


a faction leader and their second in command gotta be one of my favorite relationship dynamics

Has anyone done an edit of that video to be kelsier and dox?


oh wow ok, unfollowing rn. i was a big fan of his victory royale but i didn’t know he wiped out tomato town

„I named you. You are my friend. Isn’t that enough?
I am sorry, for what you must do. Survivor.

The survivor serving his time at Preservation prison and having a clash of personalities with a particular drifter passing by…


hmmm… mists. I think I want to learn to use the lasso tool more for painting. Soft edges, sharp edges.

I do not know why that particular light situation stuck in my head. The last glow of the day on the rooftops of Luthadel with the mists rolling in. Heck, if I remember correctly, it was actually already night in the scene in the book. But well, I really wanted to try to paint it nevertheless…

Also sketches for Vin and Dox. I like Dockson. Street urchin Vin has a glare that is almost owlish. She is a lot of fun to draw.

[ID: The first image is a digital painting of a rooftop scene with Kelsier crouching on the roofs parapet in his mistcloak. Standing a bit further back are a Vin and Dockson. All are lit up by the red glow of the sinking sun. Behind and around them are the dark, peaked roofs of Luthadel, dark lines of smoke from chimneys crossing some clouds glowing dully pink in the last light of the day.

The other image shows sketches of Vin’s and Dockson’s face with different points of views and expressions. Dox is a middle aged man, dark short hair, with a few grey streaks and a goaty around his mouth. He has strong eyebrows and has wears mostly an expression of neutral to mild / amused interest on his face. Vin is shown in various stages from the beginning of The Final Empire. With short hack hair and a beaten-up, half-swollen and bruised face. Crouching, scowling and staring intensely at the viewer. With a cloak and a hood that hides most of her face. In the dark with a mistcloak around her shoulders looking downwards, lit from below, wearing a serious expression, a breeze tossling her marginally longer hair. Looking upward with an annoyed, half-disgusted expression. (some teenager spirit peaking through) and as Valette Renoux in a dress with short puffy sleeves, long gloves and her hair parted in the middle and clipped backwards over her ]


Some attempts at the murdering psychopath from The Final Empire. I always had some widely mixed feelings about Kelsier, but then that is what makes him such an interesting character and protagonist.

A mullet was suggested for his hair. I am tempted. Also I am working on making him clearly distinguishable from other main characters in the cosmere - charming blond guys and hawk-faced ones alike.


[ID: The first image shows Kelsier striding through the mists. He is grinning and wearing his Mistborn cloak, its strips are sown cross-hatching in the chest and shoulder part, the loose ends curling around him. In one hands he holds a string purse and in the a other a bloody, glass dagger.

The second image is various of sketches of Kelsier, mostly of his head and shoulders and sometimes showing his torso, too. He has blond wavy hair, parted in the middle and his wearing all kinds of attires: loose shirts, vests and mistcloak. I was trying to test out various expressions and angles on him. Smiling: friendly, non-chalant, smirking out from under a hat, fatherly, menacing. More serious: facing of Marsh, solemn and lit from below, and as a skaa worker glaring towards the viewer.

The third image is a row the same sketch of Kelsier in a three-quarter profile with different hairstyles: the one he has in the other drawings, a mullet, a regency style short haircut with the hair and sideburns combed forwards, long hair tied to a tail in the nape of his neck with a string, and long, open wavy hair. A small drawing of myself is standing next to these, inspecting them warily.
Below that is another row of heads: Marsh, face similar to Kelsier’s but slightly squarer and with very short hair, Kelsier, Adolin more round faced and with a short, stubby nose, Wit with more pronounced cheekbones and a very narrow face and Kaladin who has a strong curvature both in his cheekbones and his nose.]

bloody-bunny-book: awwww bless him Without context, this seems like a father joking to his daughter


awwww bless him

Without context, this seems like a father joking to his daughter about not giving her crush the shovel talk/reassuring her insecurities about how her father will perceive the boy

In reality, this is a man planning a violent revolution that involves killing all/most of the ruling class, reassuring his murder child/assassin

And somehow that makes it even sweeter when he keeps his promise to her

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“Oh, hell,” Kelsier said. “There’s actually a God?”


Kelsier decked him.



Cosmere fandom!! 

So apparently Brandon Sanderson wrote a Moraine meets Kelsier fan fiction??



(Mistborn & Wheel of Time Spoilers)

Link is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20160619210512/http://sf-fantasy.suvudu.com:80/2012/03/cage-match-2012-round-4-moiraine-damodred-versus-kelsier.html

This is incredible

Some highlights:


“As I understand it, you’re actually dead.”

“Spoilers,” Kelsier said.


“Doesn’t count. You became a disembodied voice that may or may not have actually been speaking into the mind of a young boy who was probably insane.”

“Yes,” Kelsier said, “but my series has a long way to go yet. Who knows what could happen? I’ve heard that some very remarkable things can happen with spikes …”


“That won’t count as a victory,” Kelsier said. “Cage match, to the death, blah blah.”

“I’m certain they’ll make an exception.”

“I’ll file an appeal,” Kelsier said.

“You can’t–”

“You’ll find I’m good at doing the impossible,” Kelsier said. “It’s one of my specialties.”

“Too bad staying alive isn’t another of them.”


“Does that word even make sense in-world?”

“Damned if I know,” Kelsier said.


“Please,” Kelsier said. “I already saved the world. It only took me one book, I’ll add.”

“That’s funny, because from what I’ve heard, you left that ‘saved’ world in a fairly awful state. Your friends ended up doing all the work in the next few books; the only thing you did was provide a convenient skeleton.”


