#koutarou bokuto x reader


Character:Kōtarō Bokuto
Summary: It was hard to tire out Bokuto, it felt like the man had unlimited energy that just kept going and going and going. Doesn’t matter if it was 4pm or 4am, he was your big Energizer Bunny.
Warning:Teasing, Rutting, Multiple Orgasms, Smut, Light Bondage, Overstimulation
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It was hard to tire out Bokuto, it felt like the man had unlimited energy that just kept going and going and going. Doesn’t matter if it was 4pm or 4am, he was your big Energizer Bunny. 

When you were tired and wanted to go to bed, your loving boyfriend always wanted to stay up a bit longer, watch another episode of television or maybe have another cup of coffee. But tonight you wanted a good night’s rest, you’d do anything to tire out you Bo.

  “Babe… Baby, what are you doing with those ties. Honey, babycakes.” He swallowed as he pushed himself further up the bed.

You tightened the tie in your hands and got up onto the bed, “Just lie back and relax, Bo.” You jumped him and pinned him down to the bed, you hooked the tie around his wrist and tied it to the bed frame. 

Bokuto’s cock twitched in his shorts at the sight of you being a little more dominant. He relaxed against the bed, “What’s gotten into you, honey?” He swallowed again. 

You pinned his other wrist down onto the bed, “I love you, Bo. So much, so, so much. But you are nothing but a ball of energy.” You let go of his wrist and sat on his waist as you unbuttoned your shirt, “I want to tire you out.”

He shivered, “Baby, you didn’t have to tie me up.” He chuckled, “You just had to ask!” He reached with his free hand and grabbed your ass through your shorts, “Always love my babygirl’s cute booty.”

You slapped his hand away and took off your shirt, you tossed it onto the floor. You ran your hands up his chest and leaned in to kiss him on the lips, “You better be tired by the end of this. I want you fast asleep by the time I untie you.” 

He chuckled, loving the position he was in, “Then baby, we’ll be going for a while.” He wiggled a little bit, full of energy. His cock twitched in his athletic shorts. 

You moved up and got your shorts off with minimal trouble, it was followed by your panties until you were left bare except for your bra. You sat on him and unhooked your bra, freeing your breasts. 

Bokuto groaned and thrusted his hips up to rub his hard on against you. He gripped the tie with his bound hand. A blush formed on his cheeks. He purred, “Get the shorts off, honeypie. I wanna feel you.” He thrusted up a little harder. 

You rubbed your hands along his clothed chest and rubbed your sex against his clothed cock. You rubbed yourself a little harder, your pussy becoming wetter with each rub. You felt his cock twitch in his shorts and you saw the stickiness of your wetness against the black fabric. 

  “Fuck, baby. C’mon stop teasing. Ride me already.” He whined. 

  “No, no, you’re going to cum from this. And then maybe I’ll ride you.” You gripped his shoulders and continued to rub your exposed pussy against him. You made a mess of his shorts as you moved against him. 

Bokuto whimpered as gripped the tie around his wrist. He bucked up against you. He swallowed harshly and moaned loudly. His eyes rolled back a little bit as you rubbed up against him. He felt like he was on cloud nine, he could hear his heart thumping in his ears. 

It didn’t take long before he was gasping, on the verge of his first orgasm. He came in his shorts with a loud moan. His back arched and his nails digging into his palms. 

You continued to rut against him, on the verge of your first orgasm. You felt the stickiness in his shorts as you moved up and down on them. Your pussy felt raw and your clit stimulated. You gripped his shoulders and came on his shorts, further dirtying them. You gasped and your eyes rolled back as you felt Bokuto get hard again, you guess he wasn’t done yet.

  “Fuck!” You moaned. 

  “That’s it, fuck baby. You feel so good, fuck please baby. Ride me! Ride me! Tire me out!” He called out as he bucked up against you. 

You pushed your hair out of your eyes and looked down at the mess you two made. You saw the lump back in Bokuto’s pants. You rubbed the wet fabric and then pulled down the shorts under his cock and then off his body. His proud cock stood at attention and throbbed with want. It was covered in the stickiness of his previous orgasm. 

You ran a finger up the thick vein that ran up his cock, “Bobo, you still want more?”

He tensed at the feeling of your fingernail against his cock, “Please, please baby. You make me feel so good.” He watched you with his golden eyes as you sat on his cock, your pussy was wet enough to easily seat yourself on his large length. 

You gripped the front of his shirt as you started to move yourself onto his cock. He filled you in the best way possible, you pushed your hair out your eyes once more as you moved up and down on his cock. You were still coming down from your orgasm, you felt warm all over in the best way possible.

  “Oh fuck, that’s it.” He purred, “You feel amazing, I love it. I love you.” He met your pace. The bed creaked, your bodies moved together. Your heavy breathing, sharp moans and loud groans filled the room. 

  “I love you too.” You replied, “I adore you.”

You gasped at the feeling of Bokuto’s cock hitting you in the right places. You panted heavily, feeling warm to your core. Your sex clenched around you, your breasts shook as you bounced on his cock. 

Bokuto held onto you with his free hand as he quickly came the second time, he was starting to feel overstimulated. But he was still full of energy and got hard as soon as he was starting to come down. The feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock turned him on greatly. 

The sight of your shaking breasts, your pussy coated in his cum your flustered expression and the true bliss you were in. 

  “Fuck baby, fucking ruin me. I can’t take anymore!” He called out, his back bent as he felt himself become smothered in pleasure again. He felt amazing, his body thrummed with lust and want. His face was flushed, strands of hair stuck to his forehead and he was sweating through his t-shirt. His thighs quivered and his body longed for the high of pleasure. 

His cock felt sensitive inside of you, but he still wanted that next orgasm. He was addicted to your cunt. 

You managed to wring out two more orgasms before you were starting to lose steam, your thrusts became unorganized. Your body felt on a whole other level, your pussy was messy and wet. Your hands shook around his shirts. You were unfocused and messy as you continued your quest to tire him out. 

But at the edge of Bokuto’s third orgasm. He was panting, his eyes rolled back a little bit. His body was tense as he spurted cum deep inside of you, making a further mess of your insides. Fully claimed by him inside and out. 

He cried out, “Baby!” before he slumped against the bed. Fully wrung out and overstimulated. His cock throbbed with tiredness and the lasting lingerings of lust. 

You panted and stopped moving your hips. You sighed deeply and went, “wow.” If you were trying to tire him out, you tired yourself out in the process. You slipped his softening cock out of your pussy and rested on his thighs as you leaned over and undid the tie. 

Once his arm was free he grabbed you and rolled over to his side. He rubbed himself up against you sleepily and yawned, “Wow indeed, babycakes.” He kissed you on the cheek, “Are you in any pain?”

  “No, I’m all good.” You yawned in response, “I think it’s time we get some sleep. You seem worn out.”

He nodded and rubbed his cheek up against your neck, “I adore you baby.” He yawned against, “I’m tired.” 

You sighed happily, mission accomplished. You felt Bokuto cuddle up against you and kissed your cheek. It wasn’t long before your boyfriend was snoring beside you.

You sighed happily and got out of his arms to clean yourself up. With wobbly legs and a quiet yawn you made your way over to your shared bathroom. That was one way to get Bokuto to tire out. 

