#bokuto smut


Character:Kōtarō Bokuto
Summary: It was hard to tire out Bokuto, it felt like the man had unlimited energy that just kept going and going and going. Doesn’t matter if it was 4pm or 4am, he was your big Energizer Bunny.
Warning:Teasing, Rutting, Multiple Orgasms, Smut, Light Bondage, Overstimulation
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It was hard to tire out Bokuto, it felt like the man had unlimited energy that just kept going and going and going. Doesn’t matter if it was 4pm or 4am, he was your big Energizer Bunny. 

When you were tired and wanted to go to bed, your loving boyfriend always wanted to stay up a bit longer, watch another episode of television or maybe have another cup of coffee. But tonight you wanted a good night’s rest, you’d do anything to tire out you Bo.

  “Babe… Baby, what are you doing with those ties. Honey, babycakes.” He swallowed as he pushed himself further up the bed.

You tightened the tie in your hands and got up onto the bed, “Just lie back and relax, Bo.” You jumped him and pinned him down to the bed, you hooked the tie around his wrist and tied it to the bed frame. 

Bokuto’s cock twitched in his shorts at the sight of you being a little more dominant. He relaxed against the bed, “What’s gotten into you, honey?” He swallowed again. 

You pinned his other wrist down onto the bed, “I love you, Bo. So much, so, so much. But you are nothing but a ball of energy.” You let go of his wrist and sat on his waist as you unbuttoned your shirt, “I want to tire you out.”

He shivered, “Baby, you didn’t have to tie me up.” He chuckled, “You just had to ask!” He reached with his free hand and grabbed your ass through your shorts, “Always love my babygirl’s cute booty.”

You slapped his hand away and took off your shirt, you tossed it onto the floor. You ran your hands up his chest and leaned in to kiss him on the lips, “You better be tired by the end of this. I want you fast asleep by the time I untie you.” 

He chuckled, loving the position he was in, “Then baby, we’ll be going for a while.” He wiggled a little bit, full of energy. His cock twitched in his athletic shorts. 

You moved up and got your shorts off with minimal trouble, it was followed by your panties until you were left bare except for your bra. You sat on him and unhooked your bra, freeing your breasts. 

Bokuto groaned and thrusted his hips up to rub his hard on against you. He gripped the tie with his bound hand. A blush formed on his cheeks. He purred, “Get the shorts off, honeypie. I wanna feel you.” He thrusted up a little harder. 

You rubbed your hands along his clothed chest and rubbed your sex against his clothed cock. You rubbed yourself a little harder, your pussy becoming wetter with each rub. You felt his cock twitch in his shorts and you saw the stickiness of your wetness against the black fabric. 

  “Fuck, baby. C’mon stop teasing. Ride me already.” He whined. 

  “No, no, you’re going to cum from this. And then maybe I’ll ride you.” You gripped his shoulders and continued to rub your exposed pussy against him. You made a mess of his shorts as you moved against him. 

Bokuto whimpered as gripped the tie around his wrist. He bucked up against you. He swallowed harshly and moaned loudly. His eyes rolled back a little bit as you rubbed up against him. He felt like he was on cloud nine, he could hear his heart thumping in his ears. 

It didn’t take long before he was gasping, on the verge of his first orgasm. He came in his shorts with a loud moan. His back arched and his nails digging into his palms. 

You continued to rut against him, on the verge of your first orgasm. You felt the stickiness in his shorts as you moved up and down on them. Your pussy felt raw and your clit stimulated. You gripped his shoulders and came on his shorts, further dirtying them. You gasped and your eyes rolled back as you felt Bokuto get hard again, you guess he wasn’t done yet.

  “Fuck!” You moaned. 

  “That’s it, fuck baby. You feel so good, fuck please baby. Ride me! Ride me! Tire me out!” He called out as he bucked up against you. 

You pushed your hair out of your eyes and looked down at the mess you two made. You saw the lump back in Bokuto’s pants. You rubbed the wet fabric and then pulled down the shorts under his cock and then off his body. His proud cock stood at attention and throbbed with want. It was covered in the stickiness of his previous orgasm. 

You ran a finger up the thick vein that ran up his cock, “Bobo, you still want more?”

He tensed at the feeling of your fingernail against his cock, “Please, please baby. You make me feel so good.” He watched you with his golden eyes as you sat on his cock, your pussy was wet enough to easily seat yourself on his large length. 

You gripped the front of his shirt as you started to move yourself onto his cock. He filled you in the best way possible, you pushed your hair out your eyes once more as you moved up and down on his cock. You were still coming down from your orgasm, you felt warm all over in the best way possible.

  “Oh fuck, that’s it.” He purred, “You feel amazing, I love it. I love you.” He met your pace. The bed creaked, your bodies moved together. Your heavy breathing, sharp moans and loud groans filled the room. 

  “I love you too.” You replied, “I adore you.”

You gasped at the feeling of Bokuto’s cock hitting you in the right places. You panted heavily, feeling warm to your core. Your sex clenched around you, your breasts shook as you bounced on his cock. 

Bokuto held onto you with his free hand as he quickly came the second time, he was starting to feel overstimulated. But he was still full of energy and got hard as soon as he was starting to come down. The feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock turned him on greatly. 

The sight of your shaking breasts, your pussy coated in his cum your flustered expression and the true bliss you were in. 

  “Fuck baby, fucking ruin me. I can’t take anymore!” He called out, his back bent as he felt himself become smothered in pleasure again. He felt amazing, his body thrummed with lust and want. His face was flushed, strands of hair stuck to his forehead and he was sweating through his t-shirt. His thighs quivered and his body longed for the high of pleasure. 

His cock felt sensitive inside of you, but he still wanted that next orgasm. He was addicted to your cunt. 

You managed to wring out two more orgasms before you were starting to lose steam, your thrusts became unorganized. Your body felt on a whole other level, your pussy was messy and wet. Your hands shook around his shirts. You were unfocused and messy as you continued your quest to tire him out. 

But at the edge of Bokuto’s third orgasm. He was panting, his eyes rolled back a little bit. His body was tense as he spurted cum deep inside of you, making a further mess of your insides. Fully claimed by him inside and out. 

He cried out, “Baby!” before he slumped against the bed. Fully wrung out and overstimulated. His cock throbbed with tiredness and the lasting lingerings of lust. 

You panted and stopped moving your hips. You sighed deeply and went, “wow.” If you were trying to tire him out, you tired yourself out in the process. You slipped his softening cock out of your pussy and rested on his thighs as you leaned over and undid the tie. 

Once his arm was free he grabbed you and rolled over to his side. He rubbed himself up against you sleepily and yawned, “Wow indeed, babycakes.” He kissed you on the cheek, “Are you in any pain?”

  “No, I’m all good.” You yawned in response, “I think it’s time we get some sleep. You seem worn out.”

He nodded and rubbed his cheek up against your neck, “I adore you baby.” He yawned against, “I’m tired.” 

You sighed happily, mission accomplished. You felt Bokuto cuddle up against you and kissed your cheek. It wasn’t long before your boyfriend was snoring beside you.

You sighed happily and got out of his arms to clean yourself up. With wobbly legs and a quiet yawn you made your way over to your shared bathroom. That was one way to get Bokuto to tire out. 

Character:Keiji Akaashi & Kōtarō Bokuto
Summary: Akaashi looked sleek in his suit, all black with small accents of yellow. He sighed as he scanned the room for you. He found no sight of you and sighed to himself, you must be busy backstage. With Bokuto. Because he wasn’t on stage with the rest of the band.
Warning:Smut, Polyam, Reverse Cowgirl, Cunnilingus, Pregnant Reader, Pregnancy Kink, Jazz AU
Ask Box: Open|Check Out ThreadytoGoDesign|Join me on Patreon 


Akaashi looked sleek in his suit, all black with small accents of yellow. He sighed as he scanned the room for you. He found no sight of you and sighed to himself, you must be busy backstage. With Bokuto. Because he wasn’t on stage with the rest of the band.

He straightened his tie, as walked through the club as the next song played. There weren’t many jazz clubs left in Tokyo, but the ones that remained were often filled. Old men with young waitresses and up and coming bands. 

Akaashi slinked past tables and go to the back of the club. The saxophone played high on stage mixed with the piano, drums and trumpet. No one would notice him slipping into backstage. 

Once he got far enough away from the stage, down the narrow hallway of the backrooms, thats when he heard the rough moans and high gasps of two people in the furthest room. Akaashi sighed and pushed his hair out of his eyes before he with quick feet got down the hall and opened the door to the room. 

Inside was you and Bokuto, and Bokuto inside of you. You were in his lap on the couch with you blouse open, your bra pulled down, and your six month pregnant belly in fully display. And of course your maternity underwear pushed to the side to give Bokuto easy access to you. Your skirt and blouse were a crumpled mess on the floor. 

Akaashi sighed, “Ko.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “You weren’t on stage tonight.” And entered the room, slamming the door behind him. Might as well give the pregnant woman some decency. 

You got off of Bokuto’s lap with a huff and dropped down beside him. You rubbed your belly idly, “You guys have been away on tour, I missed both of you.”

  “And it couldn’t wait till we all got home?” Akaashi said as he eyed your pregnant body. He knew that Bokuto had a liking for your new figure, but Akaashi enjoyed the sight of your large breasts and the brat you carried. There was a 50% chance it was his anyway so maybe he shouldn’t call it a brat. 

You pouted, “I wasn’t able to serve drinks when I saw him roll up his sleeves, you know what his forearms do to me.” 

Akaashi took off his suit jacket, hung it up over the chair and rolled up his sleeves, “I know, I have the ultrasound in my wallet that clearly explains what his forearms do to you.” He walked up to you and rubbed your bump, “You have to be gentle, I’d hate for our baby to be premature because you two couldn’t behave.” 

You leaned forward, and pulled on Akaashi’s tie, “But you want a taste of mama don’t you?” 

Akaashi could hear the climax of the song hit, and he knew he didn’t have much time before the band came back to pack up for the night. He pulled away from you and patted you on the head the way an owner would a dog.

  “I’ll just observe tonight, seem you two already started without me.” He walked over to the vanity and turned the chair to face the couch. He grabbed a beer from the mini fridge and sat down. He crossed one leg over the other and opened the beer. He looked at the both of you, his gaze lingered on your bump and swollen breasts, “Get to it, the climax of the song just happened.” 

You peeled off your panties, exposing your wet cunt. You gave Akaashi a smart look before you rolled back over onto Bokuto’s lap. 

The dark haired man took a sip then said, “I want her facing, I wanna see that that beautiful face of hers.” He smirked as he heard you huff. 

  “Pregnant lady here.” You retorted as you sat in Bokuto’s lap. You faced Akaashi with your knees on the couch on either side of Bokuto and you took off your bra. Exposing your beautiful pregnant body to Akaashi. You seated yourself on Bokuto’s tacky cock. 

Bokuto’s strong hands splayed across your bump, stretch marks ran up your belly, it was only a matter of time before you popped. The silver haired man started to thrust up into you.

You placed your hands on your knees and started to move up and down on Bokuto’s cock. Soon your hands found your bump. You rubbed it as you moved up and down, picking up where you left off. 

Akaashi sipped his beer, it was the cheap stuff from the corner store. His cock strained in his pants, his naked partner riding his other partner. Quite the sight.

You deeply exhaled and grumbled, “Kōtarō, you woke up the baby.” You ran your hands along the curve of your belly as you continued to ride him. The music on stage was distant, but still heard through the thin walls of the change room. 

Bokuto smoothed his hands across your belly, feeling his child inside of you. No one really knows the father, you both fucked these two men often and with many rounds. Either the kid was gonna be a silver haired hyper active little thing or dark hair with knowing eyes and the ability to talk out of any situation. 

Akaashi continued to drink his cheap beer as you and Bokuto moved against one another. Your belly shook with each thrusts and your breasts were shiny with a thin layer of sweat. You two must’ve been at it for a while. 

  “My perverted partners.” Akaashi sighed, “Couldn’t wait till we got home. I bet you seduced him didn’t you, baby?” He asked you, “He saw that tight skirt and the heavy belly and knew he had to have you. It’s not fair to to tease Ko like that.” 

  “Hey, c’mon!” Bokuto chirped, “I wanted to feel my baby mama. She’s all plush and sexy.” He groaned as he hands found purchase on your hips and he started to move his hips faster.

Akaashi finished the rest of the beer and crushed the can in his hand. He listened carefully over the huffs, moans and groans of you and Bokuto to hear that the band was doing an encore. He smirked to himself, “Well, seems like they’re popular tonight.” He got up and rolled up his sleeves further. 

  “Keiji.” You groaned, you cupped your belly from the bottom. You looked beautiful under the yellow light of the backroom. You moans and deep breaths, the shudder through your body as waves of pleasure lapped over you. 

  “Beautiful.” Akaashi growled.

He got down on his knees, to your stuffed cock and held your thighs open. He went straight to your clit. He started to lick at your aching sex. After all you were his baby mama too. And since you three still had time before the rest of the band came back, he could wring you of every orgasm you had. 

Your pregnant body could handle the pleasure. After all pleasure is good fro keeping a mama happy. And Akaashi was in the business of keeping you happy. 

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “She’s ours.”

The first orgasm hit, then the second, the the third. Your eyes rolled back as the third orgasm hit. Both Akaashi and Bokuto’s hands were on your belly, feeling you as Bokuto fucked into you and Akaashi pleasured your cunt. 

You felt full in every sense of the word. Both men at your sexual disposal in this moment, making your orgasms seem like an easy thing to make you have. You could curse them if you could have a coherent thought that wasn’t centred around the feeling in your body. 

  “That’s our girl.” Bokuto chirped, “Fuck you’re so tight around me. How are you gonna push my baby out? Guess we gotta loosen you up a bit.” 

Akaashi nipped your over stimulated clit then said, “We have time.” 

  “Fuck, I’m close.’ Bokuto groaned. The band was coming to a close and as the silver haired man continued to fuck you wildly, you were just as much as their disposal as they were yours. 

Bokuto gripped your bump as he gave you a few more heavy thrusts. Then he spurted cum into your aching pussy. He threw his head back and groaned, his eyes rolled back a little. 

Once he started to come down from his high, he flopped his arms against the couch as his now useless cock stayed inside of you. Akaashi gave you one final orgasm and as the last song hit its second climax you finished on Bokuto’s cock. Soaking him and the couch with your wetness. 

When Akaashi was done, he sat on the hardwood floor of the room and looked up at your swollen belly and puffy, abused cunt. He reached out and touched taunt skin. You were an insatiable woman. 

You whimpered and carefully got off of Bokuto’s cock. You sat on the leather couch, your wet pussy against the warm leather as you sat there with your hands on your bump. 

The audience clapped and Akaashi got up, “Alright.” He said, “Let’s get you two cleaned up and air out the room before the rest of them make comments. And no more fucking in the room, it’s a shared room.” 

You rolled your eyes, “Yes, sir. Now help me up, I can’t get off the couch… Baby bump.”

Akaashi smiled and rubbed your bump, “Of course, and don’t think I’m not finished with the both of you.”

Bokuto gave him a cheeky girl, “Yes, sir.” 

# ( )…


# warnings:MDNI!Slightly nsfw content ahead.

+Bench presses three times your roundabout weight at the gym, records it (flexing afterwards with a smile on his face, as his shorts hang dangerously low on his hips and you swear you can see both his V lines and the beginning of his happy trail) and proudly shows it to you heavily hinting athow he can take the brunt of you riding his cock like an Amazon, while making sure to support you with his physical prowess and the strength, he certainly does not hide, of his shredded body so that your thighs do not burn, but instead slowly rock back and forth letting your walls clench around his thick length while he does all the work for you.

BOKUTO, Atsumu, Hinata, IWAIZUMI, Matsukawa, Kyoutani, Meian,Terushima, FUTAKUCHI.

+ Bullshits that he knows how to deal with aphrodisiac ingredients, and that he is a pro in the kitchen, so he tries very hard to cook you a five course meal with recipes he found on the internet and that were even half decently made, but when it comes at the dessert, he says “I’d rather have you, as a dessert,” wanton and his eyes half lidded, because he might be a gentleman, as shown by the candle still burning in the middle of the table and the careful but elegant mise-En-place but he very much wants to lap and lick your pussy more than the passion fruit ice cream sitting in his freezer, looking into your eyes when you provide the only cream he actuallylikes.

OIKAWA, Akiteru, SUNA, Kuroo, Sugawara, Daishō, TSUKISHIMA, Sakusa, Semi, KEISHIN.

+Tried to write verses of poetry for you and how he feels everytime that he sees you - which did not turn out very well, but he kept a rhyme and probably embarrassed himself reading them more than you did listening to them. However, as he makes a habit out of it, leaving you post-its or just simple scribbles of his ‘writing’, you find out that he also writes some other spicy ones (surprising better articulated) where he is sure you can’t see them and from which you get the idea that maybe he is very much into letting you give him head while he fingers you until you come on him and his leaking cock stuffs your throat, choking your moans.

Tendō, Osamu, Daichi,Akaashi, KITA, Ushijima, Kageyama, ARAN, Konoha, Hoshiumi.

every reblog and interaction is greatly appreciated!

