#best vines


Funny things i heard my students say as a teachers assistant: part 2

My whole class full of 12/13 year olds: [minics a porn moan]

Me:[visibly shocked a little uncomfy yet trying to keep in my laughter] “do you guys even know what that’s from?”



Funny things i heard my students say as a teachers assistant: part 1

Boy:“When you’re a vegetarian, you eat a lot of bread and that makes you gay.”

Another boy: “dude, i think you have maggots, sawdust and a tumor in that head of yours”

When you try to look cool but IRL you have no chill whatsoever 

#comedy    #bestvines    #best vines    

sweet lord of the rings …. I didn’t know anything about him ….

I only love him for his voice and talent …
ach silly me

His mind … … just …. epic. 

Love him and the best wishes for Sarah 

Seeing Arakawa for the 1st time really got me thinking
