#book questions


I’m going to answer the tagged questions that I have left hanging due to school stuff. Here is my previous post, and this is my second one.

Thank you, yabooksweekly;)


1.Always post the rules

2.Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote and write your 11 new questions.

3.Tag 11 new people. (i’ll be tagging 21 people but you don’t have to)

4.Tell them you’ve tagged them.

5.@ me so I can see your answer.


1. A book you think should be a show/movie
One of my faves, Anansi Boys :)

2. Something you wish they (had) taught you in school?
Books are the greatest escape from reality.

3. What kind of phone do you have?
A crappy, worn-out Samsung Pocket.

4. Are you easily distracted while reading?
Yes. I lack focus and have short attention span most of the time.

5. A book/show/movie you are excited to come out/premier
I hardly anticipate books/shows/movies, but I read/watch whatever’s available.

6. Least favorite place to read?
Classroom. -_-

7. When someone doesn’t use proper grammar do you get annoyed?
Most of the time, yes.

8. Is there a book/event/opinion that changed you? If so how?
There are too many for me to mention but when it comes to books, Thirteen Reasons Why really motivated me to reach out onto others. 

9. Fictional world you wish you could live in?
Hogwarts :)

10. How do get over a book hangover?
Read another book :)

11. Ear buds or headphones?
Earphones, because they’re easier to carry around.

I can’t think of any more questions to ask. I’ve already did this a lot of times. I just can’t help but to answer the questions given to me though. :))) anyone can answer the questions I have answered here :>
