
I was inspired by this comic drawing style XD you know? x’D i really love it! <3 I think I will s

I was inspired by this comic drawing style XD 


you know? x’D i really love it! <3 

I think I will start to draw them in this style more often. i have even thought of doing another Au with this anime style x’DDD 

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Heya! Guy i need to tell you a cute idea. This is my AU Little Story Of Gods. yup,I was inspired by Heya! Guy i need to tell you a cute idea. This is my AU Little Story Of Gods. yup,I was inspired by

Heya! Guy i need to tell you a cute idea. This is my AU Little Story Of Gods. yup,I was inspired by reapertale but the story is different (obviously) and Sad, VERY sad. well, idk , maybe for Romy and his two dads (?) x’DDD poor guys. but i’ll tell it little by little, cause the story is VERYYYYY LOOOOOONG i wrote the Romy’s story on my facebook (summarized).

soon I will design the rest of the characters: Julia, Billie, Snowball, Larry, etc…. but the story is done n_n

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i made some doodles about Darwin <3 and spending time with his family he likes anime(?) Inuyasha i made some doodles about Darwin <3 and spending time with his family he likes anime(?) Inuyasha i made some doodles about Darwin <3 and spending time with his family he likes anime(?) Inuyasha

i made some doodles about Darwin <3 and spending time with his family 

he likes anime(?) Inuyasha is his favorite anime x’DDDD

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Hi, PatB fandom! Syl here! (Or SylviaW1991, for my target audience here) Long time, no see.

So sorry about deleting my ff.net fics without warning. Genuinely didn’t realize it was upset so many of you! Back when my cowriter and I wrote them, we were a very isolated isle of 2. And sometimes, even with the reboot, it still feels like it’s so small no one would ever notice us.

So I’m very sorry for so abruptly emptying that account. But fret not, the fics are NOT gone. I have every single one of them saved still. They will be going up on ao3 under the username Syl1991.

So please go sub to that account. The plan is to start posting my solo works and then add the cowritten things as she and I figure out how exactly we’re going to go about it. Her stuff is still on ff because she’s less impulsive than my ridiculous self.

I may have been the Brain to her Pinky, but she’s the much better planner between the two of us. And I’m the impulsive button pusher.



Did some warm up sketches and was feeling soft


mice…in love

yeah so i think this is one of my new favorite brinky pieces …

Chapter 4

A brief massage from Pinky instills an addiction in Brain and causes him to stumble upon why it is that he likes them so much. Does he merely love the relief, or perhaps the mouse giving it?

ON AO3 —–> https://archiveofourown.org/works/36916429/chapters/92101573-


Brain had done his best to get through the day with this crisis on his hands. He resolved not to think about it. Yes. That was best. The whole thing made him jittery. He couldn’t even think of being near Pinky right now. (Mainly because when he did, all he could think about was his discovery and the hyper-awareness was enough to make him jump out of his skin) He made attempts to work on plans. That was something he could always rely on to occupy his mind but he was so distracted. This was far worse than it had been when it came to the massages… Now he was not only thinking about them, but also…other things. Things he had never allowed himself to think about. Things that surprised him that he actually wanted. It was an experience. It was as if his realization released a valve and outpoured a rush of thoughts that had been sealed away for ages. He could not put them back, as hard as he tried.

Pining, Great scholars above, he was pining

He massaged his temples and groaned. He found his center and calmed himself before he could spiral. This was fine. It was fine. He was fine. Brain did not have to do anything about it. He knew if he even tried, the results were likely to be disastrous. Telling Pinky… What a joke.

He was startled by some laughter from the other side of the lab and he instinctively looked in the direction. Pinky was in the middle of some bizarre dance routine, swaying his arms as he hopped along a collection of beakers. Any other time, Brain would have lectured him for his careless behavior toward sensitive equipment but he remained silent, his hands clasped very tightly. 

