#but maybe no one wants one ha


I didn’t know cottagecore was a thing until recently and I’m still working out what ‘dark academia’ means but when I search those tags it reminds me a lot of things from growing up so here are some cottagecore/academia(? Idk) things/prompts I guess

-Getting to stay up late when there’s a powercut and sit by candlelight, feeling excited and a little bit rebellious

-Running outside to get the washing off the line when it starts to rain

-Making a den in the woods and feeling like no one will ever find you

-Skipping stones on the river (or failing to)

-Playing in the river when you’re little until your clothes are soaked through

-Walking in the woods and putting sticky grass on someone else’s clothes and waiting to see if they notice

-Pooh sticks when you get to a bridge

-Picking lavender and sewing it into little pouches as gifts or to put with your clothes

-Conker battles

-Finding slow worms under rocks and plant pots

-Looking for newts and tadpoles in ponds

-The smell of an open fire

-Creaking floorboards

-Losing things down the cracks in the floorboards

-Knowing what time it is from the church bells

-Pressing flowers

-Making daisy chains and putting them on your wrist or wearing them as a crown
