

Hello :)

What I’m about to say is not in hopes of getting free stuff, praise, or self gain. I just want people to be happy, that’s all I want. All I’ve ever wanted. I have grown up being told I am different, special, dimwitted, and simple minded, among other things I will not give power to by mentioning them here. So at great risk to myself, I’ve got something to say.

It’s easy to get lost in the minutia of things, especially things that you love. You love it, so you want it to be perfect. That’s understandable; it’s when those thoughts give birth to negative emotions that the problems begin. An example of this is the game Mass Effect Andromeda. The recent controversy surrounding Mass Effect is beginning to go to a place that’s not beneficial to anybody. It’s beloved by many, so naturally when things are not as expected, you’re upset. You think you’ve been deceived, taken advantage of, made the fool. However we must remember those who created the franchise, and those who have a hand in its new stories love it as much as we do, if not more. I know this, because I too create stories, and I can see the same emotion in their eyes that I feel in my heart for my own creations. I know mistakes have been made, but it’s not going to help things if we attack Bioware or each other. Let us give into peace, and respect one another. Sometimes a whisper can be louder than a scream.

On Nov. 17 2016 my nephew Darius Brown was murdered. He was 17 years old. My last conversation with him was about God, and how much he wanted peace. He told me how much he admired my capability to love even those who hurt me. So that’s what I’m going to continue to do. Life is too short to waste on hate, and negativity. Life is a gift, why taint it by causing others pain? I’m clinically depressed, and some days (most days) are a fight for survival, but I fight. Not people; for life. I fight for my husband (who’s love freed me), I fight for my two daughters (who taught me a new level of love), I fight for my nephew who gave me 17 years of wonderful memories. I fight for his mother (who needs me now more than ever), I fight for my aunt (who survived cancer, and is now trying to survive the loss of her first grandchild), I fight for my parents (who fuel me with love, and support ), I fight for every person who feels alone, bullied, different or that they don’t matter (you do matter), I fight for love, and the hope of a better tomorrow.

I digress. My nephew and I shared a love for video games. We both wished to travel to the different realities games can take you to. After he died, I lost interest in many things, games included. Two games in particular managed to help me pull myself out of this rut of despair. Dragon Quest Builders, and Mass Effect Andromeda. I feel a need to be among the stars, Andromeda lets me do this. I wish to make new friends, Andromeda has many people to make friends with. I adore romance, and we know Andromeda has this. I love seeing new worlds, and the ones that Andromeda have provided already look breathtaking (from the little I’ve seen). I am grateful for the ideas, for the art, for the hard work I know they put into this. Let’s believe in BioWare, let’s believe in the love they have for this game, and for their fans. Let’s form our own opinions, free from the influence of others. Lets spread kindness towards them, and even if it doesn’t turn out the way you expected, still be thankful. Because we must take chances on the unknown to learn, and to grow. Someone will still be inspired by this game no matter what the masses say. This may spring forth ideas that will birth masterpieces. For that we should be grateful. They have given their time, and made many sacrifices to see this through. Please be respectful.

I thank you for every time you’ve answered me good people of BioWare. I thank you for your dedication, your will to move forward, and for your love. Thank you.

Thank you to the people who went through the effort of reading all of this. I love you, even if I don’t know you. I wish you nothing but the best of what life has to offer. Be safe. Be patient, Be kind.

God bless

pantydragon: When you sell your family crest but your ass still can’t pay the rent…As a cosplayer ofpantydragon: When you sell your family crest but your ass still can’t pay the rent…As a cosplayer of


When you sell your family crest but your ass still can’t pay the rent…

As a cosplayer of 12 years, these are, without a doubt, the most excellent impromptu photos of me, bless your soul @myrddin-emrys, and thanks to @azureverie for providing most of the currency

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AT LAST! Originally I was really hoping to try to put a prop gun together from scratch, but with limAT LAST! Originally I was really hoping to try to put a prop gun together from scratch, but with lim

AT LAST! Originally I was really hoping to try to put a prop gun together from scratch, but with limited time and money that plan went out the window. So this past month I have been working on my fancy, modified N7 Nerf gun. AND IT’S FINALLY DONE! Hooray!

