#choi youngjae


So Not Worth It | Official Teaser | Netflix [PT SUB CC]

#v youtube    #210527    #so not worth it    #youngjae    #choi youngjae    #got7 youngjae    

[영재] 본격 영재 입덕 영상 맵스(MAPS) 퉤-하인드

#v youtube    #210526    #youngjae x maps    #youngjae    #choi youngjae    #got7 youngjae    
Sublime Artist Agency‘s Naver Update. ( 210526 )Sublime Artist Agency MAPS Behind Photos. Sublime Artist Agency‘s Naver Update. ( 210526 )Sublime Artist Agency MAPS Behind Photos. Sublime Artist Agency‘s Naver Update. ( 210526 )Sublime Artist Agency MAPS Behind Photos. Sublime Artist Agency‘s Naver Update. ( 210526 )Sublime Artist Agency MAPS Behind Photos. 

Sublime Artist Agency‘s Naver Update. ( 210526 )
Sublime Artist Agency MAPS Behind Photos. 

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[ENG]#7. 애견미용? 갓세븐 영재가 합니다

#v youtube    #210528    #youngjae    #choi youngjae    #got7 youngjae    
Youngjae’s Weibo Update. “分享图片” [TRANS] “Sharing pictures”trans cr: with_CYJYoungjae’s Weibo Update. “分享图片” [TRANS] “Sharing pictures”trans cr: with_CYJ

Youngjae’s Weibo Update.


[TRANS] “Sharing pictures”

trans cr: with_CYJ333

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You Make Me Happy

pairing(s): YoungJae x Reader


word count: 1.9K

warnings: A little suggestive at the end.

Lullabies:You Are My Sunshine|Baby Mine|Beautiful Boy|You Make Me Happy

You had been home with the baby for about two weeks now and finally, the three of you have settled into a comfortable routine. It was time for the baby’s nap, and there was nothing better than taking one yourself. YoungJae kissed your head and typed a quick reply to Jay B. With all the excitement of the birth and your anxiety about bringing the baby home, he asked the guys to let you settle in before they visit the first time. You had agreed earlier in the day to have them over.

A short time later there was a knock at the door. YoungJae rushed to the door, not wanting the sound to wake you or the baby. He quickly shushed the rowdy group of men before they entered the apartment.

“Come in,” he whispered, “They’re both sleeping.” Jay B held his arms out and held the others back.

“We can come back,” he told YoungJae, “We don’t want to disturb them. He gave a quick smile over YoungJae’s shoulder when he saw you shuffle into the room.

"Don’t be silly,” you said, laughing at the scare you gave YoungJae. “I’ve missed you guys. Besides, isn’t it time you met your nephew?” YoungJae rushed to your side and wrapped his arms around you.

“I thought you were sleeping,” he whispered into your hair.

“It’s almost time for him to eat,” you explained. He kissed your temple and turned to his friend’s again.

“Sit down guys,” he told everyone. He smiled as he saw all the gifts, flowers, and balloons brought for you and the baby. Sometimes he forgot how important you were to them too. You returned with a tiny baby wrapped in blue, and a warm bottle. Sitting next to your husband you adjusted the baby in your arms.

“Could I feed him,” BamBam asked shyly, “I don’t think I can wait any longer!” His legs jumped anxiously as he waited for you to respond.

“Have you done this before,” you asked. He shook his head and chewed his lip. “I’ll be fine, if YoungJae can handle it, you’ll be ok.” Your husband shot you a dirty look and mumbled under his breath that he does a good job. You stood and placed the baby in BamBam’s arms. “Here, make sure to support his head,” you moved his arms, “and make sure he doesn’t get much air from the bottle.”

“How are you guys doing,” Jay B asked, “I’m sure this is a BIG change.” He smiled as you took your seat next to YoungJae again. YoungJae wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled against your neck. “But it looks like you two are doing fine.”

“Things are very different,” you admitted, “but perfect.” You leaned into YoungJae. “To be honest I’m a little annoyed with that one,” you said pointing to the baby, “I mean, I carried him inside me for 9 months, freaking labor for 10 hours and I got 6 stitches! 6 stitches!” You rolled your eyes playfully and elbowed your husband, “And he has the audacity to come out looking just like his daddy.” Everyone laughed.

