#chara au


What’s this?? Another WIP?? Another refusal to work on the things I actually need to work on-

Why explain my Au when I can badly animate it

True pacific Surface au, my favourite (:

My device has been acting up lately, meaning all my art has slowed, so in the meantime have this super rough and badly thought out animation of my Au Spoketale

(CW: Blood, Flashing)

And then just a lil picture of Spoke bein cute (From my comic) cause I literally cannot leave him to suffer


:3 this is my charisk ! (Fanon)

I think my Painting!Chara can be good with RT!Frisk ^^

(In short, RT!Frisk changed Painting!Chara’s mind and the way “they” see the world)

Reapertale - @renrink

Painting!Chara - mine//(@cr33pyjaja)
