#body swap


Body Swap - Shantae and Giga Mermaid

This line art body swap commission was made for SwapperSonic1991.

Shantae finds herself swapped with the Giga Mermaid! On the bright side, this is going to be quite an easy boss fight now…

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

PREVIEW - Head Swap 020 - Café ☕

The winner of one of April’s polls was a big group head swap!
Total chaos ensues when all of the employees and customers at a cosplay café get head swapped!

Check it out early on Patreon!

Head Swap - Gamers x Darkstalkers (2020)

Another early head swap commission of mine. This full color head swap illustrations was made for Mako.

A couple of friends were playing as characters from Darkstalkers in MvC2, and then suddenly swapped heads with them! One of them swapped with Morrigan Aensland, and the other with Felicia.

This illustration was initially made in January 2020.

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Possession - Sigma in Alice (Zero Escape)

This line art possession commission comes from QualityAce!

Another Zero Escape piece. This time, Sigma has possessed Alice! He seems to be quite surprised and aroused by this predicament.
This is a follow up to the Zero Escape Comic, as well as the pin-up that followed it!

Possession Comic - Zero Escape
Possession - Dio in Phi (Zero Escape)

Feel free to check out the full resolution & uncensored version on my Patreon!

Head Swap - Cure Berry (2019-2021)

This series of illustrations made for Mako features the very first commission I have ever done!

A guy suddenly swaps with one of his Pretty Cure figures, and he now has the body of Cure Berry (Aono Miki) from the neck down!
He was freaked out at the start, but after exploring his new body, and going on a bit of a shopping spree, he seemed to like his new body.
So much so that he eventually decided to “gift” some new bodies to his friends!

Part 1 was drawn in 2019, Part 2 in 2020, and Part 3 in 2021.

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Transformation - Centorea’s Mom

Here’s a line art transformation commission made for Einherjar.

Something seems to have caused his male OC to magically transform into Centorea Shianus’ mother from Monster Musume. He’ll most likely need a new wardrobe after this as well…

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Body Swap 04 - Bully

A young man has to face an extremely difficult situation when his own mom swaps bodies with his school bully! It looks like the bully is taking absolute full advantage of the situation too, at the expense of his poor victim, naturally.

This body swap was the winner of our first poll in March. Want to help by deciding the next one? Cast your vote in the next poll over on Patreon.

Feel free to check out the full resolution & alternative version on my Patreon!

Body Swap Comic - Lusamine and Yamask (2020)

Here’s a single page Pokémon body swap comic made in 2020 for TSFSingularity.
A wild Yamask wanders into Lusamine’s bedroom and swaps bodies with her!
Of course, these are just a few things a ghost would probably do if they finally got a body again, especially if they got a knockout body like Lusamines’!

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Head Swap - Gamers × Tekken (2019)

This was one of the first full color head swap illustrations I made for Mako, as well as one of my very first commissions!

Two brothers have swapped heads with the characters they were playing as from Tekken! Namely Josie Rizal and Lucky Chloe!

This illustration was initially made in 2019. I will be releasing some of my older illustrations in between new ones every now and then.

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Body Swap - Dylan and Mileena

A line art body swap commission for SharkKingDylan featuring his OC swapping with a femme fatale from Mortal Kombat!

Something has caused Dylan to end up in the body of the dangerously sexy Mileena! Mileena (in Dylan’s body) is hell bent on taking her body back by force!

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Please also consider checking out SharkKingDylan’s Twitter!

Body Swap - Lucina and Tharja

This F2F body swap line art commission was requested by SwapperSonic1991.

Tharja was jealous of all the attention that Lucina was getting from Robin, so she decided to cast a body swap spell!

Art by me, dialogue by SwapperSonic1991

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Head Swap 019 - Groom

A lucky(?) groom gets himself a lap dance at his bachelor party, when suddenly he swaps heads with a stripper!

Guess it’s going to be even tougher to hide the fact that his buddies took him to a strip club to celebrate… At least the wedding will be, interesting.

This head swap was the winner of our second poll in March. Want to help by deciding the next one? Cast your vote in the next poll over on Patreon.

Feel free to check out the uncensored full resolution version on my Patreon!

Possession - Shinji in Asuka Part 2

Here’s a sequel to the full art possession commission made for LaconiaTSF featuring Shinji Ikari taking over the body of Asuka Langley.

