#celebrating mabon


I had big plans for this Mabon.

My new kitchen has a huge oven and I was excited to host the sabbat banquets of my dreams. I’d invited my closest loves weeks in advance, I had multiple meals planned…

And then life struck… all of us.

1. Even if I COULD find all the ingredients I needed for my recipes right now, I don’t think I could have morally justified a banquet at this time.

2. I am currently unemployed and my partner works in a non-ICU area of the hospital so his employment is up in the air. I couldn’t justify the cash drop.

3. Social. Distancing.

4. To top it all off, Mabon morning I got hit with one of my signature migraines. It lasted 3 days, in all.

But I did acheive a thing!

I made Buckeyes.

I actually realised halfway through that I had no skewers or toothpicks for dipping so after desperately thinking I settled on… the wooden end of an incense stick!

My household adored them, and so did I.

Sometimes it’s the little things.

I’m thinking of all of you xo
