#bucky barnes x female oc


Day in Paradise

Character: James Bucky Barnes

Pairing:Bucky Barnes / Fem!Reader (OC)

Inspired by: This scene

Warnings:Fluff. So much fluff. Thoughts about past wishes. Reader is a companion of the team. Insecurities. Pre TFATWS Finale. Friendship.

Author’s Note:Hello, It’s me.

Yep, it’s me again and this fic is one of those that I write when I saw this scene, this superhero won my heart without doubt. This is the first time that I see him happy.

And it was incredible to see it. (And this is one of my favorites episodes )

So… This is the first of eight? Or maybe nine? Fics that I’ve started writing about Bucky since the series began.

I hope you like this so much and thank you for everything XOXO


Just down the stairs I hear the laughter of the little ones. I stand for a few seconds watching from my little hiding place between the staircase and the living room, that the two of them play with Steve’s shield, mutter things about heroes, fights and so on, apart from making sounds of gunshots and so on. I let out a laugh as soon as I see AJ take the shield with the same attitude as his uncle and I can’t help but smile at them; If they were the reflection of what the future would be, we were in very good hands.

I go down a couple more steps, trying not to get their attention when I see Bucky leaning back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. His chest rises and falls in a harmonious way, as if tranquility invaded him. His eyes are closed and his left hand is on his stomach. Apparently, he is sleeping peacefully, I think for a moment about his words about nightmares and I admire the fact that, although he seems that he is in a pleasant dream, he is living a nightmare while sleeping.

Again I hear the laughter of the children and look at the clock on the kitchen counter: it’s 7:40 and these two are already up to mischief.

For a second they cover my vision of Bucky but when they both let out a kind of screech, I get closer to stop them, but I stop short as soon as I hear his voice. He murmurs something to the little avengers and they keep the shield between haste and laughter, dropping it in its place, disappearing from the crime scene where they have been caught red-handed. They run past me, muttering a hasty “Good morning” and as soon as I look back at Bucky, I see him smile.

A genuine and tender smile. I giggle when I realize that Bucky Barnes seems to love kids.

I peek slowly around the doorframe that separates the living room from the kitchen to see him look over the back of the chair and laugh again.

I let out a sigh as I walk slowly to the kitchen and see the full coffee pot and a small fluorescent yellow post-it that reads “For Buck” accompanied by an arrow indicating an electric kettle, which has another pink post-it on it. When I open it, I see that it contains boiled water.

For you” I read in this one and I smile. Always so attentive … I would thank Sam later.

I look back at the note on the coffeepot as I frown and look at where Bucky is.

How the hell did Sam know that I was going to get up first?

I shake my head as I look for where the cups might be and I lean against the table as I look around and can’t find them. Nor do I want to make a lot of noise to annoy Sarah so much and to betray my presence to Bucky, although knowing him, he must have already heard my little delicate walk.

-They’re on the top shelf - I listen before I even open the shelf and let out a sigh.

I want to laugh but my attempt to laugh stays in my throat as soon as I know that he is talking to me. I feel like my hands are shaking, they start to sweat and the cup slips from my hands, but I manage to take it before it hits the floor. I turn around barely expecting to see him standing in the doorway, but he’s not there, so I look for another cup and fill them with our respective drinks.

-Thank you - I murmur knowing that it is the only word that would come out in that situation. I thank in silence at least having looked at myself in the mirror and having fixed the tangle that I had in my head by hair - How do you take it?

-How you prepare it will be fine, doll - The cup that contains the hot coffee slips again and I am grateful that it is almost on the table, because the drops of hot liquid that fall on my hands make me let out a moan of pain.

Stop talking, Barnes, I’m going to end up with a third degree burn just from hearing your voice. And that nickname will be my downfall.

-Are you OK? - I hear him murmur from the living room and all I do is say a slight “yes” before taking both cups and walking to where he was.

When he appears in my field of vision, it is still in the same position as before, and for a few seconds I wish not to have the cups in my hands because the impure thoughts that invade me are irreproducible even to my own thoughts, but the slightest of them all consists in climbing on top of him just to look at him, and contradicting myself, I appreciate having the cups in both hands, and as soon as I enter the room, he turns around and sits extending one of his arms towards me, taking the cup and touching my fingers on the process.

