#cassadra clare



So Cassie said that Chain of Thorns LitJoy edition will contain a letter. Since the art that goes with the first edition depicts Ghostwriter AND Cassie mentioned this

which are Jesse and Lucie…. I have a question

Why Jesse needed to send Lucie sth at all? Does it mean he’s so far away from her? Does it mean it’s the only way they can communicate?Does it mean sth terrible happened and they couldn’t be together? Does it—

Jamie to Lucie?…idk

Chot cover reveal live info

So Cassie basically said that Chain of Thorns was planned to be as tragic as possible but because of the pandemic she decided to…. reduce the amount of suffering

As much as I wanted James to be on the cover i can’t help but admire the aesthetic of this trilogy

Cassie’s answer about Matthew in chot from today’s live

1) He’s gonna stay in the hotel where Oscar Wilde spent his last days.

2) Matthew loves telling people complicated fantastic stories which 50% of the time are not true. He’s gonna tell some of such stories to Cordelia and we’ll never know which of them really happened and which didn’t.

So one girl asked Cassie “how you think fans are gonna react to characters’ final? Like the end of characters’ arc”

And she said our reaction gonna be either

“Glad you survived” or “”

Chain of Thorns cover (good quality)

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Cover reveal in an hour

Magnus: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives

Alec: I wake up at 4:30 AM


Magnus: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives

Chot 2 cover reveal on June 2


Ty to Julian

Hi Julian,

Don’t be mad.

I mean, not that you should be mad. I don’t think it would make sense for you to be mad, because you always say “wish you were here,” and soon I will be there. I heard from Ragnor that you just asked him to come to Blackthorn Hall, and I talked to him, and I’m going to be coming with him to London. 

There are lots of good reasons for me to come to London. For one thing, I am curious about what it is like to be in a house that is cursed. You always say that the most important thing is my schoolwork, and up-close experience with a cursed house will definitely help in that department. Which is another reason that you should not be mad.

Ragnor says he’s going to bring a ley-line map of London that he thinks can be used to discover likely locations where Tatiana put the objects that keep the curse in place. He also said he would show you how to read a ley-line map. I thought Ragnor was going to say something about how Shadowhunters ought to know these things already. I said that to him, in fact, but he said no, apparently the Spiral Labyrinth only standardized leyline mapping about fifty years ago and before that every warlock used some different method. I asked if he knew who had made the map and he said no, but maybe he would when he looked. Anyway, ley lines are also something I’ve been studying, so this will be an excellent chance for me to learn more. Another reason for you not to be mad.

I was just going to show up and surprise you but then I thought about it and I realized I wouldn’t like it very much if someone showed up and surprised me, so…I’m going to show up but warn you ahead of time. I also thought if I told you ahead of time, and you were mad, you could be mad before I get there and not after.

(I was going to bring Irene, too, but Anush said that would be more likely to make you mad than me just showing up on my own, especially since Irene eats curtains and it sounds like there are a lot of curtains on the upstairs floors. I really want you to meet Irene, though. She’s gotten big but she’s really well behaved. And I taught her to high-five! Next time I’ll bring her, when I’m not traveling with someone as grumpy as Ragnor.)

I also feel like it would be a good idea for me to check that the Ghost Sensor is working right. I want to take a look at it when I’m there. Anush and I have been working on Sensors some more, because there are a ton just lying around here. We’ve been experimenting with setting them to detect other kinds of supernatural things – we made a vampire Sensor and a werewolf Sensor, those were pretty easy. We’ve got a Fey Sensor that works on about one-third of the faeries we’ve tried it on; that one needs some improvements. I made an angel Sensor but I have no idea how I would ever test it. Anush says that so far it is functioning perfectly as it has correctly detected that there are no angels around.

Surprisingly, it’s much harder to make a Sensor detect something not supernatural. I tried to make one to detect gold and then one to detect bats. Neither of them really works. The only one that’s been a success is the lynx Sensor. As you can imagine, that one went off pretty much continuously for the three days we were testing it. We had to break it with a hammer to stop it. And by we, I mean eventually a bunch of people showed up at our room and demanded that we break it with a hammer.

That has nothing to do with why I’m coming with Ragnor to visit you, by the way! Nothing at all. I am just really looking forward to seeing you and Emma and the house, and I want to learn something about reading leyline maps. Okay, I’ll see you soon! Remember you said you wanted to see me! Don’t be mad!


