#chenle fanfic


street racers! nct dream

*please don’t street race lol it is very illegal and dangerous.


  • the definition of friendly competition.
  • random but he prefers circuit courses
  • a polite winner but internally lovesdestroying his competition
  • winning by a landslide is so much more fun for him than the close call of racing to the end side by side
  • has a really dumb name for his car that all his friends clown him for but it’s endearing so whatever
  • cleans and repairs his own car (mechanic…. mark lee…. checking the bonnet…. on a hot… day… in a white… shirt…. and…. rolled up… sleeves…)
  • cupholders filled with coins lolol
  • always a good handshake at the end of a race
  • does not, absolutely refuses, to drive on wet days. no rainy races for mark.
  • races in his pyjamas sometimes
  • lost his first and only high stakes race and hasn’t done a large bet ever since. only person that could maybe push him to that edge again is chenle.
  • knows how to dirtbike too


  • loves the sound of revving engines, the initial start is his favourite part of the race.
  • cocky asshole; drives into the finish line slowly if his competition is far behind.
  • sees jeno as his rival and thrives on challenging him
  • actually a very chill and civilised driver when he isn’t racing. races flip a competitive switch in his head.
  • a cheater, your honour.
  • loves drifting into alternative roads and routes for shortcuts just to confuse the other racer
  • prefers group races rather than 1v1
  • the dickhead that ditches everyone as soon as there’s a police threat. he’s gone by the time everyone’s shut their doors.
  • hehe, i can see him choosing an item of clothing to match whatever paint job his car currently has. fashionable and speedy.
  • sarcastic when he wins
  • renjun puffs out in exhilaration, fingers brushing back the hair in his eyes, “i mean, you weren’t too far behind. step on the gas a little harder and maybe you’ll lose by 20 seconds instead of 40.”


  • drives a ford muscle car
  • personal races with yellow lights to just pass it before it turns red. depending on his mood he’ll either run the red light or get super pouty about it when he slows down
  • prefers night races
  • manual driver… mmmm… <3
  • favourite part is the police chase. in the moment his mind goes completely blank but he loves the thrill of swerving traffic.
  • always has someone in his passenger seat for the fun of it. maybe a hookup, someone cute from the audience, jaemin because besties support besties.
  • such a good winner/loser, always smiling after a race no matter how it turned out and asking for another race if he liked the other person.
  • except for when the one dude swerved into his lane a little bit too suddenly for his comfort.
  • usually just lets his friends hype him up while he gets ready to race
  • was the one who taught haechan burnouts


  • largest collection of cars out of all the boys
  • is a nerd for tyres. studies his racing sites to know what tread patterns are most efficient. rim is always absolutely spotless and shining.
  • has a specific air freshener he hangs as a good luck charm
  • loves picking people from the crowd to start the race, like they’re his own personal flag girl/boy for the day
  • custom car mats hehehe
  • a very underrated driver, not known in the scene to be really really good but he’s definitely scary competition
  • thinks scheduled races are kinda stupid, has more fun with spontaneous challenges from chenle or haechan, but takes it up if there’s a large prize
  • challenging and cocky smile to the other driver just before the race starts, sends a wink if he thinks they’re cute.
  • is an absolute whore for police chases, the ring of sirens and flashing lights behind him is so exhilarating. especially when he gets caught speeding during a race; avoid the police and crush the other racer? easy competition


  • petty argument? beat him at a street race or you’re wrong.
  • not a sore loser but absolutely does hold a grudge. mental noting of wins and losses with every person.
  • a total dork for burnouts and donuts
  • basically just a show off. it’s not all bark though, he’s good behind the wheel and he knows it.
  • signs his competition’s car when he wins like an absolute dickhead. he doesn’t tell them but it’s like his signature by now so people expect it.
  • starts little races with strangers on the freeway or red lights, whether or not they know about it, he just needs to be faster than them.
  • the best at shit talking, either to throw off the others or just work them up.
  • has a specific set of rules and only races with those rules. super strict on everyone else following them but definitely breaks a few if he knows he can get away with it to win
  • changes car paint when he gets pissed from losing
  • when he first started racing, he messed with the other car’s tyres until he landed a black eye and learnt to just race fairly
  • “id obviously beat them whether or not i touched the thing, it’s just cute to see them all angry and confused.”


  • lives for drifting.
  • road skid marks are his guilty pleasure.
  • that and round-a-bouts lol
  • so obnoxious, plays music on full blast with his windows rolled down. it makes him feel cooler when he wins.
  • loves his car to bits but is so awful at taking care of it. he has to go get it repaired and inspected after every race.
  • basically a reckless driver
  • taeil is chenle’s mechanic
  • its a white luxury car with butterfly doors.
  • whether or not he loses, definitely a double or nothing person. thrives on the high risk, high reward gamble of racing.
  • if his competition works him up enough, he’ll bet on their car just for the high stakes. absolutely does not need or want a second car, just thrilling.
  • “keep the thing,” he teases, shrugging off his jacket with a grin, “just wanted to scare you.”


  • i dont know how but he’s the most cocky yet humble one. maybe he’s just really shy about his skills.
  • absolutely so annoying. lies and randomly shouts that authorities are coming when they are absolutely not.
  • the typical movie type pose of leaning against his car with his arms crossed and a stupid playful smile.
  • bumper sticker baby hehe
  • not too well known but definitely leaves an impression when he absolutely and unexpectedly destroys them
  • very dejected when he loses, works himself up and asks for an all or nothing lap
  • chenle is the best with indulging his sore losses, always raising the stakes until jisung calls chenle a fucking idiot for betting something so outrageous.
  • probably drives some sort of convertible because he thought it looked cool and likes the feeling of the wind
  • gets so very flustered when the anyone flirts with him before/after the race because huh? he’s here to race but oh my god they are kind of cute too.
  • tinted windows
  • asks jeno to race him when he’s bored because chenle always gets too competitive
  • complains about gas prices but always leaves his car on for the show of it
  • interior has led lights

chenle isn’t the biggest fan of coffee, preferring sugary energy drinks to get him through the day and a hot chocolate during biting mornings. yet he takes the mug you’ve made for him, two sugars added for the thought of his sweet tooth, and sips it gently whilst you start preparing your own cup.

“thank you,” he mumbles, licking the residue off the smile of his lips. you turn to flash a grin, proud, and face forward again, this time with a perk in your shoulders.

morning shines through the skylight of your kitchen and chenle yawns, sipping his drink slowly and wishing coffee wasn’t so bitter. but the sweetness of the gesture makes up for his upset taste buds.