“Would you just look at him.” Brain mumbled as his eyes followed his movement. “So carefree. He has no idea of what he’s done” He was slightly annoyed about that, even though it wasn’t necessarily his fault.

 Brain stood upright as Pinky caught him looking. 

“Hi, Brain!” Pinky said with a wave, losing his balance after the distraction and falling inside of one of the beakers. He shouted but didn’t seem put out for long, ultimately finding the clumsy trip to be hilarious fun. “Look! I’m science! Come study me! Zort! Hahaha!” 

The nerves he’d felt quickly turned to annoyance. Brain ran a hand down his face, wishing he had lectured him after all. “Pinky. Get out of there at once!” He shouted.

After a snort, Pinky made his attempt but it seemed it was easier to get in than out. Still, he gave his best effort, the glass container wobbling back and forth, dangerously close to the edge of the counter. Brain looked on fearfully, leaning forward but Pinky managed to jump out just before the beaker smashed on the floor below. He exhaled in relief and then the glare returned to his face and he directed it pointedly at Pinky.

Pinky was leaning over to view the broken shards of glass, looking relieved one second but guilty the next. He was wearing a face that showed hadn’t meant to do that. Thankfully he hadn’t gone down there with it. Pinky’s attention was pulled away when he’d heard Brain speak and he looked over at him.

“If i have told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times not to fool and frolic around the lab equipment.” Brain said. He considered his lecture better late than never. Besides, he found this was the only way he could interact with him right now without being reminded of…the other thing. This was normalcy. It would help him get back to before. 

“But you didn’t tell me this time, Brain.” Pinky replied as innocently as ever.

Brain huffed with tight lips. He pointed a finger at the floor “ Well, I am telling you now! And here’s another; Clean up your mess and try not to break anything else. I cannot complete any of my plans to take over the world if there’s no equipment left to use.”

“Oh, come on, Brain. I couldn’t break everything in the lab. Narf!” He giggled and let some of the humor into his voice, “That would take a reeeeally long time, wouldn’t it? I don’t know if I could do it.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. It’s one of your many talents…” Brain said in a mockingly soft tone with heavy sarcasm.

“Braaaain. You’re making me flush!” Pinky beamed, holding his cheeks as he wiggled around.

He had misread Brain’s remark as a compliment, as usual. Brain would have shook his head, rolled his eyes and corrected him immediately but when his gaze fixed on him to do this, he couldnt help from noticing Pinky’s smile was rather…adorable. His cheeks were lifted and lightly pink, which was noticeable even from the distance. His hands, which were just on his face, were now on his arms as Pinky gave himself a personal hug. The image may as well have attacked him with the way his heart was reacting. 


He wanted to hold him in that instant.

Brain wanted to give him an intentional reason to flush that wasn’t simply a misunderstood insult. 

Brain pulled himself out of his thoughts by violently shaking his head. What an intrusive thought. Where had that come from? Was he not just scolding him? He was thankful he was able to snap himself out of it before Pinky had noticed or worse, said something about it. He touched his cheeks in a panic. They were warm. He knew his face must be red and cursed the involuntary reaction. Was this going to keep happening? Brain needed to be able to interact with Pinky if they were ever going to take over the world. But how could he do that if he got these strange sensations and thoughts when the other mouse was just being….himself? Brain wished he’d never reached this epiphany. He’d been fine keeping his friend at a distance. He’d been fine lacking awareness that…he wasn’t fine with that at all. 

He growled.

“Pinky!” Brain shouted and when his friend looked at him with a start, he firmly pointed at the ground to remind Pinky of the mess. Pinky made an expression like he’d just remembered and then ran off towards the direction of the supply closet in a hurry. Brain exhaled. That should keep him out of his fur for a little while. He stomped back to what he was doing before.