Character:Keiji Akaashi & Kōtarō Bokuto
Summary: Akaashi looked sleek in his suit, all black with small accents of yellow. He sighed as he scanned the room for you. He found no sight of you and sighed to himself, you must be busy backstage. With Bokuto. Because he wasn’t on stage with the rest of the band.
Warning:Smut, Polyam, Reverse Cowgirl, Cunnilingus, Pregnant Reader, Pregnancy Kink, Jazz AU
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Akaashi looked sleek in his suit, all black with small accents of yellow. He sighed as he scanned the room for you. He found no sight of you and sighed to himself, you must be busy backstage. With Bokuto. Because he wasn’t on stage with the rest of the band.

He straightened his tie, as walked through the club as the next song played. There weren’t many jazz clubs left in Tokyo, but the ones that remained were often filled. Old men with young waitresses and up and coming bands. 

Akaashi slinked past tables and go to the back of the club. The saxophone played high on stage mixed with the piano, drums and trumpet. No one would notice him slipping into backstage. 

Once he got far enough away from the stage, down the narrow hallway of the backrooms, thats when he heard the rough moans and high gasps of two people in the furthest room. Akaashi sighed and pushed his hair out of his eyes before he with quick feet got down the hall and opened the door to the room. 

Inside was you and Bokuto, and Bokuto inside of you. You were in his lap on the couch with you blouse open, your bra pulled down, and your six month pregnant belly in fully display. And of course your maternity underwear pushed to the side to give Bokuto easy access to you. Your skirt and blouse were a crumpled mess on the floor. 

Akaashi sighed, “Ko.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “You weren’t on stage tonight.” And entered the room, slamming the door behind him. Might as well give the pregnant woman some decency. 

You got off of Bokuto’s lap with a huff and dropped down beside him. You rubbed your belly idly, “You guys have been away on tour, I missed both of you.”

  “And it couldn’t wait till we all got home?” Akaashi said as he eyed your pregnant body. He knew that Bokuto had a liking for your new figure, but Akaashi enjoyed the sight of your large breasts and the brat you carried. There was a 50% chance it was his anyway so maybe he shouldn’t call it a brat. 

You pouted, “I wasn’t able to serve drinks when I saw him roll up his sleeves, you know what his forearms do to me.” 

Akaashi took off his suit jacket, hung it up over the chair and rolled up his sleeves, “I know, I have the ultrasound in my wallet that clearly explains what his forearms do to you.” He walked up to you and rubbed your bump, “You have to be gentle, I’d hate for our baby to be premature because you two couldn’t behave.” 

You leaned forward, and pulled on Akaashi’s tie, “But you want a taste of mama don’t you?” 

Akaashi could hear the climax of the song hit, and he knew he didn’t have much time before the band came back to pack up for the night. He pulled away from you and patted you on the head the way an owner would a dog.

  “I’ll just observe tonight, seem you two already started without me.” He walked over to the vanity and turned the chair to face the couch. He grabbed a beer from the mini fridge and sat down. He crossed one leg over the other and opened the beer. He looked at the both of you, his gaze lingered on your bump and swollen breasts, “Get to it, the climax of the song just happened.” 

You peeled off your panties, exposing your wet cunt. You gave Akaashi a smart look before you rolled back over onto Bokuto’s lap. 

The dark haired man took a sip then said, “I want her facing, I wanna see that that beautiful face of hers.” He smirked as he heard you huff. 

  “Pregnant lady here.” You retorted as you sat in Bokuto’s lap. You faced Akaashi with your knees on the couch on either side of Bokuto and you took off your bra. Exposing your beautiful pregnant body to Akaashi. You seated yourself on Bokuto’s tacky cock. 

Bokuto’s strong hands splayed across your bump, stretch marks ran up your belly, it was only a matter of time before you popped. The silver haired man started to thrust up into you.

You placed your hands on your knees and started to move up and down on Bokuto’s cock. Soon your hands found your bump. You rubbed it as you moved up and down, picking up where you left off. 

Akaashi sipped his beer, it was the cheap stuff from the corner store. His cock strained in his pants, his naked partner riding his other partner. Quite the sight.

You deeply exhaled and grumbled, “Kōtarō, you woke up the baby.” You ran your hands along the curve of your belly as you continued to ride him. The music on stage was distant, but still heard through the thin walls of the change room. 

Bokuto smoothed his hands across your belly, feeling his child inside of you. No one really knows the father, you both fucked these two men often and with many rounds. Either the kid was gonna be a silver haired hyper active little thing or dark hair with knowing eyes and the ability to talk out of any situation. 

Akaashi continued to drink his cheap beer as you and Bokuto moved against one another. Your belly shook with each thrusts and your breasts were shiny with a thin layer of sweat. You two must’ve been at it for a while. 

  “My perverted partners.” Akaashi sighed, “Couldn’t wait till we got home. I bet you seduced him didn’t you, baby?” He asked you, “He saw that tight skirt and the heavy belly and knew he had to have you. It’s not fair to to tease Ko like that.” 

  “Hey, c’mon!” Bokuto chirped, “I wanted to feel my baby mama. She’s all plush and sexy.” He groaned as he hands found purchase on your hips and he started to move his hips faster.

Akaashi finished the rest of the beer and crushed the can in his hand. He listened carefully over the huffs, moans and groans of you and Bokuto to hear that the band was doing an encore. He smirked to himself, “Well, seems like they’re popular tonight.” He got up and rolled up his sleeves further. 

  “Keiji.” You groaned, you cupped your belly from the bottom. You looked beautiful under the yellow light of the backroom. You moans and deep breaths, the shudder through your body as waves of pleasure lapped over you. 

  “Beautiful.” Akaashi growled.

He got down on his knees, to your stuffed cock and held your thighs open. He went straight to your clit. He started to lick at your aching sex. After all you were his baby mama too. And since you three still had time before the rest of the band came back, he could wring you of every orgasm you had. 

Your pregnant body could handle the pleasure. After all pleasure is good fro keeping a mama happy. And Akaashi was in the business of keeping you happy. 

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “She’s ours.”

The first orgasm hit, then the second, the the third. Your eyes rolled back as the third orgasm hit. Both Akaashi and Bokuto’s hands were on your belly, feeling you as Bokuto fucked into you and Akaashi pleasured your cunt. 

You felt full in every sense of the word. Both men at your sexual disposal in this moment, making your orgasms seem like an easy thing to make you have. You could curse them if you could have a coherent thought that wasn’t centred around the feeling in your body. 

  “That’s our girl.” Bokuto chirped, “Fuck you’re so tight around me. How are you gonna push my baby out? Guess we gotta loosen you up a bit.” 

Akaashi nipped your over stimulated clit then said, “We have time.” 

  “Fuck, I’m close.’ Bokuto groaned. The band was coming to a close and as the silver haired man continued to fuck you wildly, you were just as much as their disposal as they were yours. 

Bokuto gripped your bump as he gave you a few more heavy thrusts. Then he spurted cum into your aching pussy. He threw his head back and groaned, his eyes rolled back a little. 

Once he started to come down from his high, he flopped his arms against the couch as his now useless cock stayed inside of you. Akaashi gave you one final orgasm and as the last song hit its second climax you finished on Bokuto’s cock. Soaking him and the couch with your wetness. 

