#blaise debeste



Missing the AAI2 characters, coping by drawing them (and reposting my old Justine piece bc why not)


This art is absolutely gorgeous. I am in awe. 
I love the layout. I love the choice of colors. I love the posing. I love all the little details in the light and clothing. And I love how it perfectly summarizes the case in question. 

This looks like an official design for a novelization. It’s just too beautiful. 

And that extra Justine is perfect as well hhhhh 

Aaand another preview, for my poster of THE GRAND TURNABOUT! @turnabout-cinema​I got to do my favori

Aaand another preview, for my poster of THE GRAND TURNABOUT! @turnabout-cinema

I got to do my favorite case??? This composition was a whole new journey for me and I can’t wait for everyone to see the full. Please support the zine below~!

[ TICKETS! ]/[ INFO! ]



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 A sort of “sequel” to an older work of mine. This time, Blaise gets to be there too.

A sort of “sequel” to an older work of mine. This time, Blaise gets to be there too.

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For the prompt “Old man bowling league with matching shirts” by @vulpixoftheoperaBlaise had the idea

For the prompt “Old man bowling league with matching shirts” by @vulpixoftheopera

Blaise had the idea, Gant designed the shirts and Manfred had no idea about any of it until they dragged him to the bowling alley and made him put the shirt on.

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-slams fist on table- send requests for evil old man trio doodles

I’ve been drawing this guy an unforgivable amount of times lately

I’ve been drawing this guy an unforgivable amount of times lately

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I’ve been thinking a lot about young!Blaise today so have a doodle

I’ve been thinking a lot about young!Blaise today so have a doodle

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 Sometimes just coloring a semi-refined sketch is just way more fun than outlining

Sometimes just coloring a semi-refined sketch is just way more fun than outlining

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Headcanon time: Blaise simply Will Not get his own food at outings like this. He’ll only ever try to

Headcanon time: Blaise simply Will Not get his own food at outings like this. He’ll only ever try to bribe/steal from whoever else happens to be there.

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