#billy andrews


billy andrews has been shaped according to his father’s ideas of what a proper man should be and he needs to get away asap, that’s the only way he’ll ever grow out of his narcissistic, asshole self. i believe he knows what he did was wrong and i believe he truly wanted to make things right with josie but he’s just soooooo close minded because of the education he’s received his whole life that he truly had no idea on what could REALLY help josie’s situation (aka speaking the fucking truth, andrews). so my conclusion is that prissy andrews should take her brother far away from their father and knock some sense into him.

this is our song — ruby + moody

Ruby stayed behind after the whole Josie and Billy fiasco. She was quite confused, to be honest. On one hand, Billy had always been an asshole to pretty much everyone. On the other hand, Josie had always been trying to catch his attention and secure a marriage. So she was left with questions that no one could answer.

“Do you think Billy is telling the truth” said Moody right from behind her.

“I… I don’t know. Just… if he’s lying… This could ruin Josie. Not only her reputation but… the way she sees herself as a person. And I truly don’t want that for her. She deserves better, Moody…” Ruby sighed right after that, she wanted to believe Josie, she wanted to. She just needed to be sure about what had happened before throwing hands at one side or another.

Moody stayed quiet. He had been trying to avoid thinking about the whole scene, but Ruby’s words… No one deserved to have their self esteem crushed because of such a horrid lie, of that he was sure.

“I guess time will tell…” he was willing to give them both the benefit of the doubt and hoped everything would come clear at some point.

Ruby leaned against the wall and fixed her big blue eyes on him. It was funny to her, how they had been friends since forever and it had never occurred to her that she would end up moving on from Gilbert Blythe to Moody Spurgeon. Yet, somehow, it all felt… right. Natural.

“Time will tell”

The silence that fell between them was one of sorts. It wasn’t the kind of silence that made one feel like running away, it wasn’t filled with anger, sadness, nervousness or any kind of negative emotion. No. It was calm and understanding and it made Ruby feel safe.

People were starting to leave the place. It was late and after the last events, no one felt like partying. And yet, none of them both wanted to leave. They could have stayed there just looking at each other for an eternity.

“You were really good up there” it was almost a whisper and Ruby was sure that he hadn’t heard, but it had taken her a whole lot of courage to say it out loud and she didn’t feel like she had it in her to say it again.

“Sorry, what?” despite his words, the huge smile plastered on his face made it clear that he had, indeed, heard her words. And so she reached his shoulder to give it a little push, more so to make it clear that she was annoyed than to actually hurt him.

And that’s when he took the chance, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her petite figure. Ruby was shocked, a whole wave of feelings took over her in a matter of seconds and it took her a little to realize that she was just standing there. So she hugged him back, leaned her head on his shoulder and closed both eyes, wanting to simply enjoy their little moment.

Right then and there, it hit her. How comfortable she was with Moody. How safe she felt whenever he was around. How happy it had made her when he had told her about the potential song. Being around Moody made her extremely happy. And so, if happiness is what you feel when you are near someone you like and treats you well… shouldn’t Josie had felt that? Happiness? Yet she had looked so… lost. Sad. Desperate, even.

“Moody… I think Billy is lying…” he didn’t say a word, instead just hugged her tighter. Maybe he had reached the same conclusion. Maybe he simply didn’t want to deal with it in that moment because it was their moment and that was far too complicated for them to try and wrap their heads around it. They would have to deal with it later, that much they were sure. But in the meantime… Ruby Gillis and Moody Spurgeon just wanted to keep their moment to themselves.

i’m really mad at how they’re handling billy this season. after last season, i really thought that they were going to use him and his redemption arc as a way of exposing the problems of toxic masculinity. but after last night’s episode, i don’t think there’s going to be any redemption arc, he’s just an asshole with no depth whatsoever. probably the only character in the entire show without depth.

Requested by: Anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic​,@theletterhart​,@alex–awesome–22,@elllie-does-the-posts​,@floatlosers​,@merlieve​,@queen-of-books​,@glimmering-darling-dolly​,@denkisclown​,@automaticbakeryfreakshoe​,@meyocoko​,@bubblybrianna​,@october-leaves

“Are you coming Y/n?” – Moody walked past you, brushing his shoulder against you. Turning around, invited he you. Smiling sheepishly, grinned you from ear to ear. – “Alright…” – muttered you out, following Moody like being driven by scent of flowers. Moody smiled, turning back around. He went to a corner were half your class had gathered around. – “Brought Y/n, as well.” – pointed he out, moving his thumb over his shoulder. Josie nodded, motioning for you to make haste. Slightly confused, sat you down to where Josie was pointing. Paul and Tillie made room for you to sit down. 

Moody sat two person’s beside from you. Josie started to count silently, turning around as her finger bopped up and down. – “What are we doing?” – whispered you to Tillie, confused. You had no clue what was happening. You only came because Moody invited you. You could never say no to him. If he hadn’t invited you, you probably be outside, excluded from this gathering. – “Don’t know.” – whispered Tillie back with a brief shrug of her shoulders. Feeling a bit overwhelmed hoped you, it wouldn’t turn into a disaster or something scandalous. You couldn’t have that.

