#carmen x gray


Why ACME always be choosing the camera angle where its carmen looking at gray tho?

Carmen, looking at the floor plans for the next caper:just gotta highlight the important stuff

*draws a heart on Gray’s cheek*

Redcrackle @ the train vs redcrackle @ the Himalayan caper

“:( and having carmen sandiego in his life would …only complicate that”

Me: looks at him offering someone who broke backstage a tour himself

Him shrugging off months of ghosting with a “you’re late”

Take the shadiest offer for a date

Get taken by shady organizations and just go : D oh carmen? ):0 oh carmen?

Constantly make sure he has the best understanding he can have of her before decisions are made [for better or worse because he’s still him ya know]

And with his memories literally jeopardize himself so so many times to make sure she comes out ok

Think about carmen holding out her hand and making his reciprocation a sign of trust that she desires from him… so much. All the time. Every day.

Just would really like for carmen to the little hand ✋ to cheek thing where gray just leans into it ya know



I love how they are blushing and the fluff written all over this.

I wanted something with black sheep and crackle, and this is what it turned out to be. I know that they thought of each other as siblings, buuuut they have figured it out sooner . I wanted to draw Cleo, she seemed so fun to draw (and she is), and practice drawing. I don’t usually color it in, but I wanted to try. (I didn’t do the skin color cause the colored pencils that I had would’ve worked, but I think it turned out ok.) I might make it digital later

red crackle dancing at jeantonio wedding won’t get out of my head and honestly i don’t want it to

okay but what if when carmen and gray go out on coffee dates gray always specifically requests a big heart drawn in her coffee

one shot fic of gray and carmen sneaking around team red is now floating around my head because of that one post i just reblogged




I’m not used to writing fluff so it might read a bit weird





carmen loves grays jackets. she prefers them to any of her own (excluding her red trench ofc ).

she loves how they have his scent, how comfy they are and how they are baggy on her but not too baggy.

gray thinks she looks absolutely fricking adorable in his coats.

over half of grays coats just mysteriously went missing one night and he only found them when he walked in to carmen’s closet to hang up one of her shirts.

he loves that carmen loves having a tiny piece of him with her, even if it’s just a jacket.

The green of the crackle rod glowed at her ominously, as she looked at her partner in crime, her best friend, the love of her life.

Grays body was in front of her, perfectly still and unmoving. His chest wasn’t rising and falling, his heart wasn’t beating, and his eyes were closed.

Carmens ungloved hands trembled as she made her way over to his limp body, the crackle rod dropped and forgotten a few feet back. She fell to her knees, and put her hands together on his chest, starting compressions.

Her tears were staining his blue and black stealth suit, as she pushed her hands into his chest over and over again, and then breathing into his mouth before starting the cycle again.

“God, please Gray, please,” she whimpered as she stopped compressions for a second and put her ear against his chest above his heart, still not hearing the steady thump she needed to.

Her hands shook violently as her tears spilled needlessly over her cheeks, her body collapsing over Grays.

“No!”, Carmen cried loudly. “Please, please not him! Gray please!” she pleaded, only to be met with no answer.

She could no longer see. Her eyes were so blurry with tears and her brain so clouded with pain and regret that she couldn’t see anymore. She could only taste the iron tang of blood in her mouth, and could only hear her own muffled sobs.

“Carmen,” Someone was shaking her. She only cried harder, not wanting to pull away from Gray.

“Carmen, wake up.” Carmen looked up only to shoot up in bed, tears still streaming down her face but no longer in her torn coat and stealth suit, laying over her lovers body.

Carmen turned her head to the source of the worried whispering, finding the brown eyes she so deeply fell in love with filled with worry and sadness.

“Oh,” Carmen sighed, bringing her hands up to her face and rubbing the tears from her eyes.

“Oh, Carm,” Grays arm wrapped around her shoulder and brought her to his chest, where she curled into his warmth.

She sobbed, she couldn’t stop sobbing. She cried until she had no more tears left to cry, and even then did she stay hidden in Grays chest, fearing that if she pulled away he’d disappear into a million little particles and she’d wake up, alone and cold in her bed.

“Carmen,” Gray whispered, slowing twisting the gold band fit around her ring finger.

Carmen finally pulled away (just barely) so that she could see his face, ready to see the worry and sorrow on his face but instead met by a soft smile.

“Lay down, love,” Gray pulled away from her to lay down, but opened his chest towards her again and gesturing for her to crawl into his arms.

Carmen shifted herself to lay down, cradled in Grays strong arms.

“Are we gonna talk about it, or do you just want to lay here and cuddle?” Gray asked quietly, pressing soft kisses to the top of her head.

Carmen shook her head, not even close to being ready to discuss her nightmare of him dying.

Gray nodded slightly before pushing her head into his chest and curling protectively around her, one of his arms coming to rest around her waist and the other tangled in her crimson locks.

Carmen finally relaxed, the weight of the ring on her finger calming her.

“I love you,” Gray whispered, cradling her even tighter to his chest. “So much.”

Carmen let a breath out, wrapping her arms around his torso.

“I love you too. So much.”

okay, so like carmen and gray have quite some height difference. and if they have their first kiss, carmens probably gonna be on her tippy toes like a freaking ballerina because he’s just so tall bonus points if gray teases her about it later,

lmfao not me rambling about their height difference

this was probably the softest scene they had together. and the gentle music in the background really puts more emotion to the scene and carmens tender smile at the end.

also, the way she says his name with that soft break in her voice when she pulls him to face her

in conclusion….. s o f t


bringing this scene back because the writers really though “how can we make this scene more angsty than it already is?” and boom - we get carmen and gray screaming each other’s names like they’re in a romantic movie or smth smh-

it’s officially been two years since the most iconic episode for us redcrackle shippers!!! i cant believe it’s been two years since i watched this episode for the first time and shipping carmen and gray on. the. spot. omg this episode has so many memorable moments and is by far my favorite episode of the series!! happy two years to this incredible episode ❤️
