#nct dream mark


Kinktober Day 10 - gaping x Mark (f!reader)


Mark bit his lip, burying his face into the sheets of the bed as he felt the tip of the dildo prod at his hole, blush deepening when he heard a low chuckle from you.

“You sure you’re okay, baby?” You asked your hands on either side of his hips, thumbs rubbing over his skin smoothly

He nodded, and made a muffled noise of confirmation.

“So quiet,” You smiled, squeezing him, and Mark whimpered “Why don’t you tell me how much you want it, hm?”

There was a hesitant silence, in which Mark lifted up his head, and though he was facing away from you, you could practically hear his lip quivering. He was scared, you knew that- you’d bought a much bigger strap than Mark had ever taken, and to be honest, bigger than you’d ever used- but it wasn’t hard to tell how much he wanted it, judging by his flushed face, desperate whines, and most notably, his rock hard cock that had been practically dripping for the past at least minute.

“Please mommy…” He whispered finally “I-…I need your cock so bad please- g-gape me mommy,”

Your smile widened, and slowly, you pushed inside him, the lube squelching as it pressed against the boy. Mark was immediately responsive, body tensing, grasping at the sheets, and a long but quiet moan leaving his lips as the dildo disappeared inside him.

“That’s right baby,” You soothed, rubbing your hands along his skin “Such a good boy for me. Just tell mommy when you’re ready, yeah?”

Mark blushed at the praise, and hid his face in the covers again. There was a pause, where you simply continued to trace your fingers up and down Mark’s back, and his thighs, until he whimpered.


You slowly pulled your hips back, and then pushed back into him, smirking as Mark whined into the sheets.

“You’re doing so well baby boy,” You whispered “So good at taking mommy’s cock,”

At your words, Mark’s whines only became louder. You steadily began to speed up, until soon you were going a reasonably fast pace, and your boyfriend was moaning unrestrained beneath you, occasionally what sounded like a choked sob leaving him, but he wasn’t crying.

“F-faster- please-” He managed between his moans

You complied, licking your lips as you watched Mark stretch with the dildo, and appreciating the way his back arched every now and then. It was a couple more seconds until the boy practically screamed, and it was sudden, too.

“Oh?” You raised a brow

“Fuck- again- again- ah- please don’t stop-”

You readjusted yourself, and continued pounding into him, supposedly hitting his prostate. Mark’s moans immediately became much, much louder, and his body jerked slightly before he began to move his hips back in time with you, muttering incoherent begging.

“G-gonna- cum- please mo- mommy- ahh-” 

“Cum for me, baby,” 

After a moment, he did, hips moving sporadically as cum shot out of him and onto the bed sheets. You slowly licked your lips, smirking as, after Mark had come down from his high, you pulled out.

“Such a good boy,” You muttered, squeezing his thighs, eyes fixed on his hole, that was opening and closing slightly with his heavy breathing, and that was obviously far more stretched than just minutes ago

“Thank…you-” Mark breathed

“Anything for someone as pretty as you,” You smirked, and smacked his ass lightly, eliciting yet another whimper

Kinktober day 5 - spanking x Mark (gn!reader)


Markwhimpered, squeezing his eyes shut and trying not to fidget too much as he waited, helplessly draped over your leg with you slowly caressing his upper thighs.

“You look nervous, baby,” you drawled, smirking slightly

“I-” Mark started, but cut himself off as he felt a sudden, harsh slap against his ass, his words quickly turning into a rather loud moan

You chuckled, watching as Mark’s ears became redder and redder.

“What a sound,” You cooed, “You liked that?”

Mark didn’t reply- he tried to open his mouth, but all that came out was stunted noises from the back of his throat. He heard you laugh again, before you brought another harsh hand to his ass, and then did it again. The boy whined, practically panting, his hands on the floor with his arms extended, holding himself up, but he knew if you kept this up, his arms would give out a lot quicker than he’d ever admit out loud.

“I asked if you liked it, baby,” You spoke again, voice more demanding this time

Mark squeaked- of course he liked it, and he knew you knew that- you could feel his practically dripping cock very clearly against your bare thigh, but he also knew you weren’t gonna stop until you heard him say it aloud.