Josie finally clapped her hands together. – “I think we are with enough!” – said she to herself. Taking a deep breath, plastered she a pleasant smile on her face. – “Shall we begin?” – she hummed loud at the end of her sentence, picking an empty milk bottle up. Charlie rose his hand up, sitting beside Diana. – “Uhm… what are we playing exactly?” – asked he, having the slightest of clues. You nodded alongside some others, wanting to know as well. – “Spin the bottle!” – exclaimed Josie, holding the milk bottle under her chin. – It’s very easy. Whoever the bottle lands on, must share a kiss with the one who spun the bottle.” 

Ruby gasped, jumping up to her feet. – “I…I’m not doing that!” – called she out, stomping her foot on the floor. Josie rolled with her eyes, dismissing her. – “Fine! Then sit over there.” – with a wave of her hand got Ruby send away. Ruby pouted her lips in an attempt to look distressed. Pushing some heads aside, walked she out of the circle, over to the benches. There she sat with her arms crossed, moping. – “Anyone else?” – asked Josie. You looked around the circle, seeing some swallow nervously or avoid eye contact.

In a way wanted you to leave as well. This was sure not how you imagined sharing your first kiss. Who knew who you had to kiss. On the other end if the bottle landed on Moody, you might pass out. You had liked him for as long as you can remember. If it landed on him, would you be over the moon. Perhaps that first kiss wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. If it of course landed on him. When no answer came, continued Josie. – “Who’s up first?” – spoke she up. – “Diana!” – called Charlie out loud with a grin. Diana swallowed nervously, glaring at bit at Charlie for pointing her out as first. Josie handed the bottle to Diana, sitting down beside Jane and Tillie. 

Diana placed the bottle down before her, her hands shaking a bit. Should she do this? What would her mother think when she found out she was playing these sort of games. For what purpose? Entertainment? A nudge of Charlie, set her off to twist the bottle. The bottle started to spin around, holding everyone captivated. All eyes following the twirling of the bottle. Some pressing their lips painfully, others hoping it would land on them. You gasped from the nerves, seeing the bottle slow down. It was fluctuating between some people, who thought they got lucky. The bottle spun slowly further coming to a stop. You squealed loud in shock, scaring everyone.

Moody widened his eyes, looking at the tip of the bottle that was pointed to him. – “You must kiss!” – ordered Josie. Moody shook himself awake, getting up with the help of a pushy Billy. With shock in your eyes, looked you from the bottle to Moody. You didn’t want to play anymore. Moody was going to share a kiss with Diana. The girl everyone adored. Diana got up hesitantly as well. They met each other in the middle. Feeling like you could cry your eyes out, pressed you, your lips together. A wave of betrayal coming over you. It took a split second for your expression to fold. More clenched as anger rose in your eyes. You were angry at Diana for cutting a knife right through your back. That was how it felt.

Diana having sneaked up on you to deliver the final blow to your heart, hearing her laugh manically afterwards. You couldn’t watch it. You didn’t want to watch it. Pushing yourself up by Tillie’s knee, spurted you away before they shared their kiss. – “Hey!” – called Josie out, seeing you run away. Moody and Diana shared a brief kiss. Moody smiled, having never felt such a thing. Diana seemed difficult to read. Moody turned to return to his seat when he noticed an empty spot between Tillie and Paul. – “Y/n is out!” – called Josie out, informing everyone who hadn’t seen it. Moody sighed silently, finding it a bit odd that you ran out during his turn.

You ran immediately outside, sinking through your knees. A sting of pain where your heart was. Was this heartbreak? Was this how it felt like? Losing the one you love for another? It was just a kiss, but it felt more than that to you. It felt like your whole world had come crashing down with one final blow. Firm and devastating. Hitting right where it knocked you under. Sniffing loud, crawled you slowly back up to your feet. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this. You sure wouldn’t want to answer some concerned questions about yourself. Walking over to the stream, sat you down before it. Letting your fingers brush against the surface. The coldness of the water, sending a rush up your body. – “Perhaps it was never meant to be.” – whispered you to yourself, wiping your eyes dry. Closing your eyes said you mentally goodbye to your feelings for Moody. Giving them a proper burial, to never surface again. Forgotten and lost as your heart had been ripped out of your chest. It would be better to move on.


You groaned frustrated, crumbling the paper a bit in your hand. Moody peeked over his shoulder to you, smiling softly. He witnessed you exhale deep, leaning back in your seat. When Miss Stacy walked across, adverted he his gaze quickly down to his own papers. Once she had passed, dared he to look at you again. Now that he was older, started he getting more interested in girls. Specifically one. One that was always nice and kind to him. Someone he considered a close friend. Moody wandered around with his eyes, looking at the other girls. Each and one occupied with their assignment. He exhaled through his nose, thoughtfully looking at them. He didn’t need those other girls, not when he had his number one girl. 

