#haha yeah



MY BOI DOING HIS EVIL LAUGH ///>w</// he’s so happy ✨✨✨✨✨✨

miss power i swear i will come to your planet and slaughter you for bullying this lad he is a smol bean who deserves to be protected at all costs




TIL some people can “flex” muscles in their inner ears to produce a low rumbling sound


yeah babey we sure fuckin can * closes my eyes real tight to give myself the brain thunders*

Me every time I see this post


looking into the great gatsby fandom tag on ao3 was a mistake, and i am once again forced to confront the fact that everything, including classical literature, can and probably has a fandom


i’ve witnessed a lot of people recently coming to a place in their healing/recovery where they no longer feel able to sustain the harm of work (under capitalism). they’ll say, sometimes half-jokingly, “what i really need is to not have to go to my job.” and i’m like, yes!!! yes! this is dead serious. this is a naming of harm that’s so obvious and yet so obscured in our society. there’s something stark about going thru a recovery process where you comb areas of your life for ways to be kinder to yourself and to pursue thriving, and in the area of work it’s this inexorable, violent robbery of half your life to which the alternative is being left to die. the absurdity of trying to heal all around this when we could… not have to do that 


Happy one year anniversary to #snakegay2021!



Extremely funny that internet discourse around fiction has gotten to the point of “if bad things happen to fictional characters it’s because the author is evil and horny”

that is absolutely why i do bad things to fictional characters


Seven years after Trespasser, Bioware has boldly revealed that DA4 will be about Solas

Ok so True Colors had huge Castle in the Sky vibes right???? Saw that ep and was like :0000000 so we’re making ANOTHER ghibli au

Amphibia x Castle in the Sky


Based off this scene:


And when Marcy shares her coat with Anne in the second temple.


Look, KnY is gonna be my hyper fixation for a hot minute, I apologize in advance, and while I love everyone, I do have favorites. Most featured here. Also, twitter showed me one uzuren piece a little over a week ago, which I thought nothing of at first beyond ooo pretty art, but then it kinda keptpopping back up in my brain.


I love the indescribable emotional bond you get to characters who you’ve loved since you were a kid/teen it’s like damn little dude we’ve really been through it all haven’t we


You know what we don’t talk about enough in the aromantic community? That moment after you accept yourself as aromantic whre you suddenly realize that you have no goals.

Like sure maybe professional goals and stuff, but personal goals? It feels like everyone else has a plan. Like they’re all going to get married by 25 and have kids by 30 etc. and you don’t have any. You’re future is suddenly feeling very empty, because even though you didn’t necessarily want that future, at least it was a plan.

A plan that revolved around having someone who loved you unconditionally and promised never to leave you.

And now that you’ve realized that that promise comes with stuff you might not want, and the whole idea is scrapped, well your future suddenly starts to look very, very lonely.

 Hamlet and Ophelia played by Manfred and Olivia. Because it’s such a classic, it had to be pl

Hamlet and Ophelia played by Manfred and Olivia. Because it’s such a classic, it had to be played at Bloors Academy and these two would be casted for the roles for sure! :D Olivia because she is so talented actres and Manfred is son of the headmaster… (and I think he would be really good at Hamlet role actually.)

(I just think it would be hilarious, because they hate eachother so much. ❤️)

Post link


there’s something so hilarious about the war boys calling max a “raging feral” and acting all freaked out by his uncouth behaviour and bitey vibes. the suicidal, paint-huffing dudes from the car-worshiping cult took ONE LOOK at mr max rockatansky and went “hmm this guy aint right in the head :/”

it’s like my favourite trope in the mad max universe. EVERYTHING is played to the hilt. every single maniac is waist-deep in their own delusions, uncritically and utterly convinced they’re the last sane human being left on earth. 100/100 comedic gold.


for real, if you see a fic that seems abandoned but you really want to see if it might be completed

i would genuinely suggest not mentioning the fact its abandoned at all. instead, just leave the most effusive comment you can. tell the author specifically what you liked. if they are in a position they might continue it, you might remind them what they liked about the story, and thus maybe revive it.

that is probably your best bet to get a story finished, much more than asking “hey is this abandoned” or asking for it to be continued.


overwhelmed by the fact that im so far behind in life i dont think ill ever catch up 
