that’s not what i want, you know that. hell, you haven’t even got what you want.”

she stood suddenly, now being more firm with her aim as she had her gun right back pointed at bellamy, “i want you to leave.”

“now, you don’t want that,” he stood, mirroring her, causing a spike of anxiety to strike her chest. “c’mon now, athena. tell me, why did you take those maps down?” his conversation was all over and she wonder if that was to distract her from him inching closer.

“afraid, are you?” he wasn’t even across from the fire now, but almost within arm length.

“why would i be?”

“you tell me,” he reached out to take the gun but she yanked with a pull of the trigger, missing, but bellamy wasn’t aware as he tackled her body to the ground, now fighting her for the gun.

they were rolling in the dirt now in fight for the gun and for a pin but it seemed she wouldn’t win either one, especially once he had her pushed further into the hard ground with the pressure of his hands pinning her arms by her head and his body overall overweighting hers.

“this isn’t a fight you’ll win.”

“try me,” she grunted, attempting to grasp for the gun inches away from her hand, but her world went dark before she could find any redemption.


she prayed she wasn’t dead. for once, she wished she wasn’t dead.

and she wasn’t.

the clear sweet noise of birds eased her awake but quickly swayed her into an aching feeling that resonate at the side of her skull. a sudden wave of hot flashes over came her and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach as she tried her best to sit up from her position on the cold hard ground. 

she doesn’t even think of last night till she hears the whistling and everything crashes back to her like a fall. she eased her hand to her head and the feeling of dry blood knitting up her hair kisses her finger tips and she cringes harder, the feeling of the stranger hitting her with a hidden gun, renews, and it makes her groan.

“you’re awake.”

she grunts in reply, now gaining feeling in her arms and legs as she pushes her self to sit up right, now leaned against a tree, trying to clear her eyes.

“i didn’t mean to hit you so hard,” he leans down and her vision suddenly clears once his hand pushes against the side of her head, looking to the small head wound, “you just wouldn’t listen.”

she leans away from his touch, the inside of her head screaming for her to sock him in the face but she knows better and it wouldn’t go well, especially with him having the upper hand.

“i need you to know that i won’t be leaving you until you shake my hand and make a deal with me.”

she narrows her brows, still clasping the side of her head. she wanted to swear at him but there was some strange force that was keeping her grounded and comfortable—something that was telling her the stranger in front of her wasn’t a threat.

“fine, as long as you don’t fucking hit me upside the head that hard again,” she eyes him roughly, now pushing herself to her feet. “jesus.”

he leans away from her, slightly smiling at her grumbling, reminding him of his sister. he watches her walk over to where her bag was with a slight tip in her step making it obvious that she was still out of it from the hit. he knew she wouldn’t try to run, not in the dizzy state she was in, there was something reassuring him of it.

“my name is bellamy by the way.”

athena sighed, beginning to dig in her bag for the one thing that’d get him out of her hair, “well, bellamy, you’re a fucking ass.”

he laughs dryly, still leaned by the spot she was previously at until he got to his feet, now turning to lean on the tree with his arms crossed.

“you want to get to terminus, you’re going to need a map,” athena turned, now facing bellamy and holding out a folded piece of paper she was saving for herself. “there are many different ways to get there but i’m still not sure if there’s a there to get to.”

terminus had honestly seemed too good to be true—hence why she was so skeptical of its existence. athena had put it on the bottom of her bucket list especially after hearing all the bad rumors of it from a woman she used to trade with, deciding it’s discovery could wait. but maybe she’d know sooner rather than later.

now seeing bellamy in light was strange. although he was equally as appealing as in the dark, his features looked more sharper and striking. the hard look on his face made her stomach tumble as she handed the map to him and he took it hesitantly, “i was hoping to clear it myself but.. seems like you’ll get there before i ever will.”

“this wasn’t our deal.”

“we made no deal,” she moves away from him with a shift backwards on her feet, “don’t take offense to this bellamy, but i don’t want to travel with you, especially after this blood wound on my head.”

“you’re not going to get there on your own, athena. there are a lot more people scarier than i am and who will do a lot more than hit you with a gun,” he throws the map to her feet. “i want you to take me there yourself.”

“i’m not going,” she sat herself down, “i changed my mind and i changed it awhile ago. you can’t make me go anywhere near that place.”

bellamy clenches his jaw and a sudden twist of anger overcomes him as he feels as though all his options had ran out and away from him. he sat down quickly next to her, shifting back and forth, looking for her eyes that were fixated on the ground.

“my group got split up a month ago and before that we were planning to make our way to terminus. i can only assume that that’s where they’re going and therefore where i have to go,” the tone of his voice is hard, making him sound like he was all business oppose to playful—something it was last night. “the only problem is i can’t go because i don’t where it is and your map doesn’t reassure anything.”

she tips her head back, eyeing him closely and the sudden new persona of his that actually made her uneasy and want to surrender.