That flash of electricity that runs through my fingers makes me release the cup as soon as I feel that it is safe in his hands and I avoid looking him in the eyes at all costs.

Those blue eyes that make me feel at home, and that I find safety in the most stormy moments, observe me to find some sign of pain, but it seems that I hide it too well because it looks away immediately.

-It was just a small burn - I explain to him as soon as I remember that he had asked me if I was okay, so I sit on the armrest of the sofa, in the place where he has the pillow - Have you slept well?

-Better than I expected. The children have woken me - A smile escapes from his lips as soon as he mentions them but hides it while he takes a sip of coffee - and your steps.

-It is not true. I didn’t even make the slightest noise. They were making more noise than me - I hit him on the arm and he makes no move to dodge the blow, which is why I keep a groan of pain when I hit his bionic arm - You couldn’t have heard me.

-Ialways hear you, doll. It is easy for me to distinguish you from the others - This time I take a long sip of tea to hide my blush, but it is practically impossible for me due to the small size of the cup. I forget for a moment how hot the tea is and focus on how the heat spreads down my throat until I find a way to avoid answering that statement - Was it a rough night?

-Because you said so? - I appreciate the change of subject.

-About Sam. It must be difficult sleeping next to him - I let out a laugh as I lean against the couch and let out a sigh.

Although the idea of ​​sharing a room, well, more like an armchair, with Bucky seemed most charming, considering that it would be the only way I could touch him without even looking like a crazy in love, being able to justify it with the state of unconsciousness for him. dream, it was possible until Sam had to open his mouth and after 15 minutes of arguing, I ended up in his room, sleeping next to him, with a pile of pillows separating us as if it were a wall.

At one point in the night, I seriously considered choking him with one of them.

-He sleeps like a baby and doesn’t even snore, that’s how much I ask when I have to sleep with a man.

We both laughed as we watched the sun begin to enter through the windows and illuminate most of the room. For the first time in a long time, it seemed that the light was beginning to beat the darkness.

-And you?

He knew I was referring to his nightmares.

-Incredibly, I slept without nightmares for the first time since Steve rescued me from Hydra’s hands. Besides that I’m not sleeping on the floor, that is already strange - We both laughed and I tapped the armchair with my foot, trying to dispel the nervousness of having him around.

-It’s comfortable, you just had to give it a try. But not as a bed, and don’t you dare argue with me.

He shakes his head as he places the coffee cup on the small table in front of us and goes back to bed the same way he was when I entered the living room.

-Do you like children, Bucky? - It was not the question that was hovering in my head, but the image of watching him play or run after a small child melted my heart and the few neurons that were still functioning.

-Do you want the truth? - I tell him yes with my head as I see that he looks at me upside down, and I can’t help but laugh - I love them. Since I can remember, I have always liked children. Sometimes I think that when I was young I wanted a big family, if possible with at least three boys and a girl.

-So you are one of the large family.

-I had imagined that the girl would be Steve’s favorite and that perhaps, I would have to remind him that she’s my daughter.

A single tear falls down my cheek and ends up on the side of his pillow. I quickly dry my cheeks before he notices my crying but it’s almost impossible to hide it. Those thoughts made me bring out the most sensitive part of me

-And what do you want now?

-This - Indicates the house and looks back at the shield, which is on the ground, in the same position that the little ones left it - The family house, the tranquility interrupted by laughter and children’s games, the sound of the breeze between the trees, I don’t know. All this that makes me feel calm. I feel like in Wakanda.

-So, maybe this is your place in the world, Barnes. The rest will come alone. If I learned anything from all this, it is to let time do its job.

-You are right. Although, the most importantly thing, I still couldn’t find it.

-What would it be? - I take another sip of the tea between my hands and I see that Sam enters the house through one of the many entrances.

-To the woman who wants all that with me.

I put the cup down suddenly and set it on the table next to him. I feel like my heart wants to get out of my chest and it wants to scream that I want to be that woman, but something tells me that maybe I would not be the type of woman he is looking for.

