#bts her


BTS Predictions for the end of 2017 and 2018

(PS: I will be adding to this)

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the future and have been having some weird intuition about the boys. In no means am I psychic or anywhere close to that, I just get really strong feelings about possible future events. That being said, I want to share what I’ve been feeling will happen to the boys in 2018.

In regards to the end of 2017, with end of the year awards coming up, I’m sure the boys will be busy preparing for all of the award show performances as well as their concerts.

There have also been rumors of a November comeback but I really don’t think they would release the second mini album of the series so soon. They need time to rest and that would be too much after coming off of such a successful but tiresome comeback.

Instead, I have a feeling that they will release a second title track from the album along with an MV to go with it. My gut feeling is that it will be Best of Me, due to the fact that it could do extremely well on Billboard’s Hot100 chart as well as on the Korean charts. Best of Me was already charting high on the charts without any further promotion, right behind DNA, so I think this is definitely a strong possibility. Additionally, there weren’t any stages for Best of Me and we haven’t seen the choreo for it, so they may have done this because they planned to reveal it down the road. Best of Me also has heavy instrumental so there could be a chance for killer dance breaks, which is always a good thing.

I predict that BTS will chart in the top 50 of BB100 with the release of Best of Me as a second single. It has the potential to do even better than DNA.

Moving on, let’s discuss the next comeback. Yes I know it is WAY too early to be discussing it already but I just need to vent some of my theories, so bear with me. Well, to start off, I have a feeling that the next mini album will involve the “twist” we had seen in the Love Yourself highlight reel. If Bangtan are continuing with the Chinese characters they utilized in the films, the twist would come after the intro/development of the story, which had been used in ‘Her’. Additionally, ‘Her’ was a bright, colorful, and overtly cheerful album that discussed the beauty of love. DNA was probably the brightest and most colorful MV BTS has ever released. Phsyically, the album was also soft and beautiful in appearance. With the color scheme of a light sunset and loose floral imagery, there was definitely a feeling of happiness and love this era.

This being said, I have a feeling that BigHit and the boys are going to mess with us for the next comeback. With the idea that the next album would represent the “twist”, this next concept may be much darker. Just like we saw with the Highlight reels, starting off happy and light, the plot line changed quickly and everything went spiraling out of control. This will probably be represented through the next era, with angst coming full force. BigHit has been known to enjoy surprises and a darker concept would be such a sharp contrast from the previous album. The fact that 'Her’ was so insanely bright and positive, it would make for an even more shocking plot twist if the next comeback was a bit darker, angrier, or even harder conceptually.

While listening to past albums recently, I kept thinking about how the outros of each album connected to the album and era that followed previously. Most of the time the outro gives us a taste or idea what the next album will include or revolve around. For example, the outro for HYYH Pt. 2 was House of Cards. Following this was the infamous Wings era with Blood Sweat and Tears (I’m not including Young Forever since it was a special album). House of Cards was a very 50 shades of grey-esque, r&b, and rather sensual song. WINGS era was definitely one of BTS’ most sensual eras by far and BST carries the vibes from House of Cards. Following this, the outro for WINGS was Wings. Tying this to YNWA, the mood was very similar. YNWA was very optimistic and uplifting, similar to Wings. Spring Day and Not Today followed this pattern of discussing confidence and aiming higher in addition to roots and brotherhood.

Now if we look at the outro from 'Her’ which was similarly titled, “Her”, we can see that this track is a bit different from the rest of the album. While the rest of the songs were more playful and cheerfully talking about love, this one had an edge to it. Her talks about love too, but it talks about the complexities and struggles behind it. Instead of staying positive, this track covers the sadness and anger behind loving someone. It talks about how it can be wonderful but also extremely emotional and difficult at times. If this is giving us a hint at what the next album may include, I believe this just reiterates my theory more. While 'Her’ was discussing the honeymoon stage and beauty of relationships, this next album may talk about the darker or more emotional side of relationships.

Alright so I will leave you with these few ideas as of yet because this post is already so extremely long and I need a break after writing it. I will be updating with more later so stay tuned!
