#chelsea gray


How We Got Here, Ep. 3 “Where Words Meet Action”

The intersection of Blackness and queerness is at the very foundation of civil rights in America
In#HowWeGotHere, journalists Karen Hawkins and Tre’vell Anderson discuss the radical thought leaders in LGBTQ+ history that led us to now #ProgressIsPride

How We Got Here, Ep. 2 “Bending Gender Norms”

Trans and gender non-conforming people have ~always~ been here
In#HowWeGotHere,#Peppermint, journalist Tre’vell Anderson, and Chelsea and Tipesa Gray highlight those who fought throughout history for visibility and self-expression #ProgressIsPride

How We Got Here, Ep. 1 “Enough Is Enough”

Stonewall wasn’t the first LGBTQ+ riot. Broadway star Peppermint and WNBA star Chelsea Gray and wife recount courageous acts by folks bent on LGBTQ+ liberation.
#HowWeGotHere chronicles moments in LGBTQ+ history that led us to now #ProgressIsPride
