#bong rips


If you listen closely, you can hear me whisper 420

I was BAKED and didn’t want to miss it

My morning routine✨ I stumble out of bed to my hammock, grab my bong, and embrace the day


It’s the first time I’ve packed the bong all week! This puppy training shit is CONSTANT, and with working as well, I’m exhausted But this little sweet fluff is so totally worth the time. 2 weeks together and I already love her more than anything Let’s hope she gets with the program here soon so Mama can relax a little


Happy 420 everyone!!

I don’t have any plans today besides smoking weed. I hope you all are staying safe and high

You guys are always asking what I use to clean my glass so I thought I’d show you. Remember to keep your bongs/rigs clean and change out the water. Stay safe and stay high

Went walking by the river and I thought I would share a bowl with you guys, cheers! Stay safe and stay high