Shinji is keen to try out some outfits in his new body, starting out with Asuka’s classic plug suit, that should fit him way better this time!

Part 1: Possession - Shinji in Asuka

Feel free to check out the uncensored full resolution version on my Patreon!


Thought I’d write a little something in recognition of my twenty-eighth birthday today (April 2nd). It’s actually one of the few times I’ve written from my own POV, so I hope you enjoy it!

As the seconds edged closer to midnight, I took one final look in the mirror at the body I had occupied for the past three-hundred and sixty-five days. It was never easy, knowing I was about to be forced out from a body I had occupied for a whole calendar year, but I was appreciative of the time I had gotten to spend as Sam Hubbard, the defensive end for the NFL’s  Cincinnati Bengals. What a year for it to happen too! I had helped the team make it all the way to the Super Bowl for the first time in decades, and even though we hadn’t one, I still got to play football on the grandest stage of them all! That was a memory I would treasure for the rest of my life and I could only hope that my next body would supply me with similarly incredible experiences.

My unique situation started all the way back on my sixteenth birthday, when I had suddenly discovered myself awakening in a body that wasn’t my own. During that first morning I had been understandably convinced that I was still dreaming. After all, people didn’t simply wake up in a body that wasn’t their own, did they? This theory that I was experiencing an incredibly lifelike dream eventually fell apart though, as I never found myself rising from that supposed slumber. For the entirety of my sixteenth year on Earth, I had lived the life of the one and only Chris Evans, the same man I credited as helping me discover my own bisexuality. Given it had been 2010, I had even been the one to portray Captain America in Chris’ first Marvel solo film, which definitely set the standard high.

To find myself waking up in a different body on the morning of my seventeenth birthday had been quite the shocker; I’d been preparing a celebration of spending an entire year as Chris Evans, only to find myself disinvited from the celebration! Rather than being back in my original body though, I was now Zayn Malik, a singer in the popular boyband One Direction! I adjusted to the life of a popstar with relative ease. Whatever it was that caused me to jump from body to body each year (something I’ve never had an answer to, nor no longer trouble myself to worry about) allowed me to keep the memories and attributes of the body I was occupying, so I had no trouble convincing folks that I was really Chris or Zayn. Besides, it wasn’t as if anybody would believe me if I told them the truth - except you, of course!

Twelve years have passed since that fateful morning when I woke up in the body of a hunky actor and I’ve occupied twelve bodies since then, with Sam here being the most recent of them. Each and every one of them has been a rewarding experience and so far I’ve found myself being attracted to all of the bodies I’ve possessed. It was a pattern that I hoped continued, although I always found myself feeling nervous as my birthday approached and a massive change to my life loomed over me. It was daunting and thrilling in equal measure. Just whose face would I see in the mirror the next morning? What city would I be waking up in? What career would I experience for the next year? Would I be single? Married? There was so much left up to chance!

Once a familiar drowsiness came over me, I said my final goodbye to my football player reflection and settled back into the comfortable bed. Letting my eyes fall shut, I sent up a silent prayer for another incredible year ahead of me and slipped into the comfortable embrace of a life-changing slumber…

After a peaceful eight hours I finally began to rise back towards consciousness. My sense of smell was the first thing to activate that morning and I was greeted by a musky aroma that reminded me of a gym locker room. I had grown so used to Sam’s natural scent over the past year that this new one immediately stood out to me, although it really wasn’t that unpleasant. In fact, there was something arousing about having such a different scent surrounding me, and my cock twitched in excitement under the scratchy cotton sheets. 

So I’ve still got a dick, that’s good. There was  some clear relief attached to the thought. While I wasn’t totally opposed to the idea of living in a woman’s body for a year, there was comfort in the familiar. I’d gotten to enjoy some great dicks - long, short, thick and thin - since my body-hopping journey had begun all those years ago, and I was eager to see how this new one would match up!

As I finally pried open my eyes, I first took in the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling and then turned my attention downwards. Even more relief flushed through me as I took in the sight of the powerful chest muscles; the two pectoral muscles made such a prominent shelf that they almost managed to hide the prominent tent forming under the sheet! Shuffling back and resting on my elbows, I admired the collection of rippling abs under my mighty pecs and then pushed the sheet down so I could get a proper view of the manhood I would spend the next year working with. Needless to say, it didn’t disappoint. I had to be rocking at least eight inches and it was plenty girthy too!