Just then the little one didn’t find your jokes funny. He stretched and started to cry. BamBam’s eyes grew large and began to panic. Before you could react, Jackson reached for the baby and rubbed his back to soothe him. You eyed him closely but relaxed when you remembered that Jackson was 100% daddy material. Hell, during your whole pregnancy he was basically your work husband. He made waited on you hand and foot. Everyone joked that they were surprised YoungJae became a dad before Jackson.

Mark stood and took the baby from Jackson. The little baby smiled and cooed at Mark when he made silly noises. He walked around the room making faces and giggling. He stopped in his tracks and looked at you, his nose scrunched up. “Um, Y/N,” he said, “I think he needs a new diaper.” He held the baby out a little further from his chest. JinYoung stood and held his hand out to you.

“I got it,” he said, “Where is his room?” You stood and motioned for him to follow you. JinYoung took the baby from Mark and followed you to the nursery. He smiled as he looked around the nursery. He felt like it was only days ago he helped paint and assemble the furniture. He laid the baby on the changing table and deftly changed the diaper. “You’re doing a great job, Y/N,” he said to you, smiling as he handed you the baby.

“Jae has been a big help,” you said sweetly, “I really couldn’t have done it without him.” You giggled blushing. Your son yawned and grunted. You looked toward to door when you heard a small knock. Yugyeom stood at the door and waved.

“I’ll leave you,” JinYoung said, placing his hand on your shoulder, “You guys are really relationship goals.” He walked out of the room, leaving you and Yugyeom.

“Sorry,” Yugyeom apologized, “I wanted to see him before he went back to sleep.” He smiled at the baby and then back to you. “Jae said he sleeps after he eats.”

“Come on, sit here,” you nodded to the rocking chair, “He is sleepy.” Yugyeom sat in the chair and you laughed at how the large man looked tiny in the chair. You placed the baby in his arms, making sure he was still swaddled tightly. He started to rock the baby gently as you tidied the room.

“He does look just like YoungJae,” Yugyeom laughed, “Such a shame.” You both laughed. He looked around the room and focused on the letters about the crib. “YoungHo,” he said thoughtfully, “That’s a good name.”

“I was afraid we would leave the hospital with no name,” you laughed. “Look at this,” you said, kneeling next to the chair. Yugyeom raised his brows and focused on you. You caressed the baby’s cheek with your finger gently, causing him to press his tiny lips into a pout, which caused Yugyeom to laugh out loud.

“Oh my gosh,” he laughed, “Jae makes that face when he sleeps too!” (Photo for adorable reference below) The baby stirred as the man holing him tried to control his laughter. You took the baby back into your arms and smiled.

“Yep,” you giggled, “I told you he had a lot of nerve.” Yugyeom brushed his hand over the baby’s head and kissed your cheek.

“I’m so happy for you,” he said, “ I really am.” You thanked him silently as he left, leaving you alone with the baby.

“It’s just me and you now, my little ray of sunshine,” you whispered, “Are you sleepy?” You rocked the baby side to side and patted him gently.

In the other room, YoungJae smiled as he heard you talk to his son on the baby monitor.

You started to hum and sing the baby to sleep. Not only did he look like his daddy, he liked to be sung to sleep.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don’t take my sunshine away

“Hey,” Jay B said to YoungJae, “She’s singing your song.”

“Yeah,” he smiled at Jay B, “He likes when she does that.”

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamt I held you in my arms

And now that you’re here My dreams are waking

And I will keep you from all harm

YoungJae tilted his head and leaned into the monitor. A small smile tugged at his lips. That was new, he never heard that part of the song. Jay B eyed him closely.

“Are you ok,” he asked his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder" YoungJae looked at him and smiled wider, his eyes a little watery.

“Yeah,” he said softly, “I um.” He trailed off, trying to find the right words. “She’s a natural. I can’t believe how lucky I am.” All the guys agreed. “Sometimes I feel really inadequate if I’m being honest.” He let out a shaky breath and looked at his friends.

