#cat pics



Flint’s getting in some quality R&R.

Pippin isn’t so much a “heavy” sleeper as a “hard to bother” sleeper. You pat her, stick your feet under her, pose action figures on her… and at most she’ll sort of squint and yawn at you before going back to sleep.

This is what I call Pippin’s “Ooo! Should I get popcorn?” face. Any time the other cats get into a fight, she perks up and then comes trotting over excitedly to see what’s happening. Then she’ll stand there and watch them.

“Grandma left all these lovely pieces of paper covered in drying basil for me!”

Pip likes to fling herself at trees, scramble up a ways, and then flip herself around and catapult off.

Pip spends a maximum of ten seconds total in the tree, and then she’s done with trees for the day. Aside from her being an adrenaline junkie, I have no idea why she does this. Someday I’ll be fast enough to catch her on video.