“I-I-” He started, before another slap landed on him, and he moaned again “Yes- please punish me-”

You smirked.

“Punish you?” You cocked your head despite knowing Mark couldn’t see you “Why would I be doing that?”

“I-I thought this was because I was-” The boy hesitated “…I thought it was because I was whining in your ear in front of everyone else before…”

“Oh no, baby,” You growled, and Mark whimpered at your tone “The punishment for that hasn’t begun at all,”


Mark would hate it. Not necessarily that he couldn’t touch you, but that you felt the need to not allow him to do so. He would think you’re beautiful no matter what and wouldn’t understand your concern.



Haechan would also hate that you felt so bad about yourself. I feel like he would do whatever it took to make you happy again and would encourage you almost to the point of being annoying.



It would make Jeno so sad that you weren’t allowing him to cherish you the way you deserve. He would 100% try to convince you that you still looked as beautiful as ever.


This sweet boy would be completely broken if you didn’t let him touch you. All he would want to do is hug and squeeze you all day every day and to take that from him would ruin him.


I feel like Jaemin would “forget” that you didn’t want him to touch you and would end up doing just that. He would end up saying something dumb like “oh, I must have forgot. You just looked so irresistible that I couldn’t help myself”.


Chenle wouldn’t really understand what you were so worried about. His brain wouldn’t be able to wrap around the fact that you didn’t want him to lay a single finger on your body and it would just end up with a lot of questions being asked.


Hiding would be super upset. He would be mad at himself for not showing you enough appreciation. He would be upset that you felt that way about yourself. And mostly, he would be upset with society for making you feel like you had to be ashamed of yourself.

Anon asked: nct dream reaction to s/o having a lot of male friends

I hope you like This!

-Admin Lionheart


Mark wouldn’t really care that much. He would know that they were just friends and as long as that didn’t change or you weren’t spending more time with them than you were with him, he didn’t mind your guy friends.



Haechan would try and act like he didn’t care, but on the inside, he would. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, because he wholeheartedly did, he just didn’t trust other men around you.



Jeno would be a mix of Haechan and Mark; he wouldn’t care as long as you spent more time with him than with them, but he still didn’t trust them.



Renjun would 100% hate it. He would feel like he wasn’t good enough or manly enough for you. He would feel like you’d rather be with them than with him and that would kill him.



I feel like Jaemin would have started out as one of your guy friends, so to him, your friends were also his friends.



Chenle wouldn’t like you being surrounded by other guys all the time. In his eyes, you were a perfect masterpiece and anyone and everyone was trying to take you from him.



I get the feeling that because Jisung is so young, he would be a little intimidated by your guy friends. He would compare himself to them and wouldn’t really feel comfortable with you being around them all the time.


Anon asked: Hi I was wondering if you could do a nct dream or stray kids (if you write for them yet I totally understand if you don’t) to you getting really clingy and your not usually clingy then find out later that you were really tired and stressed and you just wanted some love. Also I love your writing and think you are one of the best kpop writers out there!!

I seriously love that you guys love the dreamies as much as I do. I love all the dream requests. Send more. Never stop ❤️

And thank you so much! I’m so happy that you like the content that we post. It really does mean a lot to both Lilly and I ☺️

-Admin Lionheart


Honestly, Mark would have mixed feelings about this type of situation. He would love how much you wanted him to be close, but would hate that it was due to the fact that you were stressed. He would do his best to just be the comforting boyfriend you needed. Plus, he got the opportunity to just admire his s/o, so he wouldn’t complain too much.



Being the sassy punk that Haechan is, he would definitely have some  mostly joking words for you whenever you were tired and just wanted to be in his arms. He would complain about how cold your skin was or ask why he always had to be the one holding you; while, at the same time, wrapping a blanket around the two of you and gently playing with your hair.



This cutie pie would just be thrilled that he was the one thing you wanted when you were stressed. He would think it was cute how you would subtly wrap around his arm while walking or how you layed against his chest while on the couch. I feel like he would also get a little flustered/surprised at the same time, though.



Renjun would be SO flustered whenever you would get clingy with him. I get the feeling that he wouldn’t really know what to do as you wrapped yourself around him or slowly scooted closer to him wherever you were. His ears would start to blush a light shade of pink as a huge smile plastered across his lips.