-You will find her, also, who would not want to have that ideal life with you? Family, children, love, a man who can give her security, who is her companion, and who, besides everything, is an incredible friend. That always looks good when you have to save the world and even to fix a ship that falls apart. You are an amazing man, Bucky. Women just have to see it and it won’t be long before you find it.

-Is that what you think of me?

I tense up as soon as I notice where the conversation turned.

-I’ve known you for at least seven years, if we count the snap. That’s enough time to know that you are one of the best men I have ever met, besides Sam and Steve.

-It wasn’t what I meant. - He lifts his metal arm and stretches it until his hand touches the little strips of the light blue blouse I’m wearing. He takes one and pulls it as if it were a small child drawing attention - Do you really think I look good when it comes to saving the world?

-Stop kidding me, James.

He starts laughing and I enjoy it while he lasts. He looks so relaxed that he makes me smile at his happiness.

-You were the one who said it.

-Anyone would like to be you to look so good without looking for it.

-Thank you for that, doll - I notice that his cheeks began to take a pink color and he looks away from my face without releasing the ribbon of my blouse. Of the cutest things I had ever seen about these men, every time Bucky blushed that was one of my favorites - You look beautiful too.

-Look who’s talking, the one who looks like a Dolce & Gabbana model when he wakes up. Others woke up as if an earthquake had caught us in the middle of the night.

He lets out a laugh as he looks back at me and I get lost in those blue eyes. In what perhaps, they can see that I am madly in love with him and that the one speaking is my heart, not my brain.

-You always look good to me, doll.

-Don’ t lie.

-I never do and less to you - Suddenly he turns around and I find him sitting in front of me, looking at me as if I were dealing with a valuable object that he just found. I feel the warmth of his hand brush my cheek and I automatically bow to his touch. That he is delicate and careful, as if he is afraid of hurting me - You have a sparkle in your eye when you wake up, I don’t know why it makes you look just beautiful. As if you’ve been dreaming of something that made you happy.

-Bucky … - I tried to ignore how my brain was asking me in a non-delicate way to tell him I was dreaming about him.

-Yes? - His other hand takes mine and holds it tightly as if to make sure I won’t run away any minute.

-Doesn’t your flight leave in a few hours?

He frowns at my comment and tightens his grip on our hands. I mentally complain about how unbelievably good the contrast between the cold of the metal and the warmth of my hand feels, and I think about how to get out of there quickly before I regret my actions.

What a beautiful way to ruin the moment.

-And was it time to remind myself about it?

-Mine also comes out in a few hours.

-Are you leaving ? - I nod without moving away and snort - I didn’t know you were leaving.

-Touché, Sergeant. I found out from Sam last night while he was changing my clothes that you were traveling earlier today.

I didn’t have to hear an answer because his annoyed expression appeared as soon as I said about the clothes. - Don’t make me try to punch you in the face, Bucky. Who do you take me for? I have confidence with Sam but not so that he sees what I wear under my clothes.

-Sorry, I don’t like the idea of ​​seeing you scantily clad in front of other people.

-And would it be okay in front of you? - Before I could think about it, the phrase was already said and I wish the earth would open up and swallow me - Forget what came out of my mouth two seconds ago. I wasn’t thinking when I said it.

- I like it when you don’t think what you say, doll. It is very similar to what I think - his gaze becomes soft and something in the environment becomes warmer - And yes, I like that idea.

-James Barnes, are you trying to flirt with me?

-I may have started to remember how to do it. I’d like to practice my old self skills with you.

- They were taking a long time - Sarah’s voice reached her brother’s ears and he simply responded with a sigh. When I noticed that Sam was thinking of interrupting the moment of romanticism that was taking place in his living room, Sarah took him by the arm, slowing her advance - not even if you happen to enter there.

- Leave me Sarah.

-Let them kiss and then you walk in.

-I’d love to help you practice, Bucky, but I have to pack my suitcase

-I could carry it for you - A hint of fun appears in her voice and I get up quickly trying to loosen myself from her grip, which I can’t - Let me show you how a gentleman should treat a woman.