© renaissansse, 2022.

warnings: smut ofc
characters: yu nishinoya, ryu tanaka, tetsoru kuroo, koutarou bokuto

request: Hc of asking your man to make a sex tape with you? With Nishinoya, Tanaka, Kuroo, and Bokuto please!

a/n: i really like bokuto’s, his was fun to write lol


- with nishinoya traveling all the time because of volleyball, it gets extremely hard not to miss him a lot when he’s gone

- especially when you’re craving his touch 

- most times you’re able to satisfy yourself decently well, but sometimes it’s just not enough

- and porn does absolutely nothing to help you because watching other people fuck just isn’t the same as watching as nishinoya fucks you

- so you get an idea that sparks both yours and nishinoya’s attention

-he’s very excited

“babe, can i ask you something?” you say while you massage noya’s scalp, his head resting in your lap comfortably as you two lay on the couch.

“hm?” he hums, teetering on the verge of sleep at the gentle feeling of your touch.

“what if we made a sex tape?” you question and noya’s head shoots up to look at you, eyes wide with interest.

“is this a joke? like some sort of prank? please tell me it’s not a prank.” he begs and you laugh at his response.

“no, it’s not a prank. i was just thinking about it and sometimes, when you’re away, i get really needy and it’s hard to get the kind of pleasure i’m looking for without you here. so maybe if we make a little sex tape, i can have something to watch and help when you’re away.” you explain. nishinoya stares at you blankly, his brain slowly processing each word you just said. the thought of you getting all needy when he’s not here and touching yourself while watching a video of him fucking you was more than enough to make him and his mini noya veryexcited. 

“is that even a question? i’m so down, can we do it right now?” he asks eagerly causing you to laugh at him again. 

“i mean, i don’t see why not.” you shrug.

nishinoya props himself up so that he’s hovering above you and he kisses you deeply. your lips always work together so perfectly, synchronizing in a nice steady rhythm. his hands are traveling all over your body in an attempt to get you as aroused as he already is, and it works without a doubt. noya continues kissing you and lightly grazing your sides with his fingers or rubbing small circles on your inner thighs until he earns a moan from you that makes him grin. 

“i know how i want to start the sex tape.” he says confidently.


“grab your phone and start recording.” is his only response. you grab your phone from beside you on the couch and open the camera app, pressing record and waiting for noya’s next move. he slides down your body and effortlessly discards your shorts, tossing them off to the side somewhere. he looks down in between your legs then up at you, you watching him through the screen of your phone. he gives the camera a small smirk before pressing a kiss on the lower part of your tummy, trailing more soft kisses all over your thighs, hips, and waist. he then lightly moves his lips over your core which was only being covered by the thin lace of your underwear. you begin to grow a bit impatient at nishinoya’s teasing, writhing under his gentle yet alluring kisses.

“noya, please.” you whine softly and he looks up at you for a quick second before pulling your panties down and tossing them somewhere unknown. he wastes no time pressing his mouth against your warm folds, licking circles around your clit repetitively. you to let out an airy gasp of his name and he continues to work his mouth around your clit for awhile, progressively sucking and licking more and more aggressively, just so he could selfishly earn more moans from you that make his dick painstakingly hard. and as if his tongue relentlessly moving around your clit wasn’t enough, he sticks two fingers inside of you and curls them upward to hit your spot. 

“holy shit noya.” you moan, reaching your free hand down to grip onto his hair lightly while trying to maintain a steady grip on your phone with the other. he looks up at you and you nearly cum at the sight. his eyes are blown with lust and his face is flushed a pretty shade of pink. you just know this part of the video is going to constantly be on replay when it’s finished. you absentmindedly start jutting your hips against noya’s tongue, a thing you do when you’re about to unravel.

you giving him the clear sign that you’re about to cum is noya’s cue to stop, so he removes his fingers from your soaking hole and wipes his mouth clean as he sits up between your legs. you whimper a little at the cum denial, but you know exactly why he did it.

“wanna see you cum with me inside you.” he mumbles, confirming your guess. 

“me too.” you respond and he smiles down at you softly which makes your heart jump. he pulls his pants down along with his boxers revealing his member. his tip is dripping with precum and you feel your pussy clench as you look at it. nishinoya takes his shirt off before saying, “yours too” and you remove yours aswell. he looks at your now fully nude body and sighs,

“how’d i get so fucking lucky?” he coos and for the second time, your hearts jumps and you can’t help but smile at his words. he presses himself at your entrance, teasing it slowly and you adjust the camera angle so that you can get more of noya’s face and body in it because that’ll come in handy later. he slides into you at a teasingly slow pace, drawing out the loud moan that’s leaving your lips. once he’s all the way in, he looks at the camera and winks before pulling out and thrusting back into you, hitting your spot perfectly. you planned on rolling your eyes at his cockiness, but your eyes end up squeezing shut at the sudden excess of pleasure.

“that feel good?” noya asks, already knowing the answer but still wanting to fuel his ego. you can’t even answer in actual words as he continues to thrust into you deeply, so you just nod and moan in response. he grins in satisfaction and thrusts into you a bit harder, not letting up on wanting to milk you of every moan you could possibly utter. he wants this video to be really nice for you since he feels guilty about being away for so long sometimes. he wants to make you feel so good so that every time you look back at this, you remember how amazing he can make you feel. he reaches down to play with your nipples a bit, making you squirm in pleasure. you use your free hand to start playing with your throbbing clit, not being able to hold back the lewd noises building in your throat. you’re a moaning mess beneath him, shaking and struggling to keep the camera steady as you get closer to your orgasm.

“here, let me take it.” noya says, grabbing the phone from you as he notices you struggling. he focuses it down on you, watching himself go in and out of you on the screen and he lets out a groan.

“noya, i’m so close.” you whimper, your chest heaving heavily as you start rubbing your clit more aggressively.

“good girl, cum for me.” nishinoya coos, making his thrusts sharper and deeper against your g-spot.

a few more thrusts and you’re arching your back off the couch and practically screaming nishinoya’s name. he smirks as you tremble beneath him, the sight completely destroying him aswell. he pulls out of you and cums all over your stomach, grunting and panting while he reaches his peak.

he wipes his mess up with his fingers then places them at your mouth, you sucking all of his faintly salty remnants off obediently and his cock twitches. after getting that all on camera, noya stops the recording and collapses next to you.

“that felt so good.” you sigh before placing a kiss on his cheek.

“it really did.” he replies, returning a kiss on your forehead. “now you can watch it whenever you want. and you better send me that video, i need it too.” he continues, handing you back your phone. you laugh at his statement and give him a quick peck before sending him the video.

you guys definitely watch it that night and go for another round.



- he would be the one to bring it up actually

- tanaka just enjoys taking lewd photos of you in general

- he’ll come up behind you as you look at yourself in the mirror after getting ready and take a handful of your boob before snapping a pic

- or he’ll have you sit on his lap, facing towards him so he can take a mirror pic of him grabbing your ass like that

- he doesn’t post them or anything, but just likes looking at them every once in awhile

- he did print out the ass grabbing one and put it on the dash board of his carthough

- it makes him feel a sense of security that he’s the only one you’ll pose in pictures like that for 

- and he’s always had the desire to film you guys while having sex, to have a permanent memory of the encounter

- which is no surprise to you

tanaka is balls deep in your mouth, fucking your face at a slow yet rough tempo while muttering all sorts of nonsense as he does so. he’s leaning against the edge of the kitchen counter and you’re resting on your knees in front him, pleasing him the way he loves the most. your eyes are shut tightly as you try your best not to choke on tanaka’s length, them beginning to brim with tears a bit at the feeling of him continuously thrusting into the back of your throat. you open your eyes so that the tears would fall and you could wipe them away. but when you open them, you’re met with tanaka’s phone camera facing down at you and him looking at you with a shy smile.

“is this ok?” he asks, motioning to his phone.

“mhmm.” you hum, your mouth too full to talk.

you think it’s kind of hot being recorded actually. knowing that tanaka will go back and watch this vid countless times the same way you always catch him looking at the nsfw pictures that you two take every so often. it also gives you the motivation to be a little extra with your sucking. you wanna make tanaka weak with moans so whenever he goes back to watch the video, he’s reminded of just how crazy he is for your lips around his dick.

you hollow your cheeks a bit more, moving your wet mouth down his shaft at a teasing pace, maintaining eye contact with him in the process. he throws his head back and lets out a deep groan as your nose touches his abdomen, you completely taking tanaka’s length down your throat. 

“holy fuck y/n.” tanaka pants and you smirk, now circling the tip of his dick with your tongue. you suck the tip gently, remembering to slide your tongue over the slit occasionally which causes tanaka to grip your hair roughly as he moans your name. he watches you through his phone screen, basking in the fact that he knows this will be his favorite video on the planet.  

“i’m not gonna last very long if you keep this up.” he sighs breathlessly, looking down at you through hooded eyes. it’s taking every bit of his strength not to just release in your mouth right then, because you look so destroyed on his cock. there’s saliva and precum on your swollen lips and rolling down your chin in thin clear strands, your face is stained with the tears that spilled from your eyes whenever you took tanaka’s full length down your throat, and your hair is a little messy from tanaka instinctively gripping it whenever he feels his tip hit the back of your throat. it’s definitely a sight to see, a sight that has tanaka teetering on his edge. you’re about to try deepthroating him again, but he pulls you off by your hair and gestures for you to stand up.

“bend over the counter.” he grunts.

you get up and rest your stomach on the edge of the cold counter, bending over for him. he lifts one of your legs, placing it on the counter while you maintain balance with the other still planted on the floor. now your cunt is fully exposed to him and both of you shiver, you at the feeling and him at the view. tanaka makes sure he has a decent camera angle before thrusting into you. no teasing, no gimmicks, just straight to it. your body lurches forward a bit, tanaka is not taking it easy on you today and you don’t mind at all. his eyes are glued to your ass on his phone screen, watching it bounce every time he thrusts into you.

“fuck.” he moans, the grip that his free hand has on your hip growing a bit tighter. you’re whimpering with each thrust, each and every one of them hitting that spot that makes you feel dizzy. if anyone were to speak to you right now, anything you tried to say would sound like a bunch of babbling. that’s the power tanaka’s cock has over you, and he absolutely loves it.

“you ok down there baby?” he asks but you can hear the smirk he’s carrying in his tone. you say nothing, just continue to let your sweet, loud moans bounce off the walls of the kitchen. tanaka pulls you up so that your leg is still lifted on the counter, but your back is pressed flush against his body. he switches to the selfie camera and sets the phone down, resting it against a vase on the countertop so that both of you are in view.

“i want you to cum like this, ok?” he says and you nod eagerly in return. he begins thrusting into you again, placing tender kisses on the sides of your neck while his hands roam all over your body. you watch him on the phone screen, he looks just as fucked out as you do which makes you pulse around him. you move your hand down to your clit, knowing that neither of you would last much longer. tanaka slows the speed of his thrusts, but increases the precision as he aims directly for your special spot. 

“oh my god ryu, i’m gonna- fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” you moan, throwing your head back against his shoulder and he looses it, just as well as you do.

he pulls out of you and cums all over your backside, some dripping onto the floor as you use the counter to stable yourself from your weakening legs. he kisses your shoulder before reaching down to grab his phone and stop the recording. then he grabs your hips and turns you towards him and plants a gentle kiss on your lips.

“that was insanely hot.” he says as he uses the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

“you’re telling me.” you sigh, still shaking slightly from your orgasm. he cleans up the mess he made on the floor with a paper towel, then makes his way back over to you and picks you up bridal style. 

“well let’s go shower and maybe we can record another one while we’re in there.” tanaka smirks and you shake your head as you laugh.

i guess that’s what happens when you have a boyfriend with high stamina.



- like tanaka, kuroo would initiate it

- kuroo loves to take pictures and videos of you to show you off

- like he’s definitely one of those boyfriend’s whose instagram has more pictures of their partner than themselves

- he just thinks you’re so cute and wants the whole world to know you’re his

- but he doesn’t want them to know what you guys do behind closed doors

- so those pics and videos stay private, for his and your eyes only

- but he definitely loves taking them while you guys are in the heat of the moment

-is 100% the type to fuck you while watching your own sex tape

“kuroo, i’m kinda in the mood to ride you.” you say bluntly to your boyfriend who is sitting across from you on the couch. he pulls his phone away from his line of vision so he could look at you, searching for any signs of a joke in your expression. but you’re dead serious.

“i mean, what am i supposed to say to that? no?” he smirks that infamous smirk of his and you have to force yourself not to roll your eyes.

“just wanted to give you a heads up is all.” you say, climbing your way over to him and straddling his lap. he lays his phone on his chest and his hands instinctively find their way to your thighs, rubbing the smooth skin gently. 

“hm, go for it. i’m all yours.” he grins then lifts his arms above his head as if permitting you access to his body. you smile down at him amusedly, desire eating away at you as you process his appearance. he’s shirtless, so his muscular build is on full display for you to inherently drool over. he’s wearing a pair of shorts made of the same material sweatpants are made out of, the fabric loosely resting on his hips dangerously low now that you’re sitting there and unintentionally pulling them down a bit. he catches your wandering eyes and chuckles at you.

“you know you can look and touch, right kitten?” he teases and you allow yourself to roll your eyes at him this time.

“sheesh, can i not just admire my hot boyfriend?” you huff jokingly before rubbing your hands up his chest and down his torso tenderly. you don’t fail to miss the slight blush raising over the bridge of kuroo’s nose which makes you smile.

“only if you let me admire you back.” he says, tugging at the hem of your shirt as a signal for you to take it off. you do, bringing the piece of clothing over your head slowly, quite literally feeling kuroo’s gaze burning through you the entire time. once your top half is just as naked as kuroo’s, he starts massaging your boobs lightly and you let out a sigh at his touch. he moves his hands down your sides and over your thighs, letting them rest there again while rubbing his thumbs over your now tingling skin. 

“can’t wait to watch you fuck yourself on my cock.” he groans as he scans over your entire body with eager eyes and a flush of heat runs through your body. 

“yeah?” you question, beginning to roll your hips over his clothed shaft. his breath hitches and he picks up his phone that’s still laying on his chest.

“mhm, i’m gonna record it. so put on a show for me.” he grins and you feel a surge of arousal flow through you. you pull off the only piece of clothing you have left which is a simple pair of underwear, and pull down kuroo’s bottoms just enough so that you can get what you need. you grind your damp cunt against kuroo’s now hardening member in an attempt to get him fully erect. it works with ease, him getting hard for you in just a matter of seconds as he watches you desperately rock your hips against him. 

you reach down beneath your body, grabbing his length and giving it a couple strokes before placing his tip at your center sinking down on him and feeling every inch stretch and fill you up perfectly. you let out a shaky breath and kuroo holds back a moan by biting his lip harshly. you begin to set a steady pace for yourself, lifting your hips up and letting them fall back down slowly enough for you to get used to kuroo’s above average size. you sturdy yourself by placing your hands on his chest, now picking up the pace of your movements. 

“you’re so hot.” kuroo groans as he reaches down to grab your ass before giving it a harsh spank. you wince at the pain, but also moan at the pleasure from him massaging the cheek afterwards. you lift yourself a bit higher off of his length and sink back down quickly, causing you and kuroo to moan in unison. you continue this, lifting your body all the way up to his tip and then crashing back down to take all of him inside of you, making you both just a jumble of moans and pants. 

“fuck, turn around. i wanna see that ass.” kuroo smirks and you follow his order. your now facing away from him, reverse cowgirl style, while he teases your hole with his tip. he has a firm grasp on his dick as he rubs it against your glistening folds, admiring the view in front of him.

“you ready?” he asks.

“mhm.” you hum. you move your hips around, eagerly waiting to feel him fill you up again. he chuckles at you before pushing himself into you, thrusting a couple times before letting you take the lead again. you start bouncing your hips up and down his shaft and kuroo nearly passes out. watching you ride him with your ass on full display for him is testing his strength, but he pushes through. he grabs onto your ass tightly and guides your hips to move at a bit of a slower pace.

“jesus, fuck.” kuroo moans, his grip on his phone faltering a bit as he begins to feel overwhelmed with pleasure. he tightens his grasp on the phone and starts fucking into you, matching the movements of your hips. 

“yes kuroo, just like that.” you sigh, throwing your head back at the sensation. 

“touch yourself, i want you to cum first.” kuroo breathes and you do as told. you rub your clit as you continue to grind on kuroo’s cock, meeting his thrusts halfway. 

“mm, kuroo-” is all you manage to get out before you’re trembling and moaning, your core pulsating as you orgasm.

“fuck.” kuroo pants as he pulls out of you, giving himself a few tugs before spurting warm cum all over your ass. you two sit like that for a few seconds, letting yourselves regain stability. once you feel as though you can move again, you turn around and lay on kuroo’s chest. he’s still recording so he flips the camera to face you guys, lifts your chin, and presses your lips together lovingly.

“probably the hottest one we’ve recorded yet.” kuroo says after ending recording.

“yeah?” you laugh at his enthusiastic expression.

“mhmm, because you’re the star of it.” he smiles. 



- he comes home from practice and finds you waiting on the bed naked with your already recording camera set up on the side table

- babie is FLUSTERED

- like he just stands in the doorway, mouth gaped open, as if he’s too scared to walk in

- he’s seen you naked numerous times but you still take his breath away every time

- he’s so adorable 

- finally snaps out of his trance and joins you on the bed

bokuto removes his shoes and climbs into bed with you. the contrast between him being fully clothed and you being completely naked makes both of you blush a bit.