Brain had his arms folded behind his back. He attempted to give himself a pep talk. “It’s only because its so fresh. I am overthinking this issue. It will pass. Besides. Him and I…we couldn’t be more different.” He bent over and picked up his pencil. “I am a mouse of science. Destined to take over the world.” He held the pencil like a staff and tapped the eraser on the floor once or twice for effect, “I have no time to focus on such entanglements. It would only distract from my goal.”

 His glare wavered and his hold on the pencil turned into a hug. 

He pet the writing implement gently, “Though…it would be nice to be held at night…” He caught himself again, softening with these tender thoughts and reclaimed stoicism.

He was frustrated at himself for constantly losing control of his thoughts. Never before had he found himself daydreaming about that foolish mouse…or…or being enchanted by his smile. And his laughter. That sound had always grated on his nerves. And why should he even think about being held by Pinky? His grip was always too tight. His nose was always cold and he liked to nuzzle him far too closely. His affection and attention was nothing if not overbearing. 

He swallowed. So, why did he want it..? Why did he want all of it..? 

He sighed. Asking himself those questions did not help. Brain knew why, despite lacking understanding. The idea of this may have still felt like such a bizarre thing, but however strange, facts were facts..

Brain was just afraid, though he’d be hardpressed to admit it. He was afraid that he actually wanted to tell him about all these thoughts he was having. And he was afraid of what might happen if he did. Or didn’t.  A planned confession was much better than one that just somehow slipped out. He was mortified by the idea of this scenario. Brain liked to plan. He did not care for surprises. If he were to ever announce his feelings, he would very much like to be in control of that situation.

Nevertheless, he knew he couldn’t do it. Admitting out loud to having feelings for Pinky was even harder that admitting he wanted a massage. (and he couldn’t do that either) He bit his lip, wondering why he was worrying about this at all. Brain wasn’t going to confess, and if he didn’t confess, Pinky wouldn’t know. It wasn’t like he was bright enough to figure it out on his own. This mouse forgot how to /eat/ on occasion. He rolled his eyes at the memory of having to remind him. And if Pinky didn’t know unless Brain told him, that meant things could stay the same and that was exactly what Brain needed. For himself. For the world. For the stability and unchanged state of their friendship. Brain had resolve and found relief in his resolution stamping down his previous anxiety. He would need to fret no longer. He could avoid this potential disaster….

And he did, for several nights to varying success. Though, it was certainly not the easiest of tasks, despite his self-proclaimed excellent skills of concealment. Brain did not feel as sure of himself as he had days ago. He became a bit more…panicked.  He found himself hiding from his friend. Even running, which was never a good idea because Pinky always thought it was a game and liked to chase him. He was very good at it, too. He was in far better shape than Brain. Being caught by him was inevitable, and this was something that would regularly result in immediate anger were it not for the secret he’d been hiding. Brain was irritated, yes. No amount of affection would stop him from finding the lanky mouse vexing. But…he found the mood would alter.. This stemmed from what happened when Pinky caught him; in some weird way, he enjoyed it. Well, perhaps not his impulsive behavior but he enjoyed having Pinky against him and he didn’t rush to escape his grasp immediately… A part of him harshly judged himself for it. What could he say? It was nice! He could admit this at least in his mind, and he would know it to be true whether he wanted it to be or not. Pinky was soft and warm and Brain would briefly bask in it before he realized what he was doing.  Then, of course, the anger would return and it was solely because he knew he couldn’t afford to react. 

He wanted to. That was the problem, and it made him curse him. Everytime Pinky was near him, his heart was loud enough to hear in his ears. Brain’s talent for steeling himself in the most sentimental of situations wasn’t working, and if it was, not very well. The passage of time was not making this easier. He was on the verge of tearing out all his fur. It was as if his mind was a wheel for Pinky to go for a run on endlessly and Brain could do nothing to stop him.

He knew there was one solution, but still refusing it, he chose to focus his energies on their next plan. That was what he needed to do; a plan.

What to do. What to do.. He pondered.

