#callum turner

callum turner
modatrends:Callum Turner has a camouflage moment in a Saint Laurent by Hedi Slimane jacket.


Callum Turner has a camouflage moment in a Saint Laurent by Hedi Slimane jacket.

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 James Norton with Taron Egerton and Gala Gordon at the Universal Pictures and Focus Features pre-Ba James Norton with Taron Egerton and Gala Gordon at the Universal Pictures and Focus Features pre-Ba James Norton with Taron Egerton and Gala Gordon at the Universal Pictures and Focus Features pre-Ba

James Norton with Taron Egerton and Gala Gordon at the Universal Pictures and Focus Features pre-Bafta party, and with Callum Turner at the Charles Finch and Chanel party, London, 12 March 2022

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Newt Scamander and his Fantastic Beasts and cohorts are back in the third installment of the franchise: FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE -


 a film which excels over the second entry FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE CRIMES OF GRINDLEWALD.

Like FB: TCOG, FANTASTIC BEATS: THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE has eleventy million characters who, for the most part, we spend far too little time with like (Richard Coyle as Dumbledore’s brother Aberforth and William Nadylam’s Yusuf Kama), but it’s certainly a more involving film and more spry than the sluggish …CRIMES OF GRINDLEWALD.

There is really nothing new under this sun: once again Newt et al - at the behest of Albus Dumbledore (a superb Jude Law) - are chasing down Gellert Grindlewald (Mads Mikkelsen) to stop him from destroying the Muggle world and conquering the magical world. Wand twirling and speechifying ensues and it’s a fun ride.

There’s talk that if this entry underperforms it may kill the planned fourth and fifth film, despite David Yates saying that there was only the definite plan to have three films. I wouldn’t mind journeying through the Wizard World again with this cast.


I want to take a minute to appreciate Jude Law - a man who graduated from angel baby status to handsome older gentleman.


 While he does have a couple of moments in FB: TSOD that displays his talent, these films do not do justice for how incredible he is. Luckily there is his filmography to fall back on likelike HBO/Sky’s THE THIRD DAY, the Sir Kenneth Branagh directed, Harold Pinter penned SLEUTH and WILDE.

-Missing at the premieres, thus robbing the world of Fantastic Beast themed lewks


 was Ezra Miller who was too busy cutting up in Hawaii. Ezra was arrested at a karaoke bar and subsequently had a restraining order filed against them (and subsequently dropped). Of course the trades wen to press with rumors that Warner Bros. had an emergency meeting to discuss what to do with them in and their Flash future; however “sources” say those discussions never took place.

Whether Ezra’s WB future is in danger (mans was cast as The Flash in 2013 and The Flash was due to come out in 2018. It would be high key funny if he is benched after his standalone finally comes out), Ezra is feeling no pain - outwardly. I’m sure he’s a mess.


rob-pattinson:CALLUM TURNER2022 | “The Boys In The Boat” set, England (May 14)rob-pattinson:CALLUM TURNER2022 | “The Boys In The Boat” set, England (May 14)


2022 | “The Boys In The Boat” set, England (May 14)

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Studying with Scamander part 5 Theseus X Reader

Overview: it Christmas at Hogwarts, and you and Thesues meet in your spot to exchange Presents.

A/N Merry christmas Guys!! I’ve had a really relaxing day of eating a lot of food and spending time with my family. I hope that all of you are having good holidays, whether you celebrate Christmas or not :) thank You again for all of the support on my work these past few weeks, I’m really looking forward to continuing to do this in 2019. I hope you enjoy this Christmas special x

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Word count:1003

The Library was empty, slumbering in silence. You almost felt as if you were breaking in as you gingerly closed the door with a puff of dust. You deeply inhaled the smell of old books and the pine scent that clung to your clothes. You knew spending Christmas at Hogwarts would be magical, but you didn’t expect for your love of the place to grow even more. Outside the lake had frozen over, the shadows of fish and at one point what looked like a giant squid shimmered under the cluster of teachers and students ice skating. This has been more important. You’d woken up to the note propped up on your night stand, shimmering slightly with blue sparkles

“Meet me at our spot at midday-I can’t wait to see you.

Theseus X”

You’d spent the morning grinning from ear to ear, excitement squirming in your chest as you’d slipped down corridors. Tucked under your arm was your present for Theseus, wrapped in brown paper and tied with red ribbon. You couldn’t help but feel nervous, hoping that he’d love it, but you couldn’t help the fear taint your brain slightly as you walked over to the two desks tucked away. Theseus wasn’t there yet, the desk empty. You thought you were alone until a big pair of arms suddenly wrapped around your waist for behind. Screaming in delight, you felt your legs being lifted off the ground, Theseus chuckling by your ear. He started to spin, and the room blurred to a red and brown mush. You couldn’t help but roar with laughter, clutching onto his hands that were by your belly button. “Theseus, put me down!”

