#astro meme



* actual birthday


Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Aquarius Rising

Being an Aries sun and Pisces moon, Lexi is full of the boundless energy Arians possess, along with the receptive qualities of Pisces moon. However, that’s not all. Being neighboring signs, Aries and Pisces are both alike in multitudes of ways. Passiveness is common, but so is the childlike wonder of Aries- and let’s not forget Pisces’ creativity- hello Bob Ross. Lexi is faced with expectations left and right- submissive, quiet, weird. With an Aquarius rising, Lexi dares to go against those expectations and explore her personality and creative capacity further.


Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, Pisces Rising

Unbothered and humble Elliot takes shit from no one. Elliot cares about his loved ones, but he maintains a “the ends justify the means” mindset that could potentially harm himself and others. With a sensuous Taurus sun, Elliot is all about sensation- how to feel good, when to get good, with who to get good with. His Aquarius moon enables him to detach quickly and be inquisitive when it comes to the best interest of those around him, no matter the circumstances. His Pisces rising paints Elliot as a dreamy character who seeks the other world. Anyway, if not for pleasure, why dig in?


Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Rising

With her style, Faye knows what she likes. Loyal to a fault, Faye likes to broach the unknown and seek the high her environment provides. One to avoid conflict, Faye still instills conflict (although unknowingly..somehow). With two air signs and an earth sign, Faye’s opinions are served as facts in her mindset and she will refuse anything that she deems irrelevant to her goal at that moment. With a Gemini sun, Faye is open to those around her…eating ass for oxys? Alright. With a Libra moon, she approaches those around her openly unless given a reason not to (fuck that manager). Her Taurus rising bestows her a matter-of-fact aura that can get her into entanglements if not managed right.