He had run through all his extras (which had been all inspired by his cagemate’s influence somehow) so, he would need to start from scratch. This gave him plenty to do. 


 A blank canvas. 

Endless possibilities. 

It would be his best plan yet. He swore it!

That night would prove otherwise.

The plan had gone terrible and not for its usual reasons. It was poorly put together and the execution was even worse. It failed because Brain had been so distracted. Pinky had tried to tell him but he didn’t listen. He was shorter than usual with him tonight (in his efforts to converse with him as little as possible) So, when things began to go wrong, he’d ignored his friend’s warnings and now here they were, back at the lab, unsuccessful as usual and despite his want to place blame on Pinky, it had been completely his own fault. Brain was not used to feeling like this. His hypothesis had been correct. In order to carry out a successful plan, he needed to be able to talk to Pinky. Normally. Not averting his eyes and keeping words briefer than usual and overthinking every tiny interaction.

 And not keeping secrets from him… 

True, he never told Pinky absolutely everything on his mind (mainly because he would not understand 98 percent of it) but Brain had the feeling that if he didn’t do something soon, he was going to explode.

He had to tell him.

 If only to get it out of his head. The moment he did that, he was sure he would no longer have to deal with this constant distraction. It was inconvenient. He would be able to stop thinking about it. Pinky’s response would be irrelevant, he told himself, ignoring the squirming feeling inside at the possibilities of what he might say. .  

He only had to do it once. Just once.

Once suddenly felt like a number that was too high..

They were getting ready to sleep for the night. Brain was fluffing his pillow and Pinky had just returned with his ‘bedtime snack’ ; a stale cookie he’d found underneath the refrigerator. Brain clenched his teeth at the sound as he took a bite. He may as well have been eating a rock.

This. This is whom he wanted to confess to…?


Brain was overfluffing his pillow now out of nerves. “So..” He began, dropping it on their mattress sponge, just above their makeshift blanket.

Pinky stopped eating, his cheeks full as Brain had his attention. He took a moment and then swallowed the big bite down. He looked at the cookie and then at Brain. “Oh, sorry, Brain! I didn’t even think to ask.” He offered the unappetizing baked good to him.

Brain leaned back, wearing a slightly disgusted expression raising his hands. “Please, help yourself..”

He fidgeted as his friend finished up. He didn’t refocus on him until he saw him rounding the corner of their bed. Once he began to lift the covers, he knew he he was about to lose his opportunity. So he reached out and shouted, “Uh, Pinky! Before you turn in for the night, um… there is something we should…or rather, I should..” He cleared his throat. He didn’t know what he wanted to say. Well. He did but he didn’t know how to say it. This was more difficult than he anticipated. (which was stupid, considering it was three words. Three syllables. He should be able to do this)

“What is it?” Pinky asked, now very curious. 

“Well, I, uh…” Brain stammered.

As he did this, Pinky scrutinized him, leaning as though a closer look might tell him before Brain did. He gasped and then Brain made a startled sound. “Oh, I know what this is!”

Brain’s eyes were widen and vulnerable, “You do?” Normally, he’d be skeptical but the idea that Pinky knew what he was going to say before he even got to the words was mortifying. A little relieving, but mostly mortifying.

“It’s about the plan, isn’t it?” Pinky guessed, making a move onto the bed.

“The plan..?”

“Well, you have been a little off lately, haven’t you? But it’s okay! I’m sure you’ll get ‘em tomorrow!”

Brain’s pride make him glare at Pinky’s observation but his eyes were soon widening again. Pinky had noticed. Of course. He should have expected he would. Even if he were more dense than a concrete brick, he spent a majority of his time by his side. He was his best friend after all…

Brain should be touched by this, but he only felt awkward about it. It pushed him closer to needing to come clean. 

“Your faith in me is most appreciated, but I was not in fact thinking about tonight’s nor the last few failures. Thank you for reminding me.” His voice dripped sarcasm but even Brain knew, despite the inspiration he’d had when creating said plans, his head hadn’t entirely been in the game, as they say. “It does nothing to dwell” He went on. “But to look to the future.”

