#bts reactions


Pairing: Jungkook x Reader


Word Count:1.7K

Summary: Jungkook faces a moment of insecurity regarding the relationship between you and his hyung Namjoon, but don’t worry, you are there to set him straight and reassure him. Just fluff!

“Oomph,” you groaned out as the breath in your lungs forcibly left your body while the hunk of muscle that was your boyfriend plopped himself down on top of you, making himself comfortable.

Looking up from your phone that you had previously been scrolling through in peace, you raised an eyebrow at him. “Can I help you, Jungkook-ah?” You asked, trying to maintain a stern countenance while your adorable boyfriend wrapped his arms securely around you, settling comfortably on top of you, nuzzling his face into your stomach.

“Missed you,” he murmured tiredly in response, turning to place a soft kiss to the material of his sweatshirt that was currently adorning your figure.

You had to fight hard to keep yourself from swooning at the utter sweetness that was your boyfriend. The two of you had been together for quite some time now and he never failed to take your breath away and leave your heart fluttering. And these were your favorite moments with him – these sweet domestic moments where you were both able to just take comfort in the presence of one another.

Reaching down, you threaded the fingers of your free hand through his thick locks of hair in order to massage his scalp, smiling as a soft hum of satisfaction left his throat in response.

“Long day?” You questioned gently, knowing that he had been busy the last few weeks preparing for BTS’ upcoming comeback. You had been around long enough to know how much time and preparation went into these things, but it never failed to worry you each time he would come home completely exhausted, looking as if he was about to collapse. However, seeing him in such a state gave you an excuse to baby him and love on him a little more than usual, something that neither of you could complain about.

“Mmhmm,” he murmured, burying his face further into your body, slowly letting go of the tension in his muscles from the long hours of dance practice that day. “Just want to stay here with you all night.”

You leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the top of his head. “I would love to, Kookie, but I’m meeting up with Namjoon in a little bit.”

Up until this point, Jungkook had basically maintained his half-conscious state, barely listening to anything you had said thus far; however, at those words, he perked up, raising his head from your stomach to look directly at you.

“Namjoon-hyung?” He questioned, an adorable pout forming on his lips. “Why are you going out with him?”

“He’s helping me with my english assignment for my class. We talked about it after the last Bangtan get together we all had last week. Didn’t I tell you?”

Jungkook frowned, unable to recall any such event. “You certainly didn’t. I definitely would remember you making plans to go out with another man.”

Unable to hold back the laughter that threatened to escape, you let out a giggle as you questioned, “another man? I hardly think your fellow Bangtan member, leader, and brother counts as ‘another man.’” You mocked.

“When you’re going out alone, anyone counts as ‘another man,’” he retorted, mimicking the same tone you had used.

You rolled your eyes. “He sees me as a little sister, Kookie. And he’s like an older brother to me. All of your fellow members are, you know that.”

“Well, can I come with you?”

“You were literally just collapsed on top of me, complaining about how utterly exhausted you were.”

“I’m feeling more awake now,” he counteracted, doe eyes staring up at you.

“Kookie, your eyes are struggling to stay open right now, you need to rest.”

His frown deepened, and you leaned forward in response to press a soft kiss to his mouth. “It’ll be absolutely fine, Jungkook,” you reassured, after pulling away slightly. “Namjoon is just doing me a favor and helping with this assignment. It shouldn’t even take that long, I’ll be back before you know it to give you all the cuddles you could possibly want.”

A tentative smile made its way onto his face. “All the cuddles I could want?” He questioned, moving closer to rest his forehead against yours.

“All of the cuddles,” you promised, pressing forward just a little to connect your mouth with his own once again.


It shouldn’t even take that long. Your words echoed bitterly in Jungkook’s mind as he glanced at the clock once again. 11 PM. You had been gone for quite a few hours now and Jungkook was freaking out, for lack of a better word. How long could it possibly take to complete one english assignment?

Finally, deciding that he couldn’t take it anymore, Jungkook pulled out his phone, ready to call you and ask when you were coming back. However, before he could click on your contact, he heard the familiar jingling of your keys and the sound of you walking through the front door.

“Kookie, you’re still awake!” You exclaimed in surprise, taken aback by the presence of a figure standing in the middle of your living room.

“Of course I’m still awake,” he grumbled. “How could I sleep not knowing when you were coming back. I thought you had said this assignment wasn’t going to take long?”

Cocking your head to the side, you assessed your distressed boyfriend quietly, wondering what was really bothering him. You had come home late before and he had never seemed to give it much thought. Why was this time any different?