When Akaashi was done, he sat on the hardwood floor of the room and looked up at your swollen belly and puffy, abused cunt. He reached out and touched taunt skin. You were an insatiable woman. 

You whimpered and carefully got off of Bokuto’s cock. You sat on the leather couch, your wet pussy against the warm leather as you sat there with your hands on your bump. 

The audience clapped and Akaashi got up, “Alright.” He said, “Let’s get you two cleaned up and air out the room before the rest of them make comments. And no more fucking in the room, it’s a shared room.” 

You rolled your eyes, “Yes, sir. Now help me up, I can’t get off the couch… Baby bump.”

Akaashi smiled and rubbed your bump, “Of course, and don’t think I’m not finished with the both of you.”

Bokuto gave him a cheeky girl, “Yes, sir.” 

Reader:Gender Neutral
Character:Kōtarõ Bokuto
Summary: “hello! could u pls do a yakuza!bokuto au where he’s literally crazy and incredibly feared but he loves and dotes on the reader like crazy?” - Anon
Warning:Yakuza AU, Reference to Abuse, Fluff, Minor Angst, Age Gap (Bokuto is 30, Reader is 22)
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Anything you want, Bokuto bought for you. Being one of the most feared men in the country, he was basically untouchable. He was great with a weapon, especially his sword that had been passed down through the generations. His arms and back were lined with tattoos showing off the bird imagery. He was the great horned owl, the most fearsome of its kind. 

His hands were caked in blood, along with lining the pockets of local politicians. He ran clubs, brothels, casinos, everything was touched by his power. Those gold eyes spelled trouble and unless you were part of the family, being in the court of the owl was never a good thing. 

But there was one weak spot in the great owl. The heel that could strike him down if anyone found out about it. They never attended any meetings, rarely seen at parties, but was the closest thing that Bokuto, the owl, had to love. He called her his little bunny, the docile little prey of the owl. But instead of eating you alive, he cherished you lovingly. 

You were his little bunny, and he adored you. You were a simple college student, you used to work at a local cafe where you met Bokuto. Where most people were scared to even look at him, you talked to him every day with a bright smile and a tiny bit of flirting. Bokuto was enthralled by your boldness, but in reality you didn’t realize who he was until your first date when you started asking about the tattoos. 

When he told you his profession, you blinked at him and went “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” And that made Bokuto’s heart both sink and melt. There was a trace of fear in your eyes that settled when he told you that he’d never, ever hurt you. That’s when you said, “A lot of people have hurt me.” 

Which made Bokuto hurt for you, especially when you got into more detail about your life with your mother. How cruel she was, the words she’d say to hurt you, the reminder of how useless, selfish and evil you were, even when you did nothing wrong. When you recalled a time where she yelled at you for not cleaning out the coffee pot to her liking, Bokuto knew he had to get you out of there. 

  “I’ll give you any money you want.” He said, “any amount and it’s yours!” He told you this on your second date after you barely touched your food because your mother mentioned how much weight you had gained. 

  “I can’t accept your money Kōtarō.” You shook your head, “It wouldn’t be fair, not this early in the relationship. You earned that money, I can’t very well take one big lump sum. She would get suspicious anyway.” 

  “Then I’ll give you an allowance! Every week you save the money I give you and then you can move out, or move in with me! You can, ummmmm, do household chores and you’ll never have to work again!”

You chuckled and poked at the pasta you were supposed to eat, “How about we see how this relationship goes, and then maybe I’ll take you up on your offer.” 

He perked up, “Sounds like a plan. For now, eat up, or I’m giving you some of my lamb.” He pointed his fork at you. He was usually so threatening but you saw a side of him that couldn’t be denied, he was soft for you. The fearsome owl had a soft spot for you. 

Almost two years of dating, you were just about to finish university and looking for next steps. And Bokuto was there regardless, during that time however, you moved in with him and carried an allowance. But still had ambitions to go to graduate school and pursue higher education. Life got better after you got out of your mother’s home, there was no more hurling hurtful words at you, you were praised so much that sometimes it frightened you. Bokuto was your number one fan, even when you got a sixty on that biology paper. 

You took up most of the household chores in the mansion, when you weren’t in class you and a few of the men that Bokuto worked with cleaned up the mansion, you found it relaxing almost to scrub dishes, especially when you played the classic jazz records that Bokuto had. 

What you weren’t expecting was for him to come home so early. You hadn’t even started dinner yet and suddenly you found a pair of strong arms around you. You almost dropped the expensive plate when you jolted. 

You thought it was an intruder but in reality it was the soft embrace of your boyfriend. He rested his head on your shoulder and asked, “What’s for dinner tonight?”

You put the plate down and tuned in his arms. You cupped the side of his face that carried a large facial scar.You rubbed the faded red mark on his face as you said, “Bobo.” Your fond nickname for him, “Don’t scare me like that, you’re too quiet sometimes.”

He chuckled and leaned in for a kiss, “I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me before.” Then leaned in for another kiss, then another. Until you pulled away and laughed. 

  “My silly, Bo.” No one was ever allowed to call him ‘Bo’, but you had special priviledges far beyond anyone else. You were his weak spot and got away with most things, like calling him cute names and under spending your allowance (You had all the money in the world, why are you still buying hundred yen ramen?).

  “This is a good record.” He chuckled as he pulled away and took your hands in his, “Indigo Jam Unit.” He smiled, he knew the names to all these records. 

Bokuto loved you and he was glad that he was able to get you out of that hateful household. You seemed happily and healthier now that you were free of her, more smiles and cheers crossed your face. You were his beloved, of course he wanted you to be okay and happy. 

As he gave you another kiss, you moved together in almost sync. Your socked feet matched well with his dress shoe ones. You laughed when you danced together, a smile on your face that made Bokuto’s heart bloom.

You were safe here, in the arms of the feared owl. 

  “I love you.” He smiled as he swayed with you in the kitchen. His hands in your as your bodies moved together. 

  “I love you too, my great owl.” You replied with a peck on the lips.

Bokuto giggled and pressed his forehead against yours, “My sweet little bunny.” 

*GIF not mine*

Summary: After Bokuto leaves for an away game on Valentine’s Day weekend, you’re left to handle the day’s pleasures all on your own. There’s just one little problem–nothing comes close to what Bokuto could give you. Luckily, he offers a solution, and though it’s completely out of your wheelhouse, you find yourself desperate enough to give in.

Warnings: smut, phone sex, mutual/guided masturbation, dirty talk, slight praise kink, slight dumbification, edging (if you squint), (gentle) dom!Bokuto

A/N: Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Here’s a lil gift from me to u that I’ve had stuck on my mind for a while. Yes, yes, I know, I ain’t great at writing smut, so if someone else wrote this prompt w/ Best Boi Bokuto™ uhh… *cough cough* sendittomeplsnthx. Enjoy!

Word count: 2731

        “So… what are you wearing?”

        “Jesus Christ,” you break off into a laugh, picking up the phone. 

        “Nah, nah, c’mon, I’m serious. We gotta start somewhere.”

        Still shaking your head, you lean back on the bed once more, propped up on a few pillows but otherwise completely reclined. “Fine, fine, but anything else like that and I’m gonna have to leave you to your hand.”

        “I promise, now c’mon. Tell me.”


        “One-hundred percent.”