“what’s all this about?” he asks with a quirked eyebrow, scanning your entire body which makes you tense under his stare.

“umm well, i was thinking about it and i thought it’d be really hot if we made a sex tape.” you explain.

“you wanna make a sex tape?” he questions.

“i mean yeah. it’ll be nice to have something to look back-”

“say less.” he cuts you off and practically tears off his shirt. you giggle at his excitement, already knowing that he was probably going to react this way. within the next few seconds, you aren’t the only naked one anymore and your eyes trail down bokuto’s body. just like how you never fail to amaze him, he never fails to amaze you. the way his toned muscles flex whenever he moves makes all your heat rush to your core. 

“the view’s nice huh?” he teases and flexes his biceps a bit.

“shut up.” you laugh, “but yes, it is.”

bokuto grins at your compliment, then cups your face in his hands and captures your lips with his passionately. your lips mesh together effortlessly, as if you guys were made to kiss each other. bokuto deepens the kiss by swiping your bottom lip with his tongue, alerting you that he’s about to insert it into your mouth. he does just that and you let out a breathy moan that shoots right down to his dick. he hardens at your noises, kissing you deeper just to earn more. you could honestly kiss bokuto for hours. the way he always makes you feel like you’re the most fragile and precious thing he’s ever touched when he kisses you makes you feel overwhelmingly loved. though today’s makeout session is unfortunately cut short when bokuto pulls away and flips you over onto your stomach as if you weigh nothing. you let out a gasp, a little startled by the sudden force.

“sorry babe, i just really need to be inside you right now.” he admits and you laugh a little. you prop yourself up onto your elbows and knees, preparing for bokuto to insert himself into you.

“mm, look at that. all pretty and perched up for me.” he groans, rubbing your exposed cunt with two fingers. you tense at his light yet arousing touch, desperately wanting him to do more. as if he read your mind, he inserts those fingers inside of you at an antagonizing pace. you move your hips back in an attempt to speed up the friction but instead he pulls his fingers out and rests his hand on your ass.

“be” he spanks one cheek, “patient.” he finishes as he spanks the other. you whine at the stinging yet pleasurable pain and bokuto smiles sadistically while entering his fingers back inside you at a much faster rate. you moan as you watch yourself on your phone screen. you intentionally set it up using the selfie camera so that you could watch as bokuto fucked you senseless on the screen, and boy are you glad you did that. the smug look on his face while he fingerfucks you and thrusts into his own hand makes you clench around his fingers, craving something a bit bigger than the two digits.

“please just fuck me kou, i need it.” you moan. bokuto tries to pretend he’s not flustered by your words but is clearly taken aback. he could be the dominant one all he wants, but it’ll never change the fact that he goes completely weak when you beg for him.

“yeah? you want me to fuck you?” he grins, pulling his fingers out and replacing them with the tip of his painfully hard member.

“mhmm, please kou.” you hum, knowing that begging gets you anything you want with him. this instance just further proves that statement because he begins pushing into you at the same antagonizing speed he moved his fingers at. but you can’t complain since it helps a lot with getting used to his size, because he most definitely does not have the smallest tool in the shed. he continues slowly pushing his way in until his lower abdomen is pressed against your ass, his cock buried deep within your tight hole.

“fuck, you feel so good.” he moans. you glance at your phone to see what he looks like and his head is thrown back, eyes shut tightly and mouth open slightly. your body tingles at the sight, pleasure is written all over his expression and you love it. he pulls out of you and thrusts back into you with brute force. his favorite thing to do ever since he learned that it makes you scream. he pulls out of you exceptionally slowly, waits a short second, and then slam back into you relentlessly. your toes curl at his his little trick and you bury your face into a pillow in an attempt to muffle your loud moans of his name and plenty other profanities. he does this a few more times, smirking at the way you’re completely falling apart beneath him, then takes a break and fucks you at a more steady pace. though he’s no longer pounding into your sweet spot, his tip is still brushing against it and your head goes fuzzy with pleasure.

“you fuck me so good kotaro.” you moan into the pillow, gripping the sheets around you tightly.

“only the best for my pretty girl.” he smiles “here, turn over. wanna see your face.”

you flip over onto your back, now looking up at bokuto who’s smiling down at you lovingly.

“beautiful, so beautiful.” he coos, rubbing his thumb over your cheek softly. your heart drops into your stomach. you know you probably look a hot mess right now. makeup ruined from you shoving your face into a pillow, face flushed from the immense pleasure, and hair a bit messy from it all. but he still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in existence and your heart almost can’t take it.

“can’t wait to make you cum.” he finishes and without any warning, he grinds his hips into you smoothly yet assertively. he has a tight grip on your hips as he rocks into them and you are just about losing it beneath him. you’re gripping onto his biceps, surely leaving bruises that’ll form by tomorrow. but he doesn’t mind whatsoever. he loves seeing you all fucked out as he pounds into you, sputtering all sorts of moans and lewd words here and there with each thrust. he can tell you won’t be able to hold on for much longer, so he brings his thumb to your clit and rubs small and quick circles on it. he matches the tempo of his thrusts and watches you turn into a blabbering mess at his touch.

“fuck kou, jesus christ. i can’t-you’re gonna make me-oh my god-i’m gonna-“

you’re grip on his arms gets a bit tighter as you succumb to your forceful orgasm. your eyes roll back, your back arches off the bed, and you swear your vision goes dark for a few seconds. bokuto can almost never get a full thrust in after seeing you cum and this is no exception to that. as soon as he sees you come undone, he pulls out of you and releases all over your stomach with a rich moan of your name.

“i came so hard i went blind there for a second.” you admit and bokuto busts out laughing.

“shit sorry. not really though.” he shrugs, collapsing next to you.

“hush. i’m just glad we got that all on camera. i’ll definitely be watching that soon. speaking of, can you hand me my phone?”

bokuto reaches over to grab your phone of the nightstand and you stop recording.

“twenty minutes of gold content.” you say as you look at the length of the video.

“wanna make it twenty more?”

“say less.” you reply smugly.

thigh riding hq captains

warnings: pure smut lol, very slight degradation with daichi
characters: daichi sawamura, tetsurō kuroo, toru oikawa, kōtarō bokuto

request: hi omg i just started using tumblr again and i love your writing and can i request s/o riding captains thighs because that wud be spicy

a/n: god bless you for requesting this, it might be my favorite smut i’ve written so far tbh


- typically it isn’t very difficult to get daichi’s attention

-you’re literally his everything so his attention is on you always

- but sometimes he’s just extra busy and fails to give you your daily dose of daichi affection

- most times you just leave him be and wait until he isn’t busy anymore

- but sometimes you’re just so needy and you can’t help it

- and he secretly not so secretly loves it

“daichiii..” you whine at your boyfriend who just chuckles at you in amusement.

“what princess?” he asks, taking a moment to look away from the laptop screen he was focused on to glance at you. he is currently watching game clips from the volleyball team his is supposed to play in the upcoming week. he wants to study their plays so he could have a better understanding of what his team would be up against and how they should set up their offense and defense, but you are making it unnecessarily difficult.

“i want attention.” you huff, sitting up in your spot on the bed next to daichi so you could face him better.

“i’m giving you attention right now.” he laughs. he finds it extremely entertaining when you get like this, all whiny and extra just because he stopped giving you attention for a few minutes.

“but i want more.” you pout and he rolls his eyes at you.

“so needy, hm princess?”

you blush at the nickname. he calls you it twenty four seven, anywhere and everywhere you go but somehow it still never fails to make you feel giddy.

“just give me a few minutes ok? then you can have all the attention you want.” daichi says before giving you a quick peck on the lips.

now it’s your turn to roll your eyes because with daichi, a few minutes is never only a few minutes. especially when it comes to volleyball stuff, and you’re feeling quite impatient. so you decide to take matters into your on hands.

you get up from where you are currently seated and move closer to daichi, sitting so that both of your legs are on either side of his left thigh. he looks at you with a raised eyebrow as if he’s asking what you’re doing, and you just smile at him in response. you slowly start moving your hips, grinding them into the toned muscle of daichi’s thigh and he smirks.

“you’re something else, you know that?” he shakes his head before averting his attention back to his laptop. you continue with your antics, rolling your hips over and over against his thigh, but it’s not giving you the satisfaction that you’re craving. so you lift off of his leg ever so slightly, just enough so that you could pull off the shorts that were seemingly blocking you from receiving the friction that you desperately crave. now you’re just left in a pair of lacey panties and a shirt, tossing your shorts to the side and continuing your little mission. daichi keeps looking at you every so often, watching you use his leg for your own pleasure. if he thought he couldn’t concentrate before, he surely didn’t accommodate for this possibility. you watch his eyes linger on you, scanning your body and then focusing on your face which begins to heat up at his intense gaze.

“desperate little slut.” daichi groans as he watches you eagerly and you moan at his words.

“does it feel good?” he questions.

“hm, so good.” you hum as you continue jutting your hips in slow and smooth circles. you can feel yourself starting to get wet, the liquid pooling in your panties making the friction feel even better. daichi shuts his laptop and tosses it to the side, completely unable to focus on what he was doing anymore. he reaches under your shirt and starts lightly rubbing your sides, something he knows you like very much. you sigh at his touch, still moving your hips with a passion in an attempt to get yourself off. daichi eventually stops caressing your sides and begins lifting up your shirt with you helping him get it off. you aren’t wearing a bra so now your chest is on full display for your boyfriend and he looks like a starved man who’s just been presented a full course meal.

“so perfect.” he mumbles before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, his fingers fondling the other. he works his mouth perfectly, alternating between twirling circles around your nipple with his tongue and sucking and nipping lightly on the bud. you can’t help but let out a string of moans as a wave of pleasure crashes through your body.

“your mouth feels so good.” you compliment daichi and he smiles with a light chuckle.

you slowly start to feel your core get tight and it feels like every part of your body has become ten times more sensitive. your hip movements against daichi’s thigh get a bit more sporadic and he notices, so to help you reach your climax he moves his mouth from your nipples to your neck. your weak spot. as soon as he attaches his mouth to what he had learned is your sweet spot awhile ago, you feel yourself begin to come undone.

“oh god, i’m gonna cum.”

“yeah? be a good girl and cum for me.” daichi’s voice comes out raspy with lust and you can’t take it anymore.

you shiver as your orgasm consumes you. your body shakes slightly as you ride out your high, panting and moaning daichi’s name as you come down. he watches you attentively, his dick now throbbing in his shorts.

“satisfied princess?” he asks as he takes in your exhausted appearance.

“very.” you coo, feeling blissful from your intense climax.

“good, now it’s your turn to satisfy me.” daichi asserts, gesturing to the tent in his pants and you excitedly prepare to get him off too.


- you and kuroo are alike in many ways

- you share a lot of the same interests, morals, and ideals

- but one thing you do NOT share

- is his like for strange low budget sci-fi movies

- you try your best to be interested in the movies because you love kuroo and enjoy spending quality time with him

- but you cannot, for the life of you, get past the cringey special effects and god awful acting

- so most times you just pass out and sleep for an hour or two or just leave the room completely

- and sometimes, you do something that interests you a bit more…

you yawn of boredom at the antagonizingly slow plot of the movie kuroo had put on. but you glance over at him and he’s purely invested in the storyline, eyes stuck to the tv screen as he mindlessly shoves handfuls of popcorn into his mouth and you chuckle to yourself at the sight.

“can you please stop staring at me and laughing? that’s kinda rude you know?” kuroo huffs, still not shifting his attention from the movie, yet highly aware of your gaze.

“sorry, you’re just way more entertaining than what’s going on in this movie.” you admit.

“you’re so lame.” he teases, “the movie is clearly a masterpiece but you’re just not intellectually inclined enough to see that.”

“right. so i’m dumb for not liking it?” you smile amusedly.

“yes, that’s exactly what i’m saying.” kuroo agrees, finally taking a moment to look at you, give you a sarcastic smile, then quickly look back at the tv screen. you laugh lightly at him again. it’s actually kind of cute how excited he gets over these movies, it almost makes it worth sitting through two hours of garbage just to be in his presence. almost.

“you’re such a dork.” you tease back but he doesn’t even hear it because he’s listening closely to what’s taking place on the screen. you roll your eyes and try focusing on the movie too. it actually does grasp your attention for a few minutes but completely loses it when a fight scene that looks like it was recorded with a prehistoric android shows up. you mentally groan, completely bored out of your mind. you’re currently cuddled up against kuroo on the couch, your head resting on his chest and his arm draped over your shoulder, a bowl of popcorn in his other. you decide you may as well just close your eyes and rest for a bit but as soon as you shut them, and idea sparks in your mind.

you release yourself from kuroo’s grasp and reposition yourself so that you’re sitting with your legs around his thigh. he barely even acknowledges your new position and you get slightly offended.

“seriously? is the movie really that good?” you ask, bringing his attention to you. he looks you over, raking your entire body up and down with his eyes slowly.

“yeah it is.” he says bluntly, very obviously trying to hold back a smirk. he knows what he’s doing, trying to rile you up and you’re letting him.

“hey, rude.” you scoff at him with a pout and he just ignores you, pulling you further into his trap. “fine then.” you mumble and begin stripping off your clothes until you’re fully naked and you place yourself back onto his thigh. now he’s looking at you in amusement.

“you’re so fucking hot.” he praises.

“thanks, but don’t look at me. keep watching your movie since it’s so interesting.” you say shortly.

he raises and eyebrow at you and shrugs, looking back to the tv. he likes when you get bratty like that, and you like doing it too because although kuroo is usually dominant as it is, that’s when dominant dominant kuroo comes to play. and you love it. you also know that shrug means trouble for you later.

you push up the fabric of his shorts a little bit so you can have skin to skin contact with his thigh, wanting this to feel as good as it possibly can. kuroo pretends not to notice your actions but you know he’s watching you in his peripheral vision, which gets you going. you drag your hips along his thigh in back and forth motions at a steady and even pace, making sure to moan just loud enough for kuroo to get all hot and bothered. although he’s pretending as though he’s paying you no mind, you know very well he’s seething in his skin. he hates being teased, and that’s exactly what you’re doing.

“such a tease.” he snarks, finally directing his attention to you again.

“really? me? no, i don’t thinks so.” you joke and now he’s the one rolling his eyes at you. 

“you know what happens to bratty girls who interrupt me while i’m watching a movie?” 

you visually swallow at his words, the change in the tone of his voice which was now laced with subtle aggression making your pussy pulse. but you keep up your bratty persona, really wanting to pull the dominant kuroo you’re looking for out of his cave.

“i’m not really interrupting anything, no one said you have to pay attention to me.” you retort still rolling your hips against his thigh and moaning softly every so often. kuroo shakes his head, a smirk beginning to form on his face.

“oh so you wanna be punished?” kuroo grunts and you choose not to reply. you just continue grinding your now dripping cunt against his leg, maintaining eye contact with him as you let out a lewd moan of his name. big mistake. before you can even comprehend what’s happening, you’re flipped onto your back, fingers digging into your hips as kuroo pins you down and hovers above you.

“fine then, so be it.” he continues.

you most definitely CANNOT walk the next morning.


- oikawa is truly amazing at planning dates for the two of you

- like he really just enjoys impressing you and making you swoon, it makes his heart very happy 

- typically you prefer your casual dates where you two just hang out and get ice cream together or something simple like that

- but it is nice to get dressed up every one in awhile and go somewhere fancy, so you’re fairly excited for this date he has planned

- mostly because oikawa says he has a surprise for you, a dress he bought you to wear for this date

- says he saw it and couldn’t not buy it for you because he thought it’d look so sexy on you

- and boy, was he right

“holy shit.” he breathes as you walk out of the bathroom where you had just finished getting dressed up. hair done, makeup on, and the beautiful dress that oikawa bought you hugging you perfectly. 

“you like?” you ask, giving him a little twirl so he could see the back too. he stays quiet, just taking in the sight in front of him. very clearly and obviously in awe.

“toru?” you tilt your head and snap a couple times at your silent boyfriend and he snaps out of his trance. 

“come here.” is all he says and you walk over to his spot on the edge of the bed. he pulls you into his lap with ease and you find yourself straddling him, your dress rising up your thighs a bit. you readjust yourself so that you’re just sitting on one of his legs rather than both in order to relieve some of the tension on the dress. 

“toru, you’re gonna tear the dress.” you giggle at his eagerness.

“sorry, you just look so good. had to get my hands on you.” he confesses as his hands find their way to your ass, caressing it through the fabric. you smile before grabbing him by the tie he’s wearing and giving him a kiss. the kiss was meant to be short and sweet but somehow ended up becoming messy and hot. your fingers are laced in his hair, tugging at it occasionally while his hands continue to massage your ass. you moan into his mouth and he grins before moving his hands up from your ass to your hips.

he guides them skillfully, moving them so that now your hips are gliding against his clothed thigh. you moan at the sudden sensation, and he pulls away from the kiss to look at you.

“i want you the keep riding my thigh like this until you cum, got it?” he directs.

“but toru, our reservation. we’re gonna-“

“shh. the faster you make yourself cum, the quicker we’ll be able to leave.” he asserts and you follow his instructions obediently.

he just leans back on his elbows and watches you, a deep blush across his face. though he comes off like the selfish type, oikawa is the kind of person who gets pleasure just from seeing other people in pleasure. so watching you desperately grind your hips into his leg while moans of his name and other pretty sounds are spilling from your lips is almost enough to make him cum himself. but he manages to keep himself together and continues to watch you circle your hips around his thigh.