None of them were you. Moody turned to look at you again, catching your eye. You frowned at the sudden eye contact. Moody blushed up, smiling sheepishly at you. You turned your gaze away from him, not sure what to think of it. Moody sighed soft, lowering his head. He truly wanted to have a shot with you. Last night he laid in bed, dreaming away of you. What it would like to hold your hand. Say sweet things to you. Kiss you? He snorted at the thought, making Charlie quirk his eyebrow up. Clearing his throat, composed Moody himself, putting his attention at his papers again.

With his foot was he tapping the floor, waiting patiently for recess. There he could speak with you and try to win you over with his charming ways. Or charming ways in his eyes. He wasn’t going to let you slide without putting up a fight. When Miss Stacy finally announced recess, jumped Moody up. It made Charlie frown even more to why his friend was so excited. You got up, making your way slowly over to the coat area. Moody swiftly moved passed the others to reach the coat area at the same time as you. He came to a stop near you, moving his hand as a gesture for you to pass. He added a pleasant smile to it, hoping you would find him gallant. You smiled confusingly in return, brushing past him to get your coat. 

Suppressing a victory dance, went Moody to his own coat. He made sure he was at the door before you. Slapped Paul’s hand away, opening the door. Everyone started to go through it as Moody sighed, feeling like a doorman. He sucked it up, seeing you arrive. He swayed his hand from you to outside. – “You are being awfully kind?” – said you questionable. – “Why?” – you waited near him for an answer. Moody straightened his back more, putting on a grand smile. – “Because I’m at your service.” – spoke he out, making you furrow your brows. – “Alright…” – mouthed you, stepping outside.

He was acting a bit too strange in your opinion. Not knowing truly why. Moody went after you, behind the building where almost everyone had gathered around. You stationed yourself between Ruby and Josie, near the building. Moody stood still near Jane and Diana. He got on the tips of his toes, overlooking Jane and Ruby to get a glimpse of you. Smiling, wanted he to capture all of you. He couldn’t look away as you were the only thing he thought about. Josie noticed it, looking strangely at him. – “What’s with the stare, Moody?” – pointed she out, not caring if everyone heard her. It caught everyone’s attention, yours as well. Moody smiled nervously, still looking at you. 

You lowered your gaze a bit, glancing up to him once you dared to. It was clear that he was looking at you, but why? Now that you thought you had buried away all your feelings for him, came they resurfacing. – “I’m just looking at the prettiest girl.” – blurted he dreamingly out. The girls busted out in laughter, finding him funny and bold. You knew he was talking about you since he was looking at you. He smiled, assuring you it was truly you he was looking at. Stepping away from Josie, walked you away from them. Moody pushed Jane a bit aside, making his way across to you, followed by loud “ooh’s” from everyone that thought he was about to declare his love.

“Y/n!” – called Moody out, moving Paul aside to reach you. You came to a stop near the stream. – “What are you doing Moody?” – asked you, shy. – “I…Isn’t it obvious?” – asked he. You shook your head, disagreeing with him. – “I don’t know what to think Moody.” – confessed you, fumbling with the hem of your dress. – “I like you!” – blurted he out, taking a step towards you. – “A lot, Y/n. I do.” – With a silent gasp, stared you into his eyes. – “I…Moody I…” – Moody shushed you, stepping up to you. He took your hand in his, standing very close to you. It made you blush, wondering where he ever learned this. Your heart started to beat faster, almost falling out of your chest. – “I can only think about you Y/n… and… and I hope I can walk you home one day.” – asked he. 

All your buried feelings for him exploded right into your face, making you squeeze Moody’s hand firmly. You almost crushed it, making him bite the pain away. – “I…I…I’ve liked you since forever.” – stated you, bringing a smile to his lips. – “But I…I buried those feelings away ever since you kissed Diana.” – continued you. You saw his smile fade away, trying to remember when he kissed Diana. It took him a moment, but he recollected the memory. Spin the bottle. It baffled Moody that you had liked him for that long. That was more then a year ago, two if not. – “I felt so heartbroken that I started to give up on you.”

“Do you still?” – asked he, making you frown. – “Do you still have given me up?” – wanted he to know. You first shrugged your shoulders, then you slowly shook your head, changing your mind. – “That kiss was nothing. I promise you Y/n, just a stupid game…” – reassured he you. You slowly let your firm grip loosen on him. – “I’d very much like to walk you home today, Y/n… if I may.” – you smiled, feeling your heart open up to him again. That long forgotten flower, blooming again. – “You may.” – responded you with a smile. Moody smiled brighter then ever, stroking your hand. You heard some teasing sounds from behind Moody when he kissed your cheek. Flustered looked you shy away. You weren’t ready to kiss Moody yet, so you hugged him. A hug that was more then enough for now.


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