        You purse your lips, debating a little. You can feel how much you want it–want him–and when you shift your hips, you can almost feel it soaking uncomfortably against your clothing. He’d texted you minutes ago with a proposition after learning of your predicament last night. 

        You’d wanted him so bad, but that alone wasn’t enough. Bokuto was off at an away game, and the distance–plus it being Valentine’s Day–only made things worse. You’d tried so hard, even trying to imagine his hand in your own’s place, even his tongue. It was just not enough. 

        Though, Bokuto didn’t seem to know how to handle the situation either. 

        “Fine, fine. I’m, uh, I’m wearing that little dress you like-”


        “-and those silk panties you almost tore that one time.”


        “Fuck no. It’s a Monday–I’m wearing sweats and a tank top, and I’m pretty sure there’s at least two rats making babies in my hair.”

        “Well at least someone’s getting some.”


        “Sorry, YN!” Bokuto whines, his voice crackling through the line. “But come on! Take this seriously.” He pauses, silence flooding your room.

        “Just…let me help you.”

        Your thighs subconsciously clench at the tone. It’s so familiar it’s like they’re preparing to be spread apart. 

        The place between your thighs is soaked by now, far more stirred than you’re letting on. The fact that your voice is still steady surprises even you at this point. 

        “You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry.”

        “Don’t be, baby. Just lay back for me, will you?”

        “Okay.” Gnawing at your cheek, you make the choice to place Bokuto on speaker, setting him down just beside your shoulder so you can hear his every word. At this point, you’re on your back, head lain on a pillow and hands dancing along the strings of your sweats.



        “Good.”There’s a few shuffles over the phone, and when Bokuto’s voice returns he sounds a little out of breath, a little strained. “Good. Okay.”

        “Okay,” you nervously parrot, not really sure what else to do with yourself. Slowly, you’re beginning to gather that neither of you have done this before. Despite Bokuto sounding so confident earlier, he now seems reduced to the same anxious, aroused mess that you are. 

        “All right, now just…just follow my lead, okay?” 


        “I want you to go slow, no matter what I tell you. Don’t speed up until I say.” His orders, simply the thought of their implications, leave your fingers twitching closer to your arousal. The need to touch yourself was beginning to leave a yearning that ran rampant through your veins. A single spark filled your stomach with heat. 


        “Good,” he exhaled. Now touch yourself.”

        You almost choked on your spit. “Wh-uh, I mean,” your gaze traced along the ceiling frantically, desperately trying to distract yourself from the burning in your cheeks. “Like, where?” 

        Your question had slipped out without a second thought, and when Bokuto chuckled, the flush spread to your chest. 

        “Maybe you’re right,” he pondered. “Let’s go slower than that.” A huff, then his voice returned, excited. “All right, I got it. Think of me, all right?”

        “Kou, I already tried that.”

        “I know, baby, I know. But now you can actually hear me, and you don’t have to imagine a thing. Leave it to me.”

        You were grateful he accepted your timid silence as approval. 

        “Okay, so… think of me touching you, right? Like I’m right there in front of you, baby, and I’m just running my hands all over you-”

        “Kou?” you cut him off, blindly picking at your fingernails. 

        “What’s up? You wanna stop?”

        “Can you touch yourself too?” And it’s when he falls silent that you realize how awkward that sounded. “Ah shit, I-I mean, like, I just kinda felt awkward doing it alone and like I felt like if you were doing it too I’d feel better about it and-”

        “God, YN, you thought I wasn’t doing that already?”


        He scoffs, and shame begins to sour your anticipation. 

        “The second you said you were touching yourself to the thought of me, babe, I was at it. You seriously thought I was gonna sit here and just let you play with yourself while I’m over here just listening?”

        “I mean, a little…”

        “Shit, YN. I let you tie me up once and suddenly you think I like being blue-balled.”


        “It was one time!”

        “Whatever, Kou! Can we just…get back to what we were doing?”

        “Fine, fine. But we’re discussing this later.”

        “Okay, okay. Just get on with it, will you? Please, Kou, I…” you pause, body once more growing aware of the situation between your legs. “I need your help.”

        “I know, babe.” Bokuto gulps, taking a second to relax himself once more. You’re busying yourself with fiddling with the bottom of your tank top now, tempted to just lift off the damned thing along with the rest of your clothes. 

        But you’re a little curious if Bokuto would mind that.

        “All right, sweetheart. Like I said, follow my lead.”

        You hum. 

        “I want you to imagine me there, right on top of you, baby. Think of how I’d push your shirt up, how I’d run my hands up your sides. Do that to yourself for me, will you, sweetheart?”

        You listen and copy his words, running your hands underneath the cotton hem and brushing your fingertips along your hips, just as Bokuto had done so many times. 

        Well, it wasn’t perfect. But his voice certainly helped. 

        “Go up higher, baby. I want you to hold those pretty tits of yours.

        “God, I can almost feel ‘em in my hands. So soft, always wanna keep my hands there. So fuckin’ pretty.”

        “Kou…” You do as he asks, but it’s not enough. You want more, now.

        “I know, I know. But remember, sweetheart, I said we’re taking things slow tonight.”


        “Now touch yourself. Imagine my hands playing with those cute little nipples of yours, baby. Make ‘em all tight and perky for me.” Hesitantly, you follow his lead. Your fingers draw circles, tug and caress like how you remember he would after long days. How his hands would yank off your shirt before palming and squeezing and stroking. Some days he was really mean, and your hips shifted at the thought of the dark marks he would leave scattered along your chest. 

        “Feel good?” His voice is breathless, and you’re a little uncertain of whether that means your soft moans had somehow passed through the phone line despite how much you’d suppressed them. Though, Bokuto did like you loud. 

        “So good,” you pant, hands still toying almost torturously. “But I want more, Kou, please.”

        Fuck, baby, I ever tell you how cute you are when you beg?”


        “Fine, fine. But you know I’d play with your pretty tits longer than that. From now on, let’s go at my pace.”

        Fuck. You knew Bokuto had a pace, but when it came to nights like these, it was slower than you’d expect. Though most nights Bokuto jumped you and kept at it like a rabbit, there were just some days where he dragged things out, usually just to hear you beg for him. An ego boost, or whatever. Like he needed it. 

        “Slowly, sweetheart, bring your hands down to your thighs and spread ‘em, nice and gentle–you know how I’d peel ‘em apart.” He broke off into a grunt. “And t-then stroke the insides of your thighs, baby.”


        “What’s up?”

        “Do,” you clench your jaw, telling yourself to get over the embarrassment by now. “-Do you want me to take my clothes off?”

        “Fuck, you still have any on? Why?”

        “Oh.” You took that as a cue to tear off your tank top and sweatpants, a little ashamed by the eagerness with which you did it. That feeling only grew when you squirmed out of your panties, catching a glimpse of the glistening stain left on them. 

        An idea hit you, and though you knew it would only make you flush more, you wanted to hear his reaction.


        “Are they off?”

        “My panties are soaked.” 

        The reaction was instant. 

        “Jesus–fuck,” Bokuto hissed under his breath. You heard something akin to skin on skin as his cursing hitched, and a strangled groan filled your ears. 