Sweet, sweet Nana would be so excited/nervous/overwhelmed every time you started to get clingy. When he noticed your eyes starting to droop from being sleepy, he would anticipate what was to come, but it would still shock him. He would probably just end up wrapping you tightly in his arms and whispering “I love you” over and over into your ears.



Chenle would 110% malfunction as soon as he felt you begin to get more and more clingy. As much as he knew it was what you needed to calm down, it would still destroy his brain as he thought about all the things that could make you stress out or how he could make things better as fast as possible.



This boy would melt. He would literally become a melted popsicle as soon as he saw the sleep in your eyes or felt your head fall gently onto his shoulder. As you wrapped your arms around his body and snuggled further into his side, he would just press little kisses onto your head and gushing over how cute his s/o was.


♡ 2.6k, fluff  =^._.^= ∫

  • you first met Mark on a Nature Republic photo shoot where your friend was a hair stylist 
  • she called you frantically because the SM staff caught multiple employees from each department posting on their personal social media stories the location and whereabouts of the members and dismissed them from the site
  • they were shooting at an island in the middle of nowhere which you were conveniently writing a thesis on different landscapes of South Korea 
  • you had no experience of styling other people and only did it for yourself but you knew you couldn’t leave your friend deserted so you came to help in any way that you could
  • half of the staff were fired on the spot so they immediately pushed you towards the members to prepare them for their next shoot after threatening legal action if you decided to act as stupidly as the other stylists did 
  • you saw your friend quickly adjusting the collar of theHawaiian shirt that was roughly put on Jaehyun and she gave you an apologetic look and mouthed a ‘thank you’
  • you were assigned at styling Mark’s hair, which you were scared of because you had never styled a man’s hair before never mind a celebrity but you squared your shoulders and hoped for the best
  • he was already used to the chaos but he was slightly concerned at how well you would perform considering that your eyebrows were furrowed and had sweat rolling down your temples as you scrunched the ends of his hair with mousse to create beachy waves
  • every stylist that he met was always either professional and stoic or overly friendly to try and get with the members romantically but he tried to suppress his laughter when he saw your distressed face under your medical mask
  • in such a stressful and hectic situation, he would never talk to the staff to help them focus but he couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with you
  • you looked younger than him too so he felt more comfortable
  • “first time?” he asked with a smile on his face as he looked up at you
  • your hands stopped in the middle of combing the fluffy mousse through his hair and your face dropped slightly, “you could tell?”
  • Mark covered his laugh with his hand as he didn’t want to discourage you but couldn’t help but chuckle at the cute expression on your face 
  • “yeah,” he answered but then realized that it came out meaner than he had intended
  • “but you’re doing a great job! Keep going!” He tried to encourage you by motioning with his hands to continue
  • you patted his hair into place for finishing touches but you pouted under your mask when you realized, “how would you know? You can’t even see it” 
  • there were no mirrors in sight except for the hand mirrors that stylists held on their belt
  • he choked on his saliva out of embarrassment and rubbed his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck
  • “well let’s see then!” He exclaimed and you begrudgingly gave him the hand mirror to see 
  • you were bracing yourself in case he thought you made his hair into a bird’s nest and demanded you to be fired on the spot but he let a “wahh” escape his mouth as he admired the hairstyle 
  • “this actually looks great!” He said a little too excitedly 
  • “we were both expecting it to look bad then, huh?” You joked but really you were relieved that he thought it didn’t look atrocious 
  • Mark shook his head to deny but you held his shoulders in place to not disrupt his hair 
  • his face went pink and you realized that you just touched a client, a very influential client 
  • you lifted your hands off of him quickly and stepped back so that he could stand up from his chair and go in front of the cameras to prepare for the shoot
  • “thank you” he said and you both exchanged bows before awkwardly getting back to work 
  • you stayed on the set with your friend for the rest of the day until the sun went down and the sky turned a bright pink from the previous ocean blue 
  • luckily, that was the last hair and clothes change that NCT needed and everyone started to pack up after the photographer and managers shouted “thank you for your work” and everyone bowed and clapped to each other 