I must leave the room now.

-Don’t play with fire, James. You will burn.

I hold his gaze the whole way until he stops in front of me, making the difference in height between us clearly noticeable. The sexual tension between us is palpable, but neither of us crosses the imaginary line that we have both imposed on ourselves for the good of the team.

-Don’t play with the ice, doll. You can also get burned.

I see out of the corner of my eye that Sam is arguing with Sarah like little children and I walk off into the kitchen, taking the cup with me but before I even reach the door, I turn to find Bucky holding Steve’s shield, like it was glass.

I smiled at him as I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, making me look like an illusion.

-You’re amazing, Bucky. And the worst of all is that you don’t know - I caress his cheek gently until I finish with my fingers on his lips - Don’t forget.

He nod as he moves closer, closing the distance between us, and when he sees that I don’t walk away or I resist, he simply presses his lips against mine in a soft kiss. Nothing more than that. One of those that you hope will transform into more, but if do, the charm is lost.

Magic, perhaps.

-I’ll see you in New York next month, Bucky. - I turn away as I walk towards the stairs.

-I’ll miss you, doll. Don’t forget it too.

Future, maybe?

Character:James Bucky Barnes

Pairing: Bucky Barnes / Fem!Reader (OC)

Inspired by: Dear Future Husband - Meghan Trainor

Warnings:Post TFATWS. Fluff. First meeting. FirstAid!Reader. Little angst. Spoilers Ep 6 (TFATWS)

Author’s Note:Hi everyone! It’s me again.

Yep, this are all the fics that I wanted to post on my birthday (was on June 6) like a gift to you all but… The university consumed me with a practical work endless.

So… I’ll be posting some of this works in these days.

I hope you like this fics and thanks you again for likes, comments and reblogs. Means so much for me.


-I like this new apartment, Buck - Sam starts walking as he peers at the empty ocher walls. His gaze meets what appears to be an electric fireplace, a chest of drawers with a television, and a large gray armchair in front of it. He hears that his companion is in what seems to be the kitchen, which is separated by a small wall from the living room and with a little jump, he falls into the armchair with a sigh full of satisfaction - This is amazing.

The murmur doesn’t go unnoticed by Bucky, who takes two beers from the refrigerator and makes his way to the sofa, where he knows that he will find his friend, in this case, lying down as if it were a bed.

-Did you spend your first salary as a superhero on this?

-Sam, you know I get paid just because I take care of your ass.

The new Captain America laughs as he quickly gets up and takes the beer from the hand of his best friend and makes a place for him on the couch. Instead, he chooses to sit on the edge of it.

-I take care of yours, Barnes. Never forget that.

The two take a few shots of the drinks in silence and Bucky’s mind travels from the events with Karli and the Flag Smagshers to the moment when he decided to move out of his old apartment. Although he knew that this place had been a rare gift from Steve, he had taken Sam’s advice and decided to move on, as he had done to what he considered his brother from another of his mothers.

-You know, Sarah will love this place- The soldier looks cautiously at his partner without even removing the bottle from his lips and lets out a sigh - I’m just saying, you both seem to get along too well for my liking.

-Is that your way of telling me that you give me permission to go out with your sister?

Bucky wanted to laugh as soon as he noticed Sam stiffen at his words. He was terrified of the idea of ​​Bucky getting close to her sister, but not for the reasons everyone knew about him, but because he was so overprotective of her.

How would any brother be, right?

-Not so fast, White Wolf. You know I won’t let you get that far -The two laugh again and Bucky gets up as soon as he hears his cell phone ringing from the kitchen counter. Sam refocuses on the one around him, tapping the ground with the toe of his shoe when he sees out of the corner of his eye that a white envelope appears under the front door of the apartment.

He carefully sets the bottle on the small table that separates the comfortable chair from the Tv and leans over, inspecting the envelope from a distance before touching it.

He had discovered so many ways to hide a bomb that would surprise anyone…

When he noticed the signature of what appeared to be a woman’s name, Sam smiled as he took that letter and held it up to the light. There was only what looked like a leaf. No foreign element inside.

