#bi reminders


Fact: You don’t have to choose a side. Orientation is not a binary between gay and straight, and even if you end up in a monogamous, long-term relationship, you continue to exist outside of that binary because who you are is not the same thing as who you are with.

Fact: Bisexuality is nothing new. The attraction to multiple genders is far, far older than biphobia is. 

Fact: Bisexuality is not as uncommon as it might seem. We are often closeted, often erased, at times invisible, but we are here. We are a large part of the LGBTQIAP+ community.

From a 2013 Pew Research poll [x]

Fact: Bisexuality is an identity, not a lifestyle. Your relationships don’t make you more or less bisexual.

Fact: You don’t have to be “old enough” to be bi, and you don’t stop being bi when you become older or if you get married. Bisexuality is not limited to a certain life-phase, nor is it a statement of sexual availability. 

Fact: Your orientation does not make you less desirable or more difficult to date. Anyone who says otherwise is a biphobe who isn’t worthy of you.

Fact: You don’t have to be equally attracted to two genders to be bi. You can be 99% attracted to one gender and 1% attracted to other genders, and you’re still 100% bisexual. 

Fact: You are bi enough. You count as LGBTQIAP+, even if you are in a relationship people read as straight. Even if you’re closeted. Even if you have no experience. Even if you experience attraction infrequently or you think your attraction isn’t the “right type.” You belong just as much as anyone else.
