

hey! you should join bpdconcept’s server for all borderlines, including self-diagnosed and questioning! open to ages 15-30! features include:

  • semi-regular events and question of the week
  • opt-in channels for different topics
  • a responsive mod team
  • tons of positivity channels
  • bots for fun stuff

the old server is still up, it’s just being remade to be more accessible. aka this one is replacing it by new years! this one is going to be the main one now! hope to see you there!!!!!


concept: i don’t feel ignored every time i join a groupchat or a friend group even though no one is actually ignoring me

Concept: My fp loves me even when I feel like they don’t love me at all, even when I feel unloved

Concept: I can tell my partner how I am feeling without over or under exaggerating.

Concept: I can draw again for myself and not for the validation from other people. I wont take it extremely personally if i draw something i like but it doesn’t get positive attention

concept: a person talking to me in a slightly firm tone without me suddenly going into a crying fit and thinking everyone despises me

concept: i won’t overthink every interaction i have with my fp and think that he hates me for no reason

I don’t have all these self centred feelings getting in the way of conversation anymore. my fp doesn’t have to go away and feel bad for my feelings being too much. I can curl them away. She’s gonna come back.

Concept: I can understand that just because my partner talks to someone else doesn’t mean they’re replacing me.

concept: I can deal with people I care about having other friendships without spiralling and overanalysing everything

Concept: I can accept and understand my partner doesn’t always have time to talk. I understand that they’re busy and I can stay grounded to avoid splitting when they’re busy

concept: my partner can ask for space without me spiraling

concept: i can be sad without spiraling

concept: my fp having a bad day does not mean that i also have to be sad because i cant be sad without spiraling

Concept: I can enjoy exploring my identity & it’s ok if I want to try a new name

Concept: I don’t base how I feel about my own work solely on others opinions on it

Concept: Although people with BPD struggle with intense emotions, I am in some ways okay with that. I get to love things and people more passionately than most can. We may have really low lows, but no one can take away how passionate and caring we really are. Sometimes love can balance out the pain.

concept: i dont split on close friends whenever they show even a slight sign of rejection

Concept: I get accepted for my diagnoses without judgement or stigmas

Concept: people who experience violent urges/intrusive thoughts are just as much deserving of treatment as people who don’t have them