        “Fucking tease,” he rasped when he finally seemed to stop himself from going too far. There was a tension in his voice that warned you he wanted revenge. “Put both hands on that wet little pussy, sweetheart. For that, I wanna hear it.”

        Finally. The second your dominant hand made contact with your swollen clit, your hips jerked up without volition. “Sh-it.”

        “Nu-uh, YN. Keep them there. Two inside, one on your clit. Nice and slow.”

        It was hard to keep a steady, controlled pace. Your hips kept bucking, your back kept arching, and the two fingers Bokuto had ordered deep inside you weren’t reaching that little spot he seemed to have memorized like the back of his hand. 

        The lone index finger you kept circling your clit wasn’t doing your sanity any favors. The muscles of your thighs began to tremble in sheer desire of some actual force, a little muscle behind the action. 

        “YN,” Bokuto’s tone was low, warning. The second you’d sped up your hands to meet your needs, Bokuto could hear your closed-mouth whimpers growing higher. 


        “Hands off, baby. Completely.”

        “Wha…” you opened your mouth in protest, reluctantly pulling two soaked fingers out of your weeping hole and forcing your hand away from your clit. 

        “I told you to listen, baby. And now that’s all you get to do.”

        “Kou, what-”

        “Ahh, shit.” You slam your mouth shut, biting your lip at the delicious moans echoing through the phone. “Fuck, so good.”

        Bokuto’s strained groans come quick and in between pants. You’re positive there’s a sheen of sweat covering his forehead now, his arm flexed and taut as he strokes himself. 

        “YN, baby. ‘F-Feels so good.”

        “Kou,” you plead, gaze a little unfocused as you listen to his moans while forcing your hands to stay at your sides. You feel yourself twitching, clenching around nothing. 

        “Fuck, wish I was inside you right now.” Throaty moans now filter through the crackling line, so loud you wonder if the neighboring apartment can hear–not that they shouldn’t be used to it by now. “You’re always so fucking tight, sweetheart. Always so wet and tight on my cock.”

        “Kou please, let me-”

        “Hold on. Just a little more, baby–fffuck. Know you wanna touch yourself. Spread your legs for me, but don’t touch.”

        You peel your knees apart once more, frustrated to no longer have any friction to work with. Your hips roll desperately, but it accomplishes nothing but making you more desperate. You can feel your arousal dripping down, now, soaking into the sheets. 

        “You remember before I left, sweetheart? Remember how I fucked your pretty little brains out? Never seen you like that before, so pretty and crying over how good my cock felt inside you.”

        “Yes, Kou, yes! Please, just let me-”

        “Said you couldn’t walk the next day. Said I fucked you so good you couldn’t feel your legs, baby. You feel ‘em now? All spread apart and just fucking shaking? If I fucked you right now, sweetheart, you think you could even think straight?”

        “No, Kou, fuck I need you so bad.” You threw an arm over your eyes, the other digging into the sheets as you waited and waited for permission. 

        “You only got your fingers, and you can’t even use ‘em. All you got is me, the thought of me fucking into you, turning your pretty little brain into mush. Making you feel so good all you can do is cry. Baby, I still got those scratch marks on my back.”


        “Just a few more days, sweetheart, and I’ll have you making new ones. For now though, I suppose I could let you play with yourself.”

        You almost cried out in relief, hands darting down to your aching, sopping hole, feeling as it drenched each fingertip with ease. 

        “Three fingers inside. I know you can take it. Pretend it’s me warming you up for my cock, baby, stretching you out and having you dripping all over my fucking hand.”

        He’s right, it is a stretch, and you almost whimper when you press your fingers up and against the little pleasure center deep inside you, fingertips just barely brushing. 

        “Your little clit hurts so good, doesn’t it, baby? You’re being so mean to it aren’t you, rubbing hard circles into it.”

        He pauses, breaking off into a drawn-out groan of your name. 

        “I don’t care. Go faster.

        And you do, and he’s right, and you just can’t bring yourself to care as you press harsh patterns into your clit, struggling to pump your fingers at the same time without losing pace completely and frustrating yourself. 

        “That’s it. Say my name, baby. Scream my name while you play with yourself. Couldn’t do that by yourself, could you?”

        “Kou–fuck!” You clench your eyes shut, arching your back harder as you speed up your desperate ministrations. Heat gathers at your clit from the friction, and your slick is practically gushing now, loud and pornographic.

        Bokuto certainly got what he wished–there was no way he couldn’t hear how wet you were. 

        “You can only touch yourself with my help, can’t you? So fucking good to me, baby. So pretty playing with your tight little hole like that. Dirty little thing.”

        “God, fffuck,” you whimper, back arching when your gushing finally reaches its peak. 

        “You coming?”


        “I wanna hear who made you feel this good. Who made you play with your own little pussy so good, baby?”

        “Kou! Yes, Kou!”

        “Good girl. Good fucking girl.” Bokuto moans one last time, loud and guttural, and the slick of your fingers brushing and kneading your clit becomes too much. Your legs, spread wide and strained, shake with the effort as your back arches against the pillows behind you, head tossed back and mouth open in a silent gasp. 

        Bokuto soothes you on your way down, small “I love yous”and“so good for mes” traveling over the line. When your body finally stops twitching, you lean over and snag your phone, turning it off speaker and pressing it to your ear. 

        “Thank you, Kou,” you hum softly, lethargic and exhausted. “That was so much better than last night’s shit show.”

        “I’m so relieved, baby.” He pauses, humming. “And glad to know you can’t seem to come without me.”

        “Yeah, well, good thing you’re coming back soon. This was good, but…” You sit up, staring at his side of the bed, a little unkempt from you rolling over to it in your sleep night after night. “I wish you were here.”

        “I know, baby. I wish you were with me too.”

        “It’s so lonely without you.”

        “I know. I miss you.”

        “Plus I finally found out where you hid those handcuffs after that night.”

        “Goddamnit, YN, just throw those fucking things out! I’m not getting blue-balled again!”

(Supernatural/Soulmate AU)

*GIF not mine*

Summary: How do normal people react when they get kidnapped by a vampire and a wizard claiming to be their soulmates? Because you try to choke them out with their own breakfasts. But maybe that’s just you. 

A/N: Sup y’all, ik ik it’s been a long time and whatnot, but let’s be honest, my a/n ain’t what ur here for. Hope you like it, and sorry for the wait!

Taglist:@burntcilantro @alloverbutterflies @neonghxst @zaejia  @momothepeachgirl  @black-veil-chemicalz @bumblebeel @blxkstar  @keigosbitch  @planetmae​  @rikorene @idiot-juice-enthusiast @cherriomilkmangos  @floriane4536  @shimy-deko @lanceyfancypants @asteroikawa  @bokutowo @ichiraku-verse @samie-babie @astro-anomaly  @hq149  @pagan-and-gay​  @erinoikawa  @missbuwan  @drunken-dreams @prettyinblack231 @franko-pop @artisticamore  @bokkubeam  @bokutosfeather @autumnandhotchocolate @tendo-sxtori​ (probably forgot some, it’s been a while :/)

Word count: 4620

        “Do you think she’s okay?”

        “For the fifth time, Bokuto, she’s fine. I told you I’ve already checked and made sure.”

        “Yeah, I know it’s just are you reallysure?”

        “You’re pushing it, Bokuto.”

        “All right, all right.” 

