#children of the red king


Quick October Book Recommendations

I’m a busy bee this weekend, but I still wanted to put up a post today! Here’s a quick rundown of books I think are great to read in October. It’s a good mix of creepy and fun, so I think there’s something for everyone here!

1.The Vegetarian by Han Kang

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If you love psychological horror and aren’t averse to gore, The Vegetarianwill be a gourmet meal for you (ha!). Yeong-hye, an ordinary woman,…

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 Boys from music department of Bloors Academy. ❤️…nobody of them knows anything about music.  Boys from music department of Bloors Academy. ❤️…nobody of them knows anything about music.  Boys from music department of Bloors Academy. ❤️…nobody of them knows anything about music.  Boys from music department of Bloors Academy. ❤️…nobody of them knows anything about music.  Boys from music department of Bloors Academy. ❤️…nobody of them knows anything about music.

Boys from music department of Bloors Academy. ❤️

…nobody of them knows anything about music.

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 Hamlet and Ophelia played by Manfred and Olivia. Because it’s such a classic, it had to be pl

Hamlet and Ophelia played by Manfred and Olivia. Because it’s such a classic, it had to be played at Bloors Academy and these two would be casted for the roles for sure! :D Olivia because she is so talented actres and Manfred is son of the headmaster… (and I think he would be really good at Hamlet role actually.)

(I just think it would be hilarious, because they hate eachother so much. ❤️)

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 No! I am not.—Nobody is drowning, I hope. I just draw fanart of Dagbert from cotrk.

No! I am not.

Nobody is drowning, I hope. I just draw fanart of Dagbert from cotrk.

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