

Evolution of Horus Lupercal

Three different versions of the Primarch Horus, from different times. Horus Lupercal, Horus Warmaster, and Horus The Arhi Traitor.

Visions of The Great Crusade. Young Lorgar Aurelian and Kor Phaeron on Colchis.

This is a painting by an unknown remembrancer, from the time of The Great Crusade. The picture depicts not an illustration of real events, but a idea of remembrancer, about events that him have never seen, but heard and read, like realism artists of the 19th century, who tried to depict Ancient Greek and Biblical myths. 

P.S. The artist was brutally murdered by Kor Phaeron, due to “blasphemy”, in the time of the Horus Heresy. ‘A mortal doesn’t have the right to depict of the Divine.’

Ceraxia Seventh of Ezekarion

Mistress of the Black Legion Arsenal, born of Sacred Mars. Former Mechanicum governess of the Niobia Halo outpost at Gallium.

Iskandar Khayon

Iskandar Khayon is a Chaos Sorcerer the Lord Vigilator of the Black Legion Warleader of the Kha'Sherhan, Third of the Ezekarion and a brother to Ezekyle Abaddon. To the Thousand Sons he is known as Khayon the Black, for his sins against his bloodline. The Black Legion call him Kingbreaker, the mage who brought Magnus the Red to his knees.