        Silence fell as your eyes fluttered open. 

        “But are you certain?”


        Akaashi’s voice was cut off by a cry, and before you knew it the sun flooding your eyes had been replaced by Bokuto’s face. 

        “YN, YOU’RE ALIVE!”

        “Bo,” you croaked, leaning up onto your elbows before pressing a hand to your temple, “it’s too early for that volume.”

        “Afraid not, my love,” Akaashi rose from his seat on a stump a few feet away and moved to kneel by your side. “According to the sun, it seems you’ve slept more than half the day away.”

        “Oh,” you glanced around, observing the spanse of dirt and trees before you. The sun sat directly above your head, unencumbered by clouds and backdropped by shades of blue. Birds chirped high and far in the trees, and a gentle wind cooled the sweat that had been beading at your forehead. “Looks like my kind of morning, if I’m honest.”

        Akaashi scoffed with a smile, rising to his feet before offering you a hand as Bokuto clambered away in search of something. “Trust me, I know.”

        You sputtered at the jab before taking his hand, almost losing your playful air at the contact. His hands were soft to the touch, gentle and warm. So warm. 

        It finally occurred to you that this was the first time in weeks you’d been relaxed enough to truly revel in the comforting touches Akaashi always provided. The heat flowing from his form thawed the frozen limbs you’d generated from sleeping on the forest floor for hours. When it reached your chest, a feeling akin to finding something long lost embraced you. 

        “A little lie here and there never hurt anyone, you know.”

        “Sometimes it does,” Akaashi’s face fell into seriousness, a fitting but usually undesirable look for him. 

        Wanting to return the atmosphere to buoyancy, you opened your mouth to take back what you said, but not before clamorous footsteps behind you drew both of your attention. 

        “Darling, I caught and roasted a squirrel for you to eat!” Bokuto finally returned to the clearing where you had all settled for the night, holding what appeared to be a stick with a disturbingly charred creature on the end. 

        Your stomach growled.

        Akaashi glanced down at you, half-shocked, half-concerned. Your gaze was still locked on the burnt animal, however. 

        Maybe it was the fact that you had only been eating berries and suspicious leaves for the past few days, or maybe you were truly losing your mind. 

        But damn were you hungry. 

        For modesty’s sake, you accepted the skewered squirrel with pursed lips and blank eyes, but deep down you were all but ready to swallow it whole. 

        “Thank you, Bo,” you trailed off, trying to keep a straight face as your mouth watered. 

        Akaashi’s hand settled on your shoulder. “My love, you don’t have to-”

        “No, no, it’s fine.” Shrugging his hand off, you moved to claim the stump he had sat on earlier. “Can’t wait.”

        Both boys watched you with conflicting gazes, one distressed and anxious in a way you’ve never seen before on him, and the other overjoyed. 

        Judging by the way the thin tail had flaked off at your touch, it was well-done.

        This is supposed to be disgusting. This is supposed to be gross. You don’t want to eat this, YN.

        You gulped, still observing the squirrel from every which way to see where to start. 

        But I’m so hungry.

         By the time you were finished with your breakfast, Akaashi’s face had turned pale and Bokuto’s had broken out into a smile. 

        “Did you like it?”

        “Loved it.”

        With a deep dismay at yourself, you knew you spoke the truth. 


        “I say we go west.”

        “That’s the way we came, YN.”


        You’d been in the woods for what must’ve been three days, maybe more during your long rest after escaping Kuroo. Bokuto said you were out for forever, and you weren’t exactly sure how to convert that into a measurement of time. 

        Said vampire stood next to you, holding and swinging your hand with his while waiting for Akaashi to determine the correct way to get home. 

        Earlier, Bokuto had plucked a dandelion and placed it behind your ear, adding more to the collection whenever he got the chance. 

        Right now, he’d had plenty of time, collecting so many that he’d given up on your ears and placed them atop your head. “I don’t know how to make one of those crowns,” he’d said sheepishly. 

        “Akaashi, can’t you just whip up a spell and find out where we are?” you groaned, taking a flower off your head and setting it behind Bokuto’s ear. His face flushed from the force of his smile. 

        “I don’t have any ingredients at hand, my love,” Akaashi spoke, gaining your attention once more. 

        “What happened to you being able to just, like, poof it out at any time?”

        “Using magic to attack an enemy is different from using it to escape a miles-long forest. And I suppose we should continue heading east.” 

        Akaashi set onto his chosen path, dodging moss-covered rocks and dangling twigs with you and Bokuto at his heels. Every few minutes he would glance back at the two of you, dandelions behind your ears and hands held before he trekked on ahead, back straight and stiff.

        Guilt and shame filled your chest at his obvious discontentedness, and when you murmured his name, he didn’t turn around. “Akaashi,” you repeated, much louder than before. 

        He halted in his tracks and turned, face a perfect mask of placidness as he responded. “Yes?”

        You dragged Bokuto up to him before grasping the wizard’s hand, interlocking your fingers tightly. “Much better,” you grinned, a weight dropping off your shoulders the second his eyes lost their dejection. 

        “If you think so, my love,” Akaashi whispered, raising your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles. 


        He froze, brows furrowing. 

        Uncurling your hand from his, you ignored his heartbroken look and tugged a yellow flower from behind your ear, placing it behind his own and ruffling his hair along the way. A chuckle worked its way from his lips, affecting you much more than was appropriate as you grasped his hand again. 

        “Okay, now we can go.”


        Three months? A year?

        As you lay on the ground, only the moon to keep you company, you ponder how you’ve come to be where you are. Among the arms of two supernatural creatures, ones anyone else your age would have laughed at the idea of even existing. 

        You had a whole life behind you, one that would never be the same if you dared to return. If you were allowed to return.

        The men that lay at your sides, one completely wrapped around you while the other only grasps your hand, don’t make a sound that doesn’t convey absolute slumber. 

        Only days–weeks?–ago had you told them that you loved them. In the heat of the moment, the word had just slipped out, out to the men who catered to your every whim, every want and need. I love them. I love them.

        I love them…


        You loved animals. You loved rainy days. You loved the scent of your favorite fruit and the feeling of stretching first thing in the morning. 

        All these things felt so easy to define aloud, to say affirmingly “Yes, I do love these things. I love them with all of my heart.”

        But loving or simply saying you loved Akaashi and Bokuto had a different effect on you altogether. It felt… revealing. It had the same emotional impact as those dreams of going to school naked. You were bare, leaving yourself wide open to enemy attack.

        But these two men weren’t your enemies. They wouldn’t dare to hurt you in such a way. Countless times have they revealed your feelings to you, told you about how you made them feel deep down inside their hearts. You were the love of their lives, and they’ve told you so, verbatim. 

        Is that what you were feeling then? Love

        When Bokuto nuzzled against your neck in that moment, forcing your chest to thump, was that love? Was it the feeling of calm that settled over you when Akaashi ran his thumb over your knuckles? Was thatlove?

        “Keiji?” you whispered, glancing to your right to see if he had stirred. His hand tightened around yours, leaving your heart stuttering. Though his eyes were shut, lashes gently brushing the tips of his cheeks, his lips tilted into a soft smile. 

        “Yes, my love?” A single eye fluttered open, carefully revealing a deep blue iris that scanned over your face. You were hesitant to ask, afraid to sound like a child asking a juvenile question. But you so dearly wanted to know. 

