

One Educators Torch Song

Classes are starting back up at CCAD, and it’s the 1st time in a little more than 5 years that I won’t be teaching. That’s weird, and I’m going to miss my kids, but there’s just no future in academia. It’s SO FRUSTRATING…

I was once asked by a former student to do an independent study with him. Basically, I had to work with him and come up with a specific curriculum and syllabus for ONE PERSON. That meant coming up with projects, a rubric, and being available for meetings and critiques. I averaged 4 contact hours a week for 16 weeks. I was honored and proud to be someone that this guy admired enough to approach me in the first place. I genuinely like this student and respect his drive, talent, and determination. So obviously, I said yes… Because I’m a good teacher, and love what I do. Hell, I’ve won 3 Teaching Excellence Certificates in the last three years… I must be doing SOMETHING right.

I was paid total of $200. That didn’t even cover gas.

When I complained about that level of professional disrespect, I was shrugged at and told I would get a great reference for another institution.


If you’ll excuse a little boasting, I am a successful, internationally acclaimed, professional artist with over 30 years of experience. And a master’s degree. It shouldn’t be an absurd notion that I be properly compensated for my time, devotion, and expertise.

There is also the fact that I’ve devoted a lot of personal time to campus mentoring and advocacy. As I say, I care deeply for my students, and strive to help them have as rich and positive an educational experience as possible, because feels and goodness and I was them, once, and GET IT.

I’m not sure what the number is now, but last year - out of a little under 2000 students, 38% of them waved the rainbow flag, with 17% of the whole being somewhere in the transgender spectrum.

I am an out, loud and VERY visible transwoman, who openly came out AND TRANSITIONED at the halfway mark of my time at CCAD. Im a safe, relatable member of my community… someone who actively voices real, gender-related concerns on behalf of my students. Students who, by the way, refer to CCAD as “The Columbus College of Anxiety and Depression.”

I feel I am needed there. And not for nothing, it’s my family.

That’s impossible on $12000 a year… which is less than i earned working at burger king when I was in high school… No guarantee of continuing employment from semester to semester.. No benefits or health care. And yet, the “higher ups” keep insisting they pay their teachers well.

Lies. Systemic, across the board LIES.

But I need to pay rent. To eat. TO LIVE AND TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. To fund art making. To maybe making a difference.

So, I had to find a different job to meet my basic needs, and because I can’t finish my transition and live my best life without healthcare. Which is why I’m not teaching this semester. I do hope to be able to fit one class into my schedule for next semester. Because I feel like I need to be there, but also because I’m a stubborn Guinea b*tch with principles.

See you in the spring, FAM. ✊❤☠

Best work-memo: “there is a raccoon in your building.”

Best work-memo: “there is a raccoon in your building.”

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