Pinky rolled onto his back and stretched out all of his limbs before he exclaimed, “—And the future is Braaaain!! Narf!” He closed his eyes and gave a big laugh. Then he rolled around and got all tangled up in the blankets, much more than intended. He lightly struggled

Brain shifted his mouth to the side, then he grabbed the fabric with both hands and with one loud flap, Pinky was sent flying into the bars behind him. Somehow, he found that even more amusing.

He was back before long, prancing back over and falling onto the blanket that Brain had just fixed. He rolled over again but was more careful this time. He smiled up at Brain. “Oh, how do you see it, Brain? Your future?”

What a question for Pinky to ask. He had many answers to this question. The future was something you could never quite know, even with his dabblings in time travel. It was constantly changing. It could be rewritten. Nothing was ever set in stone. Brain liked being in control of his destiny, but at the same time, the uncertainty made him uneasy. Brain knew of the future he wanted. He wanted to be ruler of the world. He wanted a crown and his very own castle. He wanted all to bow down before him. Statues and monuments abound. But he also wanted…

Brain glanced down at Pinky. He was still staring up at him with that grin of pure optimism, patiently awaiting his reply. The shivers were back. Pinky. That was what he wanted. His future world would be perfect only if he had Pinky. He did not doubt the mouse would be by his side when that day inevitably came. But he didn’t just want him by his side. He wanted him by his side. A big part of him wondered if he wouldn’t have to wait for the cheers and praises for his new position as world leader. Part of him wondered if that was something he could have now, if he found the courage to say those words. He would like that.

Brain smiled.

Pinky smiled wider, “Aww, you look happy. You have such a lovely smile, Brain.”

“As do you, my friend.” Brain said, without thinking, leaning over him a bit closer. He realized it the moment it fell from his lips. It was unlike him to slip up like that. 

Why had he said that? 

Well, it wasn’t as if it were untrue…and he was trying to convey his feelings…but… It felt so unusual to say such a thing out loud. The sentence came out so easily, too. It was those wide, accursed blue eyes and his goofy grin..

Pinky gasped at the compliment and couldn’t help but pull him in for a surprise hug.

Brain did not make a move for several moments. His fingers twitched. How simple would it be for Brain to return the hug. He had two arms. He could certainly use them. Bopping him was easier, so that’s what he did. Anything else would have been out of the ordinary for either of them. (Mostly Brain) 

“Pinky, quit it!” He said, as though he hadn’t wanted to stay trapped in his embrace. He could not fight these old habits. Even as he had resolved to tell him what he felt, just to clear the air and his mind, he found himself still petrified at the idea of saying it. There must be something wrong with him…They were just words. He had been smitten before and had no trouble admitting such things. What was it about Pinky that twisted him up this way? The complexity he felt for one so simple was maddening.  

Pinky was not fazed in the slightest when he recovered from his little knock on the head. He laid on his stomach and kicked his feet back and forth, his hands propping up his face as he stared at Brain. “You didn’t answer! Poit. You must have something in mind.”

“That makes one of us..” Brain mocked him but it didn’t have its usual bite because Pinky was right. He did have something in mind. He had many things, and many of them in this moment relating to Pinky. So, Brain told him everything except for those just to please him. (He would keep pestering him if he didn’t)

After hearing his friend’s list, Pinky turned on his side. “It’s going to be such great fun when you finally take over the world. Getting to do all those things you’ve always wanted to do. Having all those shiny things and the pointy hat.” 

Brain rolled his eyes at Pinky’s limited ways of description, though he did agree with all he was saying. He went to correct him but Pinky was yawning just then. He must have expelled his last burst of energy. 