“Alright alright,” you were lowered down, and you whipped around to protest, but Theseus stopped you by pulling you into his chest and quickly pressed his lips against yours. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” you whispered. Leaning forward you kissed him again, you enjoyed the way his breath caught in surprise. Hand in hand you walked over to the tables, You hopping to sit on top with your feet dangling whilst Theseus stood.

“Have you heard from your family?”

Theseus nodded “Theseus loves the gloves, already he’s used them to hatch the dragons egg he got for Christmas-Mum” he added when he saw your mouth drop open in surprise. So that’s where Newt gets it from. Theseus laughed, grinning like a little child “I have your present.”

“Me too,” you smiled, handing it to him whilst He handed you two small things wrapped up in blue wrapping paper. “You go first.”

“Okay,” Theseus said, ripping off the paper whilst you watched him, gnawing at your lip as he gently picked up the box that fell into his lap. When he opened it, he gasped. There, nestled on a cushion of purple velvet, was a silver ring. Although quite simple to the muggle eye, Theseus could see In tiny writing a series of numbers and letter that he didn’t recognise. When he slipped on his ring, it hummed gently and resized to fit just right.

“It’s a memory ring,” you smiled “the coordinates are to this spot right here, hence why its humming.” You blushed under Theseus’s gazed “I wanted you to always be able to come back here, where you feel safe.”

Theseus was lost for words. He kept staring at his hand, then back at you, then back again. He felt a lump forming in his throat, but blinked rapidly to not cry. Instead leant over and hugged you, kissing your forehead and temple with all the tenderness he couldn’t show in words. It was the best Christmas gift he’d ever received.

“Thank you so much Y/N.” You smiled I to his chest, squeezing his torso in affection.

You broke apart so you could open your presents. One was big and squishy, the other long and thin. You opened the squishy one first, to find one of his jumpers, the soft red one that you’d begged to “borrow” from for weeks. You smiled “you’re giving me your jumper?”

He shrugged “you were going to steal it at some point, at least this way you can think about this when you wear it.”

“I love it,” you kissed him “thank you.”

The next present surprised you; it was a wand. You frowned. “Uh, You do know I have a wand right?”

“This ones different. You’re not the only one who has a sentimental side of them,” Theseus teased “this is made from the desk you’re sat on.”

“Are you serious?”

He nodded “that’s not even the best part. Give it a flick.”

Cautiously, You flicked it. There was a small pop, and above them a bubble shot up from the wand and then exploded, showing them with soft flakes of snow. When they touched your face, they weren’t cold, but smelt of a crisp morning, making you feel like you were outside with everyone else.


“I wanted to make my last present one I’ll remember.”

“But I don’t have a last present for you.”

Theseus smiled nervously “It’ll be the best present yet if you say yes.”

Your heart stopped. Your breath slowed. You didn’t break your gaze as you breathed”say yes to what?”

“Y/N, will you do me the honour of being my Girlfriend?”

There wasn’t a single second of doubt in your mind to what you wanted to say. Here was Theseus Scamander, with snow nestled in his curls and his heart out on the line, smiling at you like there was nothing else he wanted to look at for the rest of his life-you didn’t even hesitate. “Yes. Yes I will be your girlfriend.”

Heart full of Relief, Theseus couldn’t help but grab you by the waist again and lift you up, enjoying the way you instinctively wrapped them around his waist. You both just cling onto each other, laughing softly in each other’s ears as the flurries of snow fell all around you, bringing light into the library that wasn’t there before.


Part one 

Overview:You’re going to the library late at night to study and Theseus Scamander can’t resist speaking to you when you study opposite one another.

Part Two 

overview: A couple of weeks have gone by since you and Theseus started to hang out and the pair of you can’t help but notice each other more and more

Part Three 

overview: you and Theseus go to Hogsmead together Christmas shopping where your feelings for one another become impossible to ignore.

Part Four 

Overview: You can’t help but notice the way Theseus acts around Leta, causing you to wonder if the kiss meant anything to him like it did for you. 

Part Five

Overview: it Christmas at Hogwarts, and you and Theseus meet in your spot to exchange Presents.


I’m so thrilled to share the poster that I shot for the feature film I that I also directed.

Jane Austen’s beloved novel was adapted for the screen by Eleanor Catton and stars Anya Taylor-Joy as EMMA.

Some of my other brilliant cast members are Bill Nighy, Johnny Flynn, Mia Goth, Josh O’Connor, Miranda Hart, Callum Turner, Amber Anderson, Tanya Reynolds and Connor Swindells.

Working Title Films // Blueprint Pictures // Focus Features

Eddie Redmayne is still hot

Jude Law is still hot

Daniel Fogler is still hot

Ezra Miller is still hot

Callum Turner is still hot

Johnny Depp is still hot
