#cabled hat


As I appear to have some spare time on my hands, I’ve decided now is probably a good opportunity to get back to designing. Before I do though, I just wanted to do a brief throwback.

I was reminded about this hat earlier this week. I designed it about a decade ago, making it quite possibly the first thing I ever designed, even though I only got around to writing it down last year.

This hat was designed for and named after my mum, Julia. She’s 62 years old and works as a school crossing lady, and is still going into work every day because the kids need her. In Britain our Mothers Day is this Sunday, and I’m not going to be able to see her on that day, or probably in the next month, or potentially even until after her birthday in Summer.

So far, no one else has made this hat. Or at least, if they have, they haven’t posted it to Ravelry.

I don’t really know where I’m going with this, other than I’m kinda homesick and would love it if more of my mum’s namesake were out there. From now until the end of the week, any sales of this pattern are going towards buying my mum chocolate because I love her. And also because when she buys herself chocolate she usually buys high dairy-content despite being dairy intolerant because it’s ‘cheaper’.

Pattern available here.
