


Mark would hate it. Not necessarily that he couldn’t touch you, but that you felt the need to not allow him to do so. He would think you’re beautiful no matter what and wouldn’t understand your concern.



Haechan would also hate that you felt so bad about yourself. I feel like he would do whatever it took to make you happy again and would encourage you almost to the point of being annoying.



It would make Jeno so sad that you weren’t allowing him to cherish you the way you deserve. He would 100% try to convince you that you still looked as beautiful as ever.


This sweet boy would be completely broken if you didn’t let him touch you. All he would want to do is hug and squeeze you all day every day and to take that from him would ruin him.


I feel like Jaemin would “forget” that you didn’t want him to touch you and would end up doing just that. He would end up saying something dumb like “oh, I must have forgot. You just looked so irresistible that I couldn’t help myself”.


Chenle wouldn’t really understand what you were so worried about. His brain wouldn’t be able to wrap around the fact that you didn’t want him to lay a single finger on your body and it would just end up with a lot of questions being asked.


Hiding would be super upset. He would be mad at himself for not showing you enough appreciation. He would be upset that you felt that way about yourself. And mostly, he would be upset with society for making you feel like you had to be ashamed of yourself.
