#captain levi


⚔️⛓ Levi Ackerman Icons ⛓⚔️

S3 Ep 54

screencaps and edits by me

Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile I’ve been too busy obsessing over attack on titan

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“ i like shining things , but i’d marry you with paper rings”

summary : levi being afraid of real engagement so he and reader gets “engaged” with paper rings. (not proof read)

Have you ever thought about getting married,Levi ?

The question, unexpected, seemed to float in the room,taking Levi aback and leaving him at lack of words. His arms,wrapped around you as you were both silently laying on the bed,seemed to froze,and his body felt more tense than a few seconds ago. He didn’t know why you were asking him this all of sudden ; why your mind had suddenly wandered on this topic .

Not really.” he answered after a while. He wasn’t being entirely honest with this answer ; and he knew,by the way you slowly shook your head,that you’d heard the lie in these two words.

Let’s just say I never seriously considered it. I thought about it but…I never saw it as a real possibility.” he said again,slowly. This answer was closer to the truth ; Levi indeed thought about marrying you,and if he was being honest,he thought about it quite often.

The thought of marriage had never even crossed Levi’s mind before he met you , but recently,he’d found himself thinking about this idea more often. He knew you couldn’t actually get married ; the world you two lived in was too dangerous,and some part of him also feared that if your relationship became as official as a marriage would make it, something would happen,life would take you away from him and he would somehow get punished for thinking he could have and keep someone for once.

This was why he’d never seriously thought about proposing to you ; thinking of being married was more like a daydream to him,something that help him relax after a stressful day. Yes,he may have looked at some rings,or imagined what he could wear ; but he’d never imagined that one day you could actually get married. It was something not worth risking , and he knew he’d only get more scared of losing you if he became your husband.

I mean…” you said,breaking the silence and interrupting Levi’s thoughts at the same time. “ I think it’d be better to wait until the war,the titans ,everything…It’d be better to wait until all of this is finished to get married. We’ll be able to do it properly then.

Levi’s heart missed a beat at the thought that you saw a future with him,and above all,that you were hopeful about the outcome of your current situation. He nodded,pressing a small kiss on the top of your head at the same time.

But even then I don’t want something extravagant. Let’s have a quiet marriage.

He heard you laugh as you suddenly moved and started to look for something on the floor; and he was also almost certain that you’d called him a “party pooper”. A few seconds later,having apparently found what you were looking for,you leaned back into Levi and his embrace,holding,to his surprise,some sheets of paper.

Just give me a few seconds , and you’ll understand.” you muttered,answering to Levi’s puzzled expression. You quickly teared the paper,seemed to play with it and,a few seconds later,you proudly held what looked like two rings. They looked pretty terrible in Levi’s opinion, but he didn’t dare to voice his thoughts after seeing how happy of yourself you looked.

Paper rings. Sasha taught me how to make them.”

You grabbed Levi’s left hand and slowly passed the paper ring on his finger, trying your best not to break it at the same time. Understanding what you were doing,Levi’s heart skipped a beat again he suddenly felt like the whole room had grew hotter.

“This is…A safe way to get married,let’s say. Or ,if the word married disturb you,let’s say it’s just to show each other our love and our care, ;and that it’s also a sort of promise that ,if the situation lets us… one day we will put real rings on our fingers.”

You placed a kiss on Levi’s hand while he grabbed the second paper ring, looking suddenly really timid. He locked his eyes into yours while he put the ring on your finger ; and his eyes said all the words that couldn’t pass his mouth.

Does that mean I should call you Y/n Ackerman now ?” he asked,making you laugh again as you leaned forward to kiss him.

I don’t mind that…Except that, if you do it, it’ll probably be impossible to make Hange shut up afterwards.They’ll get excited and everything , and will ask why we didn’t say anything…

Levi groaned, kissing you again and interrupting you at the same time.His hand went through your hair,and he could feel some strands of it getting attached to the ring. He knew it will break easily, and that in the morning he probably won’t have it anymore ; but all the meaning behind this small paper ring was still enough to make him feel overwhelmed by love.

He just hoped that one day he’ll get the chance to put a real ring on your finger, one that will not break,one that will represent your story and the love you have for each other.
