#bluestars prophecy


me: oh my gosh these kits are written so weird, like seriously how hard would it have been to just make them two months old instead of two weeks old, it would’ve been such a simple edit yet made so much more sense developmentally…also I’m pretty sure no one teaches these cats where kittens come from, like bruh Bluefur sees the ghosts of her dead mother and sister telling her to stop prancing around with the hot river boy and is like “yeah ok u right I won’t see him anymore after tonight” but then immediately PROCEEDS TO MATE WITH HIM, apparently?? and then is shocked when kittens happen?? like guuuuurl all y’all clan cats are criminally stupid smh 

also me, simultaneously: oh my gosh Bluefur raised Snowfur’s kit in ThunderClan after she (Snowfur) died and now Snowfur is raising Bluefur’s kit in StarClantHaT’s sO bEAuTiFUL 

*murders your mother, flirts with your uncle, refuses to elaborate, leaves*I know a good chunk of th

*murders your mother, flirts with your uncle, refuses to elaborate, leaves*

I know a good chunk of the fandom see him as super scary murder medic, but I cannot HELP but picture him as an exuberant little funky freak with the charisma of a rat… who also will murder you for mildly inconveniencing him and his clan lskjgkld

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