Reaching a large hand down and wrapping it around the thick tool, I gave my new cock a few experimental strokes and a low growl of appreciation escaped my lips in response. “Looking good so far,” I grunted to myself, testing out the voice I’d be hearing for the foreseeable future. It was deep and distinctly American, although I couldn’t place it regionally. All I knew for sure was that it was a long way from the English accent I’d had back in my original body, and in my humble opinion, it was much sexier. 

Although I was enjoying getting acquainted with my new manhood, there was still much more that I needed to know, so I reluctantly pulled my hands away and swung my legs off the edge of the bed. Before rising to my feet I took a moment to appreciate the muscular quads and the bulging calves beneath them, as well as the well-proportioned hairy feet. Then, once I was out of the bed and had risen to my new height of five-foot-ten (which was considerably shorter than I had been while occupying Sam’s six-foot-four football player body), I took in my surroundings. Whoever’s body I had jumped into, they weren’t the type of guy who kept their bedroom tidy. The amateur bodybuilding trophies grabbed my interest though; even after twelve swaps, I’d never experienced the bodybuilder lifestyle - until now!

Making my way into the en-suite bathroom, I braced myself for my introduction to my new reflection. The nerves were unnecessary though, as I was immediately impressed with what I saw. My muscular body was unsurprisingly paired with a handsome face. The square jawline was decorated with stubble and the heavy brow gave me an appearance that was almost thuggish and somewhat intimidating. I certainly wasn’t complaining though, as it was a subtle change-up from Sam’s more classically handsome features. On top of that, my new face (and thus my new life) was actually familiar to me too, which was another welcome relief!

This body belonged to Alex Gibson, a fitness influencer with a pretty decent sized following who happened to be a master of the thirst trap. That was definitelya lifestyle that I was willing to adopt because these muscles were certainly too awesome not to be shared with the world! Given Alex’s various sponsorship deals, I’d be earning money easier than I ever had before. There was much less risk of injury than there had been while playing football as Sam, although truthfully I knew I’d miss playing the sport. Maybe I can join an amateur team while I’m in this body. While I didn’t like to do anything that was too drastic a departure from whoever’s life I was currently occupying, getting involved in sport didn’t seem like too much of a stretch for a guy like Alex. 

I can think of something else that could probably pass for being in character too. My train of thought had proceeded in a more devious direction but I was already rather enamored with the idea that had blossomed inside my mind. Returning to the bedroom, I hunted around for Alex’s cellphone and after locating it quickly set about downloading a new app to the homepage: OnlyFans

While I was waiting for the app to finish downloading, I returned to the bathroom and switched the phone over to its camera mode. If I was going to be making this bold new adventure then I’d need some spicy content to get the dollars rolling in! I’d grown used to the deep pockets that I’d had as Sam (million-dollar football contracts were an absolute delight) and while I probably wouldn’t reach that level of wealth while living Alex’s life, I knew that with such a hot body, I’d have no issue making thousands of extra dollars every month from an OnlyFans account. I didn’t even need to do anything too extreme, just go a little bit further than Alex’s usual thirst traps. The horny girls and gays out there would eat it up! 

As the notification popped up to confirm that the application had finally finished downloading, a smirk settled onto my handsome face. Even though I had just turned twenty-eight, I both felt and looked at least half a decade younger! “We’ve got another good year ahead of us,” I told my reflection, relishing once more in the deep tones of my new voice. Yeah, I’m going to enjoy myself in your skin, Alex. Now though, I better get started on recording some content… time for the birthday boy to have some fun!

As always, if you enjoy this, you can find plenty more stories and support me through my Patreon!

A new hot body each year! How appropriate!


Thought I’d write a little something in recognition of my twenty-eighth birthday today (April 2nd). It’s actually one of the few times I’ve written from my own POV, so I hope you enjoy it!

As the seconds edged closer to midnight, I took one final look in the mirror at the body I had occupied for the past three-hundred and sixty-five days. It was never easy, knowing I was about to be forced out from a body I had occupied for a whole calendar year, but I was appreciative of the time I had gotten to spend as Sam Hubbard, the defensive end for the NFL’s  Cincinnati Bengals. What a year for it to happen too! I had helped the team make it all the way to the Super Bowl for the first time in decades, and even though we hadn’t one, I still got to play football on the grandest stage of them all! That was a memory I would treasure for the rest of my life and I could only hope that my next body would supply me with similarly incredible experiences.