  • while each member started to load into their vans to get back to the city for their next schedule, Mark ran up to you and asked if you were apart of the SM staff or were for hire from another beauty boutique
  • “oh, I just came last minute,” you said 
  • “I’m not actually licensed for this I came to help”
  • he let out a disappointed “oh” and decided not to take your number down since it was unprofessional and knew that after the fiasco today that there could be anyone around to expose him if he did 
  • “good night, see you around,” he said in hopes that he would see you again
  • you doubted that he would see you around but you repeated what he said and waved at him as he ran into the van 
  • the other members were confused as to why he ran off to greet you and were ready to tease him since they noticed that you were his type physically 
  • but he knew that they were about to so he lied and said that he forgot to take a bracelet from you and pretended to fall asleep so that they couldn’t question him further
  • you thought about that was a once in a lifetime experience until 2 weeks later the campaign was a hit and everyone was fawning over Mark specifically since he looked like boyfriend material in a white button up shirt and blue jeans with messy beach hair 
  • your friend called to tell you that she recommended you as a freelance hair stylist after they asked her who did Mark’s hair 
  • as a broke college student living in another country you took the offer but felt guilty getting an amazing job with no credentials so you got licensed at a beauty school within 2 months 
  • the next time you saw Mark was on the Punch music video set 
  • he had everything on except makeup and hair 
  • you were taken aback at how different he looked with the leather pieces, chain jewelry, and overall bad boy vibes
  • he was sitting in front of the dressing room vanities and his face lit up when he saw you stand behind him with your cart of hair products and tools 
  • usually he’d stay still in his chair but this time he turned around to face you, “hey! I thought you said you weren’t even licensed?”
  • “I decided to after getting offered a job” you smiled 
  • he turned around and looked at you through the mirror’s reflection, “or did you come back because of me?” 
  • you coughed through your mask and felt the heat creep from your neck all the way to your cheeks and temples
  • Mark smiled to himself when he saw your bright red face and was even more excited for the music video shoot knowing that the stylist he thought was cute would be doing his hair on a regular basis and could see him act cool on stage
  • to not let you out of his sights again, Mark pulled his phone off of the vanity table in front of him and went straight to his Instagram search page, “can I have your Insta by the way?” 
  • you were combing the translucent gel through his hair when you tilted your head out of curiosity of why he would want your socials 
  • “I send what kind of hairstyles and concepts I’d like to try to stylists on here,” he said 
  • in actuality Mark wasn’t one of the idols that really cared of how his stylists dressed him like Johnny or Jaehyun but he wanted an excuse so that his interest in you was too obvious
  • “oh sure,” you spelled out your Instagram handle and you saw him follow you right away
  • for the rest of the shoot for the two days that it took place, Mark would admire you every time you came up to him between scenes to wipe the sweat off his forehead and to spray his hair with setting mist 
  • although you were a fan of the group, you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable so you invested all of your focus on making them look their best
  • Mark appreciated that; you weren’t completely cold and professional but you also didn’t cross any boundaries by asking him about his personal life or interviewing him like some new stylists did 
  • when you got home you decided to look at Mark’s profile and saw that he was only following his family, friends from Vancouver, idols friends, and a few celebrities that he looked up to 
  • you were the only staff member that he was following other than his managers
  • but you didn’t think for a second Mark liked you
  • even though during promotions he would text you on his time off about your day and ask you about yourself 
  • “because I don’t want to be to formal” was his excuse to his unofficial game of 21 questions 
  • even though after promotions when he was on his break, he’d ask you to go shopping with him “to get some inspiration from uh hair stuff” 
  • at one point he was bold enough to ask you to go to a cafe because he said he felt like you two were friends at one point
  • behind the scenes, Johnny caught on quickly at how Mark was on his phone more often when he’d usually just use it to play mobile games or listen to music 
  • “I don’t think you left the bracelet with the pretty stylist,” Johnny would tease Mark one day when he saw him re-reading your texts and smiling to himself 
  • “you left your heart,” he’d say and slap himself on the knee from laughing too hard at his own joke
  • “can you get out of my room?” Mark would retort in embarrassment but it was worse for him from there