“hm, i’m getting close. can you help me?” you ask oikawa, your eyes shut and head thrown back in pleasure.

“mm, how do you want me to help pretty girl?” he responds.

“touch me, please just touch me.” you practically beg and he hums at how cute he thinks you are. he places his thumb on your clit, rubbing small circles on it.

“fuck oikawa.” you moan, now moving your hips on his thigh and his finger. he starts palming himself through his pants to relieve some of the pressure that had built up there and groans at his own touch which sends a chill throughout your body. oikawa’s moans are your favorite thing ever, them alone can get you dripping wet within seconds.

“moan for me again baby, you sound so good.” you say breathlessly and he elicits yet another arousing moan causing you to let out one of your own. he begins moving his thumb faster along your clit, wanting to make you unravel right then and there and he is successful in his pursuit.

“gonna cum.” is all you can muster before a back arching orgasm forces its way through your body and it takes everything in oikawa’s willpower not to be right there along with you.

“jesus.” he mutters, eyes still locked on you as he watches you slowly revive back to your normal self.

“that’s why you bought me this dress huh?” you say once you’re finally able to form coherent sentences again. “just to see me cum in it?” you continue, shaking your head at the realization.

“well would you look at that, if we don’t leave now we’ll definitely miss our reservation so we should probably go.” oikawa dodges the question and all you can do is laugh.

if this was the case, he could buy you new dresses whenever he’d like.


- bokuto and you share a love for thighs

- he’s obsessed with yours

- and you’re equally as obsessed with his

- so ever since you first tried thigh riding with him, he’s been throwing subtle hints for you to do it again

- “damn, my thigh is really cold. wish someone would sit on.”

- “would be a shame if a pretty girl was grinding on my thigh right now huh?”

- “imagine if you rode my thigh again haha, that’d be wild.”

- the only reason why you didn’t give in is because you didn’t want it to be like an everyday thing, you want it to be a bit more special

- but after a bit of waiting, you’re more than ready for it

you have just finished your period so your horny meter is off the charts and it’s always like this. a week without touching and advanced hormone levels, it’s no surprise you feel the way you do. so of course you really want nothing more other than to relieve yourself right now, and you know just the way to do that.

you and bokuto are out on a movie date. you’ve been trying so hard to suppress the desire burning in your core the whole night, but it’s pretty much impossible at this point. so when the movie ends you make it very clear to bokuto what type of mood you’re in as you leave the movie theater.

“when we get to the car, i want you to park it somewhere secluded then we’re hopping into the backseat.” you whisper to him as you leave the building and make your way to the parking lot. he shoots you a look, trying to read whether you’re joking or not. once he sees the deadpan look on your face, he knows you’re serious.

“oh? is my baby horny?” he asks unnecessarily loud. you hit him roughly on the arm as another couple that’s walking by overhears and looks at you weirdly.

“can you say it even louder? i don’t think the entire city heard you.” you snark and he laughs at your embarrassment.

“you shouldn’t be embarrassed about it baby. if you want me to fuck you, just say it with your whole chest.” he shrugs as the two of you reach his car, departing ways so you can get in on the passenger side.

“i don’t want you to fuck me though. i wanna ride your thigh until i’m shaking and cumming all over it.” you smile to him across the car and his face goes red.

“in the car, now.” he orders and you follow. it’s silent for a minute before bokuto pulls out of the parking space.

“is this what you’ve been thinking about all night?” bokuto asks, his hand resting on your thigh while his thumb rubs light circles over the skin which gives you shivers. “i could tell, you seemed like your mind was elsewhere.” he finishes.

“i mean yeah, it’s all i’ve been thinking about for awhile actually.” you admit.

“why didn’t you tell me? you know i’ve hinted to wanting you to do it again like a gazillion times.”

“i know, i know. but it’s not something that i want to make a habit, i want it to be more of a special thing.” you say shyly and he flashes you a quick smile.

“you’re so fucking adorable, what even.” he coos before pulling into a deserted parking lot behind a building that had already closed for the night.

once he’s perfectly positioned into a parking space, he puts the car in park and turns the engine off. then he leans over to kiss you, his hand still tenderly placed on your thigh, the other cupping your chin so he can tilt your head and deepen the kiss. just like you’re obsessed with bokuto’s thighs, you’re obsessed with his kisses. he always kisses you so deeply, with so much passion and it makes you weak. after kissing for a few minutes, the two of you finally pull away to breathe.

“are you ready?” you ask bokuto breathlessly.

“more than ready.” he replies and with that you and him make your way into the backseat. bokuto sits first and then you place yourself on top of one of his thighs. you would be lying if you said you didn’t wear a skirt tonight specifically for this reason, and you’re so glad you made that decision. you also intentionally wore your thinnest pair of panties so that you could get more from your arousal. though this makes it very easy for bokuto to notice that you’re already soaking wet.

“jesus baby, you really are horny huh?” he groans at the feeling on his leg. you nod and look away from him, a little embarrassed at how you’re already so hot and bothered just from thinking about this. bokuto notices and uses his index finger to lift your chin and bring your gaze back to his.

“hey, look at me.” he says softly, “start riding.”

the shift in his tone from the soft one he was just using is alerting, and you obey his demand eagerly. you begin making short strides with your hips, rocking them back and fourth agaist bokuto’s leg while he rubs your thighs in the process. you moan as a shock of arousal shoots itself throughout your body. you steady yourself by holding onto bokuto’s shoulders and continue rocking your hips in quick motions. bokuto’s eyes don’t know where to land. he keeps switching between looking down at your hips as you grind them expertly against his thigh, and looking at your face which would occasionally scrunch up in pleasure as you moan. both making him unbearably hard.

bokuto knows you just ended your period. in turn, he knows that means your nipples are extra sensitive so he reaches under your shirt and unclaspes your bra, tossing it on the seat beside him. he then begins rubbing your already hard nipples between his fingers which earns a breathy moan of his name from you. between the intense feeling of pleasure between your legs and now the added pleasure of having your nipples played with, you know you’re not going to last much longer. so you unbutton bokuto’s pants after noticing how hard he is and grasp his erect member, making long strokes along the shaft before rubbing your thumb around the tip. you want him to cum with you and judging by the noises you’re getting out of him, you’re wish will come true. you continue riding his thigh and stroking his dick, while he continues playing with your nipples and you start to feel yourself get hotter and hotter.

“kiss me.” you say to bokuto and he happily obliges, attaching his lips to yours roughly. now the two of you are moaning into each other’s mouths as you get closer to you’re orgasms, doing everything you can to reach them.

“fuck, i’m almost there.” bokuto moans against you.

“me too.” you moan as well, your movements against bokuto’s thigh becoming more sloppy. your moans are increasing in volume and you know you’re both close.

“shit.” is all bokuto gives to warn you before he’s cumming all over your hand and the sight sends you over. you’re whole body tenses as your orgasm rolls through you, you gripping more tightly onto bokuto’s shoulders at the sensation.

you both give each other a minute to come down, still panting and trying to catch your breaths.

“i’m so in love with you y/n.” bokuto sighs once he’s finally caught his breath and you chuckle at his confession.

“i’m in love with you too kōtarō.”


warnings: smut, bi threesome
characters: kotaro bokuto and keiji akaashi x reader
request from @bj4ndr3a

if anyone had told you before this moment that you’d be laying in your best friend’s bed, legs spread and trembling while his tongue works wonders around your clit all whilst his boyfriend was expertly deep throating him, you probably would have referred them to the nearest therapist. but insanely enough, that’s the current situation you guys are in. there’s always been an awkward tension between you and the two guys but you never thought it meant anything serious. especially nothing serious enough for you to be lying here fully naked in front of them as an oral frenzy takes place, but here you are.

it all started with a simple question.

“have you guys ever had a threesome?” you asked nonchalantly as you scrolled past some twitter porn that someone had retweeted on your timeline, hence what sparked your question.

“no, why?” bokuto responds, completely unbothered by the question. this was a normal conversation for you guys. after knowing him for so many years, the two of you had built a comfortability with each other that makes even the most abnormal conversations seem mundane.

“just saw a video of one on my twitter timeline and was curious is all.” you shrug, continuing to scroll and like a tweet that makes you laugh.

“oo, let me see.” bokuto says, perking up at your statement from his end of the couch.

“i wanna see too.” akaashi says, lifting his head from bokuto’s chest to look in your direction. you had gone over to their apartment to help bokuto study for his upcoming bio exam, but that was immediately forgotten and you all ended up migrating to the couch to watch a movie. the movie is over now, but you’re procrastinating going back to your own apartment and attending to responsibilities you need to complete. you stand up and move towards your friends, scrolling up to find the video once more.

“there.” you say, showing them the screen.

“mm two guys one girl action, looks fun.” bokuto hums.

“that’s hot.” akaashi states, eyeing the video with full intrigue.

“i was thinking the same thing.” you agree, glancing at the screen too. you watched as one of the guys in the video began helping the girl give the second guy a blowjob. it was truly arousing and you couldn’t help but imagine yourself being the girl in that situation. your heart dropped when you imagined the two guys being bokuto and akaashi though. you choked at the thought, your throat suddenly losing every last drop of moisture within it.

“you ok?” akaashi asks, eyes averting from your phone screen to your face and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.

“yeah, i’m fine.” you say, pulling your phone away from their view.

“hey, it was just getting to the good part!” bokuto pouts and you roll your eyes, sitting back down on the couch.

“i’m not gonna sit here and hold the phone while you watch the whole porn weirdo.” you laugh.

“what was the point in showing me then? now i’m horny.” bokuto frowns, crossing his arms dramatically. now akaashi rolls his eyes and you just chuckle to yourself.

“maybe you should go take care of that then.” you shrug, reinvesting yourself into your twitter timeline.

“maybe i should. and maybe you two should join me, we can remake that video.” bokuto smirks and you choke again, completely thrown off by the statement.

“funny joke.” you say sarcastically, trying your hardest to pretend the words that just left your best friend’s mouth did not affect you.

“i’m not joking.” bokuto says, tone assertive and lacking any sense of humor. yours and akaashi’s head both snap in bokuto’s direction in unison, confusion plastered on both of your guys’ faces.

“what? why are you guys looking at me like that? don’t pretend you didn’t both just say that video was hot.” bokuto huffs, throwing his hands up in defense. you look at akaashi who looks just as much at a loss for words as you feel.

“that doesn’t mean we want to have a threesome together?” you say, failing to sound convincing in any way. you know you don’t mean what you just said, not in the slightest.

“oh come on. don’t make me seem weird right now. i know you guys both feel this weird ass sexual tension whenever the three of us hang out. i know it’s not just me.” bokuto admits. there’s a pause of silence before akaashi speaks.

“i mean, i guess he has a point.” akaashi stares blankly at you, waiting for your response.

“you guys are fucking with me right now, right?” you question. disbelief is an understatement for what you’re currently feeling.

“i’m so serious. i’ve noticed it for awhile now but could never find the confidence to bring it up.” bokuto explains.

“same here, i thought it was just me.” akaashi chimes in.

you look back and forth between them, feeling as though a camera crew was about to pop out of nowhere and reveal that this is all some kind of strange prank. but it never happens and you realize that your friends are fully serious.

“so you guys actually wanna have a threesome?” you swallow harshly. are you actually considering this right now?

“i think it’d be good to finally relieve this weird tension.” bokuto shrugs.

“i don’t see why not.” akaashi states.

“wow, ok. um well, if you guys are down, i am too i guess.” you try not to sound too excited.

“alright, we should take this to the bedroom then.” bokuto smiles.

a rush of both nerves and excitement flow through you as you enter the shared bedroom of the two men in front of you. it feels awkward for a moment but bokuto instructs you to lie down on the bed, which you immediately comply to.

“this is gonna be so hot.” bokuto mumbles, almost more to himself than anyone else, before bending down to interlock his lips with yours. the act catches you off guard but you immediately melt into this kiss. bokuto’s lips are soft. extremely soft. and he’s gentle with you. the complete opposite of what you expected from him. you hear a low hum of content from akaashi who you can’t see since your eyes are closed, but you’re assuming he’s watching the two of you right now. the thought of it causes you to let out a quiet moan into the kiss, to which bokuto smirks at. he’s guiding the kiss with ease, gradually applying more pressure. his hand is now snaking behind your head to grasp the hair at the nape of your neck. he tugs it gently, your head tilting back ever so slightly but allowing him more leverage over the kiss. he takes this opportunity to lick your bottom lip which you take as a request for access. you open your mouth a bit more, letting his tongue explore you. you feel your body temperature begin to rise as the kiss gets more intense and you hear rustling coming from where akaashi was kneeling on the bed. what was he doing? touching himself? while he watched you guys? again the thought makes you moan, this time a bit louder than the first. bokuto moans back against your lips and your heat pulses at the sound of it. just as you were about to become fully intoxicated by the kiss, bokuto pulls away and it takes a lot for you not to whine. he looks unreal when he pulls back. hair messy where you were tugging on it, lips swollen, and a deep red tint dusting his cheeks. you almost moan just from looking at him and almost moan again when you look over at akaashi who is in nothing but his boxers, hand palming his growing erection. so that’s what the rustling was.

“kiss her, she’s so fucking good at it.” bokuto instructs akaashi and he does not hesitate to do as told. you giggle at how easily the two of you follow bokuto’s orders, but your laugh is cut short when akaashi’s lips attach to yours. if you thought bokuto’s lips were soft, you were completely mistaken. akaashi’s were impossibly softer and you didn’t think anyone could be more gentle than bokuto had been, but akaashi does not fail to prove you wrong. your brain is in a complete haze while he kisses you. the only thought occupying your mind is how you feel like you could kiss him forever and never get tired of it. he uses his thumb and forefinger to grab your chin, slowly deepening this kiss. before you know it, his tongue is gliding against your own and you can’t help the whimpers that are escaping your lips.

“fuck, i’m getting so hard.” bokuto groans which causes you and akaashi to smile against each other. he disconnects the kiss, leaving you feeling drowsy.

“tell me about it.” akaashi sighs, peeking down at the tent in is boxers. you follow his gaze, the bulge you saw earlier now scarily bigger. your eyes widen, the curios urge to learn how big he is begins to overwhelm you.

“you wanna see it? ask him then.” you hear from beside you. you snap out of your haze to look up at bokuto who was now only in his boxers as well. you felt uncomfortably overdressed.

“what?” you ask, not having fully grasped what he said.

“staring isn’t gonna do anything. ask him to show you how big it is.” bokuto smirks. you switch your gaze from bokuto’s golden eyes to akaashi’s deep brown ones shyly.

“can i see it?” you ask, your voice coming out much quieter than you intended it to.

“you’re adorable” akaashi chuckles “of course you can.” he slides his boxers down his body revealing a hard, throbbing cock that almost looked disproportionate in comparison to his slender frame.

“holy shit.” you huff unintentionally but you are genuinely caught by surprise.

“i know right? i had the same reaction the first time i saw it. still do honestly.” bokuto says. sometime during that interaction, bokuto had taken his boxers off too and now both men are completely nude in front of you and you have no idea what to do with yourself. thankfully, bokuto is there to provide instruction for you.

“sit up.” he demands, and unsurprisingly, you do exactly that. once you’re sat upright, bokuto grabs the hem of your shirt, pulling the fabric over your head and off your body in one swift motion. akaashi helps with the next part, moving behind you to unclasp your bra. the material slides off your chest with your help, exposing your breasts to your best friend and his boyfriend.

“so pretty.” bokuto compliments and you feel your face grow hot.

he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, akaashi following suit with the other.

“oh my god.” you moan, watching as both guys pleasure your chest. you feel your underwear dampen, making you hyper aware that you are still wearing them. trying your best not to disrupt the men attached to you, you maneuvered your way out of your shorts and wet panties. now you’re all fully naked and you can’t imagine feeling any more turned on than you are right now. akaashi is the first to pull away and get a glimpse of your now naked figure. you don’t miss how his eyes linger on certain areas as he looks you over, his bottom lip absentmindedly tucked between his teeth as he does so.

“stunning.” he says in an almost whisper and your heart flutters a bit. his comment was loud enough for bokuto to hear, making the man curious to see what exactly was stunning. he finishes the hickey he was placing on your chest before his eyes rake up and down your body. you feel slightly insecure and extremely vulnerable with two pairs of eyes staring at your naked form, but the way bokuto’s darken with lust reassure you that they like what they see.

“fuck y/n, lay down.” bokuto groans. you lay back on the bed, back sinking into the cool sheets on the mattress. two large hands find their way to your inner thighs, spreading them apart borderline painfully wide. you shiver at the cool air hitting your swollen clit. you’re desperate for some form of contact, and bokuto gladly gives it to you. his tongue has no trouble finding it’s way to your clit, immediately circling the sensitive nub. your back arches and a broken moan tears from your throat.

mm” akaashi moans as he watches in awe. he’s stroking himself slowly, completely wrapped up in the pleasure of watching his boyfriend go down on you. though he’s not too wrapped up to notice his boyfriend’s tip leaking precum. his cock looks painfully hard, like it’s begging for release and what kind of boyfriend would akaashi be if he didn’t help his lover out. you watch as akaashi shifts down the bed, near bokuto’s dripping length. akaashi licks up the precum pooling on the bed, mostly for your amusement since he knows you’re watching. he then kitten licks the tip, testing for a reaction from bokuto. bokuto groans against your clit, the vibrations making you arch against his tongue. you look down at akaashi who looks extremely content with both of your reactions. they give him the motivation to swallow as much of bokuto as he can, which may as well be all of it. your eyes widen as you watch, you don’t think you could ever take that much of bokuto in your mouth. he is definitely above average not only in length, but girth, and akaashi takes it all like it’s nothing.

