#brandon sanderson



Blue Spirit Gem: Will Steris have her own point of view chapters in The Lost Metal?

Brandon Sanderson: Yes she will. I don’t have to RAFO that, because I have already written a couple of them. I’m pretty sure she got a couple in Bands of Mourning, she will have more in Lost Metal.


I wonder if one of the books will have the kite-based magic system that Brandon has mentioned

I’d love for it to be in the graphic novel he wrote for his kids!

My race training schedule didn’t ask for a long run today but I need to do something with the chaotic energy I’ve been feeling since watching the update

Me: I cannot justify $320+ for Cosmere swag

Also me: Excitedly putting $160 down for the hardcovers

Planning to reread Mistborn Era 2 in 2022 and it’s wild to know that it all happens post Stormlight 5


It’s been 9 goddamn years

I’m going on 13 years I think? I’ve been reading Brando’s books for more than half my life


i forgot to actually back the kickstarter bc kickstarter wasn’t working when i first tried and was like “ok i’ll do it later” and then didn’t

Dragonsteel also sent out this update yesterday


Sanderson Secret Project Artists

Secret Project 1 - Howard Lyon

Secret Project 2 - Steve Argyle

Secret Project 3 - Aliya Chen

Secret Project 4 - Ernanda Souza

Women of color!!!!!!!! The promise of not white washed characters!! I’m in love

We’re going to have canon Sigzil art by a woman of color (will it make up for the endless suffering that man is going to endure? ‍♀️)

I can’t believe this is a real thing on Brandon’s official YouTube channel

Someone was paid to film/edit this ad

I haven’t read any of the Secret Project chapters and I don’t think I will. Not out of a desire to go in blind when the books come out (I haven’t blocked any of the tags) but because I know they’re drafts and I was so disoriented reading Cytonic after the opening chapter felt so different from the sneak peak he released

I am, however, delighted at all of the commentary/content I’m seeing on tumblr about the books

The American covers for the Cytoverse books are just… bad. I feel so strongly about how much I dislike the art on them that I specially ordered these UK editions weeks ago and finally got them in the mail this week


My race training schedule didn’t ask for a long run today but I need to do something with the chaotic energy I’ve been feeling since watching the update

In case anyone was wondering, my post-Sanderson announcement energy took a full minute off my average pace on yesterday’s 4 mile run


I need new people to talk about books with. If you like any of these series or books let’s talk :-)

- Stormlight Archives / Cosmere

- A Song of Ice and Fire

- Farseer Trilogy

- Gentleman Bastards

- Donna Tartt (Secret History, Little Friend, Goldfinch)

- Classic Literature (trying to read more)

Want to start reading more this year.


Knight Radiant of the Order of the Survivor:

  1. I will survive.
  2. I will find secrets.
  3. I will have extra drama.
  4. I will cause problems on purpose.
  5. I will be the next secret of the universe.



Dalinar at the beginning of Words of Radiance: I intend to rebuild the Knights Radiant!

Adolin: But they all had special powers!

Kaladin, standing in the corner:

Op’s tags




I love the absolute zero positive emotions anyone in the fandom has towards Gavilar. Like there are people who really fucking hate Moash but there are a ton of people who love him too (especially on tumblr). All the wlw on my dash wanna get with Raboniel. There are characters that have never done anything positive ever like Sadeas, but at least he’s fun to hate. Gavilar though? Nobody gives a shit about him. The people who have even a smidgeon of opinion about him are like god damn i hate the way he treated Navani and then move on. He is just the boringest guy in the cosmere and what little personality he does have is him being a dickhead

Best part is that he would absolutely HATE people not caring about him/not being the most important person. Get fucked gavilar

The dude had Imposter syndrome. And “ thought/maybe lead to believe ” he was the chosen one, or something. That’s just sad all around, plus the inferiority complex he had towards his brother was also sad. Took advantage of his position to marry the right woman ( we know a queen when we see one) for the wrong reasons. and he died falling from a great height the symbolic nature of his death while also being killed by an assassin holding a herald’s blade. Made his death more of a pronouncement of divine retribution.

^^This. Exactly. All of it.
