#brooklyn nine nine


Just watched the final 2 episodes and honestly this is the first time the ending of a show has felt good. I’ve always had a hard time saying goodbye to my favorite characters but the way the final episodes were written was just perfect. It was literally full circle - the way they ended the last episode where the first one was shot! It couldn’t have been better than this. Brooklyn nine-nine will always have a special place in my heart and life!



Geralt, grumbling at Jaskier’s fussing after Jaskier having found Geralt passed out in the woods again: I wasn’t hurt that badly. The healer said all my bleeding was internal. That’s where the blood’s supposed to be.

Geralt: I wasn’t injured. I was lightly stabbed.

Jaskier: I’m sorry. You were stabbed?


Hear me out: What if the prize for the heist this year is the gender of the Peraltiago baby?

I think that it’ll be the name of the baby. Nobody or Jake/Amy would win, to let Jake and Amy ofc, because there is no way they wouldn’t ask each other opinions really, how they want to name their kid. And then they’ll probably make heartwarming decision, maybe name kid after somebody - maybe after Holt or Charles / Rosa. Or give them a double name.

I personally think that naming kid Charles Raymond would be extra decision. Charles obviously gonna be head over heels, BUT that could be the point where we see Holt cry because he got too emotional over this.

If they name their girl Rosa, that totally will make Rosa cry too. AND let’s don’t forget that Ray could also be girls’ name. AND Charlie is a beautiful name also. So that could be Rosa Ray, Rosa Charlie or Charlie Ray.

World is full of possibilities.