“Look,” Jackson said, “I’m sure being a parent is scary, and hard. But you have Y/N, your family, and her family. You don’t have anything to worry about. You’re doing great.”

“Plus you have us,” Mark added.

“Yeah,” BamBam chimed in, “It takes a village to raise a baby.”

“Just so you know, Bam,” Jay B laughed, “You are our village idiot, you don’t count.”

I’ll always love you

And make you happy

I’ll pick you up when You’ve fallen down

You turn the sky blue

When it is raining

You’ll always keep the sunshine around

YoungJae quickly excused himself from the room and hurried to the nursery. He saw you place the baby in the crib and kiss his head.

“Choi YoungHo,” you whispered, “You are so loved little one. You will always be my baby boy, no matter how big you get.” You stood there and watched the baby sleep, and YoungJae stood watching you. The sound of his sniffles caught your attention.

“What are you doing,” you said crossing the room to him? You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. “Are you crying,” you asked, slightly amused? You wiped away a tear from his cheek.

“I love you,” he said, kissing you. You giggled and let him pull you closer. “I love you, so much,” he repeated, placing a kiss on your lips again. “Thank you,” he mumbled, his lips barely touching yours. He pressed his forehead to yours.

“Thank you? For what,” you questioned, “I haven’t done anything.” He shook his head and pulled you tight against his chest.

“You’ve given me the world,” he said into your ear softly, “I don’t think I tell you that enough. ”

“Don’t thank me for anything I’ve done for you,” you gently scolded him, “You gave me everything I’ve ever dreamt of and so much more.” You pulled away and cupped his face. “I’ve never been so loved by anyone until i met you.” You kissed his lips and pulled him out of the room. “Besides, our baby is the most preciousgift ever.” He pressed you against the wall and kissed your neck.

“I know how you can thank me,” he said sucking your neck. You giggled and pushed him away. You made your way back to the living room with YoungJae right behind you. He laughed as he pinched your butt.

“Guys,” Jackson drew out, “Come on! Can’t you wait till we leave?” A round of laughs and disgusted sounds filled the room. Jay B stood and waved the others towards the door.

“Come on,” he said, “I don’t think they want company anymore.” Everyone said their goodbyes and you thanked them for coming by.

YoungJae grabbed you and spun you around, pressing you to the door as soon as it clicked. He kissed and sucked on your neck, his hands slipping into your shirt.

“Sorry babe,” you said, wiggling away from his grasp, “Doctor says we should wait a few more weeks.” You gave him a tight smile and shrugged. He pouted and called you a meanie under his breath. “This is your fault! You can’t blame me,” you laughed back at him. You made your way to your bedroom and took your shirt off. As you removed your pants you heard your husband growl. “I said ‘No’,” you called back to him.

“Can’t I just admire my wife,” he said innocently. You scoffed and put on one of his large shirts. He approached you with a devilish grin. You scoffed again and climbed into bed. He quickly closed the gap and pinned you to the bed. He slid his hand up your thigh, across your hip, and over your stomach.

“Stop, it,” you warned him, “This is what got us here in the first place.” He groaned and rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him.

“Fine,” he pouted, “But you need to stop looking so damn sexy.” He kissed you and brushed a few of your stray hairs back.

“Sorry, baby,” you laughed, “I can’t control it.”


I just want to squish him.

Friendly Persuasion (18+)

pairing(s): Jackson x YoungJae x fem! Reader


word count: 3.4K

warnings: Please don’t do any further if you’re not old enough!

A little insecurity about body image. Jackson is a sex god that helps his shy friend learn to satisfy his girlfriend. And there is badly written smut :)

You barged into the apartment and slammed the door shut. Jay B eyed you as you huffed.

“Where is Jackson,” you demanded. Jay B pointed to Jackson’s room and turned his attention back to his book. You stormed past him and down the hall to the closed door. You swung the door open without knocking. Throwing yourself on his bed with extra dramatic flair, you groaned into the pillow.

Jackson only shook his head, you were probably the only one who could rival his drama. He rubbed your back but continued his phone conversation as if you weren’t there.

“Jackson,” you mumbled into the pillow. He only responded by patting your back. “Jacks,” you tried again, a little louder. This time he shushed you. “Jacky,” you whined, “I really need to have sex.”