        “What does love feel like?”

        The question hung in the air as you felt Akaashi stiffen beside you, his hand pausing in its caresses along yours. You lay beside him a bundle of nerves, wondering if somehow you managed to press the wrong button in so few words. 

        “W-what I meant to say was-was that, umm, you know, is there like a criteria, or… or, like a checklist-”

        Akaashi chuckled, effectively cutting you off and forcing a blush onto your face. Shame filled your chest and you lightly pulled your hand from his grip, returning your gaze to the moon. As his laughs faded away into the night, you watched in your peripheral vision as he sat up, leaning back on his elbows as he crossed one leg over the other. Of course, your actions escaped none of his attention. 

        “My love, I’m sorry. I did not mean to laugh.” He ignored your scoff and continued. “It is just… all of these times I have met you, fallen for you over and over and not once have you ever asked for my criteria of love.”

        “Good to know I’m especially stupid this round.”

        “No, that is not what I meant,” he shook his head, shifting into a cross-legged position before nudging you to face him with a finger on your chin. “What I mean is… you are so different this time. In a good way. For the first time in so many reincarnations, I feel as though I am learning a side of you, a side of YN I have never known before. It’s endearing.”

        “That,” you swallowed, glancing away as a sudden feeling of breathlessness washed over you. In the pit of your stomach sat a comforting warmth, threatening to overtake you and make you shiver. “That doesn’t really answer my question.”

        “I know, love, so here is my answer: I do not know.”

        Your jaw dropped. “Seriously? You’re kidding me, right?”

        But a sincere smile, carefree and so, so unexpected out of Akaashi made you wait to hear an explanation. Boohockey.

        “It’s true. Each time I fell in love, every single time was different. I just knew.”

        “Surely you’ve gotta know how that doesn’t help me at all.”

        He laughed again. “Yes, I know. But, if it helps at all, I didn’t know it in here,” he trails his index finger gently along your temple, “I knew it in here.” When his hand drops to the middle of your chest, your heart jumps.

        “That,” you gulp, “must have been quite the surprise for a wise old wizard like you.”

        “It was,” he amusedly hums, looking away from you only so he can resituate himself on the ground. He returns to holding your hand as he settles back onto his side, facing you. “A pleasant surprise.”

        The night falls into silence once more, only occasionally broken by Bokuto’s natural mumbles. 

        Did you feel it in your chest? Not just the heart racing, but actual love that came from them, for them? 

        When Akaashi’s thumb ran over your knuckles once more, uncertainty was washed away and replaced by contentment. You were calm, at peace, and possibly…

        “Oh, and, my love?”


        “Please, do start calling us by our personal names like that more often,” Akaashi murmured, lips pressing against your hair. “We would so adore it.”

        Definitely in love.


        The next time you wake, it’s not to the pleasant sound of one of the boys stirring you or whispering your name. 

        Instead, it’s to the sound of a cracking twig. Leaves rustle in the trees far too insistently to be only the wind. And when you hear distant, unintelligible mumbles, all of your worries are confirmed. 

        Somebody’s out there.

        It’s barely morning, the sun just beginning to paint the sky a gentle blue as the stars finally disappear from sight. Your face feels frozen and stiff, it having been the only thing Bokuto and Akaashi hadn’t covered with their forms throughout the night. Your body is stuck within a tangle of limbs and you can’t quite tell which ones are yours and which aren’t. 

        Again a branch crackles and your eyes narrow, surveying the towering treetops above you for the source of movement. You suck your bottom lip in between your teeth and gnaw.

        Neither of the men beside you have even twitched, both completely unaware of your fraying nerves. 

        How can they not hear that?

        You move to escape the jungle gym that is Bokuto and Akaashi around you, unhooking the leg curled around your hip and carefully unclasping the hands wrapped around your waist. Brushing off the dirt and rocks that had stuck to your skin during your sleep, you take a peek down at them. 

        You’re only half surprised they’re still asleep when you catch a glimpse of their faces. Bokuto’s face looks relaxed for the first time in weeks, brow completely unfurrowed and nose twitching as he mumbles in his sleep. Akaashi, on the other hand, has dark circles you’ve only now noticed, creating sagging skin underneath his eyes that made him seem like a different person entirely. 

        It’s been months and yet just here and now are you realizing how the events that have transpired may have affected other people aside from you. As much as you cared and worried for them, locked up and left to die in cages, they cared and worried for you. 

        You, the one who’s been kidnapped by their worst enemy.

        You, the one they’ve dedicated their lives to protecting. 

        You, their soulmate. 

        Suddenly, your shoulders sagged. Here you were, thinking they were still coasting on the high of finding their reincarnated love, thinking that all of this adventure, all of these miserable events were just a regular Tuesday for them. 

        He finally found you, they’d said, back when they’d taken you away from your college and back to their home.

        In all of the centuries they’ve been tracking reincarnates like you down, only this time did Kuroo find you too. 

        The thought of the werecat leaves a twinge in your side, but you’re dragged out of these thoughts by the sound of yet another rustling branch. With one last glance down at the men, you purse your lips and sneak away to investigate. 

        Due to the sun only just now appearing, the dirt under your shoes is hard and unforgiving. Morning dew on the occasional blade of grass and fallen leaf beads and trails down the plant life, soaking into the forest floor like a daily tradition. Some drops patter down onto your head after dripping off the tree limbs soaring above you. 

        It’s quiet, peaceful, and for a moment you completely forget why you’re even out there. 

        And then you spot them. 

        Two creatures, hundreds of feet above you. Somehow they’ve found a sturdy branch to rest on at such a height. You can only see their outlines, black and human-shaped. 

        And yet not human at all. 

        Breath speeding up, you try to back away slowly, as quietly as it seemed you’d come. Your hands wave around at your sides in effort to make sure you won’t back up into anything-



        Their whispering stops, and the creatures’ outlines move in such a way that you’re sure they’ve just turned and spotted you. 


        Your head pounds, shouting at you to run or yell or something, but your feet feel frozen to the floor. Cold panic strikes your heart. 

        The only thing that finally urges you to move is the sight of wings sprouting from the creatures’ backs. 

        “Cr-rap,” you whimper, just before turning around and bolting. 

        You hurdle over fallen branches, kicking rocks up behind you as you avoid bumping into trees and tripping over uneven ground. Blood roars in your ears now as you sprint, muscles still sore and whining from the last race you’d run just days ago. But you don’t dare look behind you. 

        This cannot be happening!

        “BOKUTO!” you cry out. “AKAA- AHHH!” At the feeling of two limbs wedging themselves under your arms, you scream, pure, unadulterated terror seizing your chest as your feet unwillingly leave the ground. You kick your legs, trying to hit something, anything, that you might catch on to get out of the grip of the creature behind you. Instantly, you debunk this plan the second its grip loosens on you and you slip just an inch closer to the ground. 

        The ground that is now a few feet too many below you to land safely. 

        “I have a fear of heights, I have a fear of heights, I have a fear of heights,” you babble, hands waving around wildly and finding purchase in the upper arms that currently hold you. “I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die.”

        Eyes practically bulging out of your skull, you try not to black out when the creature continues flying you higher, wings flapping forcefully behind you as its hot breath brushes your neck. The greens and browns of the forest blow past you in a blur, so fast that the second you surface above the trees, the blue sky blinds you and leaves your head foggy. 