“holy fuck akaashi, just like that.” bokuto takes a break to moan, glaring down at his boyfriend. akaashi looks back up at him almost too innocently considering he has a whole dick shoved down his throat. bokuto gives one good thrust into akaashi’s mouth before tending back to your needs. his tongue effortlessly finds its way back to your clit, but this time he pushes a finger inside of you along with it.

nngh bokuto, fuck.” you breathe heavily. it’s just one finger but it somehow fills you up so well. the way he curves it inside of you at the same tempo that he’s moving his tongue against your clit is driving you insane.

“do you want more?” he asks, sounding just as breathless as you. you take a quick look down and see exactly why, he’s now gently face-fucking akaashi who is moaning around his cock while stroking his own. all you can do is nod ‘yes’ in response, completely unable to provide any verbal answer. but bokuto won’t accept that.

“i want to hear you say it, do you want more?” he says, pulling his finger out of you completely and leaving you with no more pleasure.

“yes, please bokuto. i need more.” you cringe at how needy you sound but every part of your body is aching for release right now.

“you sound so pretty all desperate like that.” he groans before placing two fingers at your entrance. he slides them in, curling them upward to hit the spot that has you gripping the sheets and calling out his name.

“so fucking hot.” he mutters, lowering his head to lick your clit once more. you were somewhat embarrassed about being the loudest one in the room until a loud, hoarse moan somewhat startled you. it came from bokuto you concluded, after looking down and seeing that akaashi’s throat had relaxed enough to take the last bit of bokuto that he couldn’t earlier. now bokuto’s entire length is fully down his throat with akaashi holding it there as if he doesn’t even know what the word gag reflex means.

shit..fuck akaashi. you’re gonna make me cum. please make me cum.” bokuto practically begs. he sounds so needy and fucked out, it makes your hole clench around his fingers. between that and akaashi taking his full length again, bokuto is completely done for. 

“ahh fuck i’m-nngh, gonna..’m cumming.” he can’t even complete his sentence before he’s spilling into akaashi’s mouth with such breathy noises. akaashi swallows all of it and it’s all just so much, too much. you grind yourself against bokuto’s fingers that are still resting inside you. he takes the hint and begins curling them to help, though his pace is much slower since he hasn’t yet fully regained his composure. akaashi moves toward you, placing his middle and index fingers on your clit and rubbing them against it. your vision goes blurry before you clench your eyes shut, back arching off the bed as your orgasm consumes you and you feel a rush of liquid escape your body.

“holy shit, did i just-“

“squirt? yeah. all over my face.” bokuto says and akaashi chuckles softly.

“oh my god, i’m so sorry.” you hide behind your hands, completely embarrassed.

“don’t be, that was the second hottest thing that’s happened to me today. first being my boyfriend deepthroating the hell out of me. where did that come from babe?”

“i don’t know. it was hot watching how good you made y/n feel, i wanted to do the same for you.” akaashi smiles.

“aww.” you coo at the cute remark.

“i love you.” bokuto coos too, placing a chaste kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. “and i think it’s time for us to finishing making you feel good.” he adds, attention shifting to akaashi’s still very hard member.

“i agree.” you chime in, moving closer to akaashi and positioning yourself in front of his length. you lick a stripe along the side of his shaft, looking over to bokuto, indicating for him to join in. he follows your lead, licking the opposite side.

“oh my, fuck.” akaashi moans. he begins playing with both of your guys’ hair, occasionally using it to guide your mouths across his shaft. he’s a moaning mess above you two and you’re positive he isn’t gonna last much longer. you readjust your position so you can take akaashi’s tip into your mouth, slowly sucking down the shaft until you reach about halfway. akaashi trembles at the sensation, mere seconds away from completely losing control in your mouth. but you want bokuto to be the one to make him cum so you pull off. bokuto somehow knows exactly what you expect of him. he takes your place, taking all of akaashi in his mouth with ease.

shit babe, i’m gonna cum. mm-“ akaashi’s whole body shakes with his orgasm. the low, broken moans ripping from his throat are something you want carved in your memory forever. 

there’s a short moment of silence with everyone coming back to their senses afterwards, but the silence is comforting.

“i can’t believe we really did that.” akaashi sighs after fully coming down from his high.

“i can’t believe how good everything felt.” bokuto adds.

“i can’t believe how good you guys are at sucking dick.” you say and the three of you start laughing. 

“am i the only one completely down to do that again?” bokuto asks after the laughter dies down.

“i’m very down.” akaashi says.

“round two?” you ask.


“yes please.”

being your fav’s puppygirl, and having them grab your hips and manhandle you until you’re straddling their waist while they’re laying down, rubbing your wet heat against their cock and sighing at every roll of your hips.

“alright puppy,” they groan, their breath hitching when you look up at them with eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation. “sit”

kinktober day 4: bokuto kotaro + aphrodisiacs

cw.nsfw, mdni, f!reader, aphrodisiacs, vaginal penetration, creampie


masterlist|join taglist


you didn’t think it would work. well, you’ve seen it work for other girls and their boyfriends, but it was the internet, a lot of things are fake.

still, you sprayed the perfume on your neck, just for fun.

“oh, oh baby” he mumbled, rutting his hips into you with more brute force, holding your hips flushed against him, the kisses getting sloppier and sloppier every time his lips met your neck.

“ko, slow down baby- hahh!” your pleads fall on deaf ears, you can only scratch at his back while he keeps the abuse to your walls, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and hoping you’ll put up with him a little longer. “‘m not going anywhere”

he knows you must be tired, already going for a fourth round with barely any time to breath in between. every time he filled you up with his cum, and you laid in bed thinking it was finally over, the bed would suddenly shift and tower over you. you would look into his sweet eyes as he wordlessly begged you for what he needed.

so it does work.

bokuto was never one to be satisfied after one round only, but he wasn’t one to be so addicted that he had to go round after round inside of you either. his hands roam your body, searching for a place to settle themselves, but he can’t seem to find the right place.

“fuck baby, you’re gonna make me cum again” he groans, tears gathering on the corners of his eyes, he’s so desperate to get that release, even if he’s already reached it countless times.

tonight feels different, he doesn’t know what it is about you, but he feels as if he needs to praise every inch of your body. he feels like he’s getting drunk in your pussy, and as much as he wants to stop and take a break, he can’t help himself from going back to you after a few seconds.

you curse under breath, you should be tired, you should be begging him to stop because it’s too much. a part of your body tells you you’ve already had too much and you’re past your limit, but it’s hard to listen when you feel so good, when every drag of his cock against that spongy spot inside you tells you to keep going.

his hands press against the headboard, the newly found position giving him a much better view of your fucked out body. god he loves seeing how ruined you are, how you drool and pant like a dog for him, watching how sensitive you become when his hips roll against yours.

“one more, pretty, one more and we’re done” he says, even though he doesn’t believe it himself. your legs start trembling, kicking and convulsing around his waist, pulling his hips closer to yours as your fist the sheets beneath you. his gaze almost makes you feel embarrassed, if weren’t for the feeling of your orgasm taking over your body.

it doesn’t take long before he joins you in ecstasy, groaning in relief when he finally gets to cum inside, as if he hasn’t been doing that for the past hours.

he sighs when he comes down from his high, and slips out to lay over on the bed next to you. it’s hard to stay down, because whenever he tries to cuddle closer to you, he gets a whiff of the perfume, and it riles him up all over again.

©️ ritnaro 2021 | all content belongs to ritnaro, do not modify or repost

thank you for reading, reblogs are appreciated <3

Tsukishima x F!Reader x voyeur Bokuto - NSFW

WC: 1.5K

Summary: You and Tsukki decide to have a little fun at a party, but a curious owl decides to observe.

TW: voyeurism, public sex, intoxicated sex, unprotected sex, name-calling, degradation, slightly rough sex, male masturbation.

A/N: I am having the worst time trying to write long things. I love this idea though and something about Bokuto being feral while watching reader and Tsukki is just akldfhjkfhljkdsf. I listened to a lot of Arctic Monkeys, Ariana Grande, and Lana during this in case you were wondering. As always, likes and reblogs are appreciated <3 love always, Pip!


All characters are 18+

Loud music throbbed as you looked around, sipping your drink. 

The party you were currently at was being thrown by some Seijoh rich-kid, though people from all over seemed to have turned out. You were only there because Kuroo had convinced Tsukishima he “owed him”.

“C’mon Tsukki, everyone’s gonna be there. It’s sportsmanship!”

Kei had rolled his eyes but after a lot of begging on Kuroo’s part and a promise to do Kei’s chem paper, your boyfriend reluctantly agreed. 

Hence why the two of you were in a corner of a basement, barely lit by some red LED lights. Kei’s arm snaked around your waist as the heavy bass from an alternative song blasted in the air, muffled as the main party was upstairs. Your body rocked against him, swaying to the familiar beat.

“Now it’s three in the morning, 

And I’m trying to change your mind.”

As the chorus picked up you turned to your boyfriend, mouthing the words, the alcohol making you warm and fluttery inside. His eyes narrowed at you.

“You’ve only had a couple drinks and you’re already a mess, aren’t you?” He murmured, pulling you close. Sticking your tongue out at him, you downed the rest of your drink. 

“Put that tongue back or I’m gonna put it to work.” He smirked back at you, before a booming voice interrupted the two of you.

“TSUKKI!! Y/N!!” Bokuto shouted, pulling you into a tight hug. You laughed, though you were a little disappointed you couldn’t hear more of Kei’s flirty comments for the time being.

Bokuto slapped Tsukishima on the back and your boyfriend groaned.

“Hey, Bokuto. We were just getting ready to…”

“Oh man, do you guys need another drink? I’m gonna grab a beer.” Bokuto cut him off. Tsukishima waved him away, gesturing to the full bottle in his hand and Bokuto turned back to you. You smiled and nodded. 

“Actually, that would be great Bo, thanks!” He flashed you a grin and jogged upstairs. You were grateful for the alcohol but even more so for a few more uninterrupted minutes with your boyfriend. The music switched to another song, and you pressed yourself against Kei, moving your hips to the beat. His hand rested on your lower back as he took a sip of his beer. The red lights plus the alcohol coursing through your veins left everything in a hazy glow. You focused on his Adam’s apple as he took another drink and you could feel a shiver down your spine. Placing your hand against his chest, you kissed his jawline, leaving a trail of your lip gloss on his neck.

“My my my, a few drinks is all it takes to turn you into a little whore.” He whispered into your ear. Your face burned as he chuckled darkly. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t turned on though, and you pressed your thighs together. This didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde who placed his drink on the shelf behind you and slid his hand between your thighs, lightly tracing swirls under your dress.

“Kei!” Your breath hitched as he slid his fingers higher up your leg, inches away from your clothed pussy. He grinned and you could feel his pinky ghosting over the dampening fabric.

“Do you want me to stop?” He muttered, with a raised brow. You bit your lip, and Kei let out another laugh.

“That’s what I thought. Too desperate for my cock, huh pretty girl?” His fingers continued to wander, running over your slit through the thin material. He kissed your neck and you threw your head back as he sucked a mark onto your skin.

That’s when you saw him. A pair of golden eyes shimmering in the dark, staring you down. Bokuto held two beers in his hand and was drinking in the image of you, your back arched as Kei sucked on your skin.

“Shit, Kei! Bo –” You started, and Kei’s grip on your ass tightened.

“Shh, pretty girl. Why don’t we give him a little show? You should show him how much of a good girl you can be for me, yeah?” His words went straight to your cunt and your body got hot. You shot another look at Bokuto, who had one beer open, his other hand busy palming the tent in his pants. Kei shifted you to kiss further down your neck to your cleavage.

His fingers made quick work of your panties, yanking the lacy material hard against your thighs to rip them off. Pulling your dress up higher, Kei slid two fingers into your cunt.

“You’re soaked, pretty girl. Such a dirty little whore, getting off to being watched. God you’re so wet just from being a shameless little slut.” He plunged his fingers deep inside you and you bit back a moan. 

Bokuto’s cock was pulled out now, and he slowly stroked it while his eyes bore into you. His cock was thicker than Kei’s, matching the rest of his muscled body. His fingers slid down to lightly tug on his balls and you had the urge to choke on him while Kei used your body.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Kei hitting the spot inside you that made you see stars. Your mouth fell open and you cried out.

“That’s it princess. Let him hear how good it feels.” Kei whispered, rocking his fingers into that spot over and over. Through heavily lidded eyes, you looked up at Bokuto, his cock gleaming with precum and you moaned out. 

“S-so good Kei. So fuck-fuuucking…” You wailed out and Bokuto’s strokes sped up to match the rhythm of Kei’s fingers. With his free hand, Kei tugged down the top of your dress, exposing your tits to Bokuto. Bokuto’s eyes widened and he stared at your breasts as they bounced with each thrust of Kei’s fingers. 

“You close, doll? You gonna cum for me?” Kei grinned and you mumbled incoherently, wanting him to push you over the edge. Immediately, he pulled his long fingers out of you and you let out a desperate whine. 

“Oh no, slutty girl. You’re gonna cum on my cock, and show him how much of a whore you are for me.” Kei spun you so you were directly facing Bokuto now, and he pressed his cock to your entrance. You could see Bokuto’s normally spiky hair, now plastered to his forehead with sweat as he forced himself to relax and not cum before seeing you impaled on Tsukishima.

With a quick thrust, Tsukishima slammed himself into you. You wailed out, a pathetic cry as he pulled out and continued to slam back into you. He had one hand in your hair, the other fondling one of your tits and Bokuto swore under his breath. His hand was gripping the life out of his cock and he imagined he was the one making you feel like this, imagining his calloused fingers were instead the soft walls of your cunt clenching around him.

Emboldened by the lustful gaze he fixed on you, you blew a kiss to Bokuto as Kei continued to plow into you. You could see the blush on Bokuto’s cheeks and precum dripping off his cock, already covering his hand.

“God, such a little whore. Enjoying all the attention of being put in your fucking place.” Kei grunted, his breath heavy as he pounded into you. The sound of your moans filled the basement, barely concealed by the R&B song that blared in the house upstairs. 

“Look him in the eyes when you cum, slutty girl. I want him to see you come undone.” Kei whispered. Your eyes locked on Bokuto’s glassy ones and Kei moved his fingers to rub tight circles on your swollen bud. You felt your body explode and with a scream, you gushed around Kei’s cock, squirting all over his hand.

Bokuto’s eyes rolled back and he soon came after you, a guttural groan falling from his mouth as his seed spilled over his fingers and dripped down his balls. He gave a few quick tugs and the last of his cum slowly dribbled out.

Kei’s hand yanked your head back by your hair and you felt his body tighten as he came inside you with a low groan. You could feel him filling you and a mixture of your juices dripped from your cunt. Slowly, he pulled out, panting into your hair and pulling your dress back into place. You could feel him dripping down your thighs and adjusted your hair and outfit, though the whole room now smelled like sex and sweat. It would be obvious what the two, well three, of you did.

Once you were decent, Kei wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to your temple. 

“You ready, pretty girl?” 

You nodded, worn out and nuzzled into his arm. Looking over at Bokuto, who was sitting on the stairs, an abandoned beer at his feet and his skin shiny with sweat, you smiled.

As the two of you passed by him, Bokuto opened his mouth to speak, closing it when Kei reached in his pocket and pressed something into the grey-haired man’s chest.

“Thanks for the memories.”

Bokuto reached for the item, a pair of shredded red lace panties, and looked up at you two as you and Kei headed out the door.


[ — ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ] [ — ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ]

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ᴋᴏᴜᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴀᴋᴀᴀꜱʜɪ ᴋᴇɪᴊɪ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

Tentative Schedule as of rn

I will update frequently to add new posts and completion of others! Stay tuned, but as of rn a post every Sunday.

Also pls complete thispoll about the time you are most active on Tumblr <3

Patreon Link!!!


Week One (Oct 3rd- 9th)

✓✓✓Oct 3rd- The Question Isn’t Who Am I, It’s Where Am I. (Hehe The start of my Ghostface, three part, series….)

➥➥Included kinks- Bathroom sex, costume sex, degradation, some praise, choking, hair pulling, gagging, face fucking, fingering, oral (M!Receiving), unprotected sex. 

✓✓✓Oct 6th- Oral Fixation with Kyoutani Kentarou 

➥➥Included kinks- mouth fingering, gagging, and oral (m! Receiving), Characters aged up, MINORS DNI.

✓✓✓Oct 8th- Thigh Riding with Bokuto Koutarou

➥➥Included kinks- Thigh riding, humping, masturbation, DNI, Characters aged up

✓✓✓Oct 9th- Body Worship With Izuku Midoriya

➥➥Included kinks- Body worship, Oral (Fem R), breeding, vaginal penetration, Minors DNI, Characters aged up.