“Uh, let me call you back,” he said to the person on the phone. He wasn’t sure he heard you correctly and needed to give you undivided attention. He turned you over so you lay on your back and he hovered over you. “What was that princess,” he asked? You huffed and shoved his shoulder.

“You heard me,” you pouted, “I’ve been super horny and I can’t take this anymore.” His eyes widened and his mind raced. He grinned at you and raised his eyebrows.

“So,” he drew out, “What do you want me to do? How can I help you?” He brushed a few strands of hair from your face. You batted your eyes at him sweetly.

“Can you talk to Jae,” you said softly, “I don’t know what to do?” Jackson moved to sit at the foot of the bed and laughed.

“He hasn’t been giving you the attention you want lately, has he,” he questioned you?

“More like never,” you scoffed and rolled your eyes. You’ve been dating one of his best friends, YoungJae, for 6 months and he hasn’t shown an interest in being intimate with you.

“What,” Jackson asked, a little confused? He eyed you, unsure of what you were saying.

“What didn’t you understand,” you asked irritated. “I want to have sex… YoungJae won’t… please send help… S.O.S.”

“Like, ever,” Jackson tried to clear up, “Never ever?” You screamed a muffled scream into his pillow. “But he has done… other stuff… right.” His answer came in another muffled cry.

“No,” you finally pulled away from the pillow, “It’s just been me, myself, and I.” You raised your hands one at a time for illustration. “And trust me,” you continued, “It’s not for lack of trying.”

“I, uh,” Jackson tried to find the words, “Um, well maybe…”

“Wow,” you said, “Thanks for that pep talk” You rolled your eyes and moved to sit next to him. “I mean, he does like girls, right? If he doesn’t, that’s fine… but come on…” You stood and paced around the room.

“No,” Jackson assured you, “He likes girls. Not girls plural. Girl… Female… you. He likes you.” You huffed at his response.

“I just figured by now we would be more, physical. Ya know,” you stopped in front of the full-length mirror and turned sideways. “You know last week when I straddled his lap and took my shirt off, he pushed me to the floor and locked himself in my bathroom for 30 minutes.” You caught Jackson’s gaze in the reflection and his smile made madder than before. “30 minutes, Jackson,” you yelled at him.

A flood of guilt-filled him. His eyes softened and he didn’t meet your eyes again until he heard your shaky breath. He saw you lift your shirt and pinch your stomach.

“Do you think it’s me,” you asked? Your voice trembled as tears filled your eyes. “It has to be, right,” you asked again. “I’ve seen the girls that call his name. The girls that you bring around. I’m not like them. I’m not-”

You were cut short by Jackson crushing you in a hug. He held you close to his chest and gently scolded you. “Don’t be silly,” he said, “You are so beautiful. And so much more than just a pretty face. He’s not that dumb. I don’t know what it is, but it isn’t you.” You pulled away and wiped the tears from your cheek.

“I gotta go,” you said, “Thanks for listening.” You hurried out of his room and out of the apartment. You bumped into YoungJae in the hallway to the elevator. He tried to grab your arm when he saw how upset you were, but you pulled away told him to leave you alone.

“Why did Y/N leave here crying,” he called into the apartment. “Did you guys do something to her?” He didn’t have time to set his things down before Jackson rushed at him.

“Did we do something,” Jackson repeated the question, his head was still reeling from what you told him. “Do you think it is something you didn’t do?” YoungJae looked at the older man with wide eyes, confusion all over his face. Jackson grabbed his friend’s shirt and pulled him into his room. “Sit down stupid,” he ordered.

YoungJae sat on the bed. He couldn’t imagine what he had done wrong. Jackson sat next to his friend and rubbed his face. How was he going to handle this?

“I’m gonna ask you something, and I need you to be honest,” Jackson began, “Have you had sex with Y/N yet?” YoungJae blushed and looked away. “That’s why she was here,” Jackson said, he didn’t need to hear the answer, it was written all over his face. “She’s worried that you’re not into her.” He could see the worry and guilt that covered his friend’s face. “What is it? She’s a beautiful girl,” Jackson said, “And for some reason, she is very interested in you. There isn’t one guy in this apartment that wouldn’t fight you to be with her.” A small chuckle left YouongJae’s lips.