My unique situation started all the way back on my sixteenth birthday, when I had suddenly discovered myself awakening in a body that wasn’t my own. During that first morning I had been understandably convinced that I was still dreaming. After all, people didn’t simply wake up in a body that wasn’t their own, did they? This theory that I was experiencing an incredibly lifelike dream eventually fell apart though, as I never found myself rising from that supposed slumber. For the entirety of my sixteenth year on Earth, I had lived the life of the one and only Chris Evans, the same man I credited as helping me discover my own bisexuality. Given it had been 2010, I had even been the one to portray Captain America in Chris’ first Marvel solo film, which definitely set the standard high.

To find myself waking up in a different body on the morning of my seventeenth birthday had been quite the shocker; I’d been preparing a celebration of spending an entire year as Chris Evans, only to find myself disinvited from the celebration! Rather than being back in my original body though, I was now Zayn Malik, a singer in the popular boyband One Direction! I adjusted to the life of a popstar with relative ease. Whatever it was that caused me to jump from body to body each year (something I’ve never had an answer to, nor no longer trouble myself to worry about) allowed me to keep the memories and attributes of the body I was occupying, so I had no trouble convincing folks that I was really Chris or Zayn. Besides, it wasn’t as if anybody would believe me if I told them the truth - except you, of course!

Twelve years have passed since that fateful morning when I woke up in the body of a hunky actor and I’ve occupied twelve bodies since then, with Sam here being the most recent of them. Each and every one of them has been a rewarding experience and so far I’ve found myself being attracted to all of the bodies I’ve possessed. It was a pattern that I hoped continued, although I always found myself feeling nervous as my birthday approached and a massive change to my life loomed over me. It was daunting and thrilling in equal measure. Just whose face would I see in the mirror the next morning? What city would I be waking up in? What career would I experience for the next year? Would I be single? Married? There was so much left up to chance!

Once a familiar drowsiness came over me, I said my final goodbye to my football player reflection and settled back into the comfortable bed. Letting my eyes fall shut, I sent up a silent prayer for another incredible year ahead of me and slipped into the comfortable embrace of a life-changing slumber…

After a peaceful eight hours I finally began to rise back towards consciousness. My sense of smell was the first thing to activate that morning and I was greeted by a musky aroma that reminded me of a gym locker room. I had grown so used to Sam’s natural scent over the past year that this new one immediately stood out to me, although it really wasn’t that unpleasant. In fact, there was something arousing about having such a different scent surrounding me, and my cock twitched in excitement under the scratchy cotton sheets. 

So I’ve still got a dick, that’s good. There was  some clear relief attached to the thought. While I wasn’t totally opposed to the idea of living in a woman’s body for a year, there was comfort in the familiar. I’d gotten to enjoy some great dicks - long, short, thick and thin - since my body-hopping journey had begun all those years ago, and I was eager to see how this new one would match up!

As I finally pried open my eyes, I first took in the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling and then turned my attention downwards. Even more relief flushed through me as I took in the sight of the powerful chest muscles; the two pectoral muscles made such a prominent shelf that they almost managed to hide the prominent tent forming under the sheet! Shuffling back and resting on my elbows, I admired the collection of rippling abs under my mighty pecs and then pushed the sheet down so I could get a proper view of the manhood I would spend the next year working with. Needless to say, it didn’t disappoint. I had to be rocking at least eight inches and it was plenty girthy too!

Reaching a large hand down and wrapping it around the thick tool, I gave my new cock a few experimental strokes and a low growl of appreciation escaped my lips in response. “Looking good so far,” I grunted to myself, testing out the voice I’d be hearing for the foreseeable future. It was deep and distinctly American, although I couldn’t place it regionally. All I knew for sure was that it was a long way from the English accent I’d had back in my original body, and in my humble opinion, it was much sexier. 

Although I was enjoying getting acquainted with my new manhood, there was still much more that I needed to know, so I reluctantly pulled my hands away and swung my legs off the edge of the bed. Before rising to my feet I took a moment to appreciate the muscular quads and the bulging calves beneath them, as well as the well-proportioned hairy feet. Then, once I was out of the bed and had risen to my new height of five-foot-ten (which was considerably shorter than I had been while occupying Sam’s six-foot-four football player body), I took in my surroundings. Whoever’s body I had jumped into, they weren’t the type of guy who kept their bedroom tidy. The amateur bodybuilding trophies grabbed my interest though; even after twelve swaps, I’d never experienced the bodybuilder lifestyle - until now!