Week Two (Oct 10th- 16th)

✓✓✓Oct 10th- “I Want To Play A Game”, Second Part to GhostFace Series (I HAD TO REUPLOAD IT ;(((( )

➥➥ Included Kinks: Oral (F and M Receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, Slight darker themes such a power dynamics, restraints, slight blackmail ig if you squint, orgasm denial, face fucking, gagging, hair pulling, smacking, some exhibitionism, anal play, squirting.


Week Four (Oct 24th- 30th)

✓✓✓Oct 24th- “What Do You Want! …To See What Your Insides Look Like”, Final Part to Ghostface Series

➥➥Kinks included- *Very dark themes*, Oral (F and M Receiving), fingering, CNC, cucking, voyerism, exhibitionism, bondage, knife play, full nelson, smacking, hair pulling, choking, spitting, dacryphilia, Double penetration, anal & anal play such as rimming, squirting, real aggressive sex.


Heyooo im back holy crap and hopefully for good!

The schedule will change, i’ll be adding stuff as I go along.

I have asks that I plan to work into this schedule if I can make them work out for the theme at hand.

Will try to incorporate diff fandoms too

Plan to use this as a time to also write stuff that I haven’t which you will start seeing as i will really be pushing myself with the big pieces on sundays. Posts that aren’t on sundays will be shorter, but more hyper detailed around 1 kink or so.

I have been gone forever bc i want(ed) to die :) half joke half not life has been kicking me rn uggg.

Favorite Things

Another gift fic! I hope you enjoy, @yanderepunkin


There are plenty of things Bokuto enjoys; volleyball, barbecued meat, praise, and especially getting Kuroo riled up. There’s only one thing that trumps the rest, makes all his other little pleasures seem small and inadequate.


But more specifically, watching you come undone for him. You’re breathtaking, perched on top of him, breathing heavy in between each soft moan. He revels in the way the pads of your fingers dig into his chest, small red prints left against his flesh.

Bokuto sighs in bliss, moving his hands up your thighs to grab at your hips. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he croons, guiding you to take more of his cock into your tight heat.

You answer with another moan, head craning to the side as the tip of his dick presses into that spongy spot deep inside. The idea of responding with anything intelligible is beyond you, too coiled in the euphoria he gives.

Bokuto sits up, wrapping his arms around your waist before flipping you on your back. He smiles down at you, unable to help himself. As ethereal as you are on top of him, he can’t control himself with you pinned below him. You’re so much smaller, his height and muscular frame easily covering you. He chuckles at the way your walls squeeze around him, unable to ignore the obvious response of his towering size over you.

Sitting on his haunches, his grasp locks around your waist, dragging you into his lap before sheathing himself inside your gummy walls again. Bokuto breaths out a shaky sigh, a shock of euphoria zipping down his spine. “You feel so fucking good,” he groans out before beginning to thrust into you. The way your cunt tries to suck him back in makes his shoulders hunch, nearly curling in on himself as you try to milk him of all he’s worth. “So fucking good, so perfect.”

“Kou,~” his praise makes your head swim, the warmth in your lower stomach beginning to rage through the rest of your body like a wildfire. His sweet words make you writhe just as much as his cock ramming into your dripping pussy does.

He leans down, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as he slams his length into you with reckless abandon. Your nails bite into the sculpted muscles of his back, leaving behind red crescents in the wake. Every thrust of his cock into the depths of your velvet walls knocks the air from your lungs, splotches of white dancing behind your eyes. The pressure in your core snaps before you can even think about alerting Bokuto, only able to announce your end with a gasping moan as your back arches like a bow pulled taunt.

“You’re so tight, Princess,” he moans against the sweat dampened skin of your neck, pace turning sloppy at the way you flutter around him.

“Kou,” you shudder against him, “p-please, fill me up. I- I want you to cum in me so bad!”

A chill creeps across his shoulders, eliciting a slight shake of his body. “You want me to cum in you?” You nod furiously, unable to answer with anything more than soft whines and whimpers. The room falls silent, only the sound of skin slapping against skin and heavy breathing bouncing off the walls. Bokuto zones in on the slick squelching of your soaked cunt, eyes rolling to the back of his skull at the sheer arousal of hearing you so needy for him. “I’m going to cum in you, pretty girl. I’m going to fill you full of this load,” he nips at your collar bone, hips slamming into yours with the force to bruise.

Ecstasy sparks through him like a live wire lodged in his veins, “take it,” he growls before sinking his teeth into your soft flesh. Warmth blooms in your core as ropes of white paint your insides, Bokuto shamelessly moaning against you as he reaches his end. His orgasm rips another from you, body quaking under the sheer intensity of it all.

He’s careful to balance his weight, keeping it distributed between his legs and arms to keep from collapsing on you. With pleasure hazed orbs, he stares down at you, completely enraptured with the way you rest breathlessly underneath him. Sweat beads across your brow, kiss bruised lips parted to pant out your exhaustion, beautiful eyes lidded in a daze of post-orgasmic bliss and pure adoration for the man you love.

There are many things Bokuto enjoys, but his favorite will always be you.

aaaahhhh! i’m sorry i’m so late in posting this - i really got carried away with this one and have decided to release it in four parts because it’s way too long (my first multichapter hq fic say whaaat) and i have axed the middle part completely to be rewritten. written for the @heatwave2021 fic exchange where i am honored to have been matched with the lovely @vivianvampyric i hope this provides a much needed cool off from the blistering summer (even though it’s technically fall now >.<)☀️⛱️

prompt:enemies to lovers // meet ugly // ‘you’re competitive. and so is he.’

summary:the msby 4 book a surf trip to a tropical destination, only to stumble upon a forbidden slice of paradise on their first day. despite being met with a lot of resistance, bokuto is determined to get you to share your secret spot.

[playlist ►]

f!reader x bokuto koutarou, slow burn, eventual smut (not till last chapter), strong language, heavy localism, reader’s friend almost murders hinata, lots of cringey surf lingo (glossary at the end), reader tan lines are briefly mentioned, (wc: 4.1k/???)

18+ only

[ch. 1 - here] [ch. 2] [ch. 3] [ch. 4]


“I d-don’t think ya were s-s-supposed to turn d-d-down this road,” Atsumu says, voice rattling as he clings to the frame of the open-sided Jeep Wrangler rental bouncing down a narrow dirt road surrounded by 9-foot-tall sawgrass. 

“This has gotta be a secret spot!” Bokuto says at the steering wheel with a focused grin. He’s quite enjoying the bumpy ride, soaking in the feeling of the unknown adventure that might be waiting at the end of this pothole-ridden path. He was the one who had convinced his teammates to form this trip, all of them taking up surfing as a hobby as something fun to keep them in shape and connected to the world outside of all the hours spent in gymnasiums. He had seen pictures of this place on social media and couldn’t get the blue waters and clean swell lines out of his head compared to the dark, cold, murky seas back home. 

“I should have driven,” Sakusa groans from the back seat, face relaying the oncoming nausea if the road doesn’t smooth out soon. Despite his rattled head, he has a protective arm in front of Hinata, who looks like he’s about to go flying out of his seat.

“Ah! This must be it!” Bokuto exclaims as he whips a turn that almost tips the vehicle and makes his own parking spot in the clearing of cars and trucks. He’s the first to unclick his seatbelt and hop out of the Jeep to run up to the clearing that opens up to the gorgeous tropical view of the beach just a few steps below the ledge. It’s not the northern point break as described by the B&B host, but rather a lost piece of paradise. 

“Yewww! Check it out! I’ve never seen so many babes in the water,” Atsumu hollers from behind him, standing up in the passenger seat to look over the vehicle frame. 

Bokuto narrows his eyes to focus on the line-up, and sure enough, it’s a lot of women. Mostly women. All women? Damn, they really hit the jackpot with his rash decision to turn down the hidden path. The waves look clean, a gorgeous reef break with split peaks crumbling neatly as the set heads for the shore. He can’t wait to be out there, catching all the waves and showing off for the bikini babes lounging on their boards. 

“Let’s go!” He cheers and runs back to the car to grab his board. He throws his sandals into the bed and untangles his leash, then dashes to leap off the small ledge, landing in the soft sand. He can faintly hear Sakusa berating him to put on sunscreen, but he figures he’ll be okay in his rash guard. He dashes towards the shoreline, sand hot like coals beneath his feet when he hears a voice yell behind him. 

“Hey! You can’t paddle out here!” 

He doesn’t even stop to turn around, simply waving a hand as he continues his beeline for the water. 

“Don’t worry, miss! I can handle it!” He calls back. How sweet of the locals to care about his well-being, but it’s merely a waist-to-chest high day, well within his comfort zone. 

Bokuto doesn’t stop his sprint as his toes hit the water, throwing himself on top of his board and gliding over the surface with the momentum. The water is warm yet refreshing as he starts to paddle, duck diving under the first plow of whitewash rolling towards him and popping up on the other side with a satisfied sigh. He shakes his hair and continues to work his way out, keeping an eye on the other surfers riding in. A young girl zooms past him, yelling something at him that he doesn’t quite catch. 

“Oi! That lil’ girl just called me a dick!” Atsumu laments, not too far behind him. 

Sure enough, another identical girl flies past them on the next wave, unmistakably calling out, “Dickheads!”

Bokuto frowns but nevertheless keeps crawling forward with his arms, only about two waves away from the outside. A woman on a longboard glides past him, making a point to look him in the eye with a cutting glare. He ignores the disdain but turns his head when he hears her berate his friends. 

“Move along, Jake!" 

"My name isn’t Jake!” Hinata’s voice comes growling over the sound of the crashing waves as he struggles to duck dive so he barely makes it over the lip without getting eaten. His frustration can be heard in the ungraceful slaps of his stroke as he speeds up to catch up with Bokuto and Atsumu. 

“Something tells me we’re not welcome here,” Sakusa says out of nowhere next to the rest of the guys despite being last to paddle out. His cheeks and nose are lathered in white zinc, and somehow his curly hair is completely dry. “The girl on shore was insistent that we can’t surf here.”

“Just some localism. If we stay respectful-” Bokuto starts, but gets cut off by Atsumu. 

“Holy- ASS ALERT!" 

It’s a loud and tactless exclamation that even you can hear as you come carving down the wave from the right. Your eyes squint at the unfamiliar faces that are a little slack-jawed at the sight of you, most likely foreign to seeing a girl sporting a thong bikini in the wild, let alone ass out in a power squat to throw a clean cutback to ruin the curly-haired man’s dry-hair paddle-out with the spray of your board’s tail. They keep staring, unaffected by the extra water to the face as you pop off the wave and paddle over to them. 

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

The guys flinch at the harsh interrogation, certainly not what any of them were expecting you to say. You might be attractive, but that mouth of yours sure is abrasive. 

“Just here on vacation, trying to catch some waves and have fun,” Bokuto answers directly and the others nod in agreement. He understands that four new faces in a local spot could seem threatening, but he’s sure that it’s nothing that some good ol’ Koutarou-charm can’t fix.

“You should leave.”

There’s something chillingly calm about your voice that clashes with the warm turbulence of the ocean. No smile or frown, just an unrelenting stare on your fresh face as you grip the nose of your board to keep it from popping up between your legs. 

“Thank you for the concern miss, but we can handle ourselves,” he speaks on behalf of everyone, offering a big grin that he hopes will settle the tension. He’s read that some places can have aggressive locals who dictate who gets priority in the lineups, but he knows that if he just stays patient-

“Let me rephrase: Leave.”

“Do you own the ocean?” Sakusa asks bluntly.  

“Of course not, but you guys obviously aren’t from around here,” you say, narrowing your eyes just a bit. 

“So we’re not welcome?” Hinata questions innocently enough. 

You raise an amused brow at the redhead and turn your head around to call out to the group of about two dozen women behind you. “What do you say, ladies? Should we let Benny and the Jets here join our sesh?" 

Your question is met with a chorus of boos, 'fuck off’s, and middle fingers being waved in the air. It’s enough to make the quad of boys wince at the cold unwelcome. 

You turn your attention back to them and shrug. 

"There you have it. We’ll even let you ride yourselves back in,” you offer with an infuriating fake smile. 

Atsumu and Hinata seem content on leaving, ready to start paddling back in, but Sakusa sits still with his arms crossed, and Bokuto looks at you with a cheeky pout. 

“Seems like there are plenty of peaks. I don’t see why we can’t just get along and share,” the silver-haired man points out. What are you gonna do anyway? It’s not like you can force them to leave. It’s almost as if you’re beckoning for him to keep pushing it. 

“Hm, just wouldn’t want you to get eaten by a shark,“ you say, tilting your chin up and staring down at the guys.


Suddenly, Hinata lets out a frantic yelp right as his board goes shooting out the water and his body disappears beneath the surface. The other guys’ faces blanch, eyes darting to one another, ready to start sprint-paddling back to shore before they hear your laughter. 

“My friend trains by running underwater carrying boulders and can hold her breath for over 4 minutes. Can little red do the same?” You giggle fearlessly. Sure enough, a riderless longboard floats past you from behind and the boys realize that it’s no coincidence that their smallest friend had gotten dragged under. 

“Goddammit,” Omi grumbles, taking a deep breath before diving in after Hinata. 

You can see the water rippling from a scrabble below and it doesn’t take long for the redhead to pop up, gasping for air and desperately seeking the safety of his board. Omi comes up shortly after with a well-deserved glare, while your friend surfaces with an iniquitous laugh like a spiteful selkie. The guys all exchange nervous glances, quickly realizing that you aren’t playing around despite the lively look on your face. 

"I’m going back in. Hinata, come on,” Sakusa grumbles as he keeps his critical eyes on you until he paddles out of sight with a shaken Hinata at his heels. 

“I’d follow him if I were you,” you say with an ominous smile, feigning innocence to the fact that your friend had nearly drowned someone. 

“Hey, ladies,” Atsumu says warily with his hands up defensively. “Why can’t we just get along? Ya’know, the spirit of surfin’ n’ such?”

You blink at the two left, smile remaining as if you’re pleased with them staying despite the hassle of their presence. Bokuto studies the look on your face. It seems familiar to him, something he recognizes from all his years of staring down opponents on the other side of the net, and yet he can’t quite place what it is. It sparks his curiosity, luring him to stay put despite all the signs that tell him they should leave. 

“Well, in the spirit of surfing, how about you take this next wave? Show us girls what you got,” you offer, tilting your head to the oncoming set. The tide is just right for the first wave to crest right at your position. 

“Like right now?” The bleach-blond asks, quickly turning around to get himself in position, all too eager to bite your bait. 

You turn around and nod at some girls behind you. The others give way to two of the smallest in the group, the same two girls who were calling them “dickheads” earlier, and no older than middle schoolers who start paddling for take-off. You whip your head back at the guys. 

“Now! Don’t fall!” 

“Easy enough!” Atsumu yells as he takes off and you cringe at him kicking his feet for a boost.

Bokuto stays behind and observes, wondering what you have up your sleeve even though he’s pretty sure the girls can’t catch up to his friend. However, though Atsumu is further ahead on the wave, the two girls, each half his size, easily close in on him from behind with demon-like speed on their neon boards. 

“What the-? Little clone freaks what are y-!" 

It’s hard to see what’s going on from behind the wave but soon enough, Atsumu’s board flies ghost over the lip while he goes full starfish bail in the air before landing in the churning white water. You laugh at the sight and turn to the last remaining man just a few feet away from you, who seems less amused at his friends’ fate. His salt and pepper hair lays slicked back against his head from the water, golden eyes studying you critically with his lips pulled into a pout. It’s a shame he’s being so stubborn, otherwise, he’s kind of cute. 

“Those are my nieces. One of them will be world champion one day,” you brag with a haughty grin, watching as the one on the hot pink board airs out when the wave closes. “We’re not just some girls fucking around out here looking cute on our boards.” 

You’re certainly not wrong from what he’s witnessed, though he can’t deny you don’t look far off from posters that he’s seen in windows of surf shops or even a torn magazine page adorning the lockers of some of his teammates. 

"So what are you doing?”

“Not to say that we don’t have fun,” you say, “but every one of us is working hard to be better than the best.”

“Oh? And which one of you is the best?”

Your smile is almost predatory. He sees the stickers on the underside of your nose, brands he recognizes, and wonders if they’re not just for decoration. There’s a look in your eye that makes his blood simmer excitedly, and he suddenly realizes what it is. He’s well-versed in cocky attitudes, but rarely from girls, and even more rare from a girl facing a man. Undoubtedly though, he can hear and see the words seeping out of you in an aura: Underestimate me. I dare you.  

“Scared of a little girl, vacation warrior?”

“No!” He blurts out, face feeling hot from the tropical sun reflecting off the water, or so he thinks. He feels a rush inside him, intrigued to see what you can bring to the table, almost wanting you to completely show him up, and yet also wanting to crush you down. 

“Then follow me!” You bark, turning yourself to paddle for the oncoming wave. 

You hear him grunt, making you smirk in satisfaction when you realize you have him hooked into your game. It’s an easy win for you, no matter how athletic he may be - the way his rash guard clings to his large, defined muscles certainly hasn’t gone un-missed by your judging eyes. 

The wave drags you into its pull, and you let him stand up before you, noticing his goofy-footed stance and that he seems pretty comfortable riding backside. He lets out an excited “yewww!” at the rush. It makes you smile but doesn’t soften your spirit when you drop in behind him. Your eyes are trained on the spot you want to be, not breaking in concentration as you glide past him without so much as a pump. 