A BIG thanks to my bff, Andy, for all of your help!

Who’s ready for NYC Comic Con?

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ladyinsanity: 4D Mass Effect Experience at California’s Great America Comes Next YearElectronic Arts


4D Mass Effect Experience at California’s Great America Comes Next Year

Electronic Arts is partnering with California’s Great America theme park to create a Mass Effect attraction in their Action Theater. 

The interactive ride, curated by a live performer, will take guests on a journey to a distant planet, where they will face off against larger-than-life foes and fight to save the day. Using cutting-edge 3D technology and 4D effects, the ride throws passengers right into the action, creating a fantastical adventure that they won’t soon forget.

You can read more at [California’s Great America] on the holographic experience, as well as the short mention on the [Bioware blog].

In before “I should go.”

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The Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Beta is coming soon. From October 8 to October 12, be among the first toThe Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Beta is coming soon. From October 8 to October 12, be among the first toThe Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Beta is coming soon. From October 8 to October 12, be among the first to

The Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Beta is coming soon. From October 8 to October 12, be among the first to join the 40-player Walker Assault mode on Hoth, complete a Survival Mission on Tatooine, and fight for pod control in Drop Zone mode on Sullust. Visit the Beta Hub to get started…

The Beta will let you experience three modes spread across three iconic planets including:

*Walker Assault on Hoth: Fight in epic 40-player battles as a Rebel to destroy the Empire’s onslaught of AT-AT’s by calling in Y-wing bombers. Or, side with the Empire and protect your walkers while utilizing their mighty weaponry to crush the Rebel objective.
*Drop Zone on Sullust: Escape pods are crashing down and you and your team must fight to control them. With its frantic 8v8 matches, Drop Zone is sure to put your combat and strategy skills to the test.  
*Survival Mission on Tatooine: Play alone or with a friend via co-op or split-screen as you battle to hold off waves of Imperial forces including AT-ST’s, TIE fighters, elite stormtroopers and more.

Beta will be available for PlayStation®4, Xbox One and on PC via Origin!!!!


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didiher:Where Willows Wail Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl, Sethen’a ir san’shiral, mala tel’hala


Where Willows Wail

Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl,
Sethen’a ir san’shiral, mala tel’halani
Ir sa’vir te’suledin var bana’vallaslin,
Vora’nadas san banal’him emma abel revas.
Ir tela’ena glandival, vir amin tel’hanin.
Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am’tela’elvahen.

“We lost eternity, the ruined tree of the People
Time won’t help when the land of dreams is no longer our journey
We try to lead despite the failing of our markings.
To the inevitable and troubling freedom we are committed.
When we could no longer believe, we lost glory to war.
When the Wolf won, we lost the People to war”.


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  • “Bears. So many bears.“ 
  • “I gnawed it off, and I was STILL stuck in the claw trap!“ 
  • “Not much to eat in the Western Approach.“ 
  • “I arm-wrestled Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast.” (Cassandra Disapproves) 
  • “Madame de Fur told me asymmetry is in fashion.” (Vivienne Slightly Approves) 
  • “My friend needed it. For a thing.“ 
  • “Phylactery creation gone wrong.“ 
  • “Three words. Voluntary. Blood. Sacrifice." 
  • "My arm? OH FUCK MY ARM!" 
  • "I tore it off and used it to beat the last idiot who couldn’t mind their own business.”
  • “Oh don’t worry, I’m all right now." 

“The Dread Wolf is a punk ass bitch!” - an actual Flemeth quote
You mean I can FINALLY kick Solas’s ass??

#flemethcosplay #flemeth #dragonage2 #dragonagecosplay #dragonage #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #dragonageinquisition #bioware #witchofthewilds #thedreadwolfrises