Making my way into the en-suite bathroom, I braced myself for my introduction to my new reflection. The nerves were unnecessary though, as I was immediately impressed with what I saw. My muscular body was unsurprisingly paired with a handsome face. The square jawline was decorated with stubble and the heavy brow gave me an appearance that was almost thuggish and somewhat intimidating. I certainly wasn’t complaining though, as it was a subtle change-up from Sam’s more classically handsome features. On top of that, my new face (and thus my new life) was actually familiar to me too, which was another welcome relief!

This body belonged to Alex Gibson, a fitness influencer with a pretty decent sized following who happened to be a master of the thirst trap. That was definitelya lifestyle that I was willing to adopt because these muscles were certainly too awesome not to be shared with the world! Given Alex’s various sponsorship deals, I’d be earning money easier than I ever had before. There was much less risk of injury than there had been while playing football as Sam, although truthfully I knew I’d miss playing the sport. Maybe I can join an amateur team while I’m in this body. While I didn’t like to do anything that was too drastic a departure from whoever’s life I was currently occupying, getting involved in sport didn’t seem like too much of a stretch for a guy like Alex. 

I can think of something else that could probably pass for being in character too. My train of thought had proceeded in a more devious direction but I was already rather enamored with the idea that had blossomed inside my mind. Returning to the bedroom, I hunted around for Alex’s cellphone and after locating it quickly set about downloading a new app to the homepage: OnlyFans

While I was waiting for the app to finish downloading, I returned to the bathroom and switched the phone over to its camera mode. If I was going to be making this bold new adventure then I’d need some spicy content to get the dollars rolling in! I’d grown used to the deep pockets that I’d had as Sam (million-dollar football contracts were an absolute delight) and while I probably wouldn’t reach that level of wealth while living Alex’s life, I knew that with such a hot body, I’d have no issue making thousands of extra dollars every month from an OnlyFans account. I didn’t even need to do anything too extreme, just go a little bit further than Alex’s usual thirst traps. The horny girls and gays out there would eat it up! 

As the notification popped up to confirm that the application had finally finished downloading, a smirk settled onto my handsome face. Even though I had just turned twenty-eight, I both felt and looked at least half a decade younger! “We’ve got another good year ahead of us,” I told my reflection, relishing once more in the deep tones of my new voice. Yeah, I’m going to enjoy myself in your skin, Alex. Now though, I better get started on recording some content… time for the birthday boy to have some fun!

As always, if you enjoy this, you can find plenty more stories and support me through my Patreon!

A new hot body each year! How appropriate!

Ralph was always more of an indoor guy growing up. Video games in middle school, robotics in high school, dungeons and dragons in college. There wasn’t a lot of things he liked, but the ones he did could all be done from the comfort of his own home. 

After the great shift made its way through the world friends and family of the introvert were shocked to see him in some huge bodybuilder type! He towered over his family, could outlift any of his more athletic friends, and was certainly drawing the attention of men and women he hadn’t met yet… However, despite the vastly different body.. Ralph himself hadn’t changed all too much.

People around his university would find him being most socialable when he was playing word games on his tablet. Former athletes gawking at his muscles wouldn’t find him at the gym maintaining that body, but at the cafeteria, grabbing a quick snack to satisfy his constant hunger!

Countless people would encourage him to try out his new body in some new way, but Ralph just wasn’t interestd.


“Hey Ralph! After we finish this assignment what do you say we hit the beach?” Clarissa said from within her new Italian supermodel body, winking as she did.

“I’m good. I’ve got a new game on Steam I was planning to try tonight. Thanks though. See you tomorrow.” Ralph would say as he packed away his nerdy bookbag and walked away, still slightly slouching despite his powerful shoulders.


“Yo! You’re the big guy I see walking around campus. I may be small but I used to be captain of the rugby team. We’re looking for new members, and you look like the strongest guy in this place. Wanna join?” Peter, the former jock asked from within his new spindly 18 year old nerd body.

“Oh sorry.” Ralph replied with a blushed mumble. “I don’t know how to play a lot of sports and I don’t want to embarrass you or the team.”

Before Peter replied Ralph took off running, not wanting to reveal  how much his new monster of a cock was throbbing at the sight of such a cute guy talking to him.


