#bronwyn alexandra


~ Sleep will not come easily. Your dreams will be of glimmering fur, of snapping jaws, of flashes of claws and teeth. You’ll know it’s time when they begin to bleed into your waking life.

~ You may notice that your shoulders or back are starting to ache frequently. Do not be alarmed. Your wings are coming in.

~ Start leaving your window unlocked. And don’t be afraid of intruders - they won’t last long if they decide to climb through your window.

~ You’re going to begin waking up coveredin grass and mud. Start getting used to it. Oh, and don’t be alarmed by the occasional drop or two of blood.


On a recent hike, I passed a massive overturned tree. Its roots had been ripped from the soil, but not entirely - they twisted and hung, like the bars of a cage, before snaking back into the earth. They made a sort of room, an open space between the tree and the ground, walled in by vines and thick, gnarled roots. As I studied it, a voice in the back of my mind kept repeating, “Things dwell here. I am a trespasser. This is a sacred place.”

I’m unable to tell if the scuttling is within the walls or within my mind