“You’re right. She is great. Beautiful. Funny,” YoungJae said softly, “There isn’t anything about her that doesn’t drive me crazy.” He took a deep breath and looked at his friend. “But what if I’m not good enough. I haven’t… you know…and she has…I just… I don’t know.”

Jackson squinted and processed what his friend was saying. He laughed and grabbed his chest. “You’re worried that she won’t like you when you finally have sex?” Jackson laughed harder, “I don’t think she’s that type of girl. Maybe the kind to tie you to the bed blindfolded, but not leave you because it’s bad.”

YoungJae only shook his head, “I don’t know, man.” He sighed and covered his face. “Do you think she hates me now?”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Jackson said, “Come on, I know how to fix this.”

After you returned home, you just laid on the sofa mindlessly switching the television stations. A small knock on the door drew you from your daze.

“Y/N,” you heard YoungJae’s voice on the other side of the door, “I know you’re in there.” He knocked again. “I want to talk.” You didn’t move and stared at the door trying to figure out if this is something you wanted to do today. You knew Jackson would have told him about what you said and it was a matter of time before something had to be done. Suddenly, there was a much louder bang on the door.

“Open the door, Y/N,” Jackson demanded, “I won’t say it a second time.” There was something in his voice that you didn’t recognize. You unlocked the door and held it open for the two men to enter. Jackson led YoungJae in, like a scolded puppy by the scruff of his neck, pushing him firmly in front of you. “Tell her,” he instructed.

“I’m sorry,” YoungJae said softly, his eyes focusing on the floor. Jackson slapped the back of his head. “If I ever made you feel less than perfect,” he brought his eyes to meet yours, “Or if I ever made you feel unwanted.”

“That’s better,” Jackson said, “Do you accept his apology?” Both men waited for your answer. You gave them a tight-lipped smile and nodded. “Good, we’re here to make it up to you,” Jackson smiled.

“We,” you questioned? Jackson turned and walked to your bedroom.

“Come on, both of you,” Jackson ordered. Your heart began to race as YoungJae followed and closed the door behind the three of you.

Jackson sat on your bed with his back against the headboard, leaving you in the middle of the room with YoungJae. He made himself comfortable and waved his hand at his friend. “Go on,” he said, “Just like we talked about.”

“What did you talk about,” you questioned YoungJae. Your boyfriend didn’t answer you, he only stepped closer and cupped your face, pulling you in for a kiss. You wanted to tell him no or to stop because Jackson was here, but you didn’t have the strength with his lips on yours. Relaxing into the kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck.

YoungJae’s hands grabbed at the fabric of your dress and pulled it up around your waist, and then over your head, leaving you in your bralette and matching panties. His hands slid down to cup your ass, squeezing the soft skin. He smiled down at you and the surprised look on your face. You motioned to the bed where Jackson sat, but you were shushed by his lips again. You tugged on his shirt, very desperate to feel his skin against yours. Thankfully, he got the hint and pulled his shirt off. You pulled him closer by his belt and kissed him again. He groaned against your lips as you nibbled his.

“Come here, princess,” Jackson said to you softly, patting the bed between his spread legs. You looked between the two men in your room, still not fully aware of what was happening. YoungJae nodded to you and smiled sweetly before gently guiding you to the bed. You crawled on the bed towards Jackson. He pulled your back against his chest and pushed your hair to one side. You could feel his warm breath on your ear and his heartbeat against your back. “Just relax,” he whispered, “Let him take care of you.”

Your breath hitched in your throat when you saw YoungJae inch towards you. He sat at your feet and let his eyes roam over your body. His hands slid over your legs and thighs. Hooking his thumbs in the waist of your panties, he tugged them down your legs.

You felt insecure so you closed your legs and pressed them together. You heard Jackson tut in your ear.

“Ah, not tonight,” he whispered, “Let him see.” His voice was gentle but it held a stern tone. You relaxed your legs as YoungJae ran his hands up your thighs again, slowly separating them. “Show him, baby girl,” he murmured again, “Show him what he’s been missing.”