When Ralph would finally get back to his off campus apartment he would sigh in relief. Being around others was so tiring. He knew one day he’d have to face his fears when talking to people he actually wanted to talk to, but till then his online friends and his personal projects would suffice. 

He turned on his laptop, and ran his new game for tonight. Robotics Simulator!

It ran a tutorial vid on how the different heavy metals used in this game were realistic and could be used to build actual technological marvels.

“We’ll see about that.”

Ralph then got up, pressed record on his webcam, and then opened up the big 10 foot tall package in his room. Inside were hundreds of pounds of dense metal mechanical parts. With his superior strength he began to follow the tutorial video in the game to ensure he was properly assembling the different machines being presented. He’d spent all of last week coding and now he’d get to see the fruits of his labor.

The young genius was not oblivious to his scenario. He knew he was huge. But rather than use his muscles to pursue some stereotypical fantasy he wanted to lean further into what he loved! With each new piece of dense machinery moved, Ralph smiled. Maybe one day he’d  find more friends irl to share his hobbies with. Till then plenty of people loved tuning into his private videos he uploaded of him building huge machines. The anonymous bodybuillder making big machines was viral on certain parts of onlyfans, and his viewers were very generous. After all, he needed to get funding for his new projects some how. 


The Family Legacy(Story Request)

Special shout out to @swappwas who requested the idea and pictures. I hope you guys enjoy!

“Son we need to talk about what your doing with your life. Your 27 now and it’s time you start acting like it.”

God he’s not even paying any attention to me. He’s too busy scrolling through his phone.

My name is Charles and I’ve been running one of the most successful real estate businesses in the country for over 30 years. The business was originally handed down to me by my father and I had plans to do the same with my son. But not like this.

My son Christian has been given every opportunity to succeed. He’s studied with the best tutors and I even paid his way into one of the most elite schools in the country. Which he dropped out after only 2 semesters. And now he’s 27 which is pushing close to 30.

The boy waists his youth and looks on spending most of his day either in the gym or getting drunk with his buddies. Which all comes out of my pocket including the luxury city apartment I got him last year. Not a night goes by without a head line in page 6 saying “City Royalty Spotted Drinking” or “Son of Respected CEO Found Downtown Partying With Runway Models.” His name has become a staple in this town as a playboy and everyone is talking about. At this rate, I need to do something drastic or else I’ll never have an early retirement.

“Did you hear me?”

“What’s that? Sorry one of my friends wants to go to a party later and I told him I would meet up after this.”

“ Son you need to grow up! No more parties, no more drunk late night drunk binges. Do you realize how important this is? You’re supposed to be working on taking over this company!”

“Well dad what are you going to do about it? Cut me off?”

I stand up and open a bottle of scotch that I had in my office. I poured my glass and dropped in a couple of ice cubes.

“Son I’m not going to cut you off. You know why? That would be too easy for me to do and you would learning nothing from it. But I have a better plan in mind.”

“Oh yeah and what’s that?” He chuckles at me.

“Oh you’ll see soon enough.” I hit my pager calling for my assistant to come in.

“Hey Tim it’s time. Bring in the device with you.”

“Oh! What’s this special device going to do? Force me to do your job?”

“Something like that.”

My assistant Tim walks in with what looked to be a tv remote in his hand and 2 large men.

“Okay boys! You know what to do, hold him down!”

Just as Christian tried to get up from his seat the 2 men grabbed both of his arms and sit him back down.

“Dad, what the hell is this?”

“Son, I’ve tried several times to warn you but you can’t seem to listen. Now your going to get some first hand experience. Tim it’s time.”

Tim then turns on the remote and hits a couple of buttons. I pull my chair next to Christian and sit down next to him. Tim takes the remote and angles it towards the both of us.

“ Son, I promise if you prove to me that you have the drive and can succeed in running this family business I will give you back your body.”

“Wait, give me back my what?”

That’s when Tim hit the button and ZAP! Both of us passed out instantly when the red light hit our eyes.

I started to come too and looked down at my new youthful beefy hands. My son starts to wake up as well.

“Wait…. What just happened?” He takes a second and then finally looks at the chair next to him.

“AHHH!! What the… How… How am I sitting next to myself?” He tries to get up again and my body guards grab my old body.

“ I’m sorry to do this son but you left me with no choice. Tim here will be assisting you with your transition into your new position. And don’t think you can run away from this. My entire staff is aware of the plan and you’ll be safely watched after my personal body guards Jimmy and Rocco here.”