“i don’t trust you, athena, as i’m sure you don’t of me,” he leans closer to her, now whispering, “that’s why you’re coming with me.”

“or what?”

it was one question. simple. something that couldn’t hurt but the taunting tone and the way she leaned in real close to him didn’t help the discomposed feeling building up in his chest.

“i’ll kill you,” he mumbles, “for real this time, i won’t just hit you upside the head, i’ll kill you but you won’t get the pleasure of being buried underground like that man you shot last night. you’ll be left for the walkers.”


“you act like death would be so scary,” athena presses on with her own threat, her nose almost touching against his, “i have seen many men like you bellamy. men who think a bullet couldn’t stop them until they’re proved wrong with the gun i carry and the no hesitation policy i have. you don’t scare me.”

it seemed like routine now and she wasn’t surprise when he pulled the gun on her, pressing it up to her throat, “you have a brave mouth.”

“you can’t keep waving your gun like you’ll shoot me,” she glared at him, “if you need me so bad, why shoot me?”

“i can’t have you going around telling people about me and the things i want, athena.”

“paranoid, aren’t you, bellamy?” she shoved on top of him, landing the both them on the ground, fumbling for the gun that he kept a tight grip on. he was persistent and was already rolling on top of her—once again with the upper hand.

her mind was racing and the feeling of his body weight pressing against her caused significant anxiety and adrenaline that made her heart scream to move but he got up before she could do anything in response to it.

“knock it off,” he towered over her, his arm outstretched and pointed with the handgun to her body that still lied on the ground helplessly.

“bellamy, please, bellamy,” a sudden franticness overcame her as his tall figure now had the higher ground—she begs, begs for her life with the reality that hits the situation, “please—”

his eyes soften, images flicking between his sister and her. so much alike, both still so innocent no matter how hard they try to put up a wall of steel and strong hearted faces.


except his sister and athena weren’t alike at all. athena held no sympathy for him, she didn’t fear him, and she just wanted to live. that’s why she quickly slipped her foot from underneath him causing his hefty body to crash against the forest floor, leaves and branches crunching beneath him.

bellamy’s gun skipped away from him like a rock on water, as he had let go of it in surprise. she was quick, climbing on top of him just to grab the gun like a reflex.

and just as bellamy had processed what had exactly happened and that he was no longer on the higher ground, she was already straddling his waist, leaned back, hair ripped from her already messy pony tail with the barrel of the gun filling most of his eyesight.

“you don’t have to do this-“

“it’s you or me, right?” she breathes unsteadily, still trying to catch her breath, “only one really entitled for this world.”

“athena, i am just trying to survive, just like you,” his hands are up midair, his head bobbing up and down, struggling to keep it up, wanting to see her, “you’d do the same thing-“

“shut up,” she huffs, “you don’t get to tell me what i’d do. you don’t know me.”

“and you don’t know me,” he shoved himself up fast, pulling out a blade she had never seen before and slicing the sharp edge into her shoulder. “i always get what i want.”

athena let out a loud yelp, her hand pressing against the large gash that had immediately started staining her top with liquid red. her breathing became labored as she stared over to him, feeling even more woozy than when she had woken up.

“you underestimate what i can do, athena. you don’t realize i’m not like all those men you claim to put bullets in,” he’s out of breath himself, pushing to his feet before nabbing the gun she held. “and like you, i also have a no hesitation policy.”

he rose the gun and pulled the trigger before making one swift swing to the side of her head causing everything to go dead and black.


@thecraziestcrayon@mynewnamedoesnotmatter@cc13723things@uselesssapphickitten@black-rose-29@reality-runaway@let-love-bleeds-red@rudypankowisdaddy@the-anxious-youth@kitkat-mini@itzstacie@deadbeatbarb@phantompogues@rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @nyx3028 @hizziestial

break of dawn.

pairings. apocalypse!bellamy blake x fem!reader

about. bellamy and reader share a close moment–just in case it’s their last.


warnings.swearing, walking dead x the 100 crossover,

ricky rocks. hate this. didn’t know what to do with it. anyways i miss octavia.

the sun was just barely reaching over the mountain tops, allowing a thin layer of light to turn alexandria blue with hope and coldness.

bellamy was up, he had to be up, he had hardly slept. he had in fact just rustled his eyelids closed when the illuminating sun woke him back up to his troubled mind, peaking through his bedroom window, giving light to his face. 

the low sun highlighted his tan features and every detail that wrung along his bones. his freckles, his cheekbones, his jawline, his scars. everything. it all looked so perfect within that moment, so raw and fresh from the shower he had taken the night before. something you loved about the morning, observing him, running your fingers about him, but sadly, you missed that moment. 

bellamy sighed, slowly untangling himself from his sheets and your arms, forcing his feet to hit the cool wooden floor of his room with his forearms leaning against his knees.

everything was just a nightmare.

there was a soft knock that echoed through the practically empty room causing bellamy to turn, his eyes going between you and the door.

you didn’t even stir.

he heard the click of the door, before it slowly opening and raven’s face peaking between the crack. her facial expression looked exhausted, as if she had gotten just as much sleep as bellamy did.

she didn’t entertain any usual amusement nor smile on her face when her eyes met his. she looked dead and it made him frown deeper at the realization that this beginning war was really affecting them all. 

