#john marsh

Aaand another preview, for my poster of THE GRAND TURNABOUT! @turnabout-cinema​I got to do my favori

Aaand another preview, for my poster of THE GRAND TURNABOUT! @turnabout-cinema

I got to do my favorite case??? This composition was a whole new journey for me and I can’t wait for everyone to see the full. Please support the zine below~!

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In a dark closet, a younger Sebastian hides inside the folds of a vivid red jacket.ALT

[ ID: In a dark closet, a younger Sebastian hides inside the folds of a vivid red jacket. ]

Teach Me Imperfection — Chapter 3

(The Sebastian POV Chapter, Gen, 7yg)

A year after Blaise’s trial, Sebastian juggles the demands of their hectic new life.

  • Rating:T
  • Length: 5.4k (Ch. 3)
  • The fic overall focuses on Franziska’s many relationships, but chiefly a growing friendship with Seb during the 7yg. So we catch up with Debeste, a year after the events of AAI2. The lingering ghosts… but also, their new and better homes .

[ Link to Fic ]