Your hands trailed down your stomach and to your slick folds. Using two fingers, you spread your folds and dip one finger inside your slit. Leaning your head on Jackson’s shoulder you moan and shut your eyes. Slowly, you remove your finder and trace circles around your sensitive bud. You begin to moan a little louder as your breath quickened.

“Open your eyes,” Jackson stated, “Look at him.” You didn’t even recognize the man at your feet. He had moved closer and was rubbing your thighs. Jackson pulled your hand away from between your legs and sucked on your fingers. The sound that came from him was absolutely sinful. Your body quivered when you felt YoungJae place hot wet kisses on the inside of your thighs.

Jackon taped on your stomach to get YoungJae’s attention. He makes a come hither motion with his fingers, which the younger man understands. You whimper as you’re filled with YoungJae’s fingers and begin to rock your hips against his hand. Jackson brushes his lips across your ear, “Do you like that, beautiful? Does he make you feel good?” His words sent shivers down your spine.

You hummed a response and tried to focus on the man between your legs. He was pulling his fingers from your core and sucking them clean. The simple act drove you crazy. He grew more confident when you looked him in the eyes and begged, please. It was a simple request but spoke volumes to him. He moved close to you and hooked your leg over his shoulder. He licked one long strip along your folds and flicked your clit with his tongue. You groaned and bucked your hips, frustrated with the loss of contact.

A smile pulled at his lips as he dipped his head again. This time sucking and licking every inch of skin he can reach. He nipped at your thighs with his teeth as he worked his fingers inside you again. A familiar knot formed in your stomach. A string of praise fell from your lips.

“Jae,” you moaned, “please don’t stop.” That was all he needed to hear. While he worked his finger he sucked your throbbing bud. Jackson could feel you panting against his chest. His hands caressed your arms to soothe you. “I’m going to come,” you were barely able to say.

YoungJae gripped your waist and pulled you down harder to his mouth. He worked harder to bring you over the edge. Your hands traveled to his hair again as you tried to push him away.

“Oh, ah,” you tried to beg him, “too much.” Jackson pulled your arms away from YoungJae and kissed your neck.

“Can you imagine that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to make you come,” Jackson breathed in your ear? He bit your earlobe and his voice lowered an octave, “Let go princess, come for him.”

“Jae,” you cried as you felt his teeth on your bud, “oh my gosh.” You couldn’t fight it anymore. Your back arched and you felt a sudden spray of warmth and slickness. Your eyes widened in shock and looked to YoungJae. He lifted his head, licked his lips, and wiped his chin. His wide eyes stared at you, and under his gaze, your body flushed. You felt Jackson laugh under you.

“Did you just do what I think you did,” Jackson laughed out loud? Your mouth moved but no sound came out. “That was hot,” he reassured you. He kissed the side of your head and let his lips linger. “Are you guys good now?” You nodded and he gave you one last kiss on the temple before leaving his position on the bed.

You mouthed a quick thank you to him as he left. He smiled and winked as he left.

“I’m so happy to have you to myself,” YoungJae said to you. You watched as your boyfriend moved from the bed and removed his pants, standing before you in his boxers. Immediately you knelt before him, admiring how toned and smooth his body was.

You pulled up and kissed him lovingly. You could taste yourself on his lips. You ran your hands down his chest and then to the bulge in his boxers. We whined against your lips and pressed his hips into your hands. You slid your hand into his boxers and wrapped your hand around his now enlarged and throbbing member. He moaned and his head fell back as you slowly pumped your hand.

“No,” YoungJae said, somewhat pulling away. He drew your hand from his boxers and shook his head.

“Baby,” you appealed, “please. Let me.” He shook his head again. “Why,” you whispered? “Are you-”

“I need to be inside you,” he cut you off breathlessly. A soundless ‘oh’ formed on your lips. He attached his lips to yours and pushed you back to the mattress, pinning your hips down. He kissed down your neck and chest, taking the time to pay attention to your breasts. You gasped when he tugged your nipples with his teeth.

With one hand he removed the only clothing separating you and him. He pressed against you, letting you feel his full length against your leg. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” He reached down and brushed against your entrance.