“This can’t be happening! Give me back my body now!”

“Like I said son, the only way you’ll get this body back is by being successful with this company. So no funny business! Now if anyone needs me, I will be at my new apartment.”

I get up from the chair and leave my son behind in my body. I had my limo ready for me out front. I hope in and my driver greets me. “Good evening Christian, where are you heading to?”

“ Take me back to my apartment. Thank you Peter.”

I couldn’t wait to get to my new apartment and explore my new youthful body.

Arriving at the front door, the doorman greeted me. I hopped into the elevator and road up to the top floor.

I didn’t waist anytime once I got into Christians apartment. I was too excited. I ripped off my shirt revealing Christian’s tight abs and trimmed chest. I rub my my masculine hands all over exploring every inch.

I then take off his Gucci tennis shoes and take a good sniff. Fuuckkkk that’s hot. Sitting on the couch I slowly take off his socks revealing Christian’s huge size 12 feet.

My dick was becoming rock hard at the sight of them. I don’t know why but Christian’s always been embarrassed by his big feet. But I think it’s probably one of the sexiest things about him. His toes long and perfectly trimmed. The souls were smooth and felt nice as I rubbed his rough manly hands all over them. I take left one and place it up to my nose. Damn, he must have just got back from the gym because they reek! I start massaging my cock through the workout pants I had on while I take in his musky foot. Using his tongue, I glide up and down starting from heels working my way up to his hairy toes. “Damn, my son had no idea what he had going for him. Good thing it’s all mine now to appreciate.”

I then take off his workout pants and dirty underwear. His cock was huge and rock hard already dripping with pre-cum. I start pumping it back and forth. Going faster with rhythm, the head was so sensitive and it felt so good rubbing it. I was getting close and I take his other hand to start tickling his huge balls. It was becoming to much. Looking down at his feet I start wiggling his toes while I jerked to them.

“Oh god here it comes! Ohhh… ohhh… fuuuck” cum came guzzling out of my new cock and went everywhere.

I take some off of my chest and placed it on my foot. Licking every drop off of the sole.

I lay back on his couch exhausted from my off session. I didn’t realize just how much I was going to enjoy his body. And before I get in shower I get a text from my old phone.

“ Hey dad, I’ve been thinking about what you said and I want to prove myself as capable of running this company. I promise I won’t let you down.”

I text him back,” I’m proud of you but I think for the time being you should start calling me son until we switch back. Is that okay with you, dad? ”

“ Okay son, we will chat later I’ve got a board meeting to get to.”

That’s my son! And with that I went to the shower to clean my body off.

A year later:

It’a been a year since I swapped bodies with my son and I have to say I’ve never been happier. My new dad has been running the company successfully and seems to really taken on his new role. I asked him if ever thought about switching back but he says he has too much to accomplish and it wouldn’t be right to just throw me back into my old work just yet. But hey I’m not complaining, I didn’t really want to switch back either.

I spend most of my time now keeping my body in shape and going to all of the coolest parties now with my new friends. And not a night goes by where I don’t take home a new guy home with me. I even think one of his hot friends is into me. He keeps checking out my ass and I may invite him back to my place tonight.

But don’t think I’m not still the business man I once was. I’m now selling my sons best assets on onlyfans and I’m making a killer doing it. I always knew his feet were hot but I didn’t think so many people would be this into them. Oh well, I got to hurry up and upload these photos before I go out tonight.

What a fun twist for father and son. Everybody is happy!


And here we have the first story written for Val in January! His prompt was quite similar to @thegreatstoryteller​‘s Great Shift, so I used that as inspiration, although this is NOT a canonical entry in that series. You should read his stories, though; they’re fucking amazing. And if you want your own personalized and private stories, then consider becoming my Patron!

I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up. It seemed like all of my contacts had texted me and all of my followers had DM’ed me. I would soon learn the reason for all of the messages, but at that exact moment, I was too fuckin’ shocked to read. I had woken up in an entirely different bed in an entirely different city. I didn’t have sex last night nor do any drugs, so I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Before looking at my phone, I got out of my bed and tried to find the nearest bathroom so that I could look at myself in the mirror. Using my phone never occurred to me.