  • Johnny told both floors that Mark had a big fat crush on the young stylist and was flirting with them 24/7 
  • Mark wasn’t really the type to get in his feelings 
  • sure he’d find different celebrities or employees that he’d work with attractive but he knew it was for business or that they’d just be really good friends in the industry 
  • but you felt like home 
  • like he could imagine that if he was back in Vancouver that you two would meet at a library or something and he’d ask you for a coffee after you asked him to watch your bag to go to the washroom 
  • that was what he’d imagine before he went to sleep at night anyways 
  • half of the time he’d stay up thinking about asking you out officially and keeping your relationship as a secret and the other half of the time he’d kick his blankets scolding himself for even thinking that because it would put both of your careers on the line and he didn’t want you to feel the burden of dating in secret
  • you also had feelings for Mark but thought that he was just friendly and flirty 
  • even if he did have feelings for you, you thought that it would be best to just stay as friends because you didn’t want to get in the way of his career
  • one day Mark couldn’t take it anymore and went to the convenient store by himself instead of riding bikes with Haechan and Renjun like he originally planned to 
  • they noticed that he didn’t get embarrassed or annoyed at the teasing anymore and just kept to himself so they followed him to the store and found him outside on a bench with a beer in his hand
  • both of them sat beside him and Haechan grabbed the beer and took a swig, “just tell her” 
  • Mark placed his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “I don’t want to ruin it for us… Or for her”
  • Renjun placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “if you both have strong feelings for each other then it’ll always work out in the end” 
  • Mark shook his head although he appreciated the support, “what if the stress gets us to break up? What if I make it awkward for her at work?” 
  • Haechan stopped him and told him sternly, “I see the way you two look at each other and I know that she’d accept if you asked. If the press or pressure causes you to break up then at least you tried.” 
  • Renjun added on more gently, “do you just want to continue suffering forever? What if she’s waiting for you too?” 
  • Mark didn’t want to think about it any longer and as a lightweight, the 2 cans of beer in his system were already giving him courage
  • if he had another night to think about it, he’d probably never confess to you so he decided in his tipsy state to confess right then 
  • with urgency, he told you to meet you at Hangang River right away 
  • “thank you guys,” he said while standing up too quickly 
  • he stumbled a little bit before starting to walk towards the meeting place, “I can do it!”
  • “you can do it!” Renjun laughed while holding up too fists to show his support
  • Haechan on the other hand held up his phone and started to record Mark walking clumsily towards the river, “don’t mess up loser!” 
  • you were finishing up on your readings when you got Mark’s text 
  • it sounded like he was going to confess but you shook the thought out of your head at the thought of a global star asking you out 
  • “probably wants to de-stress with a friend,” you thought before putting on a hoodie and jeans before walking to Hangang
  • when you arrived you could smell a mixture of beer and mint in his breath
  • His face was flushed pink which was a result of the alcohol and the 2.2km he had just walked
  • “why did you call me out all of a sudden?” You asked 
  • “will you go out with me?” He said a little bit too loudly
  • you quickly looked around to make sure that no one was within a kilometre near you too and asked in a hushed voice, “what?”
  • “I like you!” He nearly shouted, not aware of his volume due to the nervousness of the chance of rejection
  • “I tried not to like you ever since I met you but I can’t get you out of my head,” he avoided your gaze and couldn’t believe how cheesy he sounded
  • Mark continued regardless, “I know that we have to date in secret if you do like me but I promise to protect you and I won’t regret my decision if anything happens. So uh-”
  • “yes,” you grinned. “I’ll go out with you”
  • he was surprised at how you accepted with ease, “oh wow I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you for listening to me talk on haha, I don’t even know what to say I-”
  • to stop his blabbering you held onto his arms to steady yourself for when you went on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips
  • “that’s not fair” he pouted
  • “what’s not fair?”
  • “that’s it?” He murmured under his breath 
  • “then get some more” you teased
  • his hands cupped the sides of your face and bent his neck down to reach your height
  • your hand wrapped around his waist to pull him into a hug while his warm lips pressed onto yours

Mark:wait we can’t go in there, it says 18+ only and there’s two of us

Jaemin:you’re so dumb

Jaemin:just invite more people