Bokuto feels good on the wave- something about the push of the water and harmonizing with the mysterious laws of nature rather than fighting against them. There’s a certain satisfaction in finding just the right balance to enjoy the ride, not unlike being thrown the perfect toss to spike the ball exactly where you want. But he sees you out of the corner of his eye as you begin to sweep around him. It almost seems to happen in slow motion. He’s reminded of the times he’s felt so sure about a point only for a hand or a foot to come seemingly out of nowhere, and the mix of awe and anger. 

Still, he can’t not turn his attention. He remembers the lessons and pointers he’s gotten since he started this hobby. He knows he should only look in the direction he’s going, but as you pull in front of him, he sees your hand slide down your lower back until your thumb hooks under the top seam of your bottoms. And though there’s hardly any fabric to begin with, he’s still held captive when you flash him your tan lines made only more tempting by the water dripping down your body. 

A dirty play by you, but he knows it’s silly to get worked up and distracted by such a thing. He knows he’s losing his balance. He knows he’s about to fall and get washed away by the wave, but not without watching you execute a perfect bottom turn that cuts off his trajectory and blends into a sharp snap, and sprays the water like a full-body halo around you. It’s as if he wasn’t even on the wave to begin with. 

His shoulder hits the water, eyes never leaving your carving figure as he gets swallowed by the wave. He feels strange as he gets dunked beneath the surface, left ankle getting tugged by his leash as his board buoys from above. The sunlight breaks through the clear water, and though his vision is a little blurred, he finds it quite peaceful despite the embarrassing defeat. However, his back bumps against the reef and he quickly kicks his way back up. 

By the time he makes it back to shore, you’re already regrouped with the other girls, letting them have their turns. He bites the inside of his cheek, feeling salty in more ways than one. He knows he shouldn’t want to go back out, but he finds himself fighting the urge to paddle right back to you. He wants to keep surfing and prove to you that he can keep up, and prove something else to you that he can’t quite put his finger on. But he sees the rest of the guys standing around on the beach next to a girl set up with some camera equipment. 

“Ha! You got beat by that girl!” Atsumu jabs as Bokuto walks up to them. 

“Says the guy who got pushed around by two pre-teens,” Sakusa mutters. 

“I tried to warn you all that you can’t surf here,” the girl with the camera sighs from her spot on the sheet she has set up to keep off the sand.  

“And what gives you all the right?“ Bokuto asks, squinting an eye. 

"Nothing. Absolutely nobody. That’s why we’re here,” she replies, though it doesn’t give them much of an answer. “You all should leave. There’s a spot north of here that should be a little more welcoming." 

The guys all look at each other and agree, even if there is a little part in each of them that wants to put their foot down. But their vacation time is limited, and they’d like to catch some waves rather than fight for them. Defeated, for now, they turn back to the shoddy parking area. 

"Aw man, somebody waxed our ride!” Hinata exclaims as he climbs over the ledge and makes his way to the jeep. Sure enough, the matte streaks of Sticky Bumps surf wax stand out against the shiny yellow car paint. There isn’t much canvas, but there are crude penises and the phrase “locals only” etched anywhere the wax would stick. 

So much for paradise. 


The day wasn’t a total loss. Fortunately, they had some luck at the spot they had originally set out to check out, and after exhausting themselves there, they headed back to the B&B with the sun setting behind them. It’s a bright blue two-story building surrounded by lush, colorful plants with lots of open outdoor space. The owner is a Japanese ex-pat, who Bokuto had found through a travel agent. He had introduced himself as “Musty Boot” to the guys, all of whom didn’t want to question if that’s his actual name or not. 

“Did you guys score?” The older man greets them when he sees the guys unloading their boards and using the hose to wash the sand off their feet. 

“Yeah! We ended up at the beach with the rocky point break like you told us. It was a lot of fun,“ Bokuto says with a big grin that stretches his cheeks which are already a little bit pink from sunburn. All of the boys look a little bit tanner just after one day in the sun, even Sakusa who was diligent with the SPF. 

"You guys sure are energetic. I thought for sure you’d be jet-lagged,” the host says as he turns to open the door. “There’s a lot of other good spots in the area. I’ll show you some more on the map when you get inside." 

A large dog with shaggy grey and white fur forces his way out as soon as the door gives enough space for him to wiggle through, greeting each of the guys with a wet nose to the thigh and collecting pats on the head. 

"Oi! Get back in Kuzi,” Musty Boot orders and the canine goes waddling back through the door, though not without checking behind to make sure the visitors are following him. 

“We went the way you said but found an even better spot on our way there. There were some nasty girls who gave us a hard time though. They tried to drown Hinata,” Bokuto tells him as he steps inside. It’s only slightly cooler, the Aircon working hard to relieve the space of the tropical heat, but at least the tile feels nice on their tender soles. 

"Is that all? I should have warned you about that. That’s ‘The Siren’s Den,’ run up with y/n and her gang of wahines. Local girls-only club - they’re notorious around here. They’re like a pod of killer whales." 

Bokuto laughs at the comparison for the accuracy, and wonders if the older man is referring to you. Even though it wasn’t established, something told him that you were the leader. 

“Okay, but who do they think they are claimin’ a spot like that for themselves? Pretty selfish n’ rude if ya ask me,” Atsumu grunts while petting the dog to counter the bitter feelings stewing in his head. 

"Trust me, you all got off lucky. See this scar?” Their host points out the indent above his right eyebrow. “I knew better, but I thought I’d paddle out at their spot when El Niño hit a couple years ago. One of those girls pulled my leash as I went to drop in on a double-overhead day and I went over the falls and straight into the reef." 

"Someone should get arrested for that!” Hinata yells, and the other guys nod in agreement. 

Musty Boot laughs so hard his eyes nearly bug out of his head. “There’s no cops in surfing. Especially here. Everything is settled man to man. Or woman to man.”

“And so how would we settle with them?” Bokuto muses. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it since they left. 

The host laughs again. “By realizing that’s a battle you’re never gonna win unless you wanna get pelted with sea urchins." 

They grimace at the thought. Based on what they experienced, none of them doubted that you and your gang were crazy enough to do such a thing. 

"Why don’t all the guys get together and storm their spot? They can’t scare everyone away,” Sakusa says as he picks at the few stubborn pieces of sand stuck to his arm. The other guys turn to Musty Boot, curious if he thinks it’s a valid strategy. 

“Things are different here. It’s still a little bit old-world where men think women shouldn’t be doing anything but cooking meals and raising children. Back in the day, men wouldn’t even let the women in the line-up. They’d harass them, snake any wave a girl tried to catch, basically drove them away until they had no choice but to find their own secret spot. It’s not really so much that they’re keeping it for themselves, it’s more that they’re contained there.“

"But it’s such a good spot! Wouldn’t the men try n’ take it for themselves?" 

"The girls would just start to trickle into the other spots instead - and if I’m being honest, the guys can’t handle it,” the older man tells them. 

“What do you mean?” Hinata asks.

“Well, most guys don’t want to be shown up by a bunch of girls.”

“You can say that again,” Atsumu grunts. 

“Are the men really that bad?” Bokuto questions. With two older sisters, he’s never really had an ego when it comes to women - not to say he doesn’t believe men are capable of being so fragile, but he doesn’t quite understand how a woman being good at something would be a bad thing. Sure he felt frustrated earlier, but it had little to do with your gender. 

“Unfortunately, yes,” Musty Boot answers with a sigh. “But the girls are also that good." 

The words stick with Bokuto as he lays down on his bunk, though not for long for the full day in the sun and the jet lag are on his heels. It feels like he’s still floating on his board, bobbing along to the roll of the waves, though it’s soothing as the image of your backside creeps into his mind. He even imagines you turning your head to look at him, a wicked smile painting your lips as sleep overtakes him. 

Glossary - U.S.-based lingo

  • Benny - non-local
  • Frontside - riding chest facing the face of the wave (typically easier)
  • Backside - riding back facing the face of the wave (can be trickier)
  • Dry Hair Paddle Out - making it to the outside without having to duck dive. Indicates good wave sense and observation of the ocean.
  • Jake/Barney/Kook - an inexperienced surfer, doesn’t know surf etiquette, cringe, poser
  • Goofy - right foot forward on the board
  • Inside - where the waves have already broken, closer to shore, usually a little weaker and where beginner surfers stick to
  • Left/Right - the direction of the wave when facing the beach in the water
  • Local - someone who frequents a certain spot
  • Regular - left foot forward on the board
  • Localism - an unspoken law of the surf line-up. Locals get priority on waves and determine if/when non-locals get their turn. Can cause a lot of fights if taken seriously and not respected.
  • Outside - where the waves first crest, further away from the beach
  • Vacation Warrior - someone who only surfs when they’re on vacation
  • Wahine - Maori for “young woman” though also used to refer to girls who surf
  • Yew - a common exclamation used amongst surfers

Anatomy of a wave:

oral (giving), blowjob

・。 .・゜゜・ .  ・ ゜゜・ . ・゜゜・.。・

you’re kneeling at his feet, hands on his legs. your fingers are just teasing under the edge of the towel wrapped around bokuto’s waist.

“please?” you ask, prompting him to glance at you. your plush lips are open and wet, your eyes already fogging into a haze of lust. bokuto feels something tighten down low in his stomach.

reaching a hand out, you lean in, thinking he’s going to petting your hair when he suddenly grips it. you whine and your fingers tighten on his thighs. he lets the towel drop and you don’t even track its fall. you’re too focused on his perfect cock, nestled in soft curling hair.

you whine again, wanting to nestle into his crotch and get lost in that heady scent. he grips his dick at the base and pulls you in close. your mouth open eagerly. he groans at the feeling of your lips closing around his aching tip.

“swallow everything, wouldn’t want your treat going to waste now would you?”

you full out moan as bokuto speaks. and when the first thick drops fill your mouth, you immediately feel lightheaded, falling into bliss as you drink his cum, sucking on his dick like you desperately need all of it. and when he pulls on your hair again, you let your head be tilted up, let him admire your messy face— decorated with drool and tears, staring up at him blearily. he knows he’s going to miss this very sight when he flips you over and fucks you into the mattress.

*GIF not mine*

Summary: After Bokuto leaves for an away game on Valentine’s Day weekend, you’re left to handle the day’s pleasures all on your own. There’s just one little problem–nothing comes close to what Bokuto could give you. Luckily, he offers a solution, and though it’s completely out of your wheelhouse, you find yourself desperate enough to give in.

Warnings: smut, phone sex, mutual/guided masturbation, dirty talk, slight praise kink, slight dumbification, edging (if you squint), (gentle) dom!Bokuto

A/N: Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Here’s a lil gift from me to u that I’ve had stuck on my mind for a while. Yes, yes, I know, I ain’t great at writing smut, so if someone else wrote this prompt w/ Best Boi Bokuto™ uhh… *cough cough* sendittomeplsnthx. Enjoy!

Word count: 2731

        “So… what are you wearing?”

        “Jesus Christ,” you break off into a laugh, picking up the phone. 

        “Nah, nah, c’mon, I’m serious. We gotta start somewhere.”

        Still shaking your head, you lean back on the bed once more, propped up on a few pillows but otherwise completely reclined. “Fine, fine, but anything else like that and I’m gonna have to leave you to your hand.”

        “I promise, now c’mon. Tell me.”


        “One-hundred percent.”

        You purse your lips, debating a little. You can feel how much you want it–want him–and when you shift your hips, you can almost feel it soaking uncomfortably against your clothing. He’d texted you minutes ago with a proposition after learning of your predicament last night. 

        You’d wanted him so bad, but that alone wasn’t enough. Bokuto was off at an away game, and the distance–plus it being Valentine’s Day–only made things worse. You’d tried so hard, even trying to imagine his hand in your own’s place, even his tongue. It was just not enough. 

        Though, Bokuto didn’t seem to know how to handle the situation either. 

        “Fine, fine. I’m, uh, I’m wearing that little dress you like-”


        “-and those silk panties you almost tore that one time.”


        “Fuck no. It’s a Monday–I’m wearing sweats and a tank top, and I’m pretty sure there’s at least two rats making babies in my hair.”

        “Well at least someone’s getting some.”


        “Sorry, YN!” Bokuto whines, his voice crackling through the line. “But come on! Take this seriously.” He pauses, silence flooding your room.

        “Just…let me help you.”

        Your thighs subconsciously clench at the tone. It’s so familiar it’s like they’re preparing to be spread apart. 

        The place between your thighs is soaked by now, far more stirred than you’re letting on. The fact that your voice is still steady surprises even you at this point. 

        “You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry.”

        “Don’t be, baby. Just lay back for me, will you?”

        “Okay.” Gnawing at your cheek, you make the choice to place Bokuto on speaker, setting him down just beside your shoulder so you can hear his every word. At this point, you’re on your back, head lain on a pillow and hands dancing along the strings of your sweats.



        “Good.”There’s a few shuffles over the phone, and when Bokuto’s voice returns he sounds a little out of breath, a little strained. “Good. Okay.”

        “Okay,” you nervously parrot, not really sure what else to do with yourself. Slowly, you’re beginning to gather that neither of you have done this before. Despite Bokuto sounding so confident earlier, he now seems reduced to the same anxious, aroused mess that you are. 

        “All right, now just…just follow my lead, okay?” 


        “I want you to go slow, no matter what I tell you. Don’t speed up until I say.” His orders, simply the thought of their implications, leave your fingers twitching closer to your arousal. The need to touch yourself was beginning to leave a yearning that ran rampant through your veins. A single spark filled your stomach with heat. 


        “Good,” he exhaled. Now touch yourself.”

        You almost choked on your spit. “Wh-uh, I mean,” your gaze traced along the ceiling frantically, desperately trying to distract yourself from the burning in your cheeks. “Like, where?” 

        Your question had slipped out without a second thought, and when Bokuto chuckled, the flush spread to your chest. 

        “Maybe you’re right,” he pondered. “Let’s go slower than that.” A huff, then his voice returned, excited. “All right, I got it. Think of me, all right?”

        “Kou, I already tried that.”

        “I know, baby, I know. But now you can actually hear me, and you don’t have to imagine a thing. Leave it to me.”

        You were grateful he accepted your timid silence as approval. 

        “Okay, so… think of me touching you, right? Like I’m right there in front of you, baby, and I’m just running my hands all over you-”

        “Kou?” you cut him off, blindly picking at your fingernails. 

        “What’s up? You wanna stop?”

        “Can you touch yourself too?” And it’s when he falls silent that you realize how awkward that sounded. “Ah shit, I-I mean, like, I just kinda felt awkward doing it alone and like I felt like if you were doing it too I’d feel better about it and-”

        “God, YN, you thought I wasn’t doing that already?”


        He scoffs, and shame begins to sour your anticipation. 

        “The second you said you were touching yourself to the thought of me, babe, I was at it. You seriously thought I was gonna sit here and just let you play with yourself while I’m over here just listening?”

        “I mean, a little…”

        “Shit, YN. I let you tie me up once and suddenly you think I like being blue-balled.”


        “It was one time!”

        “Whatever, Kou! Can we just…get back to what we were doing?”

        “Fine, fine. But we’re discussing this later.”

        “Okay, okay. Just get on with it, will you? Please, Kou, I…” you pause, body once more growing aware of the situation between your legs. “I need your help.”

        “I know, babe.” Bokuto gulps, taking a second to relax himself once more. You’re busying yourself with fiddling with the bottom of your tank top now, tempted to just lift off the damned thing along with the rest of your clothes. 

        But you’re a little curious if Bokuto would mind that.

        “All right, sweetheart. Like I said, follow my lead.”

        You hum. 

        “I want you to imagine me there, right on top of you, baby. Think of how I’d push your shirt up, how I’d run my hands up your sides. Do that to yourself for me, will you, sweetheart?”

        You listen and copy his words, running your hands underneath the cotton hem and brushing your fingertips along your hips, just as Bokuto had done so many times. 

        Well, it wasn’t perfect. But his voice certainly helped. 

        “Go up higher, baby. I want you to hold those pretty tits of yours.

        “God, I can almost feel ‘em in my hands. So soft, always wanna keep my hands there. So fuckin’ pretty.”

        “Kou…” You do as he asks, but it’s not enough. You want more, now.

        “I know, I know. But remember, sweetheart, I said we’re taking things slow tonight.”


        “Now touch yourself. Imagine my hands playing with those cute little nipples of yours, baby. Make ‘em all tight and perky for me.” Hesitantly, you follow his lead. Your fingers draw circles, tug and caress like how you remember he would after long days. How his hands would yank off your shirt before palming and squeezing and stroking. Some days he was really mean, and your hips shifted at the thought of the dark marks he would leave scattered along your chest. 

        “Feel good?” His voice is breathless, and you’re a little uncertain of whether that means your soft moans had somehow passed through the phone line despite how much you’d suppressed them. Though, Bokuto did like you loud. 

        “So good,” you pant, hands still toying almost torturously. “But I want more, Kou, please.”

        Fuck, baby, I ever tell you how cute you are when you beg?”


        “Fine, fine. But you know I’d play with your pretty tits longer than that. From now on, let’s go at my pace.”

        Fuck. You knew Bokuto had a pace, but when it came to nights like these, it was slower than you’d expect. Though most nights Bokuto jumped you and kept at it like a rabbit, there were just some days where he dragged things out, usually just to hear you beg for him. An ego boost, or whatever. Like he needed it. 