“rise and shine,” she whispered, “we have a day ahead.”

we have a day ahead.

you woke up in a cold bed without bellamy. sheets all scrunched up and pulled down to the foot of the bed on his side, leaving nothing.

it made you panicked, you’re eyes reaching anywhere and everywhere before hitting the window, a light blue peaking past the curtain, making your stomach dip.

the realization of what day it was filled your mind causing a sinking feeling in your head, panic erupting everywhere in your body as you got up quickly and searched for a fresh pair of clothes.

it was a day of war.

you all had been waiting for this day so eagerly, wanting it to be over with, but now, you wished it was days before where you were sitting on the nice living room couch that didn’t belong to you, thinking anxious little thoughts about how this day would go about. 

bellamy had told you not to worry. 

he had claim you’d be safe, he’d keep you safe. but not only that, you had another thing going for you. the straight fact that negan wanted you. he wouldn’t harm you if he believed you had something he wanted, whatever that would be. 

that was the one thing you had going for you and you couldn’t help but be scared even more with the frightful thoughts that ran through your head, patronizing you and filling your brain with what ifs and possibilities. 

“you let me sleep in?” 

bellamy looked over his shoulder to meet your eyes, his lips were pressed into a thin line as he turned away from miller and the rest of the guarding crew, causing them to walk off with his final command. 

his features softened at the sight of you, his hand laying against the crook of your back. he looked sympathetic and tired and old. it was as if the planning of this war had taken away the young boy from his eyes, leaving grey and sorrow. 

“you need it.”

“you more than me.”

“some things need to get done,” he tried hard to suppress the pointed look he was about to give you, his hand still around you lowly. “we’re running out of time.”

“we’ve been out of time for awhile, it’s just now finally catching up to us,” octavia’s hard tone fills your ears as she hauls a large amount of rifles and weapons covered by a thick brown cloth. cuts scraped her face and dark circles outlined the bottom of her eyes, all youth gone just like her brother. “it’s time to sharpen up. lexa said he should be here soon.”

the both of you looked to her, analyzing the hard stare she had on her face, looking as if she was the one in command–which you wouldn’t be completely against. she was ready, she wanted blood.

“did you sleep?”

“what do you think?” her tone was harsh and she doesn’t think twice about it even as she noticed the wince on bellamy’s face. “this has been the only thing i could think about for the past week…” her eyes hit the ground, her mind going elsewhere as she pauses, slightly shaking her head, “people are going to die and it won’t be me, but i fear..” pause, inhale, her head jerks back up and her eyes meet yours.

she doesn’t say anything but that seems to be enough.

octavia walks away with an urgency in her step, deciding it’d be best she helped the guard instead of putting the two of you in any more of a troubled mindset. she was like a bomb, she had a lot on her chest, and it had only built up with the more time she had spent with lexa. lexa had filled her head with worries of you and the rest of alexandria.

“she’s not in the best state of mind.”

“well, none of us are,” you mumbled, watching her go, “but i would assume she’s in the best. at least better than us.”

bellamy didn’t watch octavia, he watched you. his heart ached as it felt like someone was twisting it. he wanted reassurance. reassurance to your safety, but it was too late for that and the more the minutes went by the more he regretted not taking lexa’s offer on protecting you at hilltop.

it was too late now.

“you shouldn’t worry.”

he grunted in response, almost scoffing at how ridiculous that statement was.

“we’ll figure it out,” you look up to him, “i promise, bellamy. we always figure it out, everything always ends up alright.”

“until we screw ourselves over once again,” he shook his head in sadness despite the sick smile on his face–one that wasn’t intentional. he was just so tired.

“hey,” your hand reached to the side of his face, “everything will be fine.”

“bellamy, we need you,” the two of you look to miller who looks anxious, his head jerking toward the front gate and a sudden feeling of grief takes over, fearing the worst that time had finally come.

bellamy seems to move fast as he takes ahold of you tightly with one arm wrapped around your waist while the other was around your neck, “don’t worry,” his mouth is right by your ear and his voice is too uneasy to make you not worry. “nothings going to touch you. not over my dead body and most likely, not even octavia’s.”

you laughed a sad laugh as you shook your head underneath his weight. it was finally hitting you that this was the end–the end of something and you couldn’t do anything to stop it.

“be safe.”