“Oh please,” Moiraine said. “The guy writes thousand-page books in his sleep every night. It won’t take him long to write this.”

“Be that as it may,” Kelsier replied, “I think you underestimate my ability to make a complete nuisance of myself. I promise you, I can draw this out. Hell, I’ll bet I could turn this conversation of ours into at least a novella. Maybe a six-part epic.”


“Do we have a deal? You return to the Last Battle, and I spend my postmortem retirement filling people with lots of holes–preferably of the type that bleed vigorously.”


“Wait,” Kelsier said, hopping off the wall and grabbing Moiraine by the arm. “We forgot something.”

“And what, precisely, is that?”

“Fanservice,” Kelsier said, then dipped her low and leaned in for a kiss.

Happy 10 Years to this thing

It was absolutely delightful


Knight Radiant of the Order of the Survivor:

  1. I will survive.
  2. I will find secrets.
  3. I will have extra drama.
  4. I will cause problems on purpose.
  5. I will be the next secret of the universe.
I tried to make them look like they go together and it kind of worked. It was definitely fun to try.I tried to make them look like they go together and it kind of worked. It was definitely fun to try.

I tried to make them look like they go together and it kind of worked. It was definitely fun to try. 

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Vin and Kelsier! I’m really happy with how this turned outVin and Kelsier! I’m really happy with how this turned outVin and Kelsier! I’m really happy with how this turned outVin and Kelsier! I’m really happy with how this turned out

Vin and Kelsier! 

I’m really happy with how this turned out

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I haven’t posed in a while so here’s some sneak peak/wip stuff that I’m working on. More Cosmere stuI haven’t posed in a while so here’s some sneak peak/wip stuff that I’m working on. More Cosmere stuI haven’t posed in a while so here’s some sneak peak/wip stuff that I’m working on. More Cosmere stuI haven’t posed in a while so here’s some sneak peak/wip stuff that I’m working on. More Cosmere stu

I haven’t posed in a while so here’s some sneak peak/wip stuff that I’m working on. More Cosmere stuff and a random gouache study of a flower. More info in the captions 

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Kelsier: (dramatically unveils a chalkboard)

(The chalkboard says: punch gods)

Kelsier: Crazy, right?


Moash: I can’t read.

***$5-and-up patrons can download this as a wallpaper for their desktop or phone over at patreon.com***$5-and-up patrons can download this as a wallpaper for their desktop or phone over at patreon.com

***$5-and-up patrons can download this as a wallpaper for their desktop or phone over at patreon.com/posts/66882641***

A young girl is called by a noble voice into a life of hardship.  There, she disguises her femininity and faces bandits, strange voices, unworthy kings, enemy armies, inquisitors, imprisonment, despair, and betrayal.  Yet her journey is guided by something beyond this world, and through the whirling mists of uncertainty, she discovers her purpose, learns to trust in those dearest to her, and becomes a beacon of hope to her people.



This month’s wallpaper is based on the original “Mistborn” trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, which begins as a heist thriller set in a dark kingdom of magic and intrigue.  In this wallpaper, I’ve replaced the main character, Vin, with St. Joan of Arc, because both are girls who dress in boys’ clothes, both are single-minded warriors, and both try to change their home for the better by having a very physical say in its leadership.  I’ve replaced the story’s mentor and charming crew-leader, Kelsier, with St. Michael the Archangel, because both were a force of support and guidance to their respective charges, and both managed to turn seemingly lowly peasant girls onto the path of heroes.


There’s more I could share to explain the image, of course, but doing so just might spoil parts of the original “Mistborn” trilogy, which I wouldn’t want to do when it’s so worth reading.  I only just finished it this month, but it’s easily one of my favorite series of all time.  It’s not for everyone, but it’s got oodles of dark fantasy, a fascinating magic system, engaging mysteries with amazing twists and pay-offs, and poignant points about leadership, trust, and faith.  If any or all of that sounds swell to you, give it a read (or a listen if you like audiobooks; Michael Kramer’s narration is wonderful), or if you’ve already read it, let me know what you thought (without any spoilers, just in case)!

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In which Thaidakar prepares a Seon for a mission using a mistcloak.

Sequel to “A Strange Light”. Mistshot.


The plot of Mistborn Secret History

Kelsier: Go big or go home!

Literally everyone:Please, for once in your life just go home. I’m begging you. Go. Home.

Kelsier: I’m going big!

Kelsier: We’re going to beat them with the power and intense hope brought on by friendship!

Marsh: We are not friends.

Kelsier: We’re going to beat them with incredible violence!

Harmony: How’re you doing these days?

Hoid: I’m breathing.

Harmony: Setting the bar pretty low, I think.

Hoid: Well, I’m doing better than that bastard Kelsier.

Kelsier: Honestly fuck you.



Hoid: You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up.

Kelsier: You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.

Harmony, looking down from above: What the fuck…

Hoid & Kelsier, simultaneously looking up:Jealous?

Kelsier: I’m plenty generous, remember all the times I gave blood?

Sazed: Whose blood?

Kelsier: Does it matter??

Vin: *wakes up after being knocked out* Where are we?

Kelsier, sarcastically:Heaven.

Vin: Oh, I didn’t think you’d be here.


*Wax and Wayne cover has a red sky and ash raining from the sky*

My immediate thought: Kelsier what the fuck did you do?

He put mo’ ash in the sky


Kelsier: Actually, it’s pronounced “Thai-da-KAY”

And it’s “Cos-mee-ay”