        “Slowly, sweetheart, bring your hands down to your thighs and spread ‘em, nice and gentle–you know how I’d peel ‘em apart.” He broke off into a grunt. “And t-then stroke the insides of your thighs, baby.”


        “What’s up?”

        “Do,” you clench your jaw, telling yourself to get over the embarrassment by now. “-Do you want me to take my clothes off?”

        “Fuck, you still have any on? Why?”

        “Oh.” You took that as a cue to tear off your tank top and sweatpants, a little ashamed by the eagerness with which you did it. That feeling only grew when you squirmed out of your panties, catching a glimpse of the glistening stain left on them. 

        An idea hit you, and though you knew it would only make you flush more, you wanted to hear his reaction.


        “Are they off?”

        “My panties are soaked.” 

        The reaction was instant. 

        “Jesus–fuck,” Bokuto hissed under his breath. You heard something akin to skin on skin as his cursing hitched, and a strangled groan filled your ears. 

        “Fucking tease,” he rasped when he finally seemed to stop himself from going too far. There was a tension in his voice that warned you he wanted revenge. “Put both hands on that wet little pussy, sweetheart. For that, I wanna hear it.”

        Finally. The second your dominant hand made contact with your swollen clit, your hips jerked up without volition. “Sh-it.”

        “Nu-uh, YN. Keep them there. Two inside, one on your clit. Nice and slow.”

        It was hard to keep a steady, controlled pace. Your hips kept bucking, your back kept arching, and the two fingers Bokuto had ordered deep inside you weren’t reaching that little spot he seemed to have memorized like the back of his hand. 

        The lone index finger you kept circling your clit wasn’t doing your sanity any favors. The muscles of your thighs began to tremble in sheer desire of some actual force, a little muscle behind the action. 

        “YN,” Bokuto’s tone was low, warning. The second you’d sped up your hands to meet your needs, Bokuto could hear your closed-mouth whimpers growing higher. 


        “Hands off, baby. Completely.”

        “Wha…” you opened your mouth in protest, reluctantly pulling two soaked fingers out of your weeping hole and forcing your hand away from your clit. 

        “I told you to listen, baby. And now that’s all you get to do.”

        “Kou, what-”

        “Ahh, shit.” You slam your mouth shut, biting your lip at the delicious moans echoing through the phone. “Fuck, so good.”

        Bokuto’s strained groans come quick and in between pants. You’re positive there’s a sheen of sweat covering his forehead now, his arm flexed and taut as he strokes himself. 

        “YN, baby. ‘F-Feels so good.”

        “Kou,” you plead, gaze a little unfocused as you listen to his moans while forcing your hands to stay at your sides. You feel yourself twitching, clenching around nothing. 

        “Fuck, wish I was inside you right now.” Throaty moans now filter through the crackling line, so loud you wonder if the neighboring apartment can hear–not that they shouldn’t be used to it by now. “You’re always so fucking tight, sweetheart. Always so wet and tight on my cock.”

        “Kou please, let me-”

        “Hold on. Just a little more, baby–fffuck. Know you wanna touch yourself. Spread your legs for me, but don’t touch.”

        You peel your knees apart once more, frustrated to no longer have any friction to work with. Your hips roll desperately, but it accomplishes nothing but making you more desperate. You can feel your arousal dripping down, now, soaking into the sheets. 

        “You remember before I left, sweetheart? Remember how I fucked your pretty little brains out? Never seen you like that before, so pretty and crying over how good my cock felt inside you.”

        “Yes, Kou, yes! Please, just let me-”

        “Said you couldn’t walk the next day. Said I fucked you so good you couldn’t feel your legs, baby. You feel ‘em now? All spread apart and just fucking shaking? If I fucked you right now, sweetheart, you think you could even think straight?”

        “No, Kou, fuck I need you so bad.” You threw an arm over your eyes, the other digging into the sheets as you waited and waited for permission. 

        “You only got your fingers, and you can’t even use ‘em. All you got is me, the thought of me fucking into you, turning your pretty little brain into mush. Making you feel so good all you can do is cry. Baby, I still got those scratch marks on my back.”


        “Just a few more days, sweetheart, and I’ll have you making new ones. For now though, I suppose I could let you play with yourself.”

        You almost cried out in relief, hands darting down to your aching, sopping hole, feeling as it drenched each fingertip with ease. 

        “Three fingers inside. I know you can take it. Pretend it’s me warming you up for my cock, baby, stretching you out and having you dripping all over my fucking hand.”

        He’s right, it is a stretch, and you almost whimper when you press your fingers up and against the little pleasure center deep inside you, fingertips just barely brushing. 

        “Your little clit hurts so good, doesn’t it, baby? You’re being so mean to it aren’t you, rubbing hard circles into it.”

        He pauses, breaking off into a drawn-out groan of your name. 

        “I don’t care. Go faster.

        And you do, and he’s right, and you just can’t bring yourself to care as you press harsh patterns into your clit, struggling to pump your fingers at the same time without losing pace completely and frustrating yourself. 

        “That’s it. Say my name, baby. Scream my name while you play with yourself. Couldn’t do that by yourself, could you?”

        “Kou–fuck!” You clench your eyes shut, arching your back harder as you speed up your desperate ministrations. Heat gathers at your clit from the friction, and your slick is practically gushing now, loud and pornographic.

        Bokuto certainly got what he wished–there was no way he couldn’t hear how wet you were. 

        “You can only touch yourself with my help, can’t you? So fucking good to me, baby. So pretty playing with your tight little hole like that. Dirty little thing.”

        “God, fffuck,” you whimper, back arching when your gushing finally reaches its peak. 

        “You coming?”


        “I wanna hear who made you feel this good. Who made you play with your own little pussy so good, baby?”

        “Kou! Yes, Kou!”

        “Good girl. Good fucking girl.” Bokuto moans one last time, loud and guttural, and the slick of your fingers brushing and kneading your clit becomes too much. Your legs, spread wide and strained, shake with the effort as your back arches against the pillows behind you, head tossed back and mouth open in a silent gasp. 

        Bokuto soothes you on your way down, small “I love yous”and“so good for mes” traveling over the line. When your body finally stops twitching, you lean over and snag your phone, turning it off speaker and pressing it to your ear. 

        “Thank you, Kou,” you hum softly, lethargic and exhausted. “That was so much better than last night’s shit show.”

        “I’m so relieved, baby.” He pauses, humming. “And glad to know you can’t seem to come without me.”

        “Yeah, well, good thing you’re coming back soon. This was good, but…” You sit up, staring at his side of the bed, a little unkempt from you rolling over to it in your sleep night after night. “I wish you were here.”

        “I know, baby. I wish you were with me too.”

        “It’s so lonely without you.”

        “I know. I miss you.”

        “Plus I finally found out where you hid those handcuffs after that night.”

        “Goddamnit, YN, just throw those fucking things out! I’m not getting blue-balled again!”

“why are you with him if he make you so miserable?” bokuto asks as he turns to face you in his car, away from everyone and everything. secluded in the corner of the parking lot, in your own bubble.

you sigh “i don’t know

i can’t even say if i love him anymore but i do care about him”

“even though all he’s done is hurt you?” he asks


“all those times he’s done nothing but lie and u still care about him?” bokuto questions you again.

“i dunno bo it’s hard to explain.” you continue, “i don’t forgive him but i can’t completely hate him. he was there for me a lot but i guess as time went on…”

hmm bokuto sighs turning himself to face the front

“you’re only hurting yourself” he says quietly

i know” you sniffle feeling yourself get sad

“hey hey hey i didn’t mean to make you cry” bokuto quickly says softening his tone

your heart can’t help but swell at the small sincere reaction he’s having to see you cry

you felt guilty

if it was your boyfriend instead of bokuto he would’ve told you to shut up and save the crying for someone who cares

but the guilt came from the fact that you found comfort in bokuto

no matter how you looked at it you still have a boyfriend, you’re still in a relationship albeit it’s with someone that hurts you emotionally but still you were loyal


everytime bokuto came around you he managed to make you smile, laugh, swoon and so many other feelings that you hadn’t felt in a while

stuck in a loveless relationship filled with sorrow

you couldn’t help but sadly chuckle

“sometimes i think i do it to myself. maybe i feel like i deserve this”

hey- don’t speak like that” bokuto retorts. “you deserve nothing but love. you deserve so much love and so much happiness”

you turn to meet his golden eyes and you breathe out, “i think if i met you before i had met him, my idea of love wouldn’t be so bad”

and his heart is caught in his throat at your semi confession

“we should head back”, you say cutting into his train of thought

“i don’t wanna worry him” you say looking out the window

yeah like he actually cares bokuto thinks to himself.

like the good friend he is he takes you home, a quiet drive back with the radio playing faintly

as you step out and turn to close the door bokuto leans over to say,

“ireally wish i had met you before he got to you”

you sigh out a yeah as you close the door and turn to leave and bokuto can’t help but feel the sadness in his heart because no matter what he said or did

he didn’t get to you first.

Bokuto X Thigh Riding

Genre: smut, friends with benefits??

Warning: Thigh Riding, light fingering and one pussy slap

Word Count: 1736

Summary: You’ve always been fascinated by Bokuto’s thighs and you’ve had thoughts, fantasies and dreams of riding his thighs but you didn’t want to make the amazing friendship between the two of you weird but what if your desire isn’t yours alone?

A/n: This is my first official fanfic and first official smut fanfic. Im using kinktober as a way to experiment and to improve. Hopefully you guys will all see the growth and can give me constructive criticism in a respectful way. Hope you all enjoy and yes this was posted later than i wanted it to be.

Second Person POV

You stood in the hallway talking to Akaashi about one of the questions on the homework your teacher just assigned when you felt muscular arms wrap around you tightly followed by a heavy head on your shoulder. You didn’t even have to turn around to know exactly who it was.

“Hey Ko! How was class?” Akaashi couldn’t help but shake his head at Bokuto’s childishness and at the way you played into it and babied him.

“It was boring without you two there. You know I don’t have any friends in that class.” You turned your head slightly to see his peppered hair had fallen and his pouty lips on full display. “I missed you, y/n. I wanna have a class with you and Akaashi too. It’s not fair that I’m left out.” He turned his head and mumbled into your neck sadly.

You looked over at Akaashi with a smile that held back the giggle you wanted to let out while he smiled back softly before giving Bokuto a stern look. “Bo, we live in the same apartment and you see y/n almost every single day. Isn’t that enough?”

Bokuto shakes his head as he pulls you closer, causing you to giggle softly and pat his head gently. “How about I hang out with you guys today? Would that make you feel better Bo?”

He lifts his head with a giant smile and nods his head enthusiastically. “Yeah, that would be awesome! Come on! Let’s go right now so we can have more time together.” He grabbed you and Akaashi’s hands and started to try pulling you guys away.

Akaashi pulled Bokuto to stop him from moving further as he sighed softly. “I can’t hang today, Kuroo and I have a project we have to work on and we have to get started today.”

You and Bokuto looked at Akaashi with such sad eyes as you pulled both boys into a hug, mumbling sadly. “We’re gonna miss you Keiji and it would’ve been fun with Tetsu there too.” He kissed your head gently and patted Bokuto’s back before he broke from the hug and left.

Bokuto held you in the hug a little longer before he let you go and grabbed your hand, basically dragging you back to his apartment. As soon as you guys got in, you changed clothes and got ready to have endless fun. You’ve been to their place so much that you had clothes for multiple occasions.

You guys tried weird food combinations, tried parkour at the park, left cute notes and candy in Akaashi’s room, ding dong ditched a few people, prank-called friends, and left random numbers weird text messages. You loved hanging with Bokuto because you could feel like a kid again and not be judged.

Now, you both calmed down and sat on the couch watching a new comedy that came out recently. You both shared a big fluffy blanket, your legs over his thighs and his hands on your thighs. You felt terrible because as Bokuto was so engrossed in the movie, all you could think about was his thighs that were right under yours.

You’ve always had a thing for thighs, especially Bokuto’s thighs which didn’t disappoint thanks to volleyball and all the workouts he does. Your eyes have lingered longer than they should’ve, your hands have touched more than the reasonable amount. If there is a reasonable amount for touching thighs. And your thoughts have run wilder than any animal could ever compare to.

You didn’t realize you were moving around until Bouto squeezed your thigh and looked at you concerned. “Y/n, are you okay? You keep moving around.” The worry in his eyes just made you feel guilty as you tried to quickly come up with an excuse.

“O-oh! I’m fine Bo. I’m just tryna get comfortable, that’s all.” you gave him a soft smile, hoping he would believe you because most people don’t seem to understand that Bokuto is pretty smart.

He looked at you for a bit, almost as if he was trying to see if you were telling the truth before he sighed softly and pulled you into his lap. He held you lightly as if he were scared to hurt you and leaned over close to your ear, whispering. “Is that better?” You truly couldn’t speak so you gave him a weak nod in response.

You ended up still moving a bit which led you to be in the position where you sat on his right thigh, both your legs on either side. If Akaashi were to walk in, he would think something was happening.

Your mind was running rampant and Bokuto wasn’t helping at all. He pulled you back against his chest with his hands wrapped around your abdomen and his head on your shoulder. Pulling you back basically, had you grind on his thigh which made you shiver slightly in pleasure. He must‘ve thought you were cold from his breath hitting your neck gently so he apologized in a soft voice.

You couldn’t help but slowly move your hips against his thigh. The pleasure you felt from it was unimaginable. You’ve never ridden thighs before but you always thought about it, especially with Bokuto’s thighs. You tried to be as subtle as you could so he wouldn’t notice and you even stopped every so often, no matter how much you wanted to keep going, just so you wouldn’t get caught.

There was a point where you got so lost in the pleasure that you didn’t even notice you were moaning softly but he could still hear them. You didn’t notice his hands moving to your hips. You didn’t notice that his eyes were glued to your hips as they moved back and forth and did small circles. You were going in and you didn’t know but you both were enjoying it immensely. He was enjoying it so much that his cock was hard against your back.

“Are you enjoying yourself, baby?” Your eyes opened wide as you stopped abruptly. “Oh don’t stop now, you seemed like you were enjoying yourself. Go on. Keep getting off on my thigh, love.”

“B-bokuto! It’s not- I know that’s- look I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have…” He slapped your pussy through your shorts which caused you to gasp in shock and pleasure.

“Just shut up and keep going.” He grinds himself against your back a few times so you can feel how aroused you made him. “You see what you did to me?” He put his hands in your shorts and touched the wet spot on your panties. “And see how you feel. At least finish what you started so you can feel good.”

“W-wait Bo! What about our friendship? I-i don’t want to make it weird and I love what we have..” You put your hand on his knee as he started moving your hips slowly.

“Just relax and feel good because you weren’t thinking about that when you started fantasizing about my thighs a while ago.” You froze and grabbed his hands tightly to stop his movements as you turned your head to look into his lust-filled eyes. “What? Is something wrong?”

“Bokuto… you knew?” You grabbed his face in your hands while he frowned slightly, confusion obvious on his face.

“Knew what? That you liked my thighs? Yeah, I realized it after a while but Kuroo was the one who explained it to me.” He shrugged as you put your face in your hands and groaned, thinking of all the ways to get back at Kuroo. “Do you wanna keep going? If you’re uncomfy we can stop. Wait, I know how to make you feel better.”

You loved how caring Bokuto was but you didn’t know what he meant until you felt him pulling down your shorts and underwear. You shivered from the sudden loss of clothes as he touched your pussy gently with two fingers. Feeling how wet you were made him buck up and groan, pulling you close into him. “You don’t understand how bad I wanna fuck you. But get off on my thigh first, I wanna see you cum from just my thighs and fingers.”

You were going to say something when he started bouncing his leg causing you to moan and hold his arm tightly. “So fucking wet baby. That pretty pussy dripping all over my thigh. Fuck I wanna taste you.” Your head was thrown back, eyes fluttering closed as he continued bouncing his thigh.

His words made you feel butterflies in your pussy and he must have known because he put his hands on your hips and moved them faster against his thigh. You let yourself fall back into it and started moving and circling your hips, moaning out for him. “That’s it baby owl. Lemme hear how good using my thigh to fuck yourself makes you feel.”

He flexed his thigh and started moving two rough fingers against your clit at the pace of your movements. This whole experience and feeling were so euphoric that you almost thought you were dreaming.

You felt yourself being pulled closer and closer as everything felt like it was going to crash down on you. You lean your head back against him and whine. “Bo please! W-wait wait!” He smirks as you try to stop his hand which he smacks out the way/

“I’m just helping you cum for me, baby. Don’t you wanna come for me?” You nod as moans fall from your lips. “That’s a good girl. See, you get to use me to get off and I get to see the pretty face you make when you cum. Open your eyes baby, I want the full experience.”

Hearing his encouragement made you cum with a loud moan of his name tumbling out your mouth messily. He pulls you into a deep kiss as he slowly rubs your clit to get you down from your high. “You enjoyed that?”

You leaned your head on his chest as you nod your head and give him a small smile. “I definitely enjoyed that Bo. but we should clean up before Keiji comes back.”

“How about I text him to come back tomorrow? I hate to be greedy but I need you tonight y/n!” He lifts you up and practically runs to his room.

“Wait, Bo! Text him before you start anything!”
