

So…really short quick political rant…

Joe Biden, who also plans to run for president in 2020 is literally oneyear younger than Bernie Sanders but no one ever talks about him being too old. The only health issue Bernie has been reported to have is hypothyroidism which he is being treated for. I also am being treated for the same disease and I’m 25. From personal experiences, I know that as long as you’re taking meds for this condition and maintaining a healthy life style, you’re fine. Biden has also suffered from health conditions that he has been treated for such as asthma, back pain, sinus issues and brain aneurisms. Both are in good health. 

So that Bernie Sanders is “too old” argument is bullshit. 

And here I am thinking I’m supposed to go to you for comfort, love or support…

Yeah well I thought wrong

As all you have noticed Tumblr decision … sooo I will not post anything new

And as many of you too hope that Tumblr will die after this stupidity!

PS as their mobile app already is just pure shit full of adds and irrelevant posts, hope then this gonna be nail in coffin!

PPS any advice or suggestions just PM me :)

PPPS as this is actually my second acc (previous one got more than 50K or 75K followers got just deleted) I warn you not to expect ANY help from Tumblr staff!!! They still havnt given me any reason or explanation, neither answer! And in bonus they did the same to another blog where I was just coadmin!

something-like-a-heart: consultingpurplepants: queer-deadpool:hellonheelys:kunabee:mirandaadrisomething-like-a-heart: consultingpurplepants: queer-deadpool:hellonheelys:kunabee:mirandaadrisomething-like-a-heart: consultingpurplepants: queer-deadpool:hellonheelys:kunabee:mirandaadrisomething-like-a-heart: consultingpurplepants: queer-deadpool:hellonheelys:kunabee:mirandaadrisomething-like-a-heart: consultingpurplepants: queer-deadpool:hellonheelys:kunabee:mirandaadri










This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual

I love how gay people do it too. Just… really? You’re literally saying the same shit to bisexuals that straight people say to you, and you don’t see the hypocrisy? 

If youre biphobic or hate bisexuals, fucking unfollow me, for serious.

This ^^^

 w h y

this is horrific to me.

It hurts the worst when it comes from other LGBT people. Y’all are supposed to be the first ones to accept us. LGBT, remember?

sighs… if bisexuality is already a concept too hard for both heterosexual and LGBT community to understand, imagine pansexuality? We (bisexuals & pansexuals) exist, all right? 

this was physically painful for me to read. it was hard enough coming out to my family and having to explain myself repeatedly all the time, never mind having the LGBT community hate me, too.

I’m going to curl up in my room and never leave

This is why I’m normally very selective about who I come out to. I mean, it’s a bit of an oversimplification to call myself bisexual, but it’s the label I usually use because it’s a word that most people will understand. But because it’s also a word that comes with a certain amount of stereotyping, and because even other people who aren’t straight tend not to like us very much, I’m very careful about who I tell.

In fact, I’ve told more people about my fondness for listening to people’s heartbeats than I’ve told about my sexual orientation, though I’m very selective about who I tell about that, too.

I’m a bit more open about it in circumstances under which I’m relatively anonymous, like I am here, but offline I’ve only told a few people because dealing with biphobia is exhausting and scary.

I may be straight but I’m an LGBTQ+ Ally and that was really hard to read. How could people think like that? Or even say such things to someone who trusted you enough to come out to you? Like I really do not understand how these people could think and dare to say such things.

Don’t follow me if you’re homophobic, biphobic, etc. I’m not gonna tolerate that.

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2076 - guyslikewhores

2076 - guyslikewhores

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Image/video enhancement supercut by Duncan Robson.

#television    #enhance    #enhancement    #tvtropes    #tropes    #technology    #bullshit    #mashup    #montage    

I love posting absolute bullshit and four people like it, like yeah perceive me whatever I guess

There are ads on tumblr. What the actual fuck is going on here.

Can you tell I’ve been away for awhile?







Brazilian police clash with indigenous groups protesting World Cup.

This is important.

The only kind of thing I’ll be posting about the World Cup

We will not see this on the main stream news.

Oh hey, let’s keep spreading this because apparently soccer is more important than the rights of poor and indigenous Brazilians.

(Like, there’s nothing wrong with liking soccer but there is EVERYTHING wrong with an organization that will literally fucking murder little children for a soccer event, and the fact that no one in the mainstream is talking about indigenous protesters being assaulted and favelas being cleared with the use of deadly force in order to make room for a stadium is sickening.)

judging anyone watching the WC rn, idc if you like ~soccer~ this shit is DISGUSTING. 

human beings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kicking a stupid ball ffs

FIFA is bad and you should feel bad if you support their organization ONE IOTA. please remove yourself from my blog & punch yourself in the face until you’re unconcious.

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