Bucky appeared instantly, putting the cell phone in his jacket pocket and looked at Sam with concern, until he noticed what he was holding.

-Have you not been taught not to snoop on people’s correspondence?

- I was just making sure it wasn’t a bomb - Bucky shook his head in a strange way of assent and downplayed it - Don’t you want to know what it is?

-Nothing interesting, for sure. The electricity bill, perhaps?

Sam looked back at the envelope and Bucky sighed as he saw his friend’s eyes sparkle with curiosity. He shook his head as he motioned for him to open the envelope. Sam didn’t even doubt it for a second, tore it up and took out the paper that had a list written on it. He barely read the first few paragraphs, couldn’t contain his laughter and burst out laughing.

This was so much better than a romantic comedy of the kind that Sarah made him watch when he lost a bet.

-What’s funny? The electricity debt that I will have to pay from the previous owner? - Sam laughs again to the point where his stomach seems to twist in pain and when his friend comes to his side, the only thing he can do is hit his shoulder, meaning that Bucky still doesn’t understand - What the hell are you laughing at?

-When were you going to tell me that the great White Wolf has an admirer?

Bucky frowned at Sam’s words and took the letter from his hand. He began to read the lines and for a reason unknown to him, those phrases made his heart begin to beat faster. Those words seemed to be so intimate and sincere that they definitely couldn’t be directed at him.

-Don’t you dare lie to me, Buck. Who is the lucky one?

-I don’t know … But I don’t think this is directed at me - Sam snorted not believing his partner’s words and took the letter back from him to read it aloud.

-Are you sure?

“There are some things you should know: I’m tired that every time I see you in the elevator all you do is nod and disappear. I don’t like that you look at me like I’m some kind of trophy that you can’t (or you may not want to reach) and leave me with my heart literally in my hand.

I’ll say it and that’s it:

- I like your eyes. They are really beautiful (I have to admit I dream about them every night)

- I love animals and baking cookies. I’m very good at cooking.

- I like flowers and gentlemanly gestures from before (Unfortunately for many, I feel like I was born at the wrong time)

- I do not like to argue. I’m too pacifist to be upset for long.

- I want to feel safe, protected and cared for. Let them take care of me when I’m sick, pamper me when I’m sad, and celebrate with me when I’m happy.

-I want a man to accompany me in my achievements and my mistakes. I want a partner …

And the worst of all this is that I want you”

Sam looks away and sees as if partner’s cheeks are red, literally as if burning coal had been passed through them. What he would give to have Redwing here to record that precious moment…

-Tell me who is the young woman I must thank for making this a great day.

-No, I don’t know. I usually go out at night and don’t use the elevator. For which I consider that that is not for me - Sam gives a disapproving look to his friend and he raises his hands as if he was defending himself from a crime that he did not commit - I’m serious. It must be for the previous owner.

-How are you so sure of it? This describes you perfectly, Buck.

-I’m not the only one who has beautiful eyes according to you, Sam.

-Why don’t you try to find this girl and see who she is? You might get out of your head for a bit.


-Do you think he will answer?

I hear Lorraine clattering with her boxes as she packs her things. I hear no answer other than a grunt and as soon as I see her through the doorway, I find that she has hers her beloved two-part Roman-style vase of flowers.

-I told you to put it between the sheets, you knew this was going to happen. - Her complaints fill the air when the doorbell rings. She falls silent instantly and we both look at each other, thinking the same thing.

What if it’s Carter?

-Here comes your answer.

- And if he’s not here for that?

-Look, if he’s not here to ask you on a date after all those tug of war they’ve had for a year, he’s a reverend idiot - I nod as I try to go to the door, but Lorraine nimbly dodges me and smiles at me from the door - Besides, although you haven’t seen him in days. What’s the worst that can happen?

She waves her hands at me to go away and act like I don’t mind him being here, but when I hear the door open, there is no response but a gasp from Lorraine, followed by Mrs. Jodie’s voice from the 5B.

-This is she is not the girl I told you, dear. This is Lorraine, her friend - No response from Lorrie and I realize that Mrs. Jodie is talking to someone who is not my friend. Dear?-Maddie?