“I’m sorry,” you apologized, taking a few tentative steps closer to him. “We finished awhile ago, but then we got caught up talking. Joon and I never really get a chance to sit down and talk, so it was nice.” You shrugged. “You know how wise he is, I always like to get his opinion on different things.”

“Don’t you care about my opinion?” The question slipped out of his mouth before he could even process what he was saying. He hadn’t meant to voice that thought aloud. It was one that had plagued him in the past, but something he had deeply suppressed, knowing it came from a place of doubt and insecurity. However, he couldn’t help the thoughts that raced through his mind. He trusted Namjoon completely and there was no one he trusted in the world more than you. But sometimes, his insecurity got the best of him and he wondered if you would be happier with someone more like his hyung. Someone more wise, as you had said. Namjoon was so intelligent, he could help you with your assignments, he was a natural-born leader. It wasn’t a jump to see why Namjoon would appeal to you, Jungkook thought.

You; however, were quick to see the depth behind that one question and the secret thoughts that raced through his mind. “Kookie, no!” You exclaimed, taking a few steps to close the remaining distance between you two. Gently, you placed your hands on his face, cupping his cheeks and forcing him to look at you, to see the sincerity in your eyes.

“Of course I care about your opinion, Jungkook,” you affirmed. “There is no opinion I value more than yours, believe me in that.”

Jungkook sniffed, nodding his head slightly, yet unconvincingly.

Spurred on by his nonchalant response, you gripped his cheeks tighter, demanding his attention. “You are the love of my life, Jungkook,” you began, firm and confident, hoping that your words would sink into that thick skull of his. “You are the most important person in my life and I value your thoughts and opinions more than you could ever know. I’m sorry if me sometimes going to Namjoon bothers you, I truly never had any idea and would never want to do anything to hurt you.”

Jungkook nodded again, indicating that he was listening intently to what you were saying.

“You complement me so well, Kookie,” you continued. “I 100% believe that we were made for each other. There is no one that I could want or love more than I want and love you. So whatever thoughts are running through your head about you not being enough, get them out right now,” you demanded. “You are perfect to me. I cannot imagine my life without you. My mind is so consumed by Jungkook, I can’t even see anybody else,” you admitted, a smile now decorating your lips in response to the one that had now appeared on Jungkook’s own face. “Especially someone that we both consider to be family,” you scolded lightly.

Jungkook let out a sheepish laugh. “I know,” he stated. “I just let my insecurity get the best of me. I know you and Namjoon are like family and that aside from that, neither of you would ever do anything to hurt me. Sometimes, I just can’t help but think that you would be happier with someone more like him, though.”

Shaking your head, you continued to grip his cheeks. “Didn’t you just listen to anything I said? I don’t want anybody but you. It’s always been you for me and it always will be. You are everything and more that I could ever want or need. Please don’t doubt that, my love.”

Jungkook smiled, hands coming up to cup your own that were still resting on his face. “I don’t, sweetheart. I just need you to remind me every once and a while.”

“And I will always be here to do so,” you promised. “Okay?”

“Okay,” he responded, light and love shining through his eyes once again as he gazed at you, wondering how he was so lucky to have you in his life.

You, wondering much the same thing about him, couldn’t take it anymore. You leaned forward, pressing your lips firmly against his own, pouring all of the love and adoration that you felt towards him into that kiss as he responded in turn, allowing your touch to dissolve the very last of any negative thoughts still swimming through his mind.

You were his and he was yours, just as it should be, and together, the two of you were complete.

Namjoon and you have been broken up for months and you thought that you were healing and moving on from a relationship that wasn’t meant to be. But then you hear that Namjoon is seeing someone else and is going public about it and all the old wounds come back.

Warning this does not have a happy ending.

“The big topic of discussion today is leader and rapper Kim Namjoon from BTS,” the radio announcer’s voice blares through the speakers of your car. Your friend sitting in the passenger seat beside you leans forward to change the station. But you stop her.

“It’s fine. We’ve been broken up for months now. I can handle hearing about him and his members going on tour or having his own album being released.” Watching you closely they lower their hand as the radio announcer continues to go on about all the things that Namjoon and the rest of his members are up to.

“But with all this exciting news the real excitement is that Namjoon is the first member to come out publicly about his relationship. Namjoon and his girlfriend were seen in America together where he proudly announced that he was dating.” Your hands tighten on the steering wheel, your heart starts to race, and you feel the familiar sting of tears forming.

You try to calm yourself down and tell yourself that it’s fine that it doesn’t matter but they keep talking about him and her. This woman who is not you. They keep talking about how happy Namjoon looked to have her on his arm and what a beautiful couple they make, and how they are wishing the best for the two of them. Thankfully your friend knows that while you may be ready to hear talk about him this is something that you are not ready to hear about. They change the station and start to ask you how you are but you quickly cut them off.