They moved under the covers shortly after that. Brain could have said it right then and there, but he couldn’t find the courage. He also didn’t want to say something Pinky would be too tired to remember. (He wasn’t very good at that in the first place) So, they said their goodnights and that was that…

Perhaps tomorrow, he thought. He’d find the words then…

He needed rest.. At the very least unconsciousness would give him a small reprieve from all of these thoughts and feelings.

If he could stop tossing and turning long enough to get there.. 

He grumbled, turning over one more time. He caught sight of Pinky who was already asleep. Quickly, he observed with envy. The idea of scooting closer came to him. He dismissed it. He sighed to himself and settled for gazing; something he shouldn’t be doing either, but he could not help himself. Pinky looked adorable as he slept. He moved only slightly. He mumbled unintelligibly, much as he did when he were awake but at least he was quieter. His hand moved beside his face on the pillow. Brain stared for a moment. Then, his own hand reached for it almost instinctively before recoiling in shame. His eyes were wide, as though he’d been caught doing a heinous crime, but he hadn’t stirred whatsoever. He found some relief in that.

 He rolled over to avoid temptation, his heart racing in his chest. He told it to quit it’s nonsense, all the while wishing he had been able to properly steer the conversation and admit what he felt.

Not that he thought his proper confession would have led to being allowed to hold his hand or anything else… He reminded himself that telling Pinky was just….well, he was only doing it for his own sake. He just needed to get the words out so that he could focus. That was all. That was all he needed from it. He didn’t need reciprocation. He didn’t need to have his arms wrapped around him or their fingers intertwined. He didn’t need the two of them to…to…

Images flooded his mind and darkened his cheeks. Images of things he definitely definitely didn’t want.

He clenched the blankets tight.

Go to sleep.

Go to sleep!


Okay. So. I was going to have my next chapter be long but its getting too long, so I think I’m going to split it. Its been too long since I’ve updated fdhfkjds and i dont want anyone thinking I gave up on it. x3 So, it will be posted soon! 

BONUS:JKDFJXGKLDFXFK This is dedicated to that one person on eBAY who keeps trying to sell a Bartok


JKDFJXGKLDFXFK This is dedicated to that one person on eBAY who keeps trying to sell a Bartok toy, listing it as Pinky bat from patb LMAO

My little Pinkybat AU, where he becomes a bat by experiments by Acme Labs and they basically have to adapt and Pinky makes a lot of dramatic vampire jokes even though he is not one and gets on every one of Brain’s last nerves. jfgjds This would make such a funny episode.

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After having a rough week, I finally have made some good progress x3 Brinky art later on todaaaay. Yay.

Today I wrote about Pinky and The Brain kissing and then promptly took a nap. A productive day

Preview of what I’m working on next. =^w^=

Full WIP preview on my patreon

Become A Patron

Brine Monkey Brinky for Mermay <3 (from the patb comics)May they rest in peace kjkdfxhgjkdksClose

Brine Monkey Brinky for Mermay <3 (from the patb comics)

May they rest in peace kjkdfxhgjkdks

Close Up:


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Oof so work still has me quite busy so in the meantime I’ll share some art I’ve made in the past and

Oof so work still has me quite busy so in the meantime I’ll share some art I’ve made in the past and for some reason I never posted it, mostly from fanfictions :3

This is from Bella Note made by @pines-troz still one of my favorites, If anyone needs more cute mice stories this is one of the best :3

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I’ve been a bit busy lately working on another cartoon, but I had some time to make this quick drawi

I’ve been a bit busy lately working on another cartoon, but I had some time to make this quick drawing during work hours the other day xP. I would kill to see the time they spent teaching, because I’m sure everyone though they were married or at least dating XD.

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I HAVENT BEEN ON HERE IN FOREVER !!! but here are my favorite gay mice i lobe them so much, words cannot explain how much i love them. i need to get back into drawing them more

i’m gonna post this here first, also i was BIG inspired by @painfully-unoriginal and how pretty their piece is :) anyways

gay mice

