

@BellaHadid says. “People always have something to say, but what I have to say is, I’ve always been misunderstood in my industry and by the people around me.”

Hadid gets candid about mental health, happiness, health struggles, and everything in between. Photographed by @ethanjamesgreen, Styled by @gabriellak_j, Written by @robertjhaskell. Vogue, April 2022







Recently, I went back to my hometown twice and took some photos to organize this collection. The main components are: road, residence (home), study (experience), and lifestyle.

Since going out to study alone at the age of ten, the number of such “going homes” has become unmeasured, but only recently has it begun to change in understanding: from the original “this is where I came from” to “this is a kind of "Lifestyle”, perhaps in the end, this is also my end point (in addition to this book there is another collection called “Orchard”, which is about the transformation of the meaning of “respect” and “experience”).

In general, the first part of the photo is a copy of the space shattered by the confusion of time, and the latter is the exploration of this kind of lifestyle that I should be familiar with, but in fact, it is very unfamiliar. It is inevitable that there will still be “death” pictures. It has nothing to do with my hometown, but in my current state of mind, no matter where I am, my eyes will always see the sight of death driven by time.

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Savez pourquoi nous ne devons pas attendre des autres qu’ils nous sauvent? Parce qu’un ange n’a qu’une paire d’ailes.. en réalité nous sommes tous des anges. Donc croyez en vous . Autoportrait été 2021.

Mon amour ce soir encore j’ai le coeur ensanglanté et la gorge nouée.. un jour je partirai, non pas par manque d’amour mais tout simplement parce que je suis épuisée par tes agissements qui me détruisent chaque jour un peu plus.

Aujourd’hui je comprends ces femmes infidèles ! Oui, finalement c’est humain d’avoir besoin de tendresse, d’être regardée, désirée lorsque l’homme avec qui l’on partage sa vie n’a guère d’intérêt pour vous.