Gently, he entered you. Your head fell back revealing your neck for his lips. As he sucked under your ear, he inhaled your scent. It was a mixture of sugar, vanilla, and patchouli. It was comfort for him. He groaned as he was fully sheathed in you, not able to move. You pulled back and cupped his face.

“Are you ok,” you asked softly. He swallowed and nodded.

“Give me a minute,” he chuckled, “This feels too good.” You threw your head back and laughed. “Are you ok,” he asked exploring your eyes.

“Ready when you are,” you promised him.

His pace was slow, it was nice. You held his body close to yours, wanting to feel every inch of him against you. Just as you two fell into a good rhythm, he reached down and hooked your knee in his arm. His next thrust was deeper than before and caused you to cry out in surprise.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, kissing you softly. He slowed this pace and rocked deeper into your hips. You held him closer and raked red lines down his back. “You feel so good,” he moaned into your ear, “I love you so much.” You’re body froze. “Did I hurt you,” he asked hovered over you, concern etching his face.

“Do you,” you asked, pushing his sweat-soaked hair from his face. He tried to follow your train of thought. He smiled when he understood what he said. He kissed your lips and said it again, much softer and quieter this time.

“I love you,” he murmured against your lips. He slid an arm under your body to lift you closer, while his other hand stroked your face. “사랑 해요 (I love you),” he whispered again, in Korean this time. Your heart skipped a beat every time he said it.

“I love you, too,” you said kissing his lips. It felt perfect that this was the first time you shared those words. You began to rock your hips again. He quickened his pace, snapping his hips into yours.

“I guess you liked that,” he grunted into your neck. You raised your hips to meet his. He could hardly make out your pleas. “What’s that baby,” he questioned, “Tell me what you want.”

“Don’t get cocky, Jae,” you whined, “Please, I’m so close.” He thrust harder into your core.

“Say my name,” he told you.

“Ah, Jae,” you moaned. He tutted and reached down between you, brushing circles around your clit.

“What. Is. My. Name,” he asked again? “Say it, baby.” You were stunned by his control of the situation.

“YoungJae,” you gasped, “Please.”

“Come on, baby,” he urged, “I’m right behind you.” He felt you clench around him as your body trembled with pleasure. He sucked on your neck as his thrusts became uneven and sloppy. Tucking his head into your neck he moaned your name and thrust one final time.

You laid with the full weight of his body on yours. It wasn’t too much, or uncomfortable, but welcomed. When slowly stripped his body from yours and disappeared from the room. Taking the moment to stretch your muscles, you squirmed around the bed and a small peep slipped from your lips.

“That’s cute,” YoungJae said as he returned to your side. Quickly kissing your bare arm, he pressed a bottle of water in your hands. “Here,” he said softly and waved a warm cloth at you, “Thought you might like this.” You shot him an appreciative smile. He had dressed in his boxers again and explored your wardrobe for something to dress you in. Having successfully found a silky nightgown, he turned to you. You slid the soft fabric over your body and flung yourself back on the bed and made grabby hands.

“Come to bed with me,” you asked innocently. YoungJae smiled at you as you batted big doe eyes at him. He climbed into your bed and laid his head on your chest, your fingers carded tenderly through his hair.

The two of you laid in each other’s arms and unwound. It was no time before you heard soft snores from your sleeping boyfriend. You kissed the top of his head and whispered into his hair, “I love you.”


Just a bonus photo because these two are adorable!

Aries:Boom x3




Leo:Who’s That

Virgo:Prove It

Libra:Let Me

Scorpio:My Home

Sagittarius:Hard Carry



Pisces:No Jam

 영재(Youngjae) ‘SUGAR’ Schedule Teaser 영재(Youngjae) 2nd Mini Album 'SUGAR’ 22.06.21

영재(Youngjae) ‘SUGAR’ Schedule Teaser

영재(Youngjae) 2nd Mini Album 'SUGAR’

22.06.21 18:00 (KST)

Post link

I love how supportive GOT7 is of each other omg look jinyoung posted to his ig story Youngjae 2nd Solo Album SUGAR

happy birthday to our moon boy
