#bumfuzzled art


They’re fishing together…

Foxman, but I make him tiny

Everyone watch out Hermitcraft’s most dangerous customer is in town

I like the imagery of Ela’s horns changing with the seasons. @elainaexe


I hope they have a lovely time on tumblr.

C.C. Fundy facts!!

Because I think they deserve their own post!

  1. He can play the piano, but doesn’t know how to read sheet music.
  2. He’s scared of the sea and other big bodies of water. (Like ponds, big rivers etc. But not pools!)
  3. He’s deaf in one ear. (I believe his right ear.)
  4. He briefly used to do archery when he was younger.
  5. He once had surgery, but because his eyes weren’t closed properly during the procedure he woke up blind. (And I’m pretty sure that lasted for around a week.)
  6. His hair condition is called Poliosis and it means some of his hair has decreased melanin (the natural pigment of the hair.). So he has white looking patches. On Nikki’s stream he said his mother doesn’t like it.
  7. He has asthma.
  8. On Foolish’s stream he revealed that he learned how to play Minecraft because someone told him about how they made a doorbell in Minecraft.
  9. Additionally he learned how to code when he was around 14 years old, because his friend(?) introduced him to GameMaker and he got better at it when said friend told Fundy he wasn’t good at it.
  10. At school they made him take an Autism test because they were unsure if he had it. They scored it from 1 to 200 and if you scored lower than 70 you likely had it. He scored a 71.
  11. He has said multiple times that he has dyslexia.
  12. On Ponks stream he mentioned that he had a friend who learned him sleeping techniques that led to sleeping paralysis.
  13. And lastly when a dono asked if he was an introvert or extrovert he said he’s an introvert and doesn’t particularly like being in groups with more than three people.

(((This purposely does not include things like his real name, or things based on his location/family because even though we might know this information he doesn’t really seem comfortable talking about it.)))

Guys, Fundy cheating in MCC is so funny because, he failed to cheat. Tubbo looked at the wall the moment Fundy said he was going to open his stream.

The sculpture was almost complete and Ant had already told them where to put the last block. They would’ve completed the sculpture then either way. They didn’t benefit a second.