-Yes, Mrs. Jodie. I’m here - I look at the entrance and stay in my place as soon as I notice that behind her is the man we saw in the center that day Captain America appeared. The one that everyone knew as the Winter Soldier. I exchange a look with Lorrie who is as if the mice had eaten her tongue (and what a reason) and just moves her hands, trying to tell her something that I can’t understand - Hello. What does you need?

Mrs. Jodie takes the man’s arm and brings him to the threshold. That’s where I notice what he’s holding is the envelope he left at Carter’s apartment and it’s what Lorrie was trying to tell me.

Damn, did I leave the envelope in the wrong department?

I feel the heat rise up my face and I feel like dying. By God tell me no … Tell me no …

-I’m James, I’ve been living in 5D since the last month, and this appeared under my door - He hands me the open envelope and all I want is for the earth below me to open up and swallow me.

Oh my god, did that superhero practically just read the declaration of love for my neighbor?

If something was missing to keep me from leaving my department, it was something like this.

- I didn’t mean to read it, it seemed very private, but my friend could not contain his impulse to verify that it was not a bomb.

He frowned at his words and noticed that Lorrie disappeared in a second. - A bomb?

-There are many, many ways to hide a bomb, believe me.

We both laugh and Mrs. Jodie, who is just watching us silently, taps James on the arm and takes my hand, giving it a light squeeze.

-Carter left more than two months ago, honey. I thought he said goodbye to you.

I feel a horrible pain settle in the pit of my stomach and disappointment takes over, but I remember Lorraine’s words about what is really worth it.

-No. He didn’t. If not - I pick up the letter and throw it in the trash can next to the door - this would not have ended up in his apartment. I’m sorry, James. I didn’t mean to bother you with this.

-It’s not a problem, in fact my friend thought it was for me - Now the one who blushes is him and I hear a sigh from Lorrie from the other side of the wall, who is surely looking from the alarm viewer - He thanks you for the fun, by the way ..

I shake my head as I watch as he leans against the doorway and Mrs. Jodie says goodbye with a smile, claiming that she needs to go back to her knitting afternoons. Although I do not make the clarification that she hates knitting.

-Can I tell you something?


-Thank you for defending us against all that madness of the aliens and that - Some of my words take him by surprise, because suddenly it seems that the security that emanated disappears, letting someone shy in his place - I know it should not have been easy to return after that but … A thank you is the least we can say to you. In my case.

-How do you know …?

-I saw you, actually, we saw you in the center, that day where Captain America appeared - I admit while trying not to see him as an idiot who clearly knows that he is an attractive man, and even more so that I has a guilty pleasure with superheroes like any human being on the face of the earth - When everyone stepped aside to let you pass, we knew you were someone important.

-Just because I work with him. If not, I would probably be in a maximum security jail by now - he mutters lost in thought of him and I see him clench his left hand into a fist. If he happens to him like me, he does that when he’s nervous or worried - I didn’t mean that.

-I understand you. It’s hard to live with the ghosts of your past and stop thinking about them for a moment. You are a hero now and I think if someone questions that after what you did for us, they have a big problem.

All I can do is make him smile. And I must admit that he has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen.

-Thanks, Maddie.

He steps away from the door and reaches out his hand to me, waiting for me to take it.

-Even though my name is James, everyone calls me Bucky.

-Madison- I take his hand and when I want to release it, he holds it tighter. And for some unknown reason, I forget Carter for a second - If you need help with something, or whatever, you just have to call. Yes? Neighbors are often very upset when he refers to new tenants.

Although I doubt anyone wants to mess with you

We split up as soon as I hear Lorrie calling me saying that he got burned on the stove in the kitchen and let out an annoying snort. She couldn’t be more inopportune.

-Go with her, it seems that she needs you.

-The disadvantages of being an ER - I hear him laugh as he begins to ring his cell phone. He barely sees the screen, his smile changes to a growl. -Problems?

-Something like that. Job.

-If you need help after that - I make a kind of cut sign on the arm and Bucky just smiles - I’m here too.

-Thanks doll, I take your word. I hope to see you later.

