#brandon sanderson



I wonder if one of the books will have the kite-based magic system that Brandon has mentioned

I’d love for it to be in the graphic novel he wrote for his kids!

My race training schedule didn’t ask for a long run today but I need to do something with the chaotic energy I’ve been feeling since watching the update

Me: I cannot justify $320+ for Cosmere swag

Also me: Excitedly putting $160 down for the hardcovers

Planning to reread Mistborn Era 2 in 2022 and it’s wild to know that it all happens post Stormlight 5


It’s been 9 goddamn years

I’m going on 13 years I think? I’ve been reading Brando’s books for more than half my life


i forgot to actually back the kickstarter bc kickstarter wasn’t working when i first tried and was like “ok i’ll do it later” and then didn’t

Dragonsteel also sent out this update yesterday


Sanderson Secret Project Artists

Secret Project 1 - Howard Lyon

Secret Project 2 - Steve Argyle

Secret Project 3 - Aliya Chen

Secret Project 4 - Ernanda Souza

Women of color!!!!!!!! The promise of not white washed characters!! I’m in love

We’re going to have canon Sigzil art by a woman of color (will it make up for the endless suffering that man is going to endure? ‍♀️)

I can’t believe this is a real thing on Brandon’s official YouTube channel

Someone was paid to film/edit this ad

I haven’t read any of the Secret Project chapters and I don’t think I will. Not out of a desire to go in blind when the books come out (I haven’t blocked any of the tags) but because I know they’re drafts and I was so disoriented reading Cytonic after the opening chapter felt so different from the sneak peak he released

I am, however, delighted at all of the commentary/content I’m seeing on tumblr about the books

The American covers for the Cytoverse books are just… bad. I feel so strongly about how much I dislike the art on them that I specially ordered these UK editions weeks ago and finally got them in the mail this week


My race training schedule didn’t ask for a long run today but I need to do something with the chaotic energy I’ve been feeling since watching the update

In case anyone was wondering, my post-Sanderson announcement energy took a full minute off my average pace on yesterday’s 4 mile run


I need new people to talk about books with. If you like any of these series or books let’s talk :-)

- Stormlight Archives / Cosmere

- A Song of Ice and Fire

- Farseer Trilogy

- Gentleman Bastards

- Donna Tartt (Secret History, Little Friend, Goldfinch)

- Classic Literature (trying to read more)

Want to start reading more this year.


Knight Radiant of the Order of the Survivor:

  1. I will survive.
  2. I will find secrets.
  3. I will have extra drama.
  4. I will cause problems on purpose.
  5. I will be the next secret of the universe.



Dalinar at the beginning of Words of Radiance: I intend to rebuild the Knights Radiant!

Adolin: But they all had special powers!

Kaladin, standing in the corner:

Op’s tags