        The creature finally stops, flapping its wings slower only to maintain its spot inches from the tops of the trees. You whimper when you feel your feet brush the pointed tip of a pine tree. 

        “Hinata!” it–he?–calls, tightening his grip under your arms as he struggles to hold your scrambling body still. “Hinata, call the others!”

        The trees below you crackle closer and closer until the second creature surfaces, looking not much like a creature at all. 

        In fact, he looks like a young boy, no older than sixteen with scruffy red hair and nervous brown eyes. He wore black shorts and a white shirt, one which you assumed was backless considering what was sprouting out from behind him.

        Wings. A human with wings.


        They were covered in black feathers and spread out as far as he was tall, each one the length of his entire body. 


        “Kageyama,” “Hinata” scratched the back of his neck nervously, wings still powerfully flapping behind him as he hovered across from you. Occasionally, his gaze would dance down to you before flitting back up at your… kidnapper- Shit, why does this keep happening? “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

        “What do you mean, dumbass?” the voice behind you snapped, deeper and angrier than his friend’s. “She’s an intruder on our territory, and this is our duty. Now call the others.”

        “But what if she-”

        “If it makes you feel any better,” you choked out, voice quivering as you tried to adjust your grip harder on the boy behind you, “I’m not intruding willingly. In fact, if you just return me to the ground–slowly–we’ll just leave you alone and be on our way.”

        The boy behind you tensed while his friend’s eyes widened.


        A roar from deep below you sounded, angry and out for blood. “YN!”

        Even you shook in fear at the sound, nails digging into the boy’s arms harder. 

        “Who is that?” Kageyama barked out from behind you, but even his voice trembled slightly. 

        “Kageyama, I told you this was a bad idea!” the ginger pleaded, eyes flitting back and forth between his friend and the trees below. 

        You opened and closed your mouth, searching for words that wouldn’t get you dropped to your death when you heard a distant rumbling. 

        In a matter of seconds, the wind slowly began to pick up, blowing your hair into disarray as both of the flying men flapped their wings harder, struggling to steady themselves like surfboards in heavy tides. The sunny, clear day that was evidently forecasted disappeared in the blink of an eye.

        Grey clouds formed from nothing and grew darker and darker, growling with thunder as rain started to pour down on you. 

        Kageyama started lowering himself toward the trees with a cuss before barking at an open-mouthed Hinata. “Get lower, dumbass! You don’t wanna get struck!”

        The ginger quickly shut his mouth and nodded, following his friend’s lead and taking cover from the droplets amongst the trees. The second you all found home on a sturdy branch, however, lightning clapped and hit your very tree, electricity sparking it aflame in seconds. 

        Both of them yelped in shock while you screamed, the strike splintering the tree. 

        “YN!” Akaashi’s voice rang out and you dared to glance down at the forest floor, the sheer distance making you nauseous. He held out his hands towards you, his fingertips bathing in a dark red glow. You knew he couldn’t safely catch you from this distance, even with the pacing Bokuto by his side’s help. So what was he…?

        A particularly harsh gust of wind hit your split tree, forcing your branch and everyone on it to lean closer toward the floor. Akaashi’s eyes widened when you didn’t immediately smile in relief at the sight of them–in fact, you did quite the opposite and screeched in fear, scrambling backwards on the branch so you didn’t slip off. 

        When your back met the chest of Kageyama, he grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face him, blue eyes blaring. His black hair grew tousled in the wind while he sneered at you. “Who the hell are you here with?”

        Wind started blowing harder and rain drops hit you like bullets, pounding down on you as the sky rumbled angrily once more. The forest grew uproariously loud as tree limbs crashed against one another, snapping off and soaring through the wind only to collide with more trunks. 

        And with all this noise and distraction, none of you noticed the vampire crawling his way up the trees until he tackled you by the waist. One arm wrapped around you like a vice, crushing you against him while you shrieked. The momentum of his jump carried you both off the branch and into wide open air, which did nothing for your racing heart as you wrapped all your limbs around him and held on for dear life. You buried your face into his shoulder, almost breaking your nose against his collarbone when he, you assumed, crashed into a second tree and used his three free limbs to hang on. 

        “YN!” Bokuto called out, wind still whipping past both your ears. “Are you okay?”

        “Y-yeah,” you nodded, not even daring to lift your head. 

        “Good.” The hand wrapped around your waist moved to rub your back gently as he spoke. “I need you to hang on tight, okay?”


        You tightened your grip around his form, humming nervously when he let go of your waist to utilize his second hand. “It’s okay,” he reassured you, and you began to realize the wind and rain had slowed. “Just hang on.”

        Bokuto climbed down the tree, you wrapped around the front of his chest like a koala as he mumbled calming words to you. 

        When you felt him stop climbing and heard rushed footfalls, you carefully raised your head and peered out around you, almost crying in relief at the sight of being on solid ground. The second you made a move to unwrap yourself from Bokuto’s body, however, his arms wound themselves around you and effectively halted any form of escape. Another solid form pressed into your back and you knew Akaashi had joined the party too.

        “My love,” kisses were peppered along the back of your neck and shoulders, “are you okay?” 

        You didn’t bother responding fully, instead just humming and nodding your head. You stayed locked in their embrace until your body and your mind cleared. The second a wave of warm tingles crawled up and down your spine, you let them know you were ready to be released by gently pushing away their forms. 

        A pouty whine escaped Bokuto’s lips as you pulled away and you breathed out a laugh. “I’m okay, I promise.”

        “But you’re still on our territory,” an entirely new voice spoke, strong and commanding. The responses in Bokuto and Akaashi were instant as they both whipped toward the new man, tense and ready for a fight. Akaashi’s hands were washed in a red mist and Bokuto released a growl, pushing you behind him as his eyes flashed red. 

        You were severely outnumbered, you soon realized, as Hinata and Kageyama had seemed to finally call for the others like they’d planned. 12 or so men, all winged and ready for a fight, stood surrounding the three of you. The leader you’d heard talk earlier stepped forward, brown hair and browner eyes looking more intimidating than they should as he looked over you all. 

        At each of his sides stood men, one with light, fair hair observing you all with furrowed brows while the other’s head was shaved completely, a sharp-toothed sneer focused on all of you. Behind the latter, you noticed, stood a cowering Hinata while the former helped a fallen Kageyama rise to his feet, obviously favoring one leg over the other. 

        “Who are you?” Bokuto stepped forward, shoulders curled forward as he eyed all of them down. He was obviously gauging his chances, and all but he seemed to know they were slim. 

        “Shouldn’t we be asking that question?” the bald one snarled, causing the vampire to take a step forward. When the winged man returned the favor, Akaashi placed a single hand on his shoulder before glancing back at you. Swallowing lightly, you slipped a hand forward, sliding it into Bokuto’s palm and softening your gaze when he squeezed it for a second. 

        Kageyama’s gaze dropped to the action for a second before raising back to Bokuto’s face. 

       “Calm down, Tanaka,” the leader turned his head, throwing the overexcited man a warning glare. When he turns back to the three of you, his back straightens. “My name is Daichi, and you’re in the Karasuno Crows’ territory. Now, who are you?”

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