#spun guys


King of tweakers 3 minutes straight back to back ,

blowing insane garage clouds on a cloudy spunday

Reblog with your cloud videos……impress me. @mvpofthetwackteam69

Unedited raw clouds. #Shardydabs

Spun the fuck out. Saucers. All that’s left is the pupil….. do you even meth bro?

spinnaminute since i shared a recent cloud!

none of my clouds meet the spunrealistic standards that I’ve set for myself

switchin it up, here’s some clouds that’re only a few hrs old ☁️⚡

Throwback slam video from a couple of years ago…I remember being so excited to do this shot that I accidentally pulled out the rig after registering it…rookie move, but I recovered quite nicely for take off.

Found this old time lapse…one of the scariest nights I can remember…watch as the mushrooms kick in…wait for it…
