
naya-rivera:nayarivera Getting ready for winter time! Can’t wait to officially break out my @moose


nayarivera Getting ready for winter time! Can’t wait to officially break out my @mooseknucklescanada jacket!! #MooseOnTheLoose

I didn’t know Lesbos was cold..

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You’re in love with her, and she’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you loYou’re in love with her, and she’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you loYou’re in love with her, and she’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you loYou’re in love with her, and she’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you lo

You’re in love with her, and she’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you look at her and see the stars, and she looks at you and sees the sun. And you both think the other is just looking at the ground..but not anymore

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jamescookjr: The Relationship of Brittany Pierce & Santana Lopez Santana: Sex is not dating. Brijamescookjr: The Relationship of Brittany Pierce & Santana Lopez Santana: Sex is not dating. Bri


The Relationship of Brittany Pierce & Santana Lopez

Santana: Sex is not dating. 
Brittany: If it were, Santana and I would be dating.

Santana: Let us give you an introduction into the way we work. You buy us dinner, we make out in front of you. It’s like, the best deal ever.

Kurt: Thanks, Britt. Thanks a lot.
Santana: Leave Brittany alone.
Brittany: Thank you for understanding. It’s been a hard road.

[sings Me Against The Music in Dream]
Brittany: When I had my teeth cleaned, I had the most amazing Britney Spears fantasy. I sang and danced better than her. Now I realize what a powerful woman I truly am.  
Santana: I went with her, and I had a Britney fantasy, too. Although now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not really sure how our fantasies combined.

Keep reading

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i just want to thank tumblr personally because it’s the only place where i can unleash my gayness and be gayer, even the gayest with no restrictions

Nunca fui muy fana de Naya en particular ni tampoco de Santana, a decir verdad. Las que me leyeron durante años bien lo sabrán. Mi atención en #glee siempre estuvo situada en otra parte, aunque por supuesto la pareja de porristas siempre tuvo su lugar en Deborarte.

Sin embargo, era innegable, ya desde este primer momento en que aun no sabíamos que estas tres porristas se convertirían en #theunholytrinity, la luz de esta actriz de origen latino que empezó así, por detrás, y casi sin líneas, y que se abrió camino con talento y carisma llegando a convertirse en uno de los personajes más queridos de esta serie musical que durante muchos años nos mantuvo cautivas.

La Santana Lopez de Naya Rivera tuvo algunas de las mejores líneas del show, se inventó una de las storylines más comentadas y se metió en el bolsillo a todos los pastelitos. Nos hizo reír y llorar, y encima se llevó a la cama a Dianna… ¿Qué más agregar sin largarse a llorar?
Chapeau, Santana! Buen viaje, Naya, ¡gracias!

#naya #nayarivera #santanalopez #santana #brittana #gaysharks #diannaagron #hemo #heathermorris

#theunholytrinity    #nayarivera    #santanalopez    #santana    #brittana    #gaysharks    #diannaagron    #heathermorris    
gayerthanjew:got my commission from luckypressure! because i’m a narcissistic asshole it’s based off


got my commission from luckypressure!because i’m a narcissistic asshole it’s based off a brittana fic i wrote. thanks lucky, i love it!

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kidimpulse:iM NOT NERVOUS OR ANYTHING (who am i kidding) adskjfasdafsdads


iM NOT NERVOUS OR ANYTHING (who am i kidding) adskjfasdafsdads

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strawberryrai1:Brittana for porngron-, uhh.. sorry i had no idea how to draw locked fingers :| i hop


Brittana for porngron-, uhh.. sorry i had no idea how to draw locked fingers :| i hope you like this one..<3

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#Glee, in arrivo la proposta di matrimonio #Brittana

http://bit.ly/1z4l782 #promo

doodle for Pride Month 2018️‍ 
insp: パレードへようこそ (original title: Pride)

doodle for Pride Month 2018️‍

insp: パレードへようこそ (original title: Pride)

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