#if you steal my art i will break your kneecaps


Doodles of my Main 3 Aus

(I have more but these three r my fave to make suffer :) )

I refuse to give context, but they’re all sad :)

In order




Art block slowed my comic drawing so have this lil doodle of Horror and Error from Coalverse that I drew to give myself a break from… drawing??

Art is complicated :(

Sometimes your found Family is a Hobo-(ex)Destroyer with Pixlexia, an Axe lover with authority issues, an (ex)Star sans that shouldn’t be allowed near coffee and a dude that dances away his pain,


There’s also a spy but he’s a secret,



And just a little WIP as proof that despite my lack of speed I am still working on the Sanschool comic (along with Coalverse Blu)

More Coalverse doodles if you’re interested

4 hours with just my cracked iPad, finger and 8 coffees,

Hnnnn it’s still a WIP but a lot more people were interested in Barrierfall then I thought would be

Sooooo, more angsty lore

(Even tho Barrierfall only ever had one run, a true pacifist, I’m still gonna kill off basically everyone, aha I’m so nice)

Ignore the fact I can’t draw shoes-

Coalverse doodles cause it’s my fave ✨

That awkward moment when your arche nemesis accidentally causes the entire multiverse to collapse so you steal the original Undertale kidnap three Sanses and run

Animation is hardddd

Anyway have a WIP I’m working on for one of my Undertale Aus

If you follow my other account (Sanschool)

Then you may have a vague idea of Barrierfall’s existence

Honestly the entire idea behind this AU is ‘what if there was a true pacifist run but everyone dies and suffers anyway’

Anyway, Barrierfall Papyrus is not the best and I wanna punch him :/

My device has been acting up lately, meaning all my art has slowed, so in the meantime have this super rough and badly thought out animation of my Au Spoketale

(CW: Blood, Flashing)

And then just a lil picture of Spoke bein cute (From my comic) cause I literally cannot leave him to suffer

My hand slipped-

I swear it was an accident-

I made another Au-

Plz help I cannot stop-


the core froze over causing the entire underground to freeze with it, also effecting everyone’s magic causing them to become more… icey??

Recast Sans is my child- I love him-

Haven’t uploaded in a little cause of work, so have some,

Sketches from my tiktok videos or just random mindless doodling from my 10 breaks

Two beans

Security Guard sans

Aha, dust angst my beloved

I’ve drawn sans over 100 this month and I’m still struggling-