“We don’t have to talk about it. I don’t want to talk about it. Not now.” You rush out. Right now you need to just focus on keeping it together and not losing it while you’re driving. You just need to make it to your apartment and then you can lose it.

“Okay,” she hedges, “but you know that you’re better off without him. He never treated you the way you deserved.”

“I know.” You croak out. Deep down you do know that you deserved better than what Namjoon gave you but you love and it hurts that he doesn’t love you back. 

You’re not sure how you manage to make it to your parking garage and to your apartment without bursting into tears. Then somehow you manage to convince your friend that you are fine and that you will not think about him at all. That you are fine, good, great even because you are moving on just like he clearly has. It’s all a lie, you are not okay at all. As soon as you’re alone you’re on social media looking up everything you can about them. 

There isn’t a lot out there about the two of them but there’s enough. Enough to learn that they have known each other for years. That the two of you have admitted that there was almost something between you. And it crushes you to read that because all you had ever wanted was for him to love you but all he wanted was her. He didn’t care about your heart or even wanted it. He has always wanted her and her heart. Slamming your laptop close you grab your purse and get into your car. 

It’s silly, maybe even a little crazy what you are doing but you need answers and you need them from Namjoon. You need to know why he was so fast to let the two of you go for her. What makes her so special compared to you. Because you had given him everything, every part of you. You had spent most of your relationship trying to make everything between the two of you work and to get him to just love you back. But it always felt like he was holding back from you and you need to know if it was because of her. 

Parking outside his building you continue to ride this wave of courage that has suddenly over taken your body and ride it all the way up to his apartment and ring his doorbell over and over. He might not even be home you think as no one comes to answer the door. He’s probably working or might not even be in the country. Turning to leave the elevator doors open and out walks Namjoon. He’s casually dressed in sweatpants, a tight white t-shirt, and baseball cap. In his one hand are a bouquet of flowers.  His eyes widen in surprise when he sees you.

“Y/n what are you doing here?” He stands outside the elevator like he’s unsure if he wants to approach you or dive quickly back into the elevator. 

“I…I don’t know the reason was stupid really. I should be going.” You rush past him and tap the call button for the elevator. 

“Y/n come on you clearly came here for something.” You can feel the heat of his body next to you. Looking up at him he gives you a gentle smile and it’s enough to make his dimple appear and it makes your heart squeeze. 

“Do you love her,” the words pour out of your mouth and you don’t regret them because the pain you are feeling needs to end.

Namjoons shoulder slump, he takes a step back from you, and looks like he’s about to give you an excuse but you don’t want excuses. You want answers. You want to know why you weren’t enough and what makes her so different from you. 

“Just answer the question. I deserve to know. After everything that has happened between the two of us the least you can do is be honest with me now!”  Raising your voice this might be the first time that you have ever really stood up to him and demanded answers.

“Yes, I love her,” He confirms, a part of you was hoping that he didn’t or was unsure about his feelings. Tears streaming down your face you quickly wipe them away, “I think that she might be the one.”

A choked laugh escapes your lips and if you weren’t being ripped apart all over again you would have tried to stop it but, why bother because it’s obvious with the way he’s talking about her and the look on his face that she’s the one. He has never looked at you the way he looks now. It hurts to see it because you would have done just about anything to have him look like that when talking about you. 

“I’m not trying to hurt you,” Namjoon whispers and you know that he’s being honest but that doesn’t take any of the hurt out of it.

“I was never going to be enough was I? It was always her! God I was so stupid,” you cry trying to keep it together. Namjoon takes a step towards you. Holding up your hand to stop him and lock eyes with him again. 

“You don’t get to comfort me. Not in this situation. I gave up so much for you Namjoon and I deserved to be loved but you wouldn’t.” It comes out cold and Namjoon flinches at the sound of your voice.

“That’s not fair. It wasn’t like you made our relationship easy!” Protest Namjoon. Rolling your eyes you hit the call button again. 

“Seriously?” You glare at Namjoon, “All I wanted was for you to try Namjoon. To put in even half of what I was putting into the relationship but you wouldn’t do that. All you did was give me excuses.” You tell him. The elevator pings behind you. Getting in you place your hand over the door when Namjoon calls out to you.  

“I tried Y/n I really did try to love you.” He tells you.

“Did you? Because all you did was leave me in the dust and get her flowers.” WIth that last statement you let the doors close and feel crack in your heart completely break.
