#bong rips


I got new glasses today, they make me look studious.

It’s 7:30 in the morning and I’m just trying to find the will to live

Weed helps.

Y’all keep swimming with me, okay?

Today is a beautiful day to have a beautiful day. The vibes have been WAY TF OFF recently!…. But I’m Zen…. a little Bubba #1 + Purple Runtz combo with the only lighter in the garage

Send ya girl some positivity bc I’m dying plz

Take a hit for me cuz I love you

Spooky Bong Rips & Sweatpants

That’s how you know it’s fall! Smoking a combo of “Cereal Milk” and “Platinum Bubba”

Happy Fall Y’all!

This really is one of my favorite pieces I’ve had it packed away for over 2 years, and that feels like a lifetime ago! Taking sweet hits from a different time

I need to do something about my hair I spend way too much time smoking weed and way too little time on my appearance lord help me lol

Side note: I literally cleaned this fucking bong TWO DAYS AGO and it already looks like poo wtf.


Fresh, crisp, bong rips these were gonna be videos, but I coughed up a lung so….

Take a hit for me

I’m gonna go ahead and rename myself “Baby Lungs” because I can’t STOP COUGHING! ☠️

I have to chop the end off of 90% of my videos because I hack up a lung

Anyway, Happy Friday my loves


I’ve been at home, slowly dying from the plague, for the last 6 days. So thank the gods for this White Widow and coloring book send me some healing vibes, I feel like shit.


I found this little nugget hiding in a drawer in my dresser! I have no clue what it is or where it came from but I’m gonna blame it on the pot fairies ✨