It was immediately obvious to me that my body had changed since last night as well. I was fuckin’ ripped now, with shredded obliques, pecs that jutted out from my body a fair amount, a nice big six-pack of abs, and a much, much bigger cock than I had before. I also fuckin’ reeked! However, body odor still turned me on in this new body it seemed, but I didn’t go and sniff my own pits yet. I noticed that I had long hair as well, like past my pecs long. As I finally found the bathroom, I came to the realization that I might not even know who this person is when I looked into the bathroom mirror.

Thankfully, I had somehow become someone I recognized, @beastlybadwolf on Instagram, better known as Kyle Oliviar. He was one hot motherfucker, and I was excited that I was now in his body or possessing his body or whatever had happened to me. I pissed and then finally looked at my phone. Apparently, I had Kyle’s phone now, but pretty much everyone’s phone would have told them the same thing this morning: Everyone in the world had swapped bodies overnight. I considered myself to be one of the lucky ones, swapping into the body of an Insta-hunk like Kyle.

I connected with my family and friends and assured them that I was alright and whose body I had swapped into. Since so many things were down because of what many were calling the Great Shift, I had no way to go back home, and there seemed to be no way to swap back. I didn’t think Kyle would mind if I used his body for a little bit, and I mean, I was already nude. I laid back on my bed and placed my hand on my cock. I moaned, just the sensations of touching my cock heightened when compared to my old body. I watched as I slowly and sensually stroked my dick, getting it bigger and bigger until it was fully erect.

It had to be about nine inches long and I had a fair bit of girth to it as well. Of course, someone like Kyle shaved down there, so I didn’t need to worry about any of that as I took my time stroking my monster cock. A couple minutes in, I lifted up one of my arms and took a big whiff of my musk. My pits weren’t as hairy as I would have liked, but since everything else was practically godly, I wasn’t complaining. He, no I, smelled so good, and my dick twitched every time my nostrils inhaled more of the musk emanating from my pits.

I focused on edging myself and sniffing my pits for the rest of the jerk-off session, lasting well over an hour before I finally blew my load all over my chest, and on my sheets as well. I did that a few more times today as the news about the Great Shift kept rolling in. There was no cure or reset button or anything like that, and some people were adapting to the same roles their new bodies had. Since Kyle was an influencer, it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to resume doing that, but I’m extremely introverted.

I know these influencers need to keep striking up conversations with brands and fans and maintain an extraverted presence on social media and real life. I knew that some people were trying to go back to their old lives if possible, but it would be pretty difficult for me to assimilate back, considering the hodgepodge of races that my family was now. Thankfully, my intelligence seemed to remain as part of the Great Shift, and because of it, there was no shortage of jobs for self-proclaimed nerds like me.

However, I didn’t completely stop being an influencer, though. Instead of focusing on fitness, I focused on cosplay instead. I had the body to fill out those Spiderman and Superman costumes now, and there were a whole lot more slutty cosplays that I did. I didn’t attend cons or anything like that, just posting for my own amusement, but more than once, a brand actually reached out to me and asked if I could wear their gear or participate in a photoshoot. I usually agreed to the free gear for a shoutout, but not to photoshoots or most events that would have me interacting with the general public.

Of course, I didn’t want to let this body go, either. Thankfully, the personal trainers and other gym staff soon returned to working, even if some of the personal trainers now looked like they needed one themselves. But I was able to maintain that body and quickly adapted to my new diet and everything I needed to do to keep myself looking this hot. Additionally, the Great Shift led to some additional welcome changes, such as a boost to my confidence. Kyle’s personality wasn’t starting to take over, at least I think not, but my body and looks meant that more people were talking to me and wanting to hang out with me.

Quite a few of those conversations were about sex, and while I didn’t like hookup culture, even in this incredibly hot body, I still went on a lot more dates than I had in my old body. People actually liked what I had to say now, or at least could look at my bulging muscles as I droned on about some topics they weren’t the slightest interested in. I also had sex for the first time in this body, which was pretty fuckin’ hot, if I do say so myself. Now that I think about it, despite my shift from the gym to cosplay for my influencing, my life and Kyle’s old life were pretty much the same.

We both had a lot of sex, considering how many contacts were saved in Kyle’s old phone with no name but a note about their Grindr profile or personal appearance. As time passed, I found myself being a bit more comfortable flaunting my new body on social media, not under the guise of some cosplay either. I was wearing speedos in my public posts now and my DMs were inundated with dick pics, but I didn’t mind that much. Despite the Great Shift being a shock at first, it turned out to be quite a blessing in disguise!

I appreciate the shout out! Always love seeing more great shift content!
