#burnout treatment


so you relate to like every ADHD/ADD mood/feel post on your dash!

but when you look up ADHD/ADD diagnosis guidelines, you see things like:

  •  ‘symptoms must have started in early childhood/by the age of 3/7/12’
  • ‘symptoms must be disruptive in at least 2 out of 3 life arenas throughout life’

which …isn’t the case for you.

if you suffer from ADHD/ADD-esque concentration & follow-through issues as a late teen/adult, but you’re pretty sure that you weren’t having those symptoms early on/growing up: you might be dealing with burnout.

An increasingly-common affliction in the American working class, burnout is related to the brain being overworked &/or frequently or constantly flooded with stress hormones. 

things that can trigger/lead to burnout:

  • having a stressful/high-stakes life/job
  • working long, tedious hours doing something that does not stimulate or relax the brain (such as rote homework)
  • being bombarded by new information (i.e. social media)
  • constant anxiety about money/health/basic life necessities
  • lacking the means for/neglecting necessary self-care (getting enough sleep & eating properly)
  • having to constantly choose between too many options without meaningful ways of narrowing the choices down (i.e. shopping online)
  • all of the above w/a minimal or nonexistent support network

in other words: burnout is induced by living the average life of like 90%* of American adults under the age of 40!!!!

(*not a real statistic. I’m just saying a lot of us millennials/gen z ppl are burning out.)

burnout can look a LOT like adult ADHD/ADD because it seriously fucks with executive function. some symptoms ADHD/ADD & burnout have in common:

  • struggling to concentrate
  • feeling paralyzed when asked to make decisions
  • procrastinating on ‘simple’ or ‘nonessential’ tasks
  • difficulty prioritizing work/errands/tasks

burnout also takes on depression-like symptoms such as:

  • feeling tired, exhausted, &/or irritated all the time
  • feeling like nothing matters/everything is ‘the same’
  • isolating oneself from others
  • changing appetite

the thing about burnout is: even if it looks like ADHD/ADD (or depression) to you, the treatment for burnout is nothing like the treatment for ADHD/ADD (or depression). it mostly involves getting rest & reducing stress (as if most of us have this option, but that’s a post for a different blog!) this is why it’s important to get the correct diagnosis - so the treatment can be the right one.

of course, that being said:

  • people with ADHD/ADD can also get burnout. in fact, ADHD/ADD can exacerbate burnout symptoms: it’s already hard enough to make decisions when the brain is healthy, much less when it’s so stressed you can barely think!


because capitalism is a cruel mistress, a lot of people are just struggling to executive function b/c we’re burnt out by stressful, non-stop lives with no work-life separation and too many too-same buying options every time we try to buy something as simple as dish soap.

if you’re pretty sure you don’t have ADHD/ADD (or cousin developmental disorders such as ASD) but severely struggle with concentration/executive function, or you feel like you have ADHD but lack the developmental history to back it up: you might have burnout.

and your problems are still valid & still deserve treatment